The North Pole could melt this year

So the answer is, not within recorded history.

Recorded "climate" history that is...which hasn't been very long Kirk. There were no scientists during the Paleolithic to tell whether or not the North Pole was Ice Free...

"The climate during the Paleolithic consisted of a set of glacial and interglacial periods in which the climate periodically fluctuated between warm and cool temperatures."

Thos damn cavement, burning their fossil fuels....
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You still can't answer the question.


the North Pole has not been ice free since meteorologists and climatologists have been studying it, which is within the last 100 years dumbass. Anything beyond that point you leave into history.

" There have been at least four major ice ages in the Earth's past. Outside these periods, the Earth seems to have been ice-free even in high latitudes.[citation needed]

The earliest hypothesized ice age, called the Huronian, was around 2.7 to 2.3 billion years ago during the early Proterozoic Eon."

Ice age - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

These ice ages and warming periods lasted for millions of years at a can you base the current global trend on humans based on the last 100 years of You are the dumbest smart person on these boards.

the North Pole has not been ice free since meteorologists and climatologists have been studying it, which is within the last 100 years dumbass. Anything beyond that point you leave into history.

" There have been at least four major ice ages in the Earth's past. Outside these periods, the Earth seems to have been ice-free even in high latitudes.[citation needed]

The earliest hypothesized ice age, called the Huronian, was around 2.7 to 2.3 billion years ago during the early Proterozoic Eon."

Ice age - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

These ice ages and warming periods lasted for millions of years at a can you base the current global trend on humans based on the last 100 years of You are the dumbest smart person on these boards.

Well said, but don't expect it to deter Kirk in anyway :)
Well said, but don't expect it to deter Kirk in anyway :)

Oh I know, I don't expect it...I just like seeing the dog turd facts he chooses to dismiss.


the North Pole has not been ice free since meteorologists and climatologists have been studying it, which is within the last 100 years dumbass. Anything beyond that point you leave into history.

" There have been at least four major ice ages in the Earth's past. Outside these periods, the Earth seems to have been ice-free even in high latitudes.[citation needed]

The earliest hypothesized ice age, called the Huronian, was around 2.7 to 2.3 billion years ago during the early Proterozoic Eon."

Ice age - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

These ice ages and warming periods lasted for millions of years at a can you base the current global trend on humans based on the last 100 years of You are the dumbest smart person on these boards.

You crack me up. Ever heard of the Northwest Passage? People have been looking for an ice free pole for millenia.

The truth is it has probably been tens of thousands of years since the pole was ice free. And we have melted it in 50 years.

We also caused a hole in the ozone, but no one denies that since it does not involve oil and coal companies.
You crack me up. Ever heard of the Northwest Passage? People have been looking for an ice free pole for millenia.

Holy shit people have been looking for the NW passage for millenia Wow, really. and here I thought we didn't even find north America untill 400 years ago, ok 800 if you count the vikings.

Millenia lol you are totally fucked in the head pal.
You crack me up. Ever heard of the Northwest Passage? People have been looking for an ice free pole for millenia.

The truth is it has probably been tens of thousands of years since the pole was ice free. And we have melted it in 50 years.

We also caused a hole in the ozone, but no one denies that since it does not involve oil and coal companies.

I know more of the Northwest Passage than you do bud....and since you do acknowledge that the North Pole has been ice free before (WITHOUT HUMAN HELP), why is it such as suprise that "MAY" be happening now?I bet you by winter time there's more ice at the pole.... Continue to ignore the facts dude, and continue to be "cracked up" because it really shows...

The search for the Northwest passage started in 1400s genius...which still isn't that long ago compared to the frickin billions of years the earth has been around. The Vikings first used a form of it to trade with the Inuit tribes. Then the colonial powers attempted to find a route. It wasn't successfully navigated until the early 1900s... This still proves nothing on your side. Face it, you can't prove GW is caused by humans...and you can't prove it's CO2
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I know more of the Northwest Passage than you do bud....and since you do acknowledge that the North Pole has been ice free before (WITHOUT HUMAN HELP), why is it such as suprise that "MAY" be happening now?I bet you by winter time there's more ice at the pole.... Continue to ignore the facts dude, and continue to be "cracked up" because it really shows...

Kirk has now been totally discredited lol. He claims we have been searching got the NW passage for "mellinia" lol

That may be the single funniest god damn thing I have ever seen posted here :)
Kirk has now been totally discredited lol. He claims we have been searching got the NW passage for "mellinia" lol

That may be the single funniest god damn thing I have ever seen posted here :)

Sorry, you still cannot answer the question.
I know more of the Northwest Passage than you do bud....and since you do acknowledge that the North Pole has been ice free before (WITHOUT HUMAN HELP), why is it such as suprise that "MAY" be happening now?I bet you by winter time there's more ice at the pole.... Continue to ignore the facts dude, and continue to be "cracked up" because it really shows...

The search for the Northwest passage started in 1400s genius...which still isn't that long ago compared to the frickin billions of years the earth has been around. The Vikings first used a form of it to trade with the Inuit tribes. Then the colonial powers attempted to find a route. It wasn't successfully navigated until the early 1900s... This still proves nothing on your side. Face it, you can't prove GW is caused by humans...and you can't prove it's CO2

It is proven that CO2 causes the earth to warm. Even you cannot deny that. The question is, How much has increasing the CO2 level by one third caused the earth to warm?
It is proven that CO2 causes the earth to warm. Even you cannot deny that. The question is, How much has increasing the CO2 level by one third caused the earth to warm?

Exactly, and since that has not been answered, and since there are NUMEROUS other factors at work as still can't prove that CO2 is the main culprit, or that it's caused by Humans...
Exactly, and since that has not been answered, and since there are NUMEROUS other factors at work as still can't prove that CO2 is the main culprit, or that it's caused by Humans...

There are other factors involved. No one denies that. But the science is pretty solid on CO2 being a powerful factor. Is it the only factor? Of course not.

Like I said it is funny that no one denies that humans caused a hole in the ozone at the South Pole. No powerful lobbyists for CFCs.
There are other factors involved. No one denies that. But the science is pretty solid on CO2 being a powerful factor. Is it the only factor? Of course not.

Like I said it is funny that no one denies that humans caused a hole in the ozone at the South Pole. No powerful lobbyists for CFCs.

Ok, the point is....AGW alarmist paint CO2 as the absolute culprit when there is no proof that it is the absolute culprit. Should we clean up our act and watch what we put into the atmosphere? Of course, should we go green? Depends on the method... But, like I said, because there are many other factors in which scientist don't know their effect on the earth, one cannot jump on the CO2 bandwagon and claim that it is the sole problem and that humans are causing it. Like you said before, glacial and interglacial periods were when there were increased or decreased amounts of CO2 in the atmosphere...well, what caused it? Was it humans? No. LIke I said before, I'll agree with you that increasing CO2 is not good, and humans do contribute...but I will not agree that it is the most important factor, nor that GW is caused by humans until it can be absolutely proven that it is.
Sorry, you still cannot answer the question.

Sorry you can't admit you claimed people have been searching for the NW passage for "mellinia" which is of course completely false.

Maybe false statements like that effect your credibility on this board?

Just saying.

Feel free to Deflect again by asking your favorite question again.
Ok, the point is....AGW alarmist paint CO2 as the absolute culprit when there is no proof that it is the absolute culprit. Should we clean up our act and watch what we put into the atmosphere? Of course, should we go green? Depends on the method... But, like I said, because there are many other factors in which scientist don't know their effect on the earth, one cannot jump on the CO2 bandwagon and claim that it is the sole problem and that humans are causing it. Like you said before, glacial and interglacial periods were when there were increased or decreased amounts of CO2 in the atmosphere...well, what caused it? Was it humans? No. LIke I said before, I'll agree with you that increasing CO2 is not good, and humans do contribute...but I will not agree that it is the most important factor, nor that GW is caused by humans until it can be absolutely proven that it is.

CO2 was not a factor in every climate change in the past. We know that. But this change has been very rapid and the effects dramatic, and we are pumping out CO2 at a faster and faster rate. CO2 in the atmosphere is increasing twice as fast as it did 40 years ago. In a few years we will have doubled the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.
Sorry you can't admit you claimed people have been searching for the NW passage for "mellinia" which is of course completely false.

Maybe false statements like that effect your credibility on this board?

Just saying.

Feel free to Deflect again by asking your favorite question again.

False statement? Just a misuse of a word. It's been a long day.

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