The not-so-veiled threat to non-Muslims in Tennessee

They violate the first amendment and would thus be unconstitutional. I've never advocated them. If both parties think saying something is wrong though they are welcome (with the full consent of both parties) to take it to a third party arbitrator for the creation of a legally binding ruling though.

you're full of about a two-faced answer....

lol, how is that a two faced answer? What about it do you have a problem with?

you can't legally make laws in America that are in conflict with the Constitution...

it's leftist quislings like you and the muslim activists you support who are eroding our country and our Constitution...:evil:
You see, any dumb fuck can copy and paste a cup of piss and drink heartily from it. It takes a certain degree of intelligence to fact check, analyze, deconstruct, and explain why it is a big cup of piss. The rubes find it is just easier to be a copy and paste retard.
Thank you for that fine, articulate, sophisticated analysis; some of the very best you have to offer us, quite probably.
They violate the first amendment and would thus be unconstitutional. I've never advocated them. If both parties think saying something is wrong though they are welcome (with the full consent of both parties) to take it to a third party arbitrator for the creation of a legally binding ruling though.

you're full of about a two-faced answer....

lol, how is that a two faced answer? What about it do you have a problem with?

Must come from a court to be legally binding.
you're full of about a two-faced answer....

lol, how is that a two faced answer? What about it do you have a problem with?

you can't legally make laws in America that are in conflict with the Constitution...

it's leftist quislings like you and the muslim activists you support who are eroding our country and our Constitution...:evil:

Nothing in my reply had anything to do with the construction of laws that violate the constitution. Try harder.
lol, how is that a two faced answer? What about it do you have a problem with?

Must come from a court to be legally binding.

Judge Judy is legally binding, and she isn't an official court. It becomes binding only if both parties agree beforehand to the arbitration process, and it can't apply to criminal cases.

Someone who refused to abide by such a ruling might be sued for breach of contract but the "ruling" itself is not legally binding.
Notice not one retard who drinks this piss never bothered to do the most basic of fact checking and reading the proclamation for themselves?

Just how retarded do you have to be to repeat a claim without doing even that simple thing? :confused::confused::confused:

Presidential Proclamation -- Thanksgiving Day, 2011 | The White House

As we gather in our communities and in our homes, around the table or near the hearth, we give thanks to each other and to God for the many kindnesses and comforts that grace our lives. Let us pause to recount the simple gifts that sustain us, and resolve to pay them forward in the year to come.

Two things here....

First, since the White House under Mao-bama has been caught scrubbing the White House website to rewrite history, you'll have to forgive me if I don't take this bullshit PRESS RELEASE as gospel. Do you have him on video giving this speech? If not, this means absolutely nothing. After all, we do have him on video proclaiming Americans are "bitterly clinging to religion". Otherwise, this is just a "I need to get re-elected" publicity stunt.

Second, for the purposes of moving this along, I'll just roll with this and call it legit. Ok, now what you? You officially "debunked" ONE of - what - 30? Wow! So I guess that 1 trumps all other 29, uh?

How about we start with the very first one on the list and work our way down? Do you care to attempt to debunk the "bitterly clinging" comment? How about the issues tied to healthcare? Or when he demanded Jesus's name be covered during a speech? I'm willing to have an open discussion if you are. After all, although you seem utterly obsessed with it, I have no desire to "drink the piss" g-string.
lol, how is that a two faced answer? What about it do you have a problem with?

you can't legally make laws in America that are in conflict with the Constitution...

it's leftist quislings like you and the muslim activists you support who are eroding our country and our Constitution...:evil:

Nothing in my reply had anything to do with the construction of laws that violate the constitution. Try harder.

you said......If both parties think saying something is wrong though they are welcome (with the full consent of both parties) to take it to a third party arbitrator for the creation of a legally binding ruling though.

if an American muslim was accused of blasphemy and could he be legally charged in America.....?

he can't......because we are free to blaspheme and criticize relgions in America....

yes....he could be kicked out of the club for not following the agreed-upon rules....
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I can't help but notice how many of the items on that list are Obama's stands against anti-homosexual bigotry.

A surprising (not really) number.

Obama is anti-Christian because he doesn't hate fags like a good Christian does. This is the basic argument.

How funny is it the retards are too stupid to know the Islamists opposes homosexuality as much, if not more so, than these "good" Christians do?

So to say Obama is coddling Muslims and hating Christians, and using protections for gays against discrimination as evidence of that claim is the height of hilarity. :lol:
[MENTION=31362]gallantwarrior[/MENTION] [MENTION=30955]Rottweiler[/MENTION]

Actually, what is the "height of hilarity" is that after 5 years, you still haven't figured out that Obama is obsessed with power and will do & say anything to retain it. Before re-election, his official position on gays was "I'm still evolving in my thoughts on this" (fucking hilarious - who doesn't know how they feel about a subject the very second you encounter it? More information later on may cause you to change, but you now how you feel at the moment). In Obama-speak, that's "Oh shit - I can't talk about this until after the election because if I'm HONEST to the American people about my positions on issues as I'm supposed to be, I may not get re-elected".

Watching your Obama worship is priceless. I have no doubt you would fellate him like a dog in heat if you had the opportunity. It's great you like the guy - but at some point, reality has to supersede an unhinged man-crush. The man has the most scandalous administration in U.S. history (fuck, he surpasses Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton combined!!!). And he's been caught lying more than Bill and Hillary Clinton combined (that's some unfathomable lying there considering the pathological liars those two are).

Notice not one retard who drinks this piss never bothered to do the most basic of fact checking and reading the proclamation for themselves?

Just how retarded do you have to be to repeat a claim without doing even that simple thing? :confused::confused::confused:

Presidential Proclamation -- Thanksgiving Day, 2011 | The White House

As we gather in our communities and in our homes, around the table or near the hearth, we give thanks to each other and to God for the many kindnesses and comforts that grace our lives. Let us pause to recount the simple gifts that sustain us, and resolve to pay them forward in the year to come.

Two things here....

First, since the White House under Mao-bama has been caught scrubbing the White House website to rewrite history, you'll have to forgive me if I don't take this bullshit PRESS RELEASE as gospel. Do you have him on video giving this speech? If not, this means absolutely nothing. After all, we do have him on video proclaiming Americans are "bitterly clinging to religion". Otherwise, this is just a "I need to get re-elected" publicity stunt.

Second, for the purposes of moving this along, I'll just roll with this and call it legit. Ok, now what you? You officially "debunked" ONE of - what - 30? Wow! So I guess that 1 trumps all other 29, uh?

How about we start with the very first one on the list and work our way down? Do you care to attempt to debunk the "bitterly clinging" comment? How about the issues tied to healthcare? Or when he demanded Jesus's name be covered during a speech? I'm willing to have an open discussion if you are. After all, although you seem utterly obsessed with it, I have no desire to "drink the piss" g-string.

Still pissing into the wind, Buttsoiler?

I told you this yesterday, complete with links and post numbers... that entire page has been debunked. The website itself has been debunked. The site's owner has been debunked. He was dumped by his own publisher for making shit up. The entire thing was pulled out of David Barton's ass. It's an ass that is prolific, this ass you're licking in your ignorance.

Are you a real idiot or do you just play one on the internets?
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Notice not one retard who drinks this piss never bothered to do the most basic of fact checking and reading the proclamation for themselves?

Just how retarded do you have to be to repeat a claim without doing even that simple thing? :confused::confused::confused:

Presidential Proclamation -- Thanksgiving Day, 2011 | The White House

As we gather in our communities and in our homes, around the table or near the hearth, we give thanks to each other and to God for the many kindnesses and comforts that grace our lives. Let us pause to recount the simple gifts that sustain us, and resolve to pay them forward in the year to come.

Two things here....

First, since the White House under Mao-bama has been caught scrubbing the White House website to rewrite history, you'll have to forgive me if I don't take this bullshit PRESS RELEASE as gospel. Do you have him on video giving this speech? If not, this means absolutely nothing. After all, we do have him on video proclaiming Americans are "bitterly clinging to religion". Otherwise, this is just a "I need to get re-elected" publicity stunt.

Second, for the purposes of moving this along, I'll just roll with this and call it legit. Ok, now what you? You officially "debunked" ONE of - what - 30? Wow! So I guess that 1 trumps all other 29, uh?

How about we start with the very first one on the list and work our way down? Do you care to attempt to debunk the "bitterly clinging" comment? How about the issues tied to healthcare? Or when he demanded Jesus's name be covered during a speech? I'm willing to have an open discussion if you are. After all, although you seem utterly obsessed with it, I have no desire to "drink the piss" g-string.

Still pissing into the wind, Buttsoiler?

I told you this yesterday, complete with links and post numbers... that entire page has been debunked. The website itself has been debunked. The site's owner has been debunked. He was dumped by his own publisher for making shit up. The entire thing was pulled out of David Barton's ass. It's an ass that is prolific, this ass you're licking in your ignorance.

Are you a real idiot or do you just play one on the internets?

Actually, David Barton's publisher's story about "dumping" him was COMPLETELY DEBUNKED. By I wouldn't expect you to be informed on this. After all, you're not informed on anything else.

(For those that don't know, the publisher removed more than 60% of Barton's citations PROVING he was accurate in his accounts. Without those citations, the left attacked the publisher and instead of standing their ground, they caved in a panic and just dumped the book). How embarassing that pogo once again exposes his complete and total ignornace on a topic he chooses to speak about.

David Barton tells more truth in any given 3 minute period than you and your libtard propagandists have in your entire miserable lives.
'Muslims and Muslim sympathizers'.....

How about Americans? :lol:
OK, how about American Muslims and American Muslim sympathizers? Better?

How about everyday average Americans, you represent a very tiny portion of Americans. :lol: ....., pipsqueak. :D
You tell 'em, tiger...
tongue_smile.gif slide, please.
The same way we would any other immigrant.

We should not allow any Islamic immigrants.

That is an Un-American attitude.
Let's just put a moratorium on ALL immigration for about 20 years to let things cool off...

Hell, at 330,000,000, we're pretty much full-up anyway, and can't take care of our own, and don't have enough jobs to go around...

Just close the doors and hang a 'No-Vacancy' sign on the Statue of Liberty until 2033 or so...

That'll take care of any latent Discrimination concerns...
Two things here....

First, since the White House under Mao-bama has been caught scrubbing the White House website to rewrite history, you'll have to forgive me if I don't take this bullshit PRESS RELEASE as gospel. Do you have him on video giving this speech? If not, this means absolutely nothing. After all, we do have him on video proclaiming Americans are "bitterly clinging to religion". Otherwise, this is just a "I need to get re-elected" publicity stunt.

Second, for the purposes of moving this along, I'll just roll with this and call it legit. Ok, now what you? You officially "debunked" ONE of - what - 30? Wow! So I guess that 1 trumps all other 29, uh?

How about we start with the very first one on the list and work our way down? Do you care to attempt to debunk the "bitterly clinging" comment? How about the issues tied to healthcare? Or when he demanded Jesus's name be covered during a speech? I'm willing to have an open discussion if you are. After all, although you seem utterly obsessed with it, I have no desire to "drink the piss" g-string.

Still pissing into the wind, Buttsoiler?

I told you this yesterday, complete with links and post numbers... that entire page has been debunked. The website itself has been debunked. The site's owner has been debunked. He was dumped by his own publisher for making shit up. The entire thing was pulled out of David Barton's ass. It's an ass that is prolific, this ass you're licking in your ignorance.

Are you a real idiot or do you just play one on the internets?

Actually, David Barton's publisher's story about "dumping" him was COMPLETELY DEBUNKED. By I wouldn't expect you to be informed on this. After all, you're not informed on anything else.

(For those that don't know, the publisher removed more than 60% of Barton's citations PROVING he was accurate in his accounts. Without those citations, the left attacked the publisher and instead of standing their ground, they caved in a panic and just dumped the book). How embarassing that pogo once again exposes his complete and total ignornace on a topic he chooses to speak about.

David Barton tells more truth in any given 3 minute period than you and your libtard propagandists have in your entire miserable lives.

--- maybe if you live in the confines of his ass...


Out here in the real world, not so much...

>> Barton argues that mainstream historians have it wrong, and that the founders really were all devout evangelical Christians who intended to found a Christian nation. In a move reminiscent of creationism, Barton essentially argues that mainstream historians are engaged in a cover up, but that he can give you the real story.

Well, Christian publisher Thomas Nelson has just discontinued publishing Barton’s latest book, The Jefferson Lies, amidst concerns about accuracy raised by conservative evangelical World Magazine. Yes you read that right – Barton is finally being called out by his own side. He’s just that sloppy! Basically, it’s simply becoming increasingly obvious to all that he lies, twists the truth, and makes up quotes. Because, well, that’s what he does.

... Believe it or not, Barton was called up as a historical expert at the most recent Texas State Board of Education social studies standards revision. Texas is very important in the textbook market with its large number of children, and its standards therefore exert a lot of control over the textbooks of the nation. And Barton had a very real influence on those standards.

But it’s even more than that. All of the leading Republican contenders for presidential nominee have cited Barton as a historical expert, and as someone who has had a lot of influence on their thinking. When Barton talks, Republican presidential candidates listen and believe. This would be less scary if Barton wasn’t calling the separation of church and state bullshit.

... As long as there is a substantial population that wants to believe our country was founded with the intent of having a Christian government and political system, or that our founding fathers were all identical to modern evangelicals, there will be an audience for books like The Jefferson Lies – and, relatedly, for organizations like Vision Forum which advocate returning to an imaginary idyllic Christian past. On some level, facts can only do so much. People like my parents will go on buying books like The Jefferson Lies. They believe it all, facts be damned, because they want to believe.
<< -- David Barton's The Jefferson Lies Pulled by Publisher

"returning to an idyllic past" through revisions of history, outright lies...... where did I see this movie before....?


Oh yeah. It was the prequel.

As I said...... debunked. Page, site and author. Complete bullshit.
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I don't get it, usually these conversations start out with riling up then it turns into an anti immigration discussion. So you guys are really just anti immigration of all people, so why not just admit it? Instead of these closet like discussions which have no meaning to them. If you're anti immigration you don't need to explain, own up to it. :lol:

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