The not-so-veiled threat to non-Muslims in Tennessee

so how do you propose to pick and choose the 'right kind' of Islamic immigrants.....?

The same way we would any other immigrant.

We should not allow any Islamic immigrants.

Setting aside for the moment that this is idiotic and un-Constitutional, how exactly do you propose this be accomplished? How would you determine if someone is an ‘Islamic immigrant’?

How they’re dressed?

Their name?

Where they come from?

Ask them?

The irony of this is you’re just as hateful and destructive as you accuse Muslims of being.
Still pissing into the wind, Buttsoiler?

I told you this yesterday, complete with links and post numbers... that entire page has been debunked. The website itself has been debunked. The site's owner has been debunked. He was dumped by his own publisher for making shit up. The entire thing was pulled out of David Barton's ass. It's an ass that is prolific, this ass you're licking in your ignorance.

Are you a real idiot or do you just play one on the internets?

Actually, David Barton's publisher's story about "dumping" him was COMPLETELY DEBUNKED. By I wouldn't expect you to be informed on this. After all, you're not informed on anything else.

(For those that don't know, the publisher removed more than 60% of Barton's citations PROVING he was accurate in his accounts. Without those citations, the left attacked the publisher and instead of standing their ground, they caved in a panic and just dumped the book). How embarassing that pogo once again exposes his complete and total ignornace on a topic he chooses to speak about.

David Barton tells more truth in any given 3 minute period than you and your libtard propagandists have in your entire miserable lives.

--- maybe if you live in the confines of his ass...


Out here in the real world, not so much...

>> Barton argues that mainstream historians have it wrong, and that the founders really were all devout evangelical Christians who intended to found a Christian nation. In a move reminiscent of creationism, Barton essentially argues that mainstream historians are engaged in a cover up, but that he can give you the real story.

Well, Christian publisher Thomas Nelson has just discontinued publishing Barton’s latest book, The Jefferson Lies, amidst concerns about accuracy raised by conservative evangelical World Magazine. Yes you read that right – Barton is finally being called out by his own side. He’s just that sloppy! Basically, it’s simply becoming increasingly obvious to all that he lies, twists the truth, and makes up quotes. Because, well, that’s what he does.

... Believe it or not, Barton was called up as a historical expert at the most recent Texas State Board of Education social studies standards revision. Texas is very important in the textbook market with its large number of children, and its standards therefore exert a lot of control over the textbooks of the nation. And Barton had a very real influence on those standards.

But it’s even more than that. All of the leading Republican contenders for presidential nominee have cited Barton as a historical expert, and as someone who has had a lot of influence on their thinking. When Barton talks, Republican presidential candidates listen and believe. This would be less scary if Barton wasn’t calling the separation of church and state bullshit.

... As long as there is a substantial population that wants to believe our country was founded with the intent of having a Christian government and political system, or that our founding fathers were all identical to modern evangelicals, there will be an audience for books like The Jefferson Lies – and, relatedly, for organizations like Vision Forum which advocate returning to an imaginary idyllic Christian past. On some level, facts can only do so much. People like my parents will go on buying books like The Jefferson Lies. They believe it all, facts be damned, because they want to believe.
<< -- David Barton's The Jefferson Lies Pulled by Publisher

"returning to an idyllic past" through revisions of history, outright lies...... where did I see this movie before....?


Oh yeah. It was the prequel.

As I said...... debunked. Page, site and author. Complete bullshit.

Did you seriously just submit a blog by a radical homosexual libtard as "proof"?!?!? LMAO!!!

You just debunked yourself you fucking buffoon. If there was a single person left who still took you serious, just ended it
Actually, David Barton's publisher's story about "dumping" him was COMPLETELY DEBUNKED. By I wouldn't expect you to be informed on this. After all, you're not informed on anything else.

(For those that don't know, the publisher removed more than 60% of Barton's citations PROVING he was accurate in his accounts. Without those citations, the left attacked the publisher and instead of standing their ground, they caved in a panic and just dumped the book). How embarassing that pogo once again exposes his complete and total ignornace on a topic he chooses to speak about.

David Barton tells more truth in any given 3 minute period than you and your libtard propagandists have in your entire miserable lives.

--- maybe if you live in the confines of his ass...


Out here in the real world, not so much...

>> Barton argues that mainstream historians have it wrong, and that the founders really were all devout evangelical Christians who intended to found a Christian nation. In a move reminiscent of creationism, Barton essentially argues that mainstream historians are engaged in a cover up, but that he can give you the real story.

Well, Christian publisher Thomas Nelson has just discontinued publishing Barton&#8217;s latest book, The Jefferson Lies, amidst concerns about accuracy raised by conservative evangelical World Magazine. Yes you read that right &#8211; Barton is finally being called out by his own side. He&#8217;s just that sloppy! Basically, it&#8217;s simply becoming increasingly obvious to all that he lies, twists the truth, and makes up quotes. Because, well, that&#8217;s what he does.

... Believe it or not, Barton was called up as a historical expert at the most recent Texas State Board of Education social studies standards revision. Texas is very important in the textbook market with its large number of children, and its standards therefore exert a lot of control over the textbooks of the nation. And Barton had a very real influence on those standards.

But it&#8217;s even more than that. All of the leading Republican contenders for presidential nominee have cited Barton as a historical expert, and as someone who has had a lot of influence on their thinking. When Barton talks, Republican presidential candidates listen and believe. This would be less scary if Barton wasn&#8217;t calling the separation of church and state bullshit.

... As long as there is a substantial population that wants to believe our country was founded with the intent of having a Christian government and political system, or that our founding fathers were all identical to modern evangelicals, there will be an audience for books like The Jefferson Lies &#8211; and, relatedly, for organizations like Vision Forum which advocate returning to an imaginary idyllic Christian past. On some level, facts can only do so much. People like my parents will go on buying books like The Jefferson Lies. They believe it all, facts be damned, because they want to believe.
<< -- David Barton's The Jefferson Lies Pulled by Publisher

"returning to an idyllic past" through revisions of history, outright lies...... where did I see this movie before....?


Oh yeah. It was the prequel.

As I said...... debunked. Page, site and author. Complete bullshit.

Did you seriously just submit a blog by a radical homosexual libtard as "proof"?!?!? LMAO!!!

You just debunked yourself you fucking buffoon. If there was a single person left who still took you serious, just ended it

Perhaps I should have included a link advertising a service for someone who could take on the task of teaching intellectual black holes like you to read, since its documentation links that you might have seen had you not had your head stuck in the toilet, tells the inconvenient truth.

As does this.
And this.
And this.
And this.
And this.
And this.
And this.
And this.
And this.

Some of these are redundant. That big word means you could have found some of these in the last link, the one you assessed as "homosexual".

Can't just pull history out of your ass, Buttsoiler.

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'Radical homosexual libtard' .....


So childish of you.

It's revealing, since neither the post nor Barton's book has anything to do with sex... :eusa_whistle:

Apparently cretins like this think writing in big bold crayon somehow makes their bullshit valid. Because when you want to be taken seriously, the thing to do is address your reader like a two-year-old.
The same way we would any other immigrant.

We should not allow any Islamic immigrants.

Setting aside for the moment that this is idiotic and un-Constitutional, how exactly do you propose this be accomplished? How would you determine if someone is an ‘Islamic immigrant’?

How they’re dressed?

Their name?

Where they come from?

Ask them?

The irony of this is you’re just as hateful and destructive as you accuse Muslims of being.

Mandatory background checks. Required to buy guns and should also be required to enter the country. Nothing unconstitutional about it if you wish to be allowed into our country you should meet our criteria or be turned away.
We should not allow any Islamic immigrants.

Setting aside for the moment that this is idiotic and un-Constitutional, how exactly do you propose this be accomplished? How would you determine if someone is an ‘Islamic immigrant’?

How they’re dressed?

Their name?

Where they come from?

Ask them?

The irony of this is you’re just as hateful and destructive as you accuse Muslims of being.

Mandatory background checks. Required to buy guns and should also be required to enter the country. Nothing unconstitutional about it if you wish to be allowed into our country you should meet our criteria or be turned away.

So you want mandatory background checks to establish if an immigrant is on an approved list of religions?

Setting aside for the moment that this is idiotic and un-Constitutional, how exactly do you propose this be accomplished? How would you determine if someone is an ‘Islamic immigrant’?

How they’re dressed?

Their name?

Where they come from?

Ask them?

The irony of this is you’re just as hateful and destructive as you accuse Muslims of being.

Mandatory background checks. Required to buy guns and should also be required to enter the country. Nothing unconstitutional about it if you wish to be allowed into our country you should meet our criteria or be turned away.

So you want mandatory background checks to establish if an immigrant is on an approved list of religions?


Nope, Islam is no more or less a religion than communism.
Mandatory background checks. Required to buy guns and should also be required to enter the country. Nothing unconstitutional about it if you wish to be allowed into our country you should meet our criteria or be turned away.

So you want mandatory background checks to establish if an immigrant is on an approved list of religions?


Nope, Islam is no more or less a religion than communism.

I'm afraid it is, but...
you want mandatory background checks to establish if an immigrant is on an approved list of political parties?

I can save you some time here: there's no way out of this... :eusa_whistle:
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So you want mandatory background checks to establish if an immigrant is on an approved list of religions?


Nope, Islam is no more or less a religion than communism.

I'm afraid it is, but...
you want mandatory background checks to establish if an immigrant is on an approved list of political parties?

I can save you some time here: there's no way out of this... :eusa_whistle:

Now you're being silly. There is no reason we cannot legally discriminate when it comes to entering the a country. We always have as have all other countries that I know of.
Nope, Islam is no more or less a religion than communism.

I'm afraid it is, but...
you want mandatory background checks to establish if an immigrant is on an approved list of political parties?

I can save you some time here: there's no way out of this... :eusa_whistle:

Now you're being silly. There is no reason we cannot legally discriminate when it comes to entering the a country. We always have as have all other countries that I know of.

Really? What country are you in then? We shouldn't assume...

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free -- unless you're entertaining thoughts our internet wags don't like, because we can't have free thought going on up in here."
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"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free:
"Offer expires when we become full-up".

And, with 330,000,000 living here, I'd say we've reached that point.

Time for an 'Immigration Intermission' of - oh, say, 20 years or so, to give it (and us) a rest.

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I'm afraid it is, but...
you want mandatory background checks to establish if an immigrant is on an approved list of political parties?

I can save you some time here: there's no way out of this... :eusa_whistle:

Now you're being silly. There is no reason we cannot legally discriminate when it comes to entering the a country. We always have as have all other countries that I know of.

Really? What country are you in then? We shouldn't assume...

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free -- unless you're entertaining thoughts our internet wags don't like, because we can't have free thought going on up in here."

If you were correct we would already be a 3rd world Spanish speaking country ruled by some generalissimo dictator.
"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free:
"Offer expires when we become full-up".

And, with 330,000,000 living here, I'd say we've reached that point.

Time for an 'Immigration Intermission' of - oh, say, 20 years or so, to give it (and us) a rest.


Take a long plane ride, look down and tell me how we're "full-up". That's absurd.

Anyway what he's saying is to screen immigrants on the basis of what religion they use. Sounds downright Talbanistic to me... :eusa_whistle:
Now you're being silly. There is no reason we cannot legally discriminate when it comes to entering the a country. We always have as have all other countries that I know of.

Really? What country are you in then? We shouldn't assume...

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free -- unless you're entertaining thoughts our internet wags don't like, because we can't have free thought going on up in here."

If you were correct we would already be a 3rd world Spanish speaking country ruled by some generalissimo dictator.


You live in Portugal?
Nope, Islam is no more or less a religion than communism.

I'm afraid it is, but...
you want mandatory background checks to establish if an immigrant is on an approved list of political parties?

I can save you some time here: there's no way out of this... :eusa_whistle:

Now you're being silly. There is no reason we cannot legally discriminate when it comes to entering the a country. We always have as have all other countries that I know of.
You advocate people be kept from entering the country based solely on their religion yet call someone else ‘silly’?

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