The Not-So-Hidden Power To Destroy America

....and the End Of This Nobel Experiment

The results are in, conclusions drawn: the major force in the destruction of America is….

…Owned and operated by Liberalism, Inc., it is government schooling.

Time for cheering by the Left, and, as TS Eliot wrote, America ending with a whimper.

1.Here is an allegory…. a tale that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one…..for our nation’s history and future:

“As a group, America's poor are far from being chronically undernourished. The average consumption of protein, vitamins, and minerals is virtually the same for poor and middle-class children and, in most cases, is well above recommended norms. Poor children actually consume more meat than do higher-income children and have average protein intakes 100 percent above recommended levels. Most poor children today are, in fact, supernourished and grow up to be, on average, one inch taller and 10 pounds heavier than the GIs who stormed the beaches of Normandy in World War II.” How Poor Are America's Poor? Examining the "Plague" of Poverty in America

Again? “Most poor children today are, in fact, supernourished and grow up to be, on average, one inch taller and 10 pounds heavier than the GIs who stormed the beaches of Normandy in World War II.”

Clearly, America has lived up to the promise, and more…’supernourished.’

2.But, at what cost to the nation itself? In exchange for what?

The generation of Americans who purchased these perks for the less well cared for were, themselves, poorer, smaller, and less well fed…..yet they loved an America that offered promise and potential to produce what we have today.

3.And those less rewarded, earlier Americans….how did they feel about their nation?

“When word got around that the Japanese had attacked Pearl Harbor and destroyed our fleet, it really hit home,” Smith recalled. “Everybody was patriotic completely. A lot of fellows I knew headed to the enlistment stations and signed up for service. … It was quite a time.”
Veteran: Pearl Harbor attack sparked patriotism in America - The Citizen

4. I hope you are shocked when you see the description of the current well-off beneficiaries of the Americans who stormed the shores of Normandy:

…Millennials Ignorant Anti-Americans…” Millennials Are Far More Ignorant And Less Patriotic Than Boomers, Survey Finds | Investor's Business Daily

Schools produce hate-filled, uninformed so-called Americans.

Examples will follow.
Racist Republicans are the biggest threat to the country.

Instead of following the work of the founders, building an INCLUSIVE and DIVERSE America, Republicans want to reshape the country into a kind of elite that needs to be unquestioned and worshiped and white, and a suffering everyone else.

Look at what Conservative have done to Appalachia. They want that for the country.

You can't deny it. The evidence is white there for everyone to see.

You do you know when Republicans are lying? When they are talking.

But they don't always lie. You have to listen carefully to find a few very small nuggets of truth.



It's neither a secret nor a debate. We know who Republicans are and what they stand for. They tell us. It's the one time you can believe what they say.

"Racist Republicans are the biggest threat to the country. "

Perhaps you'd explain why this Democrat Party stands for the very same aims that the Communist Party did>

How about you take a look at the aims of the Communist Party, USA, and the aims of the modern Democrat Party.

Watch, and note the consubstantial basis of both the aims of the Communist Party and the Democrat Party: is ...extraordinary.....the correspondence between the aims of the communist party and the aims of the Democrats.....

1. Develop the illusion that total disarmament [by] the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength.

2. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces.

3. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.

4. . Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.

5. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making positions.

6. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.

7. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press.

8. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."

9. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a "religious crutch."

10. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.

11. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man."

12. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture--education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.

13. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce

Now....wouldn't an honest appraisal agree that all or almost all are clearly the aims and direction of Democrats/Liberals/Progressive leaders?

I got 'em from a website of declared communist goals...

The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals
The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals

You might take a look at this one, too.
10 planks of Communist manifesto
Communist Manifesto 10 Planks

1. Abolition of private property and the application of all rents of land to public purposes.

2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.

3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance.

"Obama Set To Propose Taxes On Capital Gains, Inheritance, And Wall Street"
Obama Set To Propose Taxes On Capital Gains, Inheritance, And Wall Street - Shadowproof

And this:

"Government control of private sector aptly described as Bolshevik- or Marxist, socialist, collectivist, statist, or, for that matter, fascist, too.Indeed, nationalized health care was one of the first programs enacted by the Bolsheviks after they seized power in 1917(Banks, insurance companies and means of communications were also taken over by Soviet authorities immediately."
Dziewanowski, "A History of Soviet Russia," p. 107.

They didn't call it ObamaCare....

....we are now free of that inordinate fear of communism.... Jimmy Carter Jimmy Carter: UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME - Address at Commencement Exercises at the University

President Barack Obama downplayed the differences between capitalism and communism, claiming that they are just “intellectual arguments.” He urged those at a town hall eventin Buenos Aires, Argentina on Wednesday to “just choose from what works.”
Obama Downplays Difference Between Capitalism, Communism [VIDEO]

Schools are mostly locally controlled .

Which is why red states schools suck compared to blue state schools. Conservatives don’t care about educating America .

Locally controlled by this:

"The California Federation of Teachers (CFT) passed a resolution at its most recent convention claiming that “the continued unjust incarceration of Mumia Abu-Jamal represents a threat to the civil rights of all people.” Thirty years ago, Abu-Jamal took away Philadelphia policeman Daniel Faulkner’s foremost civil right: his life. How obtuse of the CFT to disregard “the threat to the civil rights of all people” represented by someone capable of gunning down a man tasked with protecting the public.

The pantheon of leftist saints includes the Haymarket Square bombers, responsible for the deaths of eight Chicago cops, Joe Hill, murderer of former police officer John Morrison in Salt Lake City, Huey Newton, murderer of Oakland policeman John Frey, and Leonard Peltier, murderer of FBI agents Jack Coler and Ronald Williams. Notice a pattern?"
Teachers' Mumia Abu-Jamal Resolution Out of Sync Morally and Historically | Human Events

How can liberals control schools in deep red districts ?

I used to wonder 'can he be this stupid.'

Puzzle solved.

You can never answer a direct question Poli-bot?

Local schools are controlled by locals committees who are elected or appointed by elected officials . Aka , conservative area schools are run by cons. .

Local schools are controlled by Liberals, essentially all schools are.

The explanation is here:

  1. The radicals of the sixties did not remain within the universities…They realized that the apocalypse never materialized. “…they were dropping off into environmentalism and consumerism and fatalism…I watched many of my old comrades apply to graduate school in universities they had failed to burn down, so they could get advanced degrees and spread the ideas that had been discredited in the streets under an academic cover.” Collier and Horowitz, “Destructive Generation: Second Thoughts About The Sixties,” p. 294-295.

  1. “The radicals were not likely to go into business or the conventional practice of the professions. They were part of the chattering class, talkers interested in policy, politics, culture. They went into politics, print and electronic journalism, church bureaucracies, foundation staffs, Hollywood careers, public interest organizations, anywhere attitudes and opinions could be influenced. And they are exerting influence.” Robert H. Bork, “Slouching Toward Gomorrah,” p. 51
The left controls our minds through the mass media, the education system, and the entertainment industry. Combine that with the power of group think and we have entire large groups of brainwashed, mesmerized, mentally enslaved arguing that boys are not boys and girls are not girls.

Here is the modern version of the Asch Conformity experiment and look at how important it is to "go along" with the group, rather than standing up for what your own eyes clearly see.

That, is not lost of the professional politicians. Most Ivy League educated, and understand human psychology.

That, is what we are dealing with.
Schools are mostly locally controlled .

Which is why red states schools suck compared to blue state schools. Conservatives don’t care about educating America .

you have it backwards, the red state schools educate, the blue state schools indoctrinate. That becomes obvious when we look at the young people produced by the education systems in the two types of states.
That's why so many in Red States drop out.

The rest of the world thinks schools in Blue States are the best in the world.

Republicans want to teach the occult as science in their schools.
They call it "magical creation".

True story.

First off.....this country will never be saved until we get back to the truth....that 'Red' is a term that has always been reserved for anarchists, communists.....and Democrats.

The proof of their power in the media is the switch of Red and Blue as indicators of the two parties.

The fact that a moron like you advances the lie speaks to exactly what I've said: government schools indoctrinate.

The witness is excused.
....and the End Of This Nobel Experiment

The results are in, conclusions drawn: the major force in the destruction of America is….

…Owned and operated by Liberalism, Inc., it is government schooling.

Time for cheering by the Left, and, as TS Eliot wrote, America ending with a whimper.

1.Here is an allegory…. a tale that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one…..for our nation’s history and future:

“As a group, America's poor are far from being chronically undernourished. The average consumption of protein, vitamins, and minerals is virtually the same for poor and middle-class children and, in most cases, is well above recommended norms. Poor children actually consume more meat than do higher-income children and have average protein intakes 100 percent above recommended levels. Most poor children today are, in fact, supernourished and grow up to be, on average, one inch taller and 10 pounds heavier than the GIs who stormed the beaches of Normandy in World War II.” How Poor Are America's Poor? Examining the "Plague" of Poverty in America

Again? “Most poor children today are, in fact, supernourished and grow up to be, on average, one inch taller and 10 pounds heavier than the GIs who stormed the beaches of Normandy in World War II.”

Clearly, America has lived up to the promise, and more…’supernourished.’

2.But, at what cost to the nation itself? In exchange for what?

The generation of Americans who purchased these perks for the less well cared for were, themselves, poorer, smaller, and less well fed…..yet they loved an America that offered promise and potential to produce what we have today.

3.And those less rewarded, earlier Americans….how did they feel about their nation?

“When word got around that the Japanese had attacked Pearl Harbor and destroyed our fleet, it really hit home,” Smith recalled. “Everybody was patriotic completely. A lot of fellows I knew headed to the enlistment stations and signed up for service. … It was quite a time.”
Veteran: Pearl Harbor attack sparked patriotism in America - The Citizen

4. I hope you are shocked when you see the description of the current well-off beneficiaries of the Americans who stormed the shores of Normandy:

…Millennials Ignorant Anti-Americans…” Millennials Are Far More Ignorant And Less Patriotic Than Boomers, Survey Finds | Investor's Business Daily

Schools produce hate-filled, uninformed so-called Americans.

Examples will follow.
Racist Republicans are the biggest threat to the country.

Instead of following the work of the founders, building an INCLUSIVE and DIVERSE America, Republicans want to reshape the country into a kind of elite that needs to be unquestioned and worshiped and white, and a suffering everyone else.

Look at what Conservative have done to Appalachia. They want that for the country.

You can't deny it. The evidence is white there for everyone to see.

You do you know when Republicans are lying? When they are talking.

But they don't always lie. You have to listen carefully to find a few very small nuggets of truth.



It's neither a secret nor a debate. We know who Republicans are and what they stand for. They tell us. It's the one time you can believe what they say.
Locally controlled by this:

"The California Federation of Teachers (CFT) passed a resolution at its most recent convention claiming that “the continued unjust incarceration of Mumia Abu-Jamal represents a threat to the civil rights of all people.” Thirty years ago, Abu-Jamal took away Philadelphia policeman Daniel Faulkner’s foremost civil right: his life. How obtuse of the CFT to disregard “the threat to the civil rights of all people” represented by someone capable of gunning down a man tasked with protecting the public.

The pantheon of leftist saints includes the Haymarket Square bombers, responsible for the deaths of eight Chicago cops, Joe Hill, murderer of former police officer John Morrison in Salt Lake City, Huey Newton, murderer of Oakland policeman John Frey, and Leonard Peltier, murderer of FBI agents Jack Coler and Ronald Williams. Notice a pattern?"
Teachers' Mumia Abu-Jamal Resolution Out of Sync Morally and Historically | Human Events

How can liberals control schools in deep red districts ?

I used to wonder 'can he be this stupid.'

Puzzle solved.

You can never answer a direct question Poli-bot?

Local schools are controlled by locals committees who are elected or appointed by elected officials . Aka , conservative area schools are run by cons. .

Local schools are controlled by Liberals, essentially all schools are.

The explanation is here:

  1. The radicals of the sixties did not remain within the universities…They realized that the apocalypse never materialized. “…they were dropping off into environmentalism and consumerism and fatalism…I watched many of my old comrades apply to graduate school in universities they had failed to burn down, so they could get advanced degrees and spread the ideas that had been discredited in the streets under an academic cover.” Collier and Horowitz, “Destructive Generation: Second Thoughts About The Sixties,” p. 294-295.

  1. “The radicals were not likely to go into business or the conventional practice of the professions. They were part of the chattering class, talkers interested in policy, politics, culture. They went into politics, print and electronic journalism, church bureaucracies, foundation staffs, Hollywood careers, public interest organizations, anywhere attitudes and opinions could be influenced. And they are exerting influence.” Robert H. Bork, “Slouching Toward Gomorrah,” p. 51
The left controls our minds through the mass media, the education system, and the entertainment industry. Combine that with the power of group think and we have entire large groups of brainwashed, mesmerized, mentally enslaved arguing that boys are not boys and girls are not girls.

Here is the modern version of the Asch Conformity experiment and look at how important it is to "go along" with the group, rather than standing up for what your own eyes clearly see.

That, is not lost of the professional politicians. Most Ivy League educated, and understand human psychology.

That, is what we are dealing with.

Clearly not 'our' minds, Owl.....

And, based on materialism, and weak intellectual abilities of their voters......we have quite a battle ahead.

Sisyphus had it easy.
Schools are mostly locally controlled .

Which is why red states schools suck compared to blue state schools. Conservatives don’t care about educating America .

you have it backwards, the red state schools educate, the blue state schools indoctrinate. That becomes obvious when we look at the young people produced by the education systems in the two types of states.
That's why so many in Red States drop out.

The rest of the world thinks schools in Blue States are the best in the world.

Republicans want to teach the occult as science in their schools.
They call it "magical creation".

True story.

I think the drop out rate is the same in all states, nice try. The rest of the world now respects the USA again, under leftard obozo we were the laughing stock of the world, weak, inept, pathetic.

You are free to deny a creator or all religions if you choose. No school in a red state is teaching ONLY creationism, they are teaching both the religious and the "scientific" theories of how we got here. Then letting each person decide for themselves. You on the left want to indoctrinate kids with YOUR beliefs (or non beliefs) and turn them into compliant sheep (slaves to the state).

Your ideas diminish human beings into livestock whose only purpose is to do the bidding of the elite rulers who know all and control all.

Your fucked up system has never worked, and never will.
Ah but as soon as we can rid the world of conservative ideals and regressive concepts America will be free once again.

"...rid the world of conservative ideals..."

As dumb as you are, you persist in using terms you cannot grasp.

I can help.

Let's teach you what ideals we are comparing.

1. This is the liberalism that the nation and the Constitution was founded on, conservative ideals
Individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

2. This is the Liberalism/Socialism that your fake liberalism is based on:
The collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

And, you accept what you cannot defend because, I am certain, you are a government school grad who has never read a book not assigned by your masters.

LOL, the Capitalist system is 100 times more Liberal, pro-Gay, and pro-Immigration, than Communism ever was.
Locally controlled by this:

"The California Federation of Teachers (CFT) passed a resolution at its most recent convention claiming that “the continued unjust incarceration of Mumia Abu-Jamal represents a threat to the civil rights of all people.” Thirty years ago, Abu-Jamal took away Philadelphia policeman Daniel Faulkner’s foremost civil right: his life. How obtuse of the CFT to disregard “the threat to the civil rights of all people” represented by someone capable of gunning down a man tasked with protecting the public.

The pantheon of leftist saints includes the Haymarket Square bombers, responsible for the deaths of eight Chicago cops, Joe Hill, murderer of former police officer John Morrison in Salt Lake City, Huey Newton, murderer of Oakland policeman John Frey, and Leonard Peltier, murderer of FBI agents Jack Coler and Ronald Williams. Notice a pattern?"
Teachers' Mumia Abu-Jamal Resolution Out of Sync Morally and Historically | Human Events

How can liberals control schools in deep red districts ?

I used to wonder 'can he be this stupid.'

Puzzle solved.

You can never answer a direct question Poli-bot?

Local schools are controlled by locals committees who are elected or appointed by elected officials . Aka , conservative area schools are run by cons. .

Local schools are controlled by Liberals, essentially all schools are.

The explanation is here:

  1. The radicals of the sixties did not remain within the universities…They realized that the apocalypse never materialized. “…they were dropping off into environmentalism and consumerism and fatalism…I watched many of my old comrades apply to graduate school in universities they had failed to burn down, so they could get advanced degrees and spread the ideas that had been discredited in the streets under an academic cover.” Collier and Horowitz, “Destructive Generation: Second Thoughts About The Sixties,” p. 294-295.

  1. “The radicals were not likely to go into business or the conventional practice of the professions. They were part of the chattering class, talkers interested in policy, politics, culture. They went into politics, print and electronic journalism, church bureaucracies, foundation staffs, Hollywood careers, public interest organizations, anywhere attitudes and opinions could be influenced. And they are exerting influence.” Robert H. Bork, “Slouching Toward Gomorrah,” p. 51
The left controls our minds through the mass media, the education system, and the entertainment industry. Combine that with the power of group think and we have entire large groups of brainwashed, mesmerized, mentally enslaved arguing that boys are not boys and girls are not girls.

Here is the modern version of the Asch Conformity experiment and look at how important it is to "go along" with the group, rather than standing up for what your own eyes clearly see.

That, is not lost of the professional politicians. Most Ivy League educated, and understand human psychology.

That, is what we are dealing with.

exactly, and Orwell and Rand saw it coming and wrote about it. They were right and its happening today.
How can liberals control schools in deep red districts ?

I used to wonder 'can he be this stupid.'

Puzzle solved.

You can never answer a direct question Poli-bot?

Local schools are controlled by locals committees who are elected or appointed by elected officials . Aka , conservative area schools are run by cons. .

Local schools are controlled by Liberals, essentially all schools are.

The explanation is here:

  1. The radicals of the sixties did not remain within the universities…They realized that the apocalypse never materialized. “…they were dropping off into environmentalism and consumerism and fatalism…I watched many of my old comrades apply to graduate school in universities they had failed to burn down, so they could get advanced degrees and spread the ideas that had been discredited in the streets under an academic cover.” Collier and Horowitz, “Destructive Generation: Second Thoughts About The Sixties,” p. 294-295.

  1. “The radicals were not likely to go into business or the conventional practice of the professions. They were part of the chattering class, talkers interested in policy, politics, culture. They went into politics, print and electronic journalism, church bureaucracies, foundation staffs, Hollywood careers, public interest organizations, anywhere attitudes and opinions could be influenced. And they are exerting influence.” Robert H. Bork, “Slouching Toward Gomorrah,” p. 51
The left controls our minds through the mass media, the education system, and the entertainment industry. Combine that with the power of group think and we have entire large groups of brainwashed, mesmerized, mentally enslaved arguing that boys are not boys and girls are not girls.

Here is the modern version of the Asch Conformity experiment and look at how important it is to "go along" with the group, rather than standing up for what your own eyes clearly see.

That, is not lost of the professional politicians. Most Ivy League educated, and understand human psychology.

That, is what we are dealing with.

exactly, and Orwell and Rand saw it coming and wrote about it. They were right and its happening today.

Capitalism turns out to be the anchor of the Orwellian, and Multi-Cultural Diversity, much more so than Socialism, that's what Orwell & Rand got wrong, point blank.
11. “The multicultural project and the National History Standards were major ideological assaults on our nation’s mission, assimilation.

Besides an emphasis on group consciousness over individual citizenship, and on ethnic subcultures over national identity, the standards described the Cold War in terms of moral equivalence (e.g., the “sword play of the US and the USSR”) and actually reversed our history (“Americans believed in the perfectibility of man”). Theyrejected our traditions, and indoctrinated our children in beliefs inimical to the design of our nation.

Where was the belief and emphasis on equality of individual citizenship, strong American identity, anticommunism, and they faith of the Fathers of our Nation?

Substituted was the progressive utopianism of the Soviet-leaning Vice-President Henry Wallace. No wonder sentient Liberals such as Arthur Schlesinger, jr. launched vigorous attacks on multiculturalism in his book “The Disuniting of America: Reflections on a Multicultural Society.”
Fonte, “Sovereignty or Submission,” p.79

Such is the explanation for the Democrat voters.

Those of us who doubt that we can have a successful 'multicultural society' advocate an alternative idea, e.g., we should desire a political culture based on pride in this nation, ...
...with the country as the object of a common loyalty, and a secular view of law in which religion is a concern of family and society, but not of the state.

LOL, Soviet Poland, Soviet Ukraine & Soviet Russia all were much more anti-Immigration, and anti-Gay than modern Capitalism in the West, rather than becoming "More Diverse & Multi-cultural" these nations under Communism started clearing "Ethnic minorities" out of Polish, Ukrainian & Russian living space.

Capitalism is Liberalism in a nut-shell.
I used to wonder 'can he be this stupid.'

Puzzle solved.

You can never answer a direct question Poli-bot?

Local schools are controlled by locals committees who are elected or appointed by elected officials . Aka , conservative area schools are run by cons. .

Local schools are controlled by Liberals, essentially all schools are.

The explanation is here:

  1. The radicals of the sixties did not remain within the universities…They realized that the apocalypse never materialized. “…they were dropping off into environmentalism and consumerism and fatalism…I watched many of my old comrades apply to graduate school in universities they had failed to burn down, so they could get advanced degrees and spread the ideas that had been discredited in the streets under an academic cover.” Collier and Horowitz, “Destructive Generation: Second Thoughts About The Sixties,” p. 294-295.

  1. “The radicals were not likely to go into business or the conventional practice of the professions. They were part of the chattering class, talkers interested in policy, politics, culture. They went into politics, print and electronic journalism, church bureaucracies, foundation staffs, Hollywood careers, public interest organizations, anywhere attitudes and opinions could be influenced. And they are exerting influence.” Robert H. Bork, “Slouching Toward Gomorrah,” p. 51
The left controls our minds through the mass media, the education system, and the entertainment industry. Combine that with the power of group think and we have entire large groups of brainwashed, mesmerized, mentally enslaved arguing that boys are not boys and girls are not girls.

Here is the modern version of the Asch Conformity experiment and look at how important it is to "go along" with the group, rather than standing up for what your own eyes clearly see.

That, is not lost of the professional politicians. Most Ivy League educated, and understand human psychology.

That, is what we are dealing with.

exactly, and Orwell and Rand saw it coming and wrote about it. They were right and its happening today.

Capitalism turns out to be the anchor of the Orwellian, and Multi-Cultural Diversity, much more so than Socialism, that's what Orwell & Rand got wrong, point blank.

you obviously never read either of them, or you didn't understand the message.
....and the End Of This Nobel Experiment

The results are in, conclusions drawn: the major force in the destruction of America is….

…Owned and operated by Liberalism, Inc., it is government schooling.

Time for cheering by the Left, and, as TS Eliot wrote, America ending with a whimper.

1.Here is an allegory…. a tale that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one…..for our nation’s history and future:

“As a group, America's poor are far from being chronically undernourished. The average consumption of protein, vitamins, and minerals is virtually the same for poor and middle-class children and, in most cases, is well above recommended norms. Poor children actually consume more meat than do higher-income children and have average protein intakes 100 percent above recommended levels. Most poor children today are, in fact, supernourished and grow up to be, on average, one inch taller and 10 pounds heavier than the GIs who stormed the beaches of Normandy in World War II.” How Poor Are America's Poor? Examining the "Plague" of Poverty in America

Again? “Most poor children today are, in fact, supernourished and grow up to be, on average, one inch taller and 10 pounds heavier than the GIs who stormed the beaches of Normandy in World War II.”

Clearly, America has lived up to the promise, and more…’supernourished.’

2.But, at what cost to the nation itself? In exchange for what?

The generation of Americans who purchased these perks for the less well cared for were, themselves, poorer, smaller, and less well fed…..yet they loved an America that offered promise and potential to produce what we have today.

3.And those less rewarded, earlier Americans….how did they feel about their nation?

“When word got around that the Japanese had attacked Pearl Harbor and destroyed our fleet, it really hit home,” Smith recalled. “Everybody was patriotic completely. A lot of fellows I knew headed to the enlistment stations and signed up for service. … It was quite a time.”
Veteran: Pearl Harbor attack sparked patriotism in America - The Citizen

4. I hope you are shocked when you see the description of the current well-off beneficiaries of the Americans who stormed the shores of Normandy:

…Millennials Ignorant Anti-Americans…” Millennials Are Far More Ignorant And Less Patriotic Than Boomers, Survey Finds | Investor's Business Daily

Schools produce hate-filled, uninformed so-called Americans.

Examples will follow.
Racist Republicans are the biggest threat to the country.

Instead of following the work of the founders, building an INCLUSIVE and DIVERSE America, Republicans want to reshape the country into a kind of elite that needs to be unquestioned and worshiped and white, and a suffering everyone else.

Look at what Conservative have done to Appalachia. They want that for the country.

You can't deny it. The evidence is white there for everyone to see.

You do you know when Republicans are lying? When they are talking.

But they don't always lie. You have to listen carefully to find a few very small nuggets of truth.



It's neither a secret nor a debate. We know who Republicans are and what they stand for. They tell us. It's the one time you can believe what they say.

The U.S.A Founding Fathers intended for the U.S.A to be a White nation, the Naturalization Act of 1790 is proof.
You can never answer a direct question Poli-bot?

Local schools are controlled by locals committees who are elected or appointed by elected officials . Aka , conservative area schools are run by cons. .

Local schools are controlled by Liberals, essentially all schools are.

The explanation is here:

  1. The radicals of the sixties did not remain within the universities…They realized that the apocalypse never materialized. “…they were dropping off into environmentalism and consumerism and fatalism…I watched many of my old comrades apply to graduate school in universities they had failed to burn down, so they could get advanced degrees and spread the ideas that had been discredited in the streets under an academic cover.” Collier and Horowitz, “Destructive Generation: Second Thoughts About The Sixties,” p. 294-295.

  1. “The radicals were not likely to go into business or the conventional practice of the professions. They were part of the chattering class, talkers interested in policy, politics, culture. They went into politics, print and electronic journalism, church bureaucracies, foundation staffs, Hollywood careers, public interest organizations, anywhere attitudes and opinions could be influenced. And they are exerting influence.” Robert H. Bork, “Slouching Toward Gomorrah,” p. 51
The left controls our minds through the mass media, the education system, and the entertainment industry. Combine that with the power of group think and we have entire large groups of brainwashed, mesmerized, mentally enslaved arguing that boys are not boys and girls are not girls.

Here is the modern version of the Asch Conformity experiment and look at how important it is to "go along" with the group, rather than standing up for what your own eyes clearly see.

That, is not lost of the professional politicians. Most Ivy League educated, and understand human psychology.

That, is what we are dealing with.

exactly, and Orwell and Rand saw it coming and wrote about it. They were right and its happening today.

Capitalism turns out to be the anchor of the Orwellian, and Multi-Cultural Diversity, much more so than Socialism, that's what Orwell & Rand got wrong, point blank.

you obviously never read either of them, or you didn't understand the message.

I hate to break it, but many Capitalist companies are promoting (Orwellian) Artificial Intelligence, Surveillance, and Facial Recognition, more so than our government, or Sociali governments even are, it seems Capitalism has become a nightmare.
6. The longer in government school, the less American they are:

“More than half of these high schoolers surveyed say they don't consider themselves an American patriot. Among millennials, more than a third aren't patriots.

…younger generations are more likely to approve of athletes kneeling in protest during the national anthem, and less likely to show respect for the flag.

Sixty percent of millennials, for example, say the U.S. is sexist, and 63% say it's racist. More than half of college-aged Gen Z say this about the U.S.

…half of the college-aged Gen Z think America is more racist than other countries.

While more than 8 in 10 boomers agree that America is the greatest country in the world, just a bare majority of millennials (54%) and high schoolers (51%) think it is.

Almost a third of millennials say America isn't a great country today, with 14% saying it never was great.” Millennials Are Far More Ignorant And Less Patriotic Than Boomers, Survey Finds | Investor's Business Daily

If you don’t homeschool, and take an active part in your children’s education, you are acquiescing to and contributing to the ‘red tide’ and tacitly approving of the destruction of the America that the Founders created.

The longer folks stay in public school, the more they learn is what you are saying?

Also, the younger folks are the more of this has come out?

Tuskegee syphilis experiment - Wikipedia

The younger folks are the more of this new found racist zealotry shocks them?

No one is going to say not to take part in your child's education. Hell, educate them against the red tide of the republicans or whatever nuts stuff you are saying.

BTW, what day was America great? The day we limited Asian immigration because we didn't want slant eyed "yellow people"? The day big government freed the slaves? The day Jim Crow laws took over? The day the band of brothers forced a backwards state to allow black kids into school? You are shocked 63% say the U.S. is racist? Think it should be higher or lower?

I'm sorry you hate our country. You are using the past to villify the present. Do you not care for the freedom and prosperity of our country? For everyone on the left who screams racism, how is becoming a socialist or communist country going to do anything to help racism? You will just end up with a poor and corrupt country you can hate because of race.
Those fucking unreal stupid fucks never have an explanation why so many fucking people from all of these socialist paradises are so desperate to get here.

Those people are such fucking losers and I have had it with those motherfuckers and their pathetic yell of RACISM.

Ey, did I say anything about socialism?
America is the greatest country on earth you dumb fuck and the free market that you motherfuckers hate is the reason you stupid deranged fuck.

Now, don't you have race card to claim America is not the greatest country on earth as you list all of the sins of this country and ignore all of the poison in those BROWN countries?

You fucking loser.

Who talked down the free market buddy? You seem really angry and random. Is everything ok?
....and the End Of This Nobel Experiment

The results are in, conclusions drawn: the major force in the destruction of America is….

…Owned and operated by Liberalism, Inc., it is government schooling.

Time for cheering by the Left, and, as TS Eliot wrote, America ending with a whimper.

1.Here is an allegory…. a tale that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one…..for our nation’s history and future:

“As a group, America's poor are far from being chronically undernourished. The average consumption of protein, vitamins, and minerals is virtually the same for poor and middle-class children and, in most cases, is well above recommended norms. Poor children actually consume more meat than do higher-income children and have average protein intakes 100 percent above recommended levels. Most poor children today are, in fact, supernourished and grow up to be, on average, one inch taller and 10 pounds heavier than the GIs who stormed the beaches of Normandy in World War II.” How Poor Are America's Poor? Examining the "Plague" of Poverty in America

Again? “Most poor children today are, in fact, supernourished and grow up to be, on average, one inch taller and 10 pounds heavier than the GIs who stormed the beaches of Normandy in World War II.”

Clearly, America has lived up to the promise, and more…’supernourished.’

2.But, at what cost to the nation itself? In exchange for what?

The generation of Americans who purchased these perks for the less well cared for were, themselves, poorer, smaller, and less well fed…..yet they loved an America that offered promise and potential to produce what we have today.

3.And those less rewarded, earlier Americans….how did they feel about their nation?

“When word got around that the Japanese had attacked Pearl Harbor and destroyed our fleet, it really hit home,” Smith recalled. “Everybody was patriotic completely. A lot of fellows I knew headed to the enlistment stations and signed up for service. … It was quite a time.”
Veteran: Pearl Harbor attack sparked patriotism in America - The Citizen

4. I hope you are shocked when you see the description of the current well-off beneficiaries of the Americans who stormed the shores of Normandy:

…Millennials Ignorant Anti-Americans…” Millennials Are Far More Ignorant And Less Patriotic Than Boomers, Survey Finds | Investor's Business Daily

Schools produce hate-filled, uninformed so-called Americans.

Examples will follow.
Racist Republicans are the biggest threat to the country.

Instead of following the work of the founders, building an INCLUSIVE and DIVERSE America, Republicans want to reshape the country into a kind of elite that needs to be unquestioned and worshiped and white, and a suffering everyone else.

Look at what Conservative have done to Appalachia. They want that for the country.

You can't deny it. The evidence is white there for everyone to see.

You do you know when Republicans are lying? When they are talking.

But they don't always lie. You have to listen carefully to find a few very small nuggets of truth.



It's neither a secret nor a debate. We know who Republicans are and what they stand for. They tell us. It's the one time you can believe what they say.
How can liberals control schools in deep red districts ?

I used to wonder 'can he be this stupid.'

Puzzle solved.

You can never answer a direct question Poli-bot?

Local schools are controlled by locals committees who are elected or appointed by elected officials . Aka , conservative area schools are run by cons. .

Local schools are controlled by Liberals, essentially all schools are.

The explanation is here:

  1. The radicals of the sixties did not remain within the universities…They realized that the apocalypse never materialized. “…they were dropping off into environmentalism and consumerism and fatalism…I watched many of my old comrades apply to graduate school in universities they had failed to burn down, so they could get advanced degrees and spread the ideas that had been discredited in the streets under an academic cover.” Collier and Horowitz, “Destructive Generation: Second Thoughts About The Sixties,” p. 294-295.

  1. “The radicals were not likely to go into business or the conventional practice of the professions. They were part of the chattering class, talkers interested in policy, politics, culture. They went into politics, print and electronic journalism, church bureaucracies, foundation staffs, Hollywood careers, public interest organizations, anywhere attitudes and opinions could be influenced. And they are exerting influence.” Robert H. Bork, “Slouching Toward Gomorrah,” p. 51
The left controls our minds through the mass media, the education system, and the entertainment industry. Combine that with the power of group think and we have entire large groups of brainwashed, mesmerized, mentally enslaved arguing that boys are not boys and girls are not girls.

Here is the modern version of the Asch Conformity experiment and look at how important it is to "go along" with the group, rather than standing up for what your own eyes clearly see.

That, is not lost of the professional politicians. Most Ivy League educated, and understand human psychology.

That, is what we are dealing with.

Clearly not 'our' minds, Owl.....

And, based on materialism, and weak intellectual abilities of their voters......we have quite a battle ahead.

Sisyphus had it easy.

Yes, and the myth of Sisyphus is why I don't even bother trying to argue points with the demented left. One, they stand for nothing. They shift like the sands of Egypt. They will take on one side of an argument and in the very next statement will argue the other side.

This is the way it has always been. For instance, they do not care one bit how often obama had illegals tear gassed on the border.

Obama administration used tear gas at border once a month
Border authorities also use another agent, pepper spray, frequently — including a decade-high record of 151 instances in 2013, also under Mr. Obama. Pepper spray, officially known as Pava Capsaicin, was used 43 times in fiscal year 2018, according to the CBP numbers.


They hate the free market and yet they all benefit from it.

They claim they are PRO environment and none of them make any sacrifice for the planet. They instead believe if they hate republicans and America well enough, that is the same thing as sacrifice.

They claim they are against war, and yet they are beating the war drum every day against Russia. They claimed Trump was going to start a nuclear war with NK, and then attacked him for having peace talks with NK.

Ending the 63 year long armistice would have garnered the Nobel Peace prize for their black marxist messiah. Instead, it drew shouts of racism racism racism from the left.

They literally want the country to fail so they could claim they are right, which means they are not above sabotage. That is exactly what they have been doing and they have been doing it for far too long.

So, me engaging in some "constructive" conversation is just us rolling that rock up the hill. Or, in a biblical sense, tossing pearls before swine.


....and the End Of This Nobel Experiment

The results are in, conclusions drawn: the major force in the destruction of America is….

…Owned and operated by Liberalism, Inc., it is government schooling.

Time for cheering by the Left, and, as TS Eliot wrote, America ending with a whimper.

1.Here is an allegory…. a tale that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one…..for our nation’s history and future:

“As a group, America's poor are far from being chronically undernourished. The average consumption of protein, vitamins, and minerals is virtually the same for poor and middle-class children and, in most cases, is well above recommended norms. Poor children actually consume more meat than do higher-income children and have average protein intakes 100 percent above recommended levels. Most poor children today are, in fact, supernourished and grow up to be, on average, one inch taller and 10 pounds heavier than the GIs who stormed the beaches of Normandy in World War II.” How Poor Are America's Poor? Examining the "Plague" of Poverty in America

Again? “Most poor children today are, in fact, supernourished and grow up to be, on average, one inch taller and 10 pounds heavier than the GIs who stormed the beaches of Normandy in World War II.”

Clearly, America has lived up to the promise, and more…’supernourished.’

2.But, at what cost to the nation itself? In exchange for what?

The generation of Americans who purchased these perks for the less well cared for were, themselves, poorer, smaller, and less well fed…..yet they loved an America that offered promise and potential to produce what we have today.

3.And those less rewarded, earlier Americans….how did they feel about their nation?

“When word got around that the Japanese had attacked Pearl Harbor and destroyed our fleet, it really hit home,” Smith recalled. “Everybody was patriotic completely. A lot of fellows I knew headed to the enlistment stations and signed up for service. … It was quite a time.”
Veteran: Pearl Harbor attack sparked patriotism in America - The Citizen

4. I hope you are shocked when you see the description of the current well-off beneficiaries of the Americans who stormed the shores of Normandy:

…Millennials Ignorant Anti-Americans…” Millennials Are Far More Ignorant And Less Patriotic Than Boomers, Survey Finds | Investor's Business Daily

Schools produce hate-filled, uninformed so-called Americans.

Examples will follow.
Racist Republicans are the biggest threat to the country.

Instead of following the work of the founders, building an INCLUSIVE and DIVERSE America, Republicans want to reshape the country into a kind of elite that needs to be unquestioned and worshiped and white, and a suffering everyone else.

Look at what Conservative have done to Appalachia. They want that for the country.

You can't deny it. The evidence is white there for everyone to see.

You do you know when Republicans are lying? When they are talking.

But they don't always lie. You have to listen carefully to find a few very small nuggets of truth.



It's neither a secret nor a debate. We know who Republicans are and what they stand for. They tell us. It's the one time you can believe what they say.

The U.S.A Founding Fathers intended for the U.S.A to be a White nation, the Naturalization Act of 1790 is proof.

Thank you for mentioning racism is a problem. Doesn't mean we didn't liberate Europe and don't generally get it right as much as any nation.
....and the End Of This Nobel Experiment

The results are in, conclusions drawn: the major force in the destruction of America is….

…Owned and operated by Liberalism, Inc., it is government schooling.

Time for cheering by the Left, and, as TS Eliot wrote, America ending with a whimper.

1.Here is an allegory…. a tale that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one…..for our nation’s history and future:

“As a group, America's poor are far from being chronically undernourished. The average consumption of protein, vitamins, and minerals is virtually the same for poor and middle-class children and, in most cases, is well above recommended norms. Poor children actually consume more meat than do higher-income children and have average protein intakes 100 percent above recommended levels. Most poor children today are, in fact, supernourished and grow up to be, on average, one inch taller and 10 pounds heavier than the GIs who stormed the beaches of Normandy in World War II.” How Poor Are America's Poor? Examining the "Plague" of Poverty in America

Again? “Most poor children today are, in fact, supernourished and grow up to be, on average, one inch taller and 10 pounds heavier than the GIs who stormed the beaches of Normandy in World War II.”

Clearly, America has lived up to the promise, and more…’supernourished.’

2.But, at what cost to the nation itself? In exchange for what?

The generation of Americans who purchased these perks for the less well cared for were, themselves, poorer, smaller, and less well fed…..yet they loved an America that offered promise and potential to produce what we have today.

3.And those less rewarded, earlier Americans….how did they feel about their nation?

“When word got around that the Japanese had attacked Pearl Harbor and destroyed our fleet, it really hit home,” Smith recalled. “Everybody was patriotic completely. A lot of fellows I knew headed to the enlistment stations and signed up for service. … It was quite a time.”
Veteran: Pearl Harbor attack sparked patriotism in America - The Citizen

4. I hope you are shocked when you see the description of the current well-off beneficiaries of the Americans who stormed the shores of Normandy:

…Millennials Ignorant Anti-Americans…” Millennials Are Far More Ignorant And Less Patriotic Than Boomers, Survey Finds | Investor's Business Daily

Schools produce hate-filled, uninformed so-called Americans.

Examples will follow.
Racist Republicans are the biggest threat to the country.

Instead of following the work of the founders, building an INCLUSIVE and DIVERSE America, Republicans want to reshape the country into a kind of elite that needs to be unquestioned and worshiped and white, and a suffering everyone else.

Look at what Conservative have done to Appalachia. They want that for the country.

You can't deny it. The evidence is white there for everyone to see.

You do you know when Republicans are lying? When they are talking.

But they don't always lie. You have to listen carefully to find a few very small nuggets of truth.



It's neither a secret nor a debate. We know who Republicans are and what they stand for. They tell us. It's the one time you can believe what they say.

The U.S.A Founding Fathers intended for the U.S.A to be a White nation, the Naturalization Act of 1790 is proof.

Thank you for mentioning racism is a problem. Doesn't mean we didn't liberate Europe and don't generally get it right as much as any nation.

Why is "Racism" the problem, when Balkanization "Diversity" causes war, massacres, and genocides all over the Globe?

You & your ilk are the problem, you promote ethnic tension & turmoil.

Liberate Europe?
Soviets liberated Europe, (Mostly) then the U.S.A helped Soviets take over most of Central-Europe as a "Prize" no?????
....and the End Of This Nobel Experiment

The results are in, conclusions drawn: the major force in the destruction of America is….

…Owned and operated by Liberalism, Inc., it is government schooling.

Time for cheering by the Left, and, as TS Eliot wrote, America ending with a whimper.

1.Here is an allegory…. a tale that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one…..for our nation’s history and future:

“As a group, America's poor are far from being chronically undernourished. The average consumption of protein, vitamins, and minerals is virtually the same for poor and middle-class children and, in most cases, is well above recommended norms. Poor children actually consume more meat than do higher-income children and have average protein intakes 100 percent above recommended levels. Most poor children today are, in fact, supernourished and grow up to be, on average, one inch taller and 10 pounds heavier than the GIs who stormed the beaches of Normandy in World War II.” How Poor Are America's Poor? Examining the "Plague" of Poverty in America

Again? “Most poor children today are, in fact, supernourished and grow up to be, on average, one inch taller and 10 pounds heavier than the GIs who stormed the beaches of Normandy in World War II.”

Clearly, America has lived up to the promise, and more…’supernourished.’

2.But, at what cost to the nation itself? In exchange for what?

The generation of Americans who purchased these perks for the less well cared for were, themselves, poorer, smaller, and less well fed…..yet they loved an America that offered promise and potential to produce what we have today.

3.And those less rewarded, earlier Americans….how did they feel about their nation?

“When word got around that the Japanese had attacked Pearl Harbor and destroyed our fleet, it really hit home,” Smith recalled. “Everybody was patriotic completely. A lot of fellows I knew headed to the enlistment stations and signed up for service. … It was quite a time.”
Veteran: Pearl Harbor attack sparked patriotism in America - The Citizen

4. I hope you are shocked when you see the description of the current well-off beneficiaries of the Americans who stormed the shores of Normandy:

…Millennials Ignorant Anti-Americans…” Millennials Are Far More Ignorant And Less Patriotic Than Boomers, Survey Finds | Investor's Business Daily

Schools produce hate-filled, uninformed so-called Americans.

Examples will follow.
Racist Republicans are the biggest threat to the country.

Instead of following the work of the founders, building an INCLUSIVE and DIVERSE America, Republicans want to reshape the country into a kind of elite that needs to be unquestioned and worshiped and white, and a suffering everyone else.

Look at what Conservative have done to Appalachia. They want that for the country.

You can't deny it. The evidence is white there for everyone to see.

You do you know when Republicans are lying? When they are talking.

But they don't always lie. You have to listen carefully to find a few very small nuggets of truth.



It's neither a secret nor a debate. We know who Republicans are and what they stand for. They tell us. It's the one time you can believe what they say.

The U.S.A Founding Fathers intended for the U.S.A to be a White nation, the Naturalization Act of 1790 is proof.

Thank you for mentioning racism is a problem. Doesn't mean we didn't liberate Europe and don't generally get it right as much as any nation.

Why is "Racism" the problem, when Balkanization "Diversity" causes war, massacres, and genocides all over the Globe?

You & your ilk are the problem, you promote ethnic tension & turmoil.

Liberate Europe?
Soviets liberated Europe, (Mostly) then the U.S.A helped Soviets take over most of Central-Europe as a "Prize" no?????
only infidels, protestants, and renegades cause that.
At the same time we are inculcating a hatred of America in American children we are importing millions of foreigners who love and are very patriotic about their own countries. Then we teach them to hate America too.

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