The Not-So-Hidden Power To Destroy America

At the same time we are inculcating a hatred of America in American children we are importing millions of foreigners who love and are very patriotic about their own countries. Then we teach them to hate America too.

The Democrat mantra, here:

Antifa Chanting "No Trump, No Wall, No USA at All'

The fact is too, that nearly all of those antifa pussies are white left wing skinny elites. Most of them are children of wealthy socialists. No jobs, spoiled, and pathetic.

I confronted a group of them on voting day. They were coming up to my car, and they were literally about to get shot, when one of them recognized me. He quickly told them to stay away from me and he knew I was about to have a perfect stand my ground situation. Had a camera running, and I swear I was getting aroused by the fact that I was finally going to get to unleash.

It was going to happen too. They ran. Should have seen it. I got out, and the kid I knew is the kid of some really rich white socialist member at the club I belong to. He knew precisely what was about to happen.

That is really what they are.

ANTIFA wants death to America.
Local schools are controlled by Liberals, essentially all schools are.

The explanation is here:

  1. The radicals of the sixties did not remain within the universities…They realized that the apocalypse never materialized. “…they were dropping off into environmentalism and consumerism and fatalism…I watched many of my old comrades apply to graduate school in universities they had failed to burn down, so they could get advanced degrees and spread the ideas that had been discredited in the streets under an academic cover.” Collier and Horowitz, “Destructive Generation: Second Thoughts About The Sixties,” p. 294-295.

  1. “The radicals were not likely to go into business or the conventional practice of the professions. They were part of the chattering class, talkers interested in policy, politics, culture. They went into politics, print and electronic journalism, church bureaucracies, foundation staffs, Hollywood careers, public interest organizations, anywhere attitudes and opinions could be influenced. And they are exerting influence.” Robert H. Bork, “Slouching Toward Gomorrah,” p. 51
The left controls our minds through the mass media, the education system, and the entertainment industry. Combine that with the power of group think and we have entire large groups of brainwashed, mesmerized, mentally enslaved arguing that boys are not boys and girls are not girls.

Here is the modern version of the Asch Conformity experiment and look at how important it is to "go along" with the group, rather than standing up for what your own eyes clearly see.

That, is not lost of the professional politicians. Most Ivy League educated, and understand human psychology.

That, is what we are dealing with.

exactly, and Orwell and Rand saw it coming and wrote about it. They were right and its happening today.

Capitalism turns out to be the anchor of the Orwellian, and Multi-Cultural Diversity, much more so than Socialism, that's what Orwell & Rand got wrong, point blank.

you obviously never read either of them, or you didn't understand the message.

I hate to break it, but many Capitalist companies are promoting (Orwellian) Artificial Intelligence, Surveillance, and Facial Recognition, more so than our government, or Sociali governments even are, it seems Capitalism has become a nightmare.

Orwellian means government thought control and punishment for non conforming thoughts and words. AI is not that, facial recognition is not that. Capitalism does need some regulations, but mostly the free market of supply and demand controls what is put on the market for us to spend our money on. Capitalism is the only system that has ever worked.
At the same time we are inculcating a hatred of America in American children we are importing millions of foreigners who love and are very patriotic about their own countries. Then we teach them to hate America too.

The Democrat mantra, here:

Antifa Chanting "No Trump, No Wall, No USA at All'

The fact is too, that nearly all of those antifa pussies are white left wing skinny elites. Most of them are children of wealthy socialists. No jobs, spoiled, and pathetic.

I confronted a group of them on voting day. They were coming up to my car, and they were literally about to get shot, when one of them recognized me. He quickly told them to stay away from me and he knew I was about to have a perfect stand my ground situation. Had a camera running, and I swear I was getting aroused by the fact that I was finally going to get to unleash.

It was going to happen too. They ran. Should have seen it. I got out, and the kid I knew is the kid of some really rich white socialist member at the club I belong to. He knew precisely what was about to happen.

That is really what they are.

ANTIFA wants death to America.

antifa is the military arm of socialism and the left.
The left controls our minds through the mass media, the education system, and the entertainment industry. Combine that with the power of group think and we have entire large groups of brainwashed, mesmerized, mentally enslaved arguing that boys are not boys and girls are not girls.

Here is the modern version of the Asch Conformity experiment and look at how important it is to "go along" with the group, rather than standing up for what your own eyes clearly see.

That, is not lost of the professional politicians. Most Ivy League educated, and understand human psychology.

That, is what we are dealing with.

exactly, and Orwell and Rand saw it coming and wrote about it. They were right and its happening today.

Capitalism turns out to be the anchor of the Orwellian, and Multi-Cultural Diversity, much more so than Socialism, that's what Orwell & Rand got wrong, point blank.

you obviously never read either of them, or you didn't understand the message.

I hate to break it, but many Capitalist companies are promoting (Orwellian) Artificial Intelligence, Surveillance, and Facial Recognition, more so than our government, or Sociali governments even are, it seems Capitalism has become a nightmare.

Orwellian means government thought control and punishment for non conforming thoughts and words. AI is not that, facial recognition is not that. Capitalism does need some regulations, but mostly the free market of supply and demand controls what is put on the market for us to spend our money on. Capitalism is the only system that has ever worked.

Capitalism isn't the only system to work, that's propaganda.

Franco, modern China, FDR, & Nazis all achieved great economies in mixed economic systems.
At the same time we are inculcating a hatred of America in American children we are importing millions of foreigners who love and are very patriotic about their own countries. Then we teach them to hate America too.

The Democrat mantra, here:

Antifa Chanting "No Trump, No Wall, No USA at All'

The fact is too, that nearly all of those antifa pussies are white left wing skinny elites. Most of them are children of wealthy socialists. No jobs, spoiled, and pathetic.

I confronted a group of them on voting day. They were coming up to my car, and they were literally about to get shot, when one of them recognized me. He quickly told them to stay away from me and he knew I was about to have a perfect stand my ground situation. Had a camera running, and I swear I was getting aroused by the fact that I was finally going to get to unleash.

It was going to happen too. They ran. Should have seen it. I got out, and the kid I knew is the kid of some really rich white socialist member at the club I belong to. He knew precisely what was about to happen.

That is really what they are.

ANTIFA wants death to America.

antifa is the military arm of socialism and the left.

Eh, All Communist regimes were more Nationalistic & Socially Conservative than the Capitalist West.
Disgusting slander of America.

"At least 620,000 combatants died during the four-year struggle; recent estimates put the total closer to 750,000, or more than 2 percent of the nation’s population at that time. More soldiers died in prison camps alone than America lost during the entire Vietnam War. Perhaps more to the point, some 350,000 Union soldiers died during the conflict, abolitionists in effect if not always in intent. Adjusted for population, that would amount to almost 5 million service deaths today, amounting to a blood sacrifice more than sufficient to redeem whatever moral or intellectual inconsistencies there are to be found in America’s founding documents.

And if that’s not sufficient? Well, then, nothing will be. But for most Americans—and for much of the rest of the world—it is more than enough. "
Blood Redemption

Soviets were the first to liberate the Concentration Camps & were the first to capture Berlin & thus Germany.

The U.S.A did contribute, but Soviets prob were responsible for 75% of the defeat of Nazi Germany.

You slander Poles all the time, saying they were worse than the German Nazis.

You shouldn't be one to talk about "Slandering" anyone.

"You slander Poles all the time, saying they were worse than the German Nazis."

"The official Polish government report on war damages prepared in 1947 put Poland's war dead at 6,028,000; 3.0 million ethnic Poles and 3.0 million Jews ..."
World War II casualties of Poland - Wikipedia

Nope, the British Empire did the first death camps against Boers & India.

Good to see you sweat.

Have you fallen for me, like Soros wants the US to fall?

Let's be honest, couldn't entice a woman if you were a chocolate covered millionaire giving away free shoes.

The only way you'd ever be attractive is if you swallowed a magnet.
exactly, and Orwell and Rand saw it coming and wrote about it. They were right and its happening today.

Capitalism turns out to be the anchor of the Orwellian, and Multi-Cultural Diversity, much more so than Socialism, that's what Orwell & Rand got wrong, point blank.

you obviously never read either of them, or you didn't understand the message.

I hate to break it, but many Capitalist companies are promoting (Orwellian) Artificial Intelligence, Surveillance, and Facial Recognition, more so than our government, or Sociali governments even are, it seems Capitalism has become a nightmare.

Orwellian means government thought control and punishment for non conforming thoughts and words. AI is not that, facial recognition is not that. Capitalism does need some regulations, but mostly the free market of supply and demand controls what is put on the market for us to spend our money on. Capitalism is the only system that has ever worked.

Capitalism isn't the only system to work, that's propaganda.

Franco, modern China, FDR, & Nazis all achieved great economies in mixed economic systems.

Spain and China are moving to capitalism and individual freedom, they have realized that socialism does not work, FDR was a terrible president, he started the downfall of the USA, the Nazis were the ultimate socialists, they killed everyone that did not fit their mold. Your grasp of history is sadly lacking.
At the same time we are inculcating a hatred of America in American children we are importing millions of foreigners who love and are very patriotic about their own countries. Then we teach them to hate America too.

The Democrat mantra, here:

Antifa Chanting "No Trump, No Wall, No USA at All'

The fact is too, that nearly all of those antifa pussies are white left wing skinny elites. Most of them are children of wealthy socialists. No jobs, spoiled, and pathetic.

I confronted a group of them on voting day. They were coming up to my car, and they were literally about to get shot, when one of them recognized me. He quickly told them to stay away from me and he knew I was about to have a perfect stand my ground situation. Had a camera running, and I swear I was getting aroused by the fact that I was finally going to get to unleash.

It was going to happen too. They ran. Should have seen it. I got out, and the kid I knew is the kid of some really rich white socialist member at the club I belong to. He knew precisely what was about to happen.

That is really what they are.

ANTIFA wants death to America.

antifa is the military arm of socialism and the left.

Eh, All Communist regimes were more Nationalistic & Socially Conservative than the Capitalist West.

yes they were, you keep making my points for me. socialism and communism are the ultimate intolerant societies.
Political ditz is upset because real facts get in the way of her lies and destroy their petty thinking. Also, she thinks like tDRUMP, they believe in their own thoughts as truth.

6. The longer in government school, the less American they are:

“More than half of these high schoolers surveyed say they don't consider themselves an American patriot. Among millennials, more than a third aren't patriots.

…younger generations are more likely to approve of athletes kneeling in protest during the national anthem, and less likely to show respect for the flag.

Sixty percent of millennials, for example, say the U.S. is sexist, and 63% say it's racist. More than half of college-aged Gen Z say this about the U.S.

…half of the college-aged Gen Z think America is more racist than other countries.

While more than 8 in 10 boomers agree that America is the greatest country in the world, just a bare majority of millennials (54%) and high schoolers (51%) think it is.

Almost a third of millennials say America isn't a great country today, with 14% saying it never was great.” Millennials Are Far More Ignorant And Less Patriotic Than Boomers, Survey Finds | Investor's Business Daily

If you don’t homeschool, and take an active part in your children’s education, you are acquiescing to and contributing to the ‘red tide’ and tacitly approving of the destruction of the America that the Founders created.

The longer folks stay in public school, the more they learn is what you are saying?

Also, the younger folks are the more of this has come out?

Tuskegee syphilis experiment - Wikipedia

The younger folks are the more of this new found racist zealotry shocks them?

No one is going to say not to take part in your child's education. Hell, educate them against the red tide of the republicans or whatever nuts stuff you are saying.

BTW, what day was America great? The day we limited Asian immigration because we didn't want slant eyed "yellow people"? The day big government freed the slaves? The day Jim Crow laws took over? The day the band of brothers forced a backwards state to allow black kids into school? You are shocked 63% say the U.S. is racist? Think it should be higher or lower?

Let's stick to the topic at hand.

The results of government schooling are in.

I've reported them.....

“More than half of these high schoolers surveyed say they don't consider themselves an American patriot. Among millennials, more than a third aren't patriots.

…younger generations are more likely to approve of athletes kneeling in protest during the national anthem, and less likely to show respect for the flag.

Sixty percent of millennials, for example, say the U.S. is sexist, and 63% say it's racist. More than half of college-aged Gen Z say this about the U.S.

…half of the college-aged Gen Z think America is more racist than other countries.

While more than 8 in 10 boomers agree that America is the greatest country in the world, just a bare majority of millennials (54%) and high schoolers (51%) think it is.

Almost a third of millennials say America isn't a great country today, with 14% saying it never was great.”

“The survey also asked which is better for America' future: capitalism or socialism? Overall, 61% of the public favors capitalism. Given the appalling record of socialism, that is a shockingly low percentage.

But the ill-informed and hopelessly misguided infatuation with socialism grows stronger as people get younger. Among millennials and college age people, a bare majority (53%) prefer capitalism.

And more than half of today's high schoolers believe Barack Obama was a more consequential president than George Washington.”

"We were totally unprepared for what our national survey reveals: an epidemic of anti-Americanism,"….”

. "Congratulations to the leftists who've taken over the nation's public education system. They're now producing generations of Americans who know little about their own country, other than that they hate it.

…. younger generations — millennials (age 22-27) and Gen Z (age 14-21) — are less likely to love and respect the country. And they're less informed about American history, and way more likely to embrace socialism. Is that just evidence of youthful ignorance? Or is it the result of a school system that indoctrinates children in leftist ideology?

. …. schools are filling kids' heads with leftist propaganda, they're failing to teach young people much about U.S. history.

The survey found that 87% of high school students flunked a five-question test of basic knowledge about American history, the worst of any age group."

“We were totally unprepared for what our national survey reveals: an epidemic of anti-Americanism," said Nick Adams, who launched the foundation. "A major fraction of an entire generation has been indoctrinated by teachers starting in grade school that America is what's wrong with the world." (You can read the entire survey report here.)

Adams, who is a recent Australian immigrant, can be forgiven for his shock at learning that U.S. public schools teach children to hate America.

For the rest of us, there's no excuse for not knowing what's going on in our schools today, and no reason to tolerate it.”

…Millennials Ignorant Anti-Americans…” Millennials Are Far More Ignorant And Less Patriotic Than Boomers, Survey Finds | Investor's Business Daily

Schools produce hate-filled, uninformed so-called Americans....y' you.
Capitalism turns out to be the anchor of the Orwellian, and Multi-Cultural Diversity, much more so than Socialism, that's what Orwell & Rand got wrong, point blank.

you obviously never read either of them, or you didn't understand the message.

I hate to break it, but many Capitalist companies are promoting (Orwellian) Artificial Intelligence, Surveillance, and Facial Recognition, more so than our government, or Sociali governments even are, it seems Capitalism has become a nightmare.

Orwellian means government thought control and punishment for non conforming thoughts and words. AI is not that, facial recognition is not that. Capitalism does need some regulations, but mostly the free market of supply and demand controls what is put on the market for us to spend our money on. Capitalism is the only system that has ever worked.

Capitalism isn't the only system to work, that's propaganda.

Franco, modern China, FDR, & Nazis all achieved great economies in mixed economic systems.

Spain and China are moving to capitalism and individual freedom, they have realized that socialism does not work, FDR was a terrible president, he started the downfall of the USA, the Nazis were the ultimate socialists, they killed everyone that did not fit their mold. Your grasp of history is sadly lacking.

Uh, Franco achieved the fastest economic growth in 20th century Europe, Modern China a hybrid system, achieved the fastest economic growth in the 21st century, FDR achieved the fastest economic growth in 20th century America, and Nazi had the best economic turn-around during the Great Depression.

So sorry, your grasp of history is sadly lacking, you're spoon-fed propaganda.
Soviets were the first to liberate the Concentration Camps & were the first to capture Berlin & thus Germany.

The U.S.A did contribute, but Soviets prob were responsible for 75% of the defeat of Nazi Germany.

You slander Poles all the time, saying they were worse than the German Nazis.

You shouldn't be one to talk about "Slandering" anyone.

"You slander Poles all the time, saying they were worse than the German Nazis."

"The official Polish government report on war damages prepared in 1947 put Poland's war dead at 6,028,000; 3.0 million ethnic Poles and 3.0 million Jews ..."
World War II casualties of Poland - Wikipedia

Nope, the British Empire did the first death camps against Boers & India.

Good to see you sweat.

Have you fallen for me, like Soros wants the US to fall?

Let's be honest, couldn't entice a woman if you were a chocolate covered millionaire giving away free shoes.

The only way you'd ever be attractive is if you swallowed a magnet.

Hmm, yet you flirt with me, like you want my Sweaty Kielbasa.

At least, that's what I got from your comment, fantasizing about me.

BTW, Jews like Soros, and Zuckerberg, will be the biggest factor to collapse the U.S.A.

Why do you love Jews, so much, again???????
For some reason the left wants to portray America as an uncaring society of hungry children. Did you ever see a teenager who wasn't hungry? Most are overweight. The ads are cleverly written to use the word "hungry" because nobody has died of starvation since FDR was president unless they choose to do so or are insane. Good people are taken in and promote food drives for stuff that is probably thrown away and then they pat themselves on the back. .
Capitalism turns out to be the anchor of the Orwellian, and Multi-Cultural Diversity, much more so than Socialism, that's what Orwell & Rand got wrong, point blank.

you obviously never read either of them, or you didn't understand the message.

I hate to break it, but many Capitalist companies are promoting (Orwellian) Artificial Intelligence, Surveillance, and Facial Recognition, more so than our government, or Sociali governments even are, it seems Capitalism has become a nightmare.

Orwellian means government thought control and punishment for non conforming thoughts and words. AI is not that, facial recognition is not that. Capitalism does need some regulations, but mostly the free market of supply and demand controls what is put on the market for us to spend our money on. Capitalism is the only system that has ever worked.

Capitalism isn't the only system to work, that's propaganda.

Franco, modern China, FDR, & Nazis all achieved great economies in mixed economic systems.

Spain and China are moving to capitalism and individual freedom, they have realized that socialism does not work, FDR was a terrible president, he started the downfall of the USA, the Nazis were the ultimate socialists, they killed everyone that did not fit their mold. Your grasp of history is sadly lacking.

The FDR legacy that isn't taught in government school:

1. Roosevelt offered up the lives of everyone in Eastern Europe to his lord and master, Joseph 'Koba' Stalin

2. He made certain that Stalin's plans continued after his death: the creation of the United Nations

3. He extended the Depression by years.

4. He disposed of the Constitution

5. He imposed Mussolini's Fascist policies and called it 'the New Deal

6. He turned over command of our military actions in WWII to Stalin, and cost multiple thousands of US soldiers' deaths.

7. He made certain that communism survived the war, and thrived afterwards.

8. Without his efforts, there would be no nuclear Russia, no Red China, no Korean War, and no Vietnamese War

9. ...and he is the proximate explanation for the cultural Marxism prevalent in society today.

10. He was a racist and a bigot how wanted only those ‘with the right sort of blood.’ Sounds like a Nazis, huh?
Capitalism turns out to be the anchor of the Orwellian, and Multi-Cultural Diversity, much more so than Socialism, that's what Orwell & Rand got wrong, point blank.

you obviously never read either of them, or you didn't understand the message.

I hate to break it, but many Capitalist companies are promoting (Orwellian) Artificial Intelligence, Surveillance, and Facial Recognition, more so than our government, or Sociali governments even are, it seems Capitalism has become a nightmare.

Orwellian means government thought control and punishment for non conforming thoughts and words. AI is not that, facial recognition is not that. Capitalism does need some regulations, but mostly the free market of supply and demand controls what is put on the market for us to spend our money on. Capitalism is the only system that has ever worked.

Capitalism isn't the only system to work, that's propaganda.

Franco, modern China, FDR, & Nazis all achieved great economies in mixed economic systems.

Spain and China are moving to capitalism and individual freedom, they have realized that socialism does not work, FDR was a terrible president, he started the downfall of the USA, the Nazis were the ultimate socialists, they killed everyone that did not fit their mold. Your grasp of history is sadly lacking.

The Capitalists are censoring "Minds" on the Internet, they're working on Artificial Intelligence to replace us, they're pushing for Facial Recognition, way more than any Governments are.

So, ironic as it maybe, Orwell's ideals are being implemented the most now-a-days at least, by Capitalist companies.
"You slander Poles all the time, saying they were worse than the German Nazis."

"The official Polish government report on war damages prepared in 1947 put Poland's war dead at 6,028,000; 3.0 million ethnic Poles and 3.0 million Jews ..."
World War II casualties of Poland - Wikipedia

Nope, the British Empire did the first death camps against Boers & India.

Good to see you sweat.

Have you fallen for me, like Soros wants the US to fall?

Let's be honest, couldn't entice a woman if you were a chocolate covered millionaire giving away free shoes.

The only way you'd ever be attractive is if you swallowed a magnet.

Hmm, yet you flirt with me, like you want my Sweaty Kielbasa.

At least, that's what I got from your comment, fantasizing about me.

BTW, Jews like Soros, and Zuckerberg, will be the biggest factor to collapse the U.S.A.

Why do you love Jews, so much, again???????

"Hmm, yet you flirt with me..."

A lie.

You rushed to voluntarily subscribe to my thread, as you regularly do.

If you stopped doing so, you'd be the only one who knew it.

Let's try it, and see.....OK?
you obviously never read either of them, or you didn't understand the message.

I hate to break it, but many Capitalist companies are promoting (Orwellian) Artificial Intelligence, Surveillance, and Facial Recognition, more so than our government, or Sociali governments even are, it seems Capitalism has become a nightmare.

Orwellian means government thought control and punishment for non conforming thoughts and words. AI is not that, facial recognition is not that. Capitalism does need some regulations, but mostly the free market of supply and demand controls what is put on the market for us to spend our money on. Capitalism is the only system that has ever worked.

Capitalism isn't the only system to work, that's propaganda.

Franco, modern China, FDR, & Nazis all achieved great economies in mixed economic systems.

Spain and China are moving to capitalism and individual freedom, they have realized that socialism does not work, FDR was a terrible president, he started the downfall of the USA, the Nazis were the ultimate socialists, they killed everyone that did not fit their mold. Your grasp of history is sadly lacking.

The FDR legacy that isn't taught in government school:

1. Roosevelt offered up the lives of everyone in Eastern Europe to his lord and master, Joseph 'Koba' Stalin

2. He made certain that Stalin's plans continued after his death: the creation of the United Nations

3. He extended the Depression by years.

4. He disposed of the Constitution

5. He imposed Mussolini's Fascist policies and called it 'the New Deal

6. He turned over command of our military actions in WWII to Stalin, and cost multiple thousands of US soldiers' deaths.

7. He made certain that communism survived the war, and thrived afterwards.

8. Without his efforts, there would be no nuclear Russia, no Red China, no Korean War, and no Vietnamese War

9. ...and he is the proximate explanation for the cultural Marxism prevalent in society today.

10. He was a racist and a bigot how wanted only those ‘with the right sort of blood.’ Sounds like a Nazis, huh?

If Poland & Hungary & "Neighbors" had been Capitalist, they would be wealthier, and also have a ton more Mooslem Immigrants, as well.

In a funny way, Communism was not bad, everywhere at least.
Nope, the British Empire did the first death camps against Boers & India.

Good to see you sweat.

Have you fallen for me, like Soros wants the US to fall?

Let's be honest, couldn't entice a woman if you were a chocolate covered millionaire giving away free shoes.

The only way you'd ever be attractive is if you swallowed a magnet.

Hmm, yet you flirt with me, like you want my Sweaty Kielbasa.

At least, that's what I got from your comment, fantasizing about me.

BTW, Jews like Soros, and Zuckerberg, will be the biggest factor to collapse the U.S.A.

Why do you love Jews, so much, again???????

"Hmm, yet you flirt with me..."

A lie.

You rushed to voluntarily subscribe to my thread, as you regularly do.

If you stopped doing so, you'd be the only one who knew it.

Let's try it, and see.....OK?

When are we going out on our first date?
You can be the "Sweetie" and I'll be the "Sweatie"

Now, explain how Jews have helped the situation in America?

You seem to think, or lack of think, on your part, that Jews are the saviors of America, on the contrary they'll be the death to the U.S.A.
you obviously never read either of them, or you didn't understand the message.

I hate to break it, but many Capitalist companies are promoting (Orwellian) Artificial Intelligence, Surveillance, and Facial Recognition, more so than our government, or Sociali governments even are, it seems Capitalism has become a nightmare.

Orwellian means government thought control and punishment for non conforming thoughts and words. AI is not that, facial recognition is not that. Capitalism does need some regulations, but mostly the free market of supply and demand controls what is put on the market for us to spend our money on. Capitalism is the only system that has ever worked.

Capitalism isn't the only system to work, that's propaganda.

Franco, modern China, FDR, & Nazis all achieved great economies in mixed economic systems.

Spain and China are moving to capitalism and individual freedom, they have realized that socialism does not work, FDR was a terrible president, he started the downfall of the USA, the Nazis were the ultimate socialists, they killed everyone that did not fit their mold. Your grasp of history is sadly lacking.

The Capitalists are censoring "Minds" on the Internet, they're working on Artificial Intelligence to replace us, they're pushing for Facial Recognition, way more than any Governments are.

So, ironic as it maybe, Orwell's ideals are being implemented the most now-a-days at least, by Capitalist companies.

you are wrong, the censoring being done by google, FB, and twiter is being done by liberals and socialists.
they know that only by silencing the other side can they ever win. You have it backwards and don't even realize it.
I hate to break it, but many Capitalist companies are promoting (Orwellian) Artificial Intelligence, Surveillance, and Facial Recognition, more so than our government, or Sociali governments even are, it seems Capitalism has become a nightmare.

Orwellian means government thought control and punishment for non conforming thoughts and words. AI is not that, facial recognition is not that. Capitalism does need some regulations, but mostly the free market of supply and demand controls what is put on the market for us to spend our money on. Capitalism is the only system that has ever worked.

Capitalism isn't the only system to work, that's propaganda.

Franco, modern China, FDR, & Nazis all achieved great economies in mixed economic systems.

Spain and China are moving to capitalism and individual freedom, they have realized that socialism does not work, FDR was a terrible president, he started the downfall of the USA, the Nazis were the ultimate socialists, they killed everyone that did not fit their mold. Your grasp of history is sadly lacking.

The FDR legacy that isn't taught in government school:

1. Roosevelt offered up the lives of everyone in Eastern Europe to his lord and master, Joseph 'Koba' Stalin

2. He made certain that Stalin's plans continued after his death: the creation of the United Nations

3. He extended the Depression by years.

4. He disposed of the Constitution

5. He imposed Mussolini's Fascist policies and called it 'the New Deal

6. He turned over command of our military actions in WWII to Stalin, and cost multiple thousands of US soldiers' deaths.

7. He made certain that communism survived the war, and thrived afterwards.

8. Without his efforts, there would be no nuclear Russia, no Red China, no Korean War, and no Vietnamese War

9. ...and he is the proximate explanation for the cultural Marxism prevalent in society today.

10. He was a racist and a bigot how wanted only those ‘with the right sort of blood.’ Sounds like a Nazis, huh?

If Poland & Hungary & "Neighbors" had been Capitalist, they would be wealthier, and also have a ton more Mooslem Immigrants, as well.

In a funny way, Communism was not bad, everywhere at least.

Why are you back?????

I thought we'd agree that you would follow Shakespeare's prescription:

I desire that we be better strangers.
— William Shakespeare, As You Like It

That means 'get lost.'
I hate to break it, but many Capitalist companies are promoting (Orwellian) Artificial Intelligence, Surveillance, and Facial Recognition, more so than our government, or Sociali governments even are, it seems Capitalism has become a nightmare.

Orwellian means government thought control and punishment for non conforming thoughts and words. AI is not that, facial recognition is not that. Capitalism does need some regulations, but mostly the free market of supply and demand controls what is put on the market for us to spend our money on. Capitalism is the only system that has ever worked.

Capitalism isn't the only system to work, that's propaganda.

Franco, modern China, FDR, & Nazis all achieved great economies in mixed economic systems.

Spain and China are moving to capitalism and individual freedom, they have realized that socialism does not work, FDR was a terrible president, he started the downfall of the USA, the Nazis were the ultimate socialists, they killed everyone that did not fit their mold. Your grasp of history is sadly lacking.

The Capitalists are censoring "Minds" on the Internet, they're working on Artificial Intelligence to replace us, they're pushing for Facial Recognition, way more than any Governments are.

So, ironic as it maybe, Orwell's ideals are being implemented the most now-a-days at least, by Capitalist companies.

you are wrong, the censoring being done by google, FB, and twiter is being done by liberals and socialists.
they know that only by silencing the other side can they ever win. You have it backwards and don't even realize it.

It might be a shocker, but Liberal Jews are largely behind it, and a lot of Jews are Conservative for Israel & Liberal for the U.S.A.

But, ultimately I doubt Conservatives will prevail, in an environment which has completely censored out the opposition, there's little hope for the U.S.A, to make it intact.

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