The not-so-veiled threat to non-Muslims in Tennessee

"...As an American I'm not sure I'm OK with your central idea here: "we cannot".
That's your right.

But one need look no further than the Unemployment Rate and the load placed upon all aspects of the social safety net and the deficit spending that props it up and the size of the national debt to know the truth of the matter.
Doc explain to us why it's well founded, because you appear to have the victim hood mentality which you need to cut loose.

If you need it explained, you haven't been paying attention to current events for the past several decades. Why would I want Muslims living near my children and grandchildren more than anyone else prone to bloody murder, rape, and child molestation" my in-laws had two innocent young women who went down with the WTC. Enough is more than enough.

No, you haven't been following the current events in the Middle East in the past decades, which is why I accused you having a victimhood mentality and besides that you are probably unsocial. I don't see how anyone could be that way without being unsocial.
Doc explain to us why it's well founded, because you appear to have the victim hood mentality which you need to cut loose.

If you need it explained, you haven't been paying attention to current events for the past several decades. Why would I want Muslims living near my children and grandchildren more than anyone else prone to bloody murder, rape, and child molestation" my in-laws had two innocent young women who went down with the WTC. Enough is more than enough.

No, you haven't been following the current events in the Middle East in the past decades, which is why I accused you having a victimhood mentality and besides that you are probably unsocial. I don't see how anyone could be that way without being unsocial.


you mean like the muslims who don't integrate into their host countries.....?
you mean like the muslims who hold "unsocial" protests that murder people...?
you mean like the TN meeting where the muslims brought along the Fed PC thugs....?
Hard to claim "well founded" when you admit going to the event and not going in to the meeting-- which means the only side you heard was the Pam Geller gadfly wackadoodility.

Really? Then just where were you during the meeting?
As I said previously the meeting took place outside the building as much as inside. In any case I was well aware of the issues and talking points before it ever took place. The building had seating for only 500 and standing room around the sides of the room were also filled (see your own video). I am disabled and unable to stand for any length of time. What was I supposed to do? Fiap my arms and hover in a corner? Again, if being inside was so important, just where the hell were you?
and it's quite obvious you are advocating a separate Islamic court system from our American court that undermines our Constitution.....Judge Judy and the Beth Din religious courts don't do that...

Except that I'm not. Third party arbitration isn't anything illegal or unconstitutional, or in any way un-American, nor would it in any way affect you unless you for whatever reason decided to willingly take part in it.

At this point you're simply making things up based on what I "believe" to fit some preconceived notion that you have of me for whatever reason.

It's fairly dishonest, and more than a little inaccurate. At no point in this entire thread have I suggested that the US should have blasphemy laws. Nor do i have any reason to want such laws.
Hard to claim "well founded" when you admit going to the event and not going in to the meeting-- which means the only side you heard was the Pam Geller gadfly wackadoodility.

Really? Then just where were you during the meeting?
As I said previously the meeting took place outside the building as much as inside. In any case I was well aware of the issues and talking points before it ever took place. The building had seating for only 500 and standing room around the sides of the room were also filled (see your own video). I am disabled and unable to stand for any length of time. What was I supposed to do? Fiap my arms and hover in a corner? Again, if being inside was so important, just where the hell were you?

That's exactly what I mean-- as far as you're concerned, what you wanted to hear went on outside; what went on inside was simply not what you wanted to hear because it didn't fit the preconceptions to which you've enslaved yourself. Ironically that was the whole reason for having the meeting in the first place.

Me, I didn't claim to be present at the meeting; what I did do is go find the video, post it here repeatedly, complete with a time index for those too lazy to watch and listen to the whole thing (which I also did). You on the other hand, even given all that, couldn't be bothered -- again for the same narrowminded reason above.

All of which tells us who's ready to seriously address the topic, and who isn't.
In the main, we are NOT a 'nation of immigrants'.

We are a 'nation of the descendants of immigrants'..


You fully admit you are in America because your forefathers immigrated into the country but you don't want immigrants in the country.

Jesus effing christ on a pair of lollypop sticks - what a cretinous post.

I fully admit that I am in America because my forefathers immigrated into the country.

When they came here, there were 31 States.

When they came here, the population was 23,000,000.

There was plenty of land still to be had.

That was 1850.

This is 2013.

There are 50 States.

We're all out of free land to give to newcomers.

Our population today is 330,000,000.

And that's not even counting the 12,000,000 to 20,000,000 lurking in the shadows at the moment.

We cannot employ or house or feed or care for those who are already here.

We don't need more mouths to feed.

Just because a country is built on immigration does not mean that it is obliged to keep its doors open forevermore.

Not unless it wants to turn into a Third World $hithole within a handful of generations.

Now THAT would be TRULY moronic and cretinous.

So would advocating for same.

And I'm not even suggesting that we discontinue Immigration.

Rather, I light-heartedly suggested that we may want to consider putting a freeze on Immigration - putting a Moratorium on it - for a couple of decades, in order to give our overstrained social safety net and the pocketbooks of those who pay for it a rest.

As I mentioned in my dealings with someone else who seems to have a vested interest in keeping the doors wide open, spitting in the face of logic...

Although I regret that you don't like my opinion, I suspect that I'll learn to live with that unfortunate state of affairs...

Our population density is pretty low.
Doc explain to us why it's well founded, because you appear to have the victim hood mentality which you need to cut loose.

If you need it explained, you haven't been paying attention to current events for the past several decades. Why would I want Muslims living near my children and grandchildren more than anyone else prone to bloody murder, rape, and child molestation" my in-laws had two innocent young women who went down with the WTC. Enough is more than enough.

No, you haven't been following the current events in the Middle East in the past decades, which is why I accused you having a victimhood mentality and besides that you are probably unsocial. I don't see how anyone could be that way without being unsocial.

I have no idea and little interest in what you consider a "victimhood mentality". Of course I'm unsocial. That's why I'm on this computer instead of off somewhere being sociable. Have they made being unsociable a crime?
If you need it explained, you haven't been paying attention to current events for the past several decades. Why would I want Muslims living near my children and grandchildren more than anyone else prone to bloody murder, rape, and child molestation" my in-laws had two innocent young women who went down with the WTC. Enough is more than enough.

No, you haven't been following the current events in the Middle East in the past decades, which is why I accused you having a victimhood mentality and besides that you are probably unsocial. I don't see how anyone could be that way without being unsocial.

I have no idea and little interest in what you consider a "victimhood mentality". Of course I'm unsocial. That's why I'm on this computer instead of off somewhere being sociable. Have they made being unsociable a crime?

Be unsocial all you want, as long as you don't get it's downfalls, such as understanding people. Interaction with people is necessary to keep you in a healthy state of mind. But it could be done without if you have the capability, you sound like you don't. Such as the way you speak of American Muslims, it sure sounds like you've never met one. And rely on events in the muslim world to shape your opinion. You don't want to learn, like Osomir demonstrated to you, it's that lazy attitude that leads to such conflicts between people's.
and it's quite obvious you are advocating a separate Islamic court system from our American court that undermines our Constitution.....Judge Judy and the Beth Din religious courts don't do that...

Except that I'm not. Third party arbitration isn't anything illegal or unconstitutional, or in any way un-American, nor would it in any way affect you unless you for whatever reason decided to willingly take part in it.

At this point you're simply making things up based on what I "believe" to fit some preconceived notion that you have of me for whatever reason.

It's fairly dishonest, and more than a little inaccurate. At no point in this entire thread have I suggested that the US should have blasphemy laws. Nor do i have any reason to want such laws.

that's a start...tell that to the Muslims at the UN who DO want to institute worldwide blasphemy laws...and to the US Muslims who agree with them...

i can't read your mind but your amenable attitude toward separate sharia courts points to a willingness to allow them to become established here in America....

if you care to investigate you can see how 'well' that's working out in immigrant complained it wasn't any better in Britain than the awful Islamic country she left...Muslims are not integrating...they have the goal to conquer non-Muslims....jihad is more than a guy with a gun...

Britain's Sharia Courts: "You Cannot Go Against What Islam Says" :: Gatestone Institute

here's the Chief 'Judge Judy Judge' :rolleyes: in Britain's Sharia Courts...
[ame=]UK Chief Sharia Court Judge plans Islamification of Britain - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Sharia courts conquer UK - YouTube[/ame]

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That's exactly what I mean-- as far as you're concerned, what you wanted to hear went on outside; what went on inside was simply not what you wanted to hear because it didn't fit the preconceptions to which you've enslaved yourself. Ironically that was the whole reason for having the meeting in the first place.

Last I heard a meeting is supposed to involve an exchange of ideas. I didn't expect the Muslims or government reps to say anything I hadn't already heard and thought about nor do I think I was wrong in that expectation. I was there to be heard more than I was there to listen to what had already been said before.

[I]Me, I didn't claim to be present at the meeting; what I did do is go find the video, post it here repeatedly, complete with a time index for those too lazy to watch and listen to the whole thing (which I also did). You on the other hand, even given all that, couldn't be bothered -- again for the same narrowminded reason above.All of which tells us who's ready to seriously address the topic, and who isn't. [/I]

I love the way you make stuff up to fill in the (vast) gaps in your knowledge. I saw the video. I saw all the video. I had seen most or all of it before this thread ever started. It held nothing surprising or especially interesting. I also 2 or 3 other videos that were more interesting. You have shown no interest in listening to anything other than one side of the issues so, yes, we do know who is too narrow-minded to be ready to seriously address the topic. That would be you.
No, you haven't been following the current events in the Middle East in the past decades, which is why I accused you having a victimhood mentality and besides that you are probably unsocial. I don't see how anyone could be that way without being unsocial.

I have no idea and little interest in what you consider a "victimhood mentality". Of course I'm unsocial. That's why I'm on this computer instead of off somewhere being sociable. Have they made being unsociable a crime?

Be unsocial all you want, as long as you don't get it's downfalls, such as understanding people. Interaction with people is necessary to keep you in a healthy state of mind. But it could be done without if you have the capability, you sound like you don't. Such as the way you speak of American Muslims, it sure sounds like you've never met one. And rely on events in the muslim world to shape your opinion. You don't want to learn, like Osomir demonstrated to you, it's that lazy attitude that leads to such conflicts between people's.

Wonderful. So suddenly you're a shrink who knows everything about me from a few posts on a web page. I suspect I know far more about people than you do. Why else do you think I'm unsociable? I do not wish to meet any Muslim. They tend to blow up. I don't like being blown up.
LOL, at you trolling us now or are you really a degenerate mental nutcase? Okay, you've been officially dismissed since you're really a troll far from reality.

It's either you just hate Muslims and brown people unlike you or you really are that stupid.
"...That is perhaps an even MORE Un-American attitude."
Not at all.

There is no place in our Charter Documents nor Laws nor Culture nor Traditions which mandates that we continue to accept new immigrants forevermore; especially once we've become full-up and can't even tend to our own properly, nevermind newcomers.

In the main, we are NOT a 'nation of immigrants'.

We are a 'nation of the descendants of immigrants'.

There are no longer any vast unsettled lands to the West to conquer and warehouse people, nor transcontinental railroads nor cities to build, and we can't even provide healthcare and jobs for our own people, so advocating that we give it a rest and conserve our resources for ourselves is by no means 'un-American'..

Are you going to repeat this nonsense about having no need for labor now that the Transcontinental Railroad is finished? It was stupid the first time you trotted it out and it hasn't gotten any better since.

YOU clearly do not understand the principles and ideals of America, which is fundamentally what distinguishes America from other countries. So, in effect, you are not an American yourself. You are just living here.
And, with 330,000,000 living here, I'd say we've reached that point.

We are nowhere near "full up." That's stupid, ignorant, and again Un-American.
That is neither stupid nor ignorant nor un-AMerican, despite your protestations to the contrary.

We cannot employ and care for those already here.

That tells me we're overloaded... beyond capacity... full-up.

You can gainsay logic all you like but it's still illogical.

It seems you don't understand the first thing about logic, just as you don't understand the first thing about America. We are one of the least "overloaded" countries in the world. We are nowhere near "full-up." Employment has never been and will never be 100%. If you study economics you'll understand that we don't really want it to be. However, unemployment would be a hell of a lot lower if the government didn't keep fucking up what should be its rather limited job.
"...That is perhaps an even MORE Un-American attitude."
Not at all.

There is no place in our Charter Documents nor Laws nor Culture nor Traditions which mandates that we continue to accept new immigrants forevermore; especially once we've become full-up and can't even tend to our own properly, nevermind newcomers.

In the main, we are NOT a 'nation of immigrants'.

We are a 'nation of the descendants of immigrants'.

There are no longer any vast unsettled lands to the West to conquer and warehouse people, nor transcontinental railroads nor cities to build, and we can't even provide healthcare and jobs for our own people, so advocating that we give it a rest and conserve our resources for ourselves is by no means 'un-American'..

Are you going to repeat this nonsense about having no need for labor now that the Transcontinental Railroad is finished? It was stupid the first time you trotted it out and it hasn't gotten any better since.

YOU clearly do not understand the principles and ideals of America, which is fundamentally what distinguishes America from other countries. So, in effect, you are not an American yourself. You are just living here.

are you an American?....where in the Constitution does it say we must import illegals and anti-Americans....and support them....?

we are an open country BUT we have (& have had them for years and years) immigration laws.....with requirements.....with set quotas....and the quotas and requirements can be changed...
Not at all.

There is no place in our Charter Documents nor Laws nor Culture nor Traditions which mandates that we continue to accept new immigrants forevermore; especially once we've become full-up and can't even tend to our own properly, nevermind newcomers.

In the main, we are NOT a 'nation of immigrants'.

We are a 'nation of the descendants of immigrants'.

There are no longer any vast unsettled lands to the West to conquer and warehouse people, nor transcontinental railroads nor cities to build, and we can't even provide healthcare and jobs for our own people, so advocating that we give it a rest and conserve our resources for ourselves is by no means 'un-American'..

Are you going to repeat this nonsense about having no need for labor now that the Transcontinental Railroad is finished? It was stupid the first time you trotted it out and it hasn't gotten any better since.

YOU clearly do not understand the principles and ideals of America, which is fundamentally what distinguishes America from other countries. So, in effect, you are not an American yourself. You are just living here.

are you an American?....where in the Constitution does it say we must import illegals and anti-Americans....and support them....?

we are an open country BUT we have (& have had them for years and years) immigration laws.....with requirements.....with set quotas....and the quotas and requirements can be changed...

I didn't say your stupid attitude was unconstitutional, I said it was Un-American, and it is. Poor attempt at deflection there, champ.
Are you going to repeat this nonsense about having no need for labor now that the Transcontinental Railroad is finished? It was stupid the first time you trotted it out and it hasn't gotten any better since.

YOU clearly do not understand the principles and ideals of America, which is fundamentally what distinguishes America from other countries. So, in effect, you are not an American yourself. You are just living here.

are you an American?....where in the Constitution does it say we must import illegals and anti-Americans....and support them....?

we are an open country BUT we have (& have had them for years and years) immigration laws.....with requirements.....with set quotas....and the quotas and requirements can be changed...

I didn't say your stupid attitude was unconstitutional, I said it was Un-American, and it is. Poor attempt at deflection there, champ.

oh i're trying to shame us into destroying our country....:eusa_hand:
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are you an American?....where in the Constitution does it say we must import illegals and anti-Americans....and support them....?

we are an open country BUT we have (& have had them for years and years) immigration laws.....with requirements.....with set quotas....and the quotas and requirements can be changed...

I didn't say your stupid attitude was unconstitutional, I said it was Un-American, and it is. Poor attempt at deflection there, champ.

oh i you're trying to shame us into destroying our country....:eusa_hand:

I'm not talking to an "us," I'm talking to a "you," douchebag. The illogical nonsense you just posted only further suggests you don't understand America at all. Maybe it's time for you to GTFO.

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