The not-so-veiled threat to non-Muslims in Tennessee

maybe you didn't quite "say" that.....but you insinuate that we should open our borders to more and more immigrants....all in the name of 'being American'.......even though it is obvious that these immigrants are creating big problems for us....even to the point of threatening our American way of life......

I don't "insinuate" anything. I say what I mean. LEGAL immigrants are most certainly NOT "threatening our American way of life," you un-American fool.

many legal muslim immigrants are....

many legal mexican immigrants are...

How many? How many as a ratio of those who are here LEGALLY and NOT threatening anything? How many as a ratio of those who are here ILLEGALLY and are "threatening our (and I don't think YOU deserve to be included in this "our" btw) way of life"? And what exactly is your definition of said threatening?

There is a BIG difference between recognizing that the FBI fucked up by not keeping an eye on some asshole after Russian intelligence told them he might be trouble, and ending all immigration to the United States. If you had more than just that one brain cell you'd understand that.
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maybe you didn't quite "say" that.....but you insinuate that we should open our borders to more and more immigrants....all in the name of 'being American'.......even though it is obvious that these immigrants are creating big problems for us....even to the point of threatening our American way of life......

I don't "insinuate" anything. I say what I mean. LEGAL immigrants are most certainly NOT "threatening our American way of life," you un-American fool.

many legal muslim immigrants are....

many legal mexican immigrants are...

Bullshit. I invited comment on it over and over and got nothing. Now you're whining "did too". So where are your examples of what you've been complaining about?

Bullshit back attcha. You don't listen well nor are you in the least willing to discuss anything other than your preconceived fantasy facts. You are the one that seemed to think the video was some kind of proof of something important; not I. You have pointed out that the locals were somewhat less that perfectly polite at some points and I have agreed but noted that I felt that their actions and manner were exactly what was called for.
I keep saying the same thing, and you keep confirming: you were there for a monologue, not a dialogue. You wanted to bellow, not hear.

And just what part of "you are correct" are you having trouble understanding? We had heard (or read) the lecture before and we had not come there to be lied to, threatened, or slandered without response.
We intended to be heard and it appears that we were. Good.

Obviously we don't have a dispute on the second point; you fully admit your ears are closed. You admit your guilt, and that's good.

On point one: the video isn't there as "proof" of something that happened; rather, it's proof of what didn't, which is dialogue. An audience that I'd have to say was there to hear, but the whole thing was disrupted by cretins like you determined to shout down the dialogue and sabotage the entire ideal of free speech, lest their Geller Gadfly fantasy be challenged by actual fact.

So it's settled. You admit to being a shithead; I'm not going to take issue with that.

While I am truly honored to be named "shithead" by a person of your caliber I must confess that I must share that honor with the government reps and Muslim speakers in attendance who neither wanted, nor intended to allow, a dialogue.

.... and that right there ^^ was the purpose of posting the video. You were supposed to show at what point anything remotely resembling this occurred. And you can't. Because it's bullshit and you know it.

Case dismissed.
I don't "insinuate" anything. I say what I mean. LEGAL immigrants are most certainly NOT "threatening our American way of life," you un-American fool.

many legal muslim immigrants are....

many legal mexican immigrants are...

How many? How many as a ratio of those who are here LEGALLY and NOT threatening anything? How many as a ratio of those who are here ILLEGALLY and are "threatening our (and I don't think YOU deserve to be included in this "our" btw) way of life"? And what exactly is your definition of said threatening?

There is a BIG difference between recognizing that the FBI fucked up by not keeping an eye on some asshole after Russian intelligence told them he might be trouble, and ending all immigration to the United States. If you had more than just that one brain cell you'd understand that.

How many? Too many.
there is absolutely no reason to import (even legally) people who wind up killing us...
remember...."if we can save just one child..."

we are already talking about the muslim threat in this thread....not only are they taking steps to destroy our First Amendment but they are out to spread anti-American Islam in America....have you taken a look at Europe lately....?

i know you think Ft. Hood was "workplace violence" but the rest of us know it was jihad....13 soldiers were killed by the son of Palestinian smart choice there...and BO now wants to import Syrians....:eusa_hand: Since 2010 various immigrants have committed over a dozen mass murders....they should be committing NO crime at all...yet our prisons are full of them for lesser crimes...

if you haven't noticed... the mexicans want to rip off the southwest part of our country...they want a Reconquista and they too aren't interested in assimilating....many don't even bother to learn English...the gang violence in Mexico (and creeping across our border) is horrific...Mexico is a violent nasty backward Third World country...why should we import their problems...?

both mexicans and muslims receive so much welfare aid, food stamps, free medical, school, prison costs, etc. that they are bankrupting our country.....we all are paying heavy dues just to buy the lousy Democrats more votes...

Third World immigrants bring in little assets to this country....most are unskilled.....but they do bring in Third World attitudes and problems and diseases and needs they place upon our already overburdened society...
many legal muslim immigrants are....

many legal mexican immigrants are...


Sshh. Don't say "how". He'll be pissing and moaning about the Indians. :eusa_shhh:


Obviously we don't have a dispute on the second point; you fully admit your ears are closed. You admit your guilt, and that's good.

On point one: the video isn't there as "proof" of something that happened; rather, it's proof of what didn't, which is dialogue. An audience that I'd have to say was there to hear, but the whole thing was disrupted by cretins like you determined to shout down the dialogue and sabotage the entire ideal of free speech, lest their Geller Gadfly fantasy be challenged by actual fact.

So it's settled. You admit to being a shithead; I'm not going to take issue with that.

While I am truly honored to be named "shithead" by a person of your caliber I must confess that I must share that honor with the government reps and Muslim speakers in attendance who neither wanted, nor intended to allow, a dialogue.

.... and that right there ^^ was the purpose of posting the video. You were supposed to show at what point anything remotely resembling this occurred. And you can't. Because it's bullshit and you know it.

Case dismissed.

Better yet, please feel free to point out anything that would support your idea that they were open to a discourse? I would dismiss your case but you didn't have one to begin with.
While I am truly honored to be named "shithead" by a person of your caliber I must confess that I must share that honor with the government reps and Muslim speakers in attendance who neither wanted, nor intended to allow, a dialogue.

.... and that right there ^^ was the purpose of posting the video. You were supposed to show at what point anything remotely resembling this occurred. And you can't. Because it's bullshit and you know it.

Case dismissed.

Better yet, please feel free to point out anything that would support your idea that they were open to a discourse? I would dismiss your case but you didn't have one to begin with.

I did that way back here, four hundred and seventy posts ago. And you were here.

Go ahead, continue to pretend it's not there... :lalala:
many legal muslim immigrants are....

many legal mexican immigrants are...

How many? How many as a ratio of those who are here LEGALLY and NOT threatening anything? How many as a ratio of those who are here ILLEGALLY and are "threatening our (and I don't think YOU deserve to be included in this "our" btw) way of life"? And what exactly is your definition of said threatening?

There is a BIG difference between recognizing that the FBI fucked up by not keeping an eye on some asshole after Russian intelligence told them he might be trouble, and ending all immigration to the United States. If you had more than just that one brain cell you'd understand that.

How many? Too many....

I asked you a specific question. Give me a specific answer or shut the fuck up.
if you haven't noticed... the mexicans want to rip off the southwest part of our country...they want a Reconquista and they too aren't interested in assimilating....many don't even bother to learn English......

Which Mexicans? More importantly, how many LEGAL Mexican immigrants fit the description above? Attention: This is a specific question. "Too many" is not a valid answer. If you can't answer (and we both know you can't) then shut the fuck up, you ignorant turd.
both mexicans and muslims receive so much welfare aid, food stamps, free medical, school, prison costs, etc. ...

"So much"? How much is received by LEGAL Mexican and Muslim immigrants? And since, in your vast, un-American stupidity you want to prohibit ALL LEGAL immigration, how is received by immigrants from every other country? How much is received by natural-born US citizens? Are you starting to get the point yet, idiot?
.... and that right there ^^ was the purpose of posting the video. You were supposed to show at what point anything remotely resembling this occurred. And you can't. Because it's bullshit and you know it.

Case dismissed.

Better yet, please feel free to point out anything that would support your idea that they were open to a discourse? I would dismiss your case but you didn't have one to begin with.

I did that way back here, four hundred and seventy posts ago. And you were here.

Go ahead, continue to pretend it's not there... :lalala:

You have yet to provide evidence or support for your claim that there was any desire for a dialogue. Begging the question won't get it. You are simply proving yourself full of fantasies and hot air.
Unkotare- You are waay off topic and being deliberately dumb (I hope). Obviously if no immigrants are allowed then no money is wasted on them. So called illegal immigrants are in fact foreign criminals and no responsibility of the US taxpayer.
Better yet, please feel free to point out anything that would support your idea that they were open to a discourse? I would dismiss your case but you didn't have one to begin with.

I did that way back here, four hundred and seventy posts ago. And you were here.

Go ahead, continue to pretend it's not there... :lalala:

You have yet to provide evidence or support for your claim that there was any desire for a dialogue. Begging the question won't get it. You are simply proving yourself full of fantasies and hot air.

Yeah I "have yet" -- five days ago, post 43:

13:50 Sabina Mohyuddin presentation (where she asks how many Tennesseans are in the audience)

34:05 Q&A and commentary on decorum

36:35 FBI guy takes question on "intimidating my right of free speech"

38:40 US Attorney takes question on "on what authority are you here"

Five days ago, when this thread opened.
Face it. You're ignorant and proud of it. Deny it's sitting there all you want. It only makes you look more and more obtuse.
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I did that way back here, four hundred and seventy posts ago. And you were here.

Go ahead, continue to pretend it's not there... :lalala:

You have yet to provide evidence or support for your claim that there was any desire for a dialogue. Begging the question won't get it. You are simply proving yourself full of fantasies and hot air.

Yeah I "have yet" -- five days ago, post 43:

13:50 Sabina Mohyuddin presentation (where she asks how many Tennesseans are in the audience)

34:05 Q&A and commentary on decorum

36:35 FBI guy takes question on "intimidating my right of free speech"

38:40 US Attorney takes question on "on what authority are you here"

Five days ago, when this thread opened.
Face it. You're ignorant and proud of it. Deny it's sitting there all you want. It only makes you look more and more obtuse.

Answering two (pre-selected)questions by government reps. is a long way "discourse". And the Muslim speakers did not take any. That just adds support to my argument; not yours.
You have yet to provide evidence or support for your claim that there was any desire for a dialogue. Begging the question won't get it. You are simply proving yourself full of fantasies and hot air.

Yeah I "have yet" -- five days ago, post 43:

13:50 Sabina Mohyuddin presentation (where she asks how many Tennesseans are in the audience)

34:05 Q&A and commentary on decorum

36:35 FBI guy takes question on "intimidating my right of free speech"

38:40 US Attorney takes question on "on what authority are you here"

Five days ago, when this thread opened.
Face it. You're ignorant and proud of it. Deny it's sitting there all you want. It only makes you look more and more obtuse.

Answering two (pre-selected)questions by government reps. is a long way "discourse". And the Muslim speakers did not take any. That just adds support to my argument; not yours.

A "long way discourse" indeed.

A discourse is two (or more) voices interacting. In order to have two or more you must start with one, which is what the meeting was intended to do. Yet that discourse can be seen being prevented by the instigators in the audience shouting everything down. You can see that by putting the cursor at literally any point in the video.

That was your assignment: to find me places where discourse was even allowed. And you failed. It was an impossible task anyway. And that's the point; the rabble rousers made an absolute mockery of the community and American ideals.

So be proud.
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How many? How many as a ratio of those who are here LEGALLY and NOT threatening anything? How many as a ratio of those who are here ILLEGALLY and are "threatening our (and I don't think YOU deserve to be included in this "our" btw) way of life"? And what exactly is your definition of said threatening?

There is a BIG difference between recognizing that the FBI fucked up by not keeping an eye on some asshole after Russian intelligence told them he might be trouble, and ending all immigration to the United States. If you had more than just that one brain cell you'd understand that.

How many? Too many....

I asked you a specific question. Give me a specific answer or shut the fuck up.

do your own fucking research to support your own specific arguments...

imo ONE immigrant threatening or killing Americans is fucking one too many....yet we've had a dozen mass murders since 2010 committed by immigrants legal and illegal...and this isn't even counting all the other crimes....our jails are full of them...

here's some illegal immigration facts...and you libs want amnesty for them....:cuckoo:
10-20 million illegal aliens presently roam the U.S. The number of illegal aliens doubled in the 1990's.

Each year more than 1.3 million legal and illegal aliens settle permanently in the U.S.

For every 100 illegal aliens who find jobs in the U.S., 65 American workers are displaced.

Each year, more than 72,000 aliens are arrested for drug offenses in the U.S.

Illegal aliens constitute over 25% of the federal prison population. Think about that for a moment. This means that a group which comprises less than 5% of the population is committing 25% percent of the crime.

In some areas of the country, up to 12 % of felonies, 25% of burglaries and 34% of thefts are committed by illegal aliens.

In Los Angeles alone, 95% of all outstanding warrants for homicide (which total approximately 1,200-1,500) target illegal aliens. Up to 2/3 of all fugitive felony warrants (approximately 17,000) are for illegal aliens.

In Lake County, Illinois 1/2 of the murderers and 21.5% of all criminals now in jail are illegal aliens, costing the county an annualized rate of $4,056, 945.

Approximately 400,000 illegal aliens who have committed crimes and have been given a deportation order are at large in the U.S. and their whereabouts unknown.

In fiscal year 1999, expenses for incarcerating illegal aliens in state & local jails in Pennsylvania alone cost taxpayers $13.3 million. It has been established that the nationwide costs to states and localities for housing illegal criminal aliens is about $2 billion per year.

Illegal Immigration Facts
both mexicans and muslims receive so much welfare aid, food stamps, free medical, school, prison costs, etc. ...

"So much"? How much is received by LEGAL Mexican and Muslim immigrants? And since, in your vast, un-American stupidity you want to prohibit ALL LEGAL immigration, how is received by immigrants from every other country? How much is received by natural-born US citizens? Are you starting to get the point yet, idiot?

hey's the facts to support MY point....whree are your facts to support yours....?

Thirteen years after welfare reform, the share of immigrant-headed households (legal and illegal) with a child (under age 18) using at least one welfare program continues to be very high. This is partly due to the large share of immigrants with low levels of education and their resulting low incomes — not their legal status or an unwillingness to work. The major welfare programs examined in this report include cash assistance, food assistance, Medicaid, and public and subsidized housing.

Among the findings:

•In 2009 (based on data collected in 2010), 57 percent of households headed by an immigrant (legal and illegal) with children (under 18) used at least one welfare program, compared to 39 percent for native households with children.

Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children | Center for Immigration Studies
if you haven't noticed... the mexicans want to rip off the southwest part of our country...they want a Reconquista and they too aren't interested in assimilating....many don't even bother to learn English......

Which Mexicans? More importantly, how many LEGAL Mexican immigrants fit the description above? Attention: This is a specific question. "Too many" is not a valid answer. If you can't answer (and we both know you can't) then shut the fuck up, you ignorant turd.

which Mexicans....? the legal ones that spend time and money to come here plus all their illegal relatives...

"The exploding illegal immigrant population is in large measure a consequence of the exploding legal immigrant population. Each year about one million people from abroad obtain legal resident status. But with each person who comes here, family and relatives in the country of origin have a greater motive to come here, too, and by any means necessary. In turn, once the illegal population balloons to a certain size, political pressure to legalize their status grows. The simultaneous rises in the legal and illegal immigrant populations, and the measures taken over the years to normalize the status of the latter, has led to a severe compromising of the integrity of both law and law enforcement.

Mexico is of particular concern here. For one thing, there is the size of that country's illegal population to consider, which the 2000 Census estimated to be 3.8 million, or 45 percent of the total. Second, Mexicans over time have accounted for a progressively larger share of the nation's foreign-born population. Whereas in 1970 only 7.9 percent of the existing immigrant population had come from Mexico, that figure had increased to 27.7 percent in 2000. Third, Mexicans, whether here legally or not, exhibit relatively high levels of poverty, welfare dependency, and crime, and low levels of education and English-language proficiency, compared to newcomers from other nations and to the native-born U.S. population. Finally, and what most concerns us here, Mexicans in this country increasingly have been attracted to an aggressive political separatism whose avowed aim is a reconquista ("reconquest") of the southwest portion of the United States, a goal promoted, and subsidized, by the Mexican government.

Surveys reveal that the majority of the American public has grown concerned, even alarmed, by this turn of events, and wants action to reduce illegal and legal immigration. That both kinds have been mutually reinforcing seems lost on most political leaders in this country. Though the Immigration and Naturalization Service (and its three successor agencies, all housed under the Department of Homeland Security)(3) in recent years has taken stronger measures to enforce our Mexican border, including beefing up U.S. Border Patrol strength, the growth of the illegal population shows few signs of abatement. Frustrated, many public officials have come to believe that since our nation is unable to control the influx of unauthorized immigrants from Mexico, we should pursue a dual strategy of granting amnesty to those already here and discouraging future illegal immigration. In this way, we can normalize a potential volatile situation. It is a seductive but dangerous strategy.

The Social Contract - La Reconquista -- Amnesty's Elephant in the Living Room

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