The not-so-veiled threat to non-Muslims in Tennessee

Oh? Is that what "do your own research" means, asshole? You are truly an idiot.

if you have something of note to say.....present it and stop asking others to provide data to support YOUR assertions...

YOU made the statement, idiot. YOU backup your OWN position or shut the fuck up, you un-American piece of crap.

i already did shitbag...

and why do you keep insisting on calling me un-American....?
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Definition of TERRORISM
: the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion
"Especially", but NOT EXCLUSIVELY.

"...This coercion is ... where again?"


We are talking about systematic use of terror as a tool of religious-political proxy-revenge for past events rather than a systematic use of terror to coerce something in the present.

But systematic use of terror as a tool of religious-political proxy-revenge for past events also qualifies as terrorism.

"Especially", but NOT EXCLUSIVELY.

Your Honor, the Defense rests.

No. It doesn't. There's no message if the receivers of the message don't even know what it is. Terrorism is a lawless method of coercion to make some political point. If no point has been received, i.e. if you have to contrive what that point even is, then you are fabricating a point that did not heretofore exist.

Suppose you find that your employee has been stealing from you. He doesn't know you know. So then you go find his car downtown and while he's away, bash his windows. He comes back to the car, sees his windows broken, but has no idea who or why. How was any message conveyed? It wasn't, and your act fails at any definition of coercion. It amounts to nothing more than random vandalism as far as the victim.

This line of specious reasoning is nothing more than a transparent attempt to demonize the despised group of the moment. If it were consistent, we'd have a long history of "Christian terrorism". And that case would be far easier to make.

Not selling.
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I call you un-American because you ARE, screaming DUCK.

looks to me like somebody else here is screaming his brains out (what little exists) ......:rolleyes:

btw....can you support your position or are you going to ask me to do it.....?
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Hardly, Godwin. Denying a documented history isn't quiiiiiiiiiiiiiite the same thing as denying a harebrained hair-on-fire bigotry theory that gives no basis for itself, posted by an internet wag with no history of credibility but a long history of pre-existing bigotry.

Denying the terrorist attack in Boston is on the same level as denying the Holocaust. You deny established fact because of your political agenda.

Juuuuuust a subtle bit of difference. Maybe so subtle it's over your head.

Again, you differ in no way at all from Holocaust deniers.

{ “This is a new element of terrorism that we have to face in our country,” Mr. Rubio said. “We need to be prepared for Boston-type attacks, not just 9/11-type attacks.”

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev admitted to playing a role in the marathon bombings, which killed three people and wounded more than 260, and told federal agents that he and his brother were motivated by extremist Islamic beliefs, when he was interviewed Sunday at the hospital, law enforcement officials said. }

The facts are the facts - but because of your agenda - you lie about the most basic facts. You demean the victims due to your political position.

"...Not selling."
Repeat after me, Pogo: "Yeah, yeah, yeah...OK, Kondor... ya got me on that one, come to think of it; point conceded."

There... now... don't you feel better?
Hardly, Godwin. Denying a documented history isn't quiiiiiiiiiiiiiite the same thing as denying a harebrained hair-on-fire bigotry theory that gives no basis for itself, posted by an internet wag with no history of credibility but a long history of pre-existing bigotry.

Denying the terrorist attack in Boston is on the same level as denying the Holocaust. You deny established fact because of your political agenda.

Wrong again Sparky. The Holocaust is a real event. It's got witnesses, photos, records, the whole shebang. Your assessment of Boston as "terrorism" is opinion, and a particularly uninformed one. Historical holocaust isn't opinion and isn't agenda, but your mischaracterization of Boston for the purpose of demonization, is both.

{ “This is a new element of terrorism that we have to face in our country,” Mr. Rubio said. “We need to be prepared for Boston-type attacks, not just 9/11-type attacks.”

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev admitted to playing a role in the marathon bombings, which killed three people and wounded more than 260, and told federal agents that he and his brother were motivated by extremist Islamic beliefs, when he was interviewed Sunday at the hospital, law enforcement officials said. }

The facts are the facts - but because of your agenda - you lie about the most basic facts. You demean the victims due to your political position.


"Motivated by extremist Islamic beliefs" is still irrelevant. There's no point in their act. Without a point, you don't have terrorism, because nobody knows what to be terrified about (duh). You have random violence. Random violence is not terrorism, because terrorism is not random. Use your head.

Hard to believe you think an emotional-pander speech by a politician makes your point. I guess the thinking is "Rubio said so, therefore it must be true". As noted before, not thinking real deep.
"Motivated by extremist Islamic beliefs" is still irrelevant. There's no point in their act. Without a point, you don't have terrorism, because nobody knows what to be terrified about (duh). You have random violence. Random violence is not terrorism, because terrorism is not random. Use your head

so if we have another 9-11 style will not be considered "terrorism" if the perpetrators don't yell ahu akbar or convey some type of 'point' or message.....?

what if the Islamists decide to make all their attacks appear random....? are you going to think they are not terrorists....?

Somebody's not reading real deeply I see.

Once again --- Where's the message??

When planes flew into the WTC, we knew immediately what the message was.

No we didn't. CNN was speculating that it was "right wing terrorists." No one knew what the "message" was. There was NEVER an official pronouncement - Osama bin Laden DENIED involvement.

You are full of shit, Pogo.

When a guy walked into a church and shot Doctor Tiller point blank, we knew immediately what the motivation was.

You fail on every level. The assassination of Tiller was not terrorism, doofus. There was no random slaughter of innocents, no innocents were targeted or harmed at all.

Your agenda has you so fucked in the brain that you spew nonsense. The murder of Tiller had nothing to do with terrorism - it was a straight up assassination.

When a van in front of a federal building blew up that building, the symbolism was readily evident. Terrorism messages are anything BUT subtle and do not have to be figured out or stretched. They do not require time to analyze and figure out, "well, maybe the message was X". It's not a message "in theory" -- it's blatantly obvious.

The fuck it was.

No one knew who did it or why for days. That a couple of JOOOOOO haters using an Al Qaeda bomb were behind it wasn't on anyone's radar.

So where the hell is a message in an act of random violence involving no symbolic targets at all? Where is it?

{Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Note Found in Boat: "When You Attack One Muslim, You Attack All Muslims"}

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Note Found in Boat: "When You Attack One Muslim, You Attack All Muslims" - The Hollywood Gossip

Right there, you mindless fucktard.

You are no different than the rest of the Holocaust deniers - you're full of shit, you deny reality, and build a fantasy that has no relation to fact.
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Wrong again Sparky. The Holocaust is a real event.

Yeah, so is the Boston bombing - fuckwad. And the fact that you would post otherwise reveals you as a pile of shit.

It's got witnesses, photos, records, the whole shebang. Your assessment of Boston as "terrorism" is opinion, and a particularly uninformed one. Historical holocaust isn't opinion and isn't agenda, but your mischaracterization of Boston for the purpose of demonization, is both.

You're an idiot - like all holocaust deniers.

You are a shameful scumbag.
Things are getting a little heated on this thread...

Time for a little non sequitur nonsensical off-topic political comedy interlude...

Not to worry... Fearless Leader will fix it...

[ame=]He's Barack Obama - YouTube[/ame]
"Motivated by extremist Islamic beliefs" is still irrelevant. There's no point in their act. Without a point, you don't have terrorism, because nobody knows what to be terrified about (duh). You have random violence. Random violence is not terrorism, because terrorism is not random. Use your head

so if we have another 9-11 style will not be considered "terrorism" if the perpetrators don't yell ahu akbar or convey some type of 'point' or message.....?

what if the Islamists decide to make all their attacks appear random....? are you going to think they are not terrorists....?


If they "appear random" as far as a target/setting, then they have just removed the terrorism angle and it's naught but random violence. Terrorism has to have a point.

9/11 was terrorism because of the targets. What anyone yelled in the cockpit is no more relevant that if I said "God bless you" because you sneezed or anyone yelling "oh my god!" just before they were about to crash their car. Ejaculations in the moment are not to be taken literally. That's a real stretch, that is.

Sorry, but defining some event as "terrorism" or "not terrorism" on the basis of what religion the perp(s) happened to follow is just not grounded in reality.
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Somebody's not reading real deeply I see.

Once again --- Where's the message??

When planes flew into the WTC, we knew immediately what the message was.

No we didn't. CNN was speculating that it was "right wing terrorists." No one knew what the "message" was. There was NEVER an official pronouncement - Osama bin Laden DENIED involvement.

You are full of shit, Pogo.

Oh please. Why would "right wing terrorists" be flying planes into the WTC? Don't be dense.

When a guy walked into a church and shot Doctor Tiller point blank, we knew immediately what the motivation was.

You fail on every level. The assassination of Tiller was not terrorism, doofus. There was no random slaughter of innocents, no innocents were targeted or harmed at all.

Uhhh.... the victim? Helloooooo? Being shot and killed is not "harmed"? :cuckoo:

Your agenda has you so fucked in the brain that you spew nonsense. The murder of Tiller had nothing to do with terrorism - it was a straight up assassination.

Bolshoi. It could be assassination if Tiller represented himself, a singular person of power, and no one else did what he did. He wasn't targeted because he had to Ls in his name or because he had brown hair; he was targeted because he performed abortions. The same reason Drs. David Gunn and John Britton and Barrett Slepian were targeted and killed. Assassination is personal.

When a van in front of a federal building blew up that building, the symbolism was readily evident. Terrorism messages are anything BUT subtle and do not have to be figured out or stretched. They do not require time to analyze and figure out, "well, maybe the message was X". It's not a message "in theory" -- it's blatantly obvious.

The fuck it was.

No one knew who did it or why for days. That a couple of JOOOOOO haters using an Al Qaeda bomb were behind it wasn't on anyone's radar.

So where the hell is a message in an act of random violence involving no symbolic targets at all? Where is it?

{Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Note Found in Boat: "When You Attack One Muslim, You Attack All Muslims"}

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Note Found in Boat: "When You Attack One Muslim, You Attack All Muslims" - The Hollywood Gossip

Right there, you mindless fucktard.

You are no different than the rest of the Holocaust deniers - you're full of shit, you deny reality, and build a fantasy that has no relation to fact.

Again, that note had to be searched out and attached as an artificial connection later, not in the moment. And it doesn't make any sense as a motivation anyway; innocent bystanders watching or participating in a marathon in Boston had nothing to do with "attacking Muslims". Doesn't work. Those targets were random. If the target is random rather than symbolic, then it's random violence, I don't care if the perpetrators are Nazi Zoroastrian Rasta Shintoists with a side of Mormon enrolled at Bob Jones.
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Wrong again Sparky. The Holocaust is a real event.

Yeah, so is the Boston bombing - fuckwad. And the fact that you would post otherwise reveals you as a pile of shit.

Your problem is, I didn't say it wasn't a real event; I said the idea that it's terrorism is your opinion. So you're comparing a real historical event (Holocaust) with your own assessment of a real historical event. Apples and oranges. And the fact that you would edit my post as if the above is all there was to it reveals you as a lying hack.

And the fact that you then went on to post the second part that the first sets up, and then have no answer for it, reveals you as not only dishonest but dense:

It's got witnesses, photos, records, the whole shebang. Your assessment of Boston as "terrorism" is opinion, and a particularly uninformed one. Historical holocaust isn't opinion and isn't agenda, but your mischaracterization of Boston for the purpose of demonization, is both.

You're an idiot - like all holocaust deniers.

You are a shameful scumbag.

Hold on, I believe we have a clip:
[ame=]Baby Crying Sound Effect - YouTube[/ame]
Boston bombing wasn't a terror attack?

wow, a bright fresh new idea :cuckoo:

Yeah I know, nothing new, but you'd be surprised what kind of neanderthal ideas get aired in here. Welcome to the site.
Oh please. Why would "right wing terrorists" be flying planes into the WTC? Don't be dense.

You're so full of shit.

After McVeigh, all of the leftist press was primed to blame it on Rush Limbaugh.
Uhhh.... the victim? Helloooooo? Being shot and killed is not "harmed"? :cuckoo:

What are you yapping about?

Tiller was hunted down and murdered. That ain't "terrorism," stupid. That is an assassination.

Bolshoi. It could be assassination if Tiller represented himself, a singular person of power, and no one else did what he did. He wasn't targeted because he had to Ls in his name or because he had brown hair; he was targeted because he performed abortions. The same reason Drs. David Gunn and John Britton and Barrett Slepian were targeted and killed. Assassination is personal.

Yeah, it was. A notorious abortionist involved in infanticide was hunted down and killed. No one OTHER than the target was killed. No attempt to create a panic, no attempt to disrupt life - just the targeted kill of a specific person for a specific reason.

Because partisanship, not reason, dictate your views - you post some absolute absurdity.

Again, that note had to be searched out and attached as an artificial connection later, not in the moment. And it doesn't make any sense as a motivation anyway; innocent bystanders watching or participating in a marathon in Boston had nothing to do with "attacking Muslims". Doesn't work. Those targets were random. If the target is random rather than symbolic, then it's random violence, I don't care if the perpetrators are Nazi Zoroastrian Rasta Shintoists with a side of Mormon enrolled at Bob Jones.

Two Muslims indiscriminately murdered infidels in the name of Allah.

What some whack job Holocaust denier like you babbles, is irrelevant.
Oh please. Why would "right wing terrorists" be flying planes into the WTC? Don't be dense.

You're so full of shit.

After McVeigh, all of the leftist press was primed to blame it on Rush Limbaugh.

Uh.... sure. Rush Limbaugh flew two planes into the WTC and a third into the Pentagon. Has the nurse brought your meds yet? Shall I ring?

Uhhh.... the victim? Helloooooo? Being shot and killed is not "harmed"? :cuckoo:

What are you yapping about?

Tiller was hunted down and murdered. That ain't "terrorism," stupid. That is an assassination.

Ah, so you believe the difference between assassination and terrorism is the difference between singular and plural. That's cute. Unfortunately "assassination" doesn't mean that; it means the murder of a prominent and/or political person. Tiller was neither. Nor were Gunn or Britton or Slepian, etc. Then there are the clinics bombed -- can buildings be "assassinated" too, if they're only a single building?

Bolshoi. It could be assassination if Tiller represented himself, a singular person of power, and no one else did what he did. He wasn't targeted because he had to Ls in his name or because he had brown hair; he was targeted because he performed abortions. The same reason Drs. David Gunn and John Britton and Barrett Slepian were targeted and killed. Assassination is personal.

Yeah, it was. A notorious abortionist involved in infanticide was hunted down and killed. No one OTHER than the target was killed. No attempt to create a panic, no attempt to disrupt life - just the targeted kill of a specific person for a specific reason.

And again, back to the singluar/plural red herring...

Because partisanship, not reason, dictate your views - you post some absolute absurdity.

Again, that note had to be searched out and attached as an artificial connection later, not in the moment. And it doesn't make any sense as a motivation anyway; innocent bystanders watching or participating in a marathon in Boston had nothing to do with "attacking Muslims". Doesn't work. Those targets were random. If the target is random rather than symbolic, then it's random violence, I don't care if the perpetrators are Nazi Zoroastrian Rasta Shintoists with a side of Mormon enrolled at Bob Jones.

Two Muslims indiscriminately murdered infidels in the name of Allah.

-- nice walkback, but it still doesn't make sense. How would those victims know what they were attacked for?

Or did McVeigh indiscriminately murder whoever was in the Murrah building in the name of Jesus?

See how it works?

Naah, I guess not.

I guess this is why I bother to respond to your inanities -- they get sillier and sillier.

What some whack job Holocaust denier like you babbles, is irrelevant.

We've already established that you're a lying hack, but thanks for confirmation. Now go fuck yourself. Repeatedly.
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