The not-so-veiled threat to non-Muslims in Tennessee

A weird opinion blog by the 'American Thinker' hardly said anything about Islamic domination in Tennessee as you'd like to call it.

I ask again, what's the point of this thread?

"American Thinker" is hardly a "weird blog."

Islam in America is afforded privilege that no other association is.

When the Muslim terrorists bombed the Boston marathon in the name of Allah, it took 4 days for the FBI to talk to anyone at the Mosque the Tsarnaev brothers attended. Why? Because it is not permitted for law enforcement to question Muslim associations without special permission.

There Ain't Nobody Here but Us Chechens | National Review Online

It takes police about 30 seconds to start questioning churches. Muslims have a special status and are granted immunities far beyond that of the average citizen.

The citizens of Tennessee were voicing their opposition to an alien culture accruing priority status.
A weird opinion blog by the 'American Thinker' hardly said anything about Islamic domination in Tennessee as you'd like to call it.

I ask again, what's the point of this thread?

"American Thinker" is hardly a "weird blog."

Islam in America is afforded privilege that no other association is.

When the Muslim terrorists bombed the Boston marathon in the name of Allah, it took 4 days for the FBI to talk to anyone at the Mosque the Tsarnaev brothers attended. Why? Because it is not permitted for law enforcement to question Muslim associations without special permission.

There Ain't Nobody Here but Us Chechens | National Review Online

It takes police about 30 seconds to start questioning churches. Muslims have a special status and are granted immunities far beyond that of the average citizen.

The citizens of Tennessee were voicing their opposition to an alien culture accruing priority status.

Is this knowledge of their "special rights" as accurate and reliable as your knowledge of Islamic history and theology?
Why don't you tell us more about how Muhammad invaded Pakistan. Or about how Shiites hold the Bukhari hadith collection as authoritative.

Is Nikoula still in prison for insulting Muhammad?

Oh, and Muhammad pushed in the the Kush, as you know.


Liars for Allah.. What a group you Muslims are.
Why don't you tell us more about how Muhammad invaded Pakistan. Or about how Shiites hold the Bukhari hadith collection as authoritative.

Is Nikoula still in prison for insulting Muhammad?

Oh, and Muhammad pushed in the the Kush, as you know.


Liars for Allah.. What a group you Muslims are.

The map that you posted with this contradicts both your statements made within the above quoted post and your previous statements regarding to Muhammad's military campaigns.

Also, Kush wasn't a kingdom during the time of Muhammad, and there were no military campaigns involving Muhammad in Aksum.
lol, how is that a two faced answer? What about it do you have a problem with?

You grasp that we recognize the fact that you are a Muslim; G50 would be the sympathizer.

Except I'm not a Muslim there bud, nor have I ever been, nor are any members of my family. Nor do I see what my own personal religious affiliation (atheism) has to do with anything in this thread.
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A weird opinion blog by the 'American Thinker' hardly said anything about Islamic domination in Tennessee as you'd like to call it.

I ask again, what's the point of this thread?

"American Thinker" is hardly a "weird blog."

Islam in America is afforded privilege that no other association is.

When the Muslim terrorists bombed the Boston marathon in the name of Allah, it took 4 days for the FBI to talk to anyone at the Mosque the Tsarnaev brothers attended. Why? Because it is not permitted for law enforcement to question Muslim associations without special permission.

There Ain't Nobody Here but Us Chechens | National Review Online

It takes police about 30 seconds to start questioning churches. Muslims have a special status and are granted immunities far beyond that of the average citizen.

The citizens of Tennessee were voicing their opposition to an alien culture accruing priority status.

"There Ain't Nobody Here But Us Chechens" is a clever title. I give 'em that.

Unfortunately after that the whole article collapses in a fog of specious vague insinuation. Boston isn't terrorism. You're trying to build on a premise of cards, solely on the basis that the assailants were found to be of the despised religious group and no other basis.

Terrorism always carries a message. That's the whole point of doing it.
Oklahoma City: "down with the government". 9/11: "down with American power". Roeder, Rudolph et al: "down with abortion". Unabomber: "down with technology".

Then there's Boston. Hmm.
"Down with marathon running"? "Down with too many people on Copley Square"??

Nope, rhetorical failure. A desperate attempt at guilt-by-association to create and foster a bigotry myth that the facts just don't support -- not to mention a nakedly hypocritical fallacy that religion-is-the-base-of-violence-so-let's-create-this-dichotomy-of-good-and-evil-religions-and-paint-everybody-in-this-one-as-scary-monsters. I'd say "nice try" but this isn't even creative.

Except that title. "Chechens/chickens". I love it.
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"There Ain't Nobody Here But Us Chechens" is a clever title. I give 'em that.

Unfortunately after that the whole article collapses in a fog of specious vague insinuation. Boston isn't terrorism.

And with that, you fall into the same group as Holocaust deniers.
"There Ain't Nobody Here But Us Chechens" is a clever title. I give 'em that.

Unfortunately after that the whole article collapses in a fog of specious vague insinuation. Boston isn't terrorism.

And with that, you fall into the same group as Holocaust deniers.

Hardly, Godwin. Denying a documented history isn't quiiiiiiiiiiiiiite the same thing as denying a harebrained hair-on-fire bigotry theory that gives no basis for itself, posted by an internet wag with no history of credibility but a long history of pre-existing bigotry.

Juuuuuust a subtle bit of difference. Maybe so subtle it's over your head.
"There Ain't Nobody Here But Us Chechens" is a clever title. I give 'em that.

Unfortunately after that the whole article collapses in a fog of specious vague insinuation. Boston isn't terrorism.

And with that, you fall into the same group as Holocaust deniers.
Pogo said that Boston wasn't terrorism?


How disappointing.


According to FBI interrogators, Dzhokhar and his brother were motivated by extremist Islamic beliefs, and "were not connected to any known terrorist groups"; instead learning to build explosive weapons from an online magazine published by al-Qaeda affiliates in Yemen.

It is further alleged that "[Dzhokhar and] his brother considered suicide attacks and striking on the Fourth of July; but ultimately decided to use pressure cooker bombs (capable of remote detonation) and other IEDs. Fox News reported that the brothers "chose the prestigious race as a 'target of opportunity' ... [after] the building of the bombs came together more quickly than expected".

Dzhokhar said he and his brother wanted to defend Islam from the U.S., which conducted the Iraq War and War in Afghanistan, in the view of the brothers, against Muslims. Later a CBS report revealed that a note scrawled by Dzhokhar with a marker on the interior wall of the boat where he was hiding said the bombings were "retribution for U.S. military action in Afghanistan and Iraq", and called the Boston victims 'collateral damage', "in the same way innocent victims have been collateral damage in U.S. wars around the world." According to The New York Times the portion of the boat's interior with the note would likely be cut from the hull and presented in court as evidence.


Sure as hell sounded like Terrorism to me.

Sure as hell sounds like Terrorism to MOST Americans, I'm guessing.

And Radical Islamic Terrorism, to boot.

That was a very disappointing pronouncement on Pogo's part.
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"There Ain't Nobody Here But Us Chechens" is a clever title. I give 'em that.

Unfortunately after that the whole article collapses in a fog of specious vague insinuation. Boston isn't terrorism.

And with that, you fall into the same group as Holocaust deniers.
Pogo said that Boston wasn't terrorism?


How disappointing.


According to FBI interrogators, Dzhokhar and his brother were motivated by extremist Islamic beliefs, and "were not connected to any known terrorist groups"; instead learning to build explosive weapons from an online magazine published by al-Qaeda affiliates in Yemen.

It is further alleged that "[Dzhokhar and] his brother considered suicide attacks and striking on the Fourth of July; but ultimately decided to use pressure cooker bombs (capable of remote detonation) and other IEDs. Fox News reported that the brothers "chose the prestigious race as a 'target of opportunity' ... [after] the building of the bombs came together more quickly than expected".

Dzhokhar said he and his brother wanted to defend Islam from the U.S., which conducted the Iraq War and War in Afghanistan, in the view of the brothers, against Muslims. Later a CBS report revealed that a note scrawled by Dzhokhar with a marker on the interior wall of the boat where he was hiding said the bombings were "retribution for U.S. military action in Afghanistan and Iraq", and called the Boston victims 'collateral damage', "in the same way innocent victims have been collateral damage in U.S. wars around the world." According to The New York Times the portion of the boat's interior with the note would likely be cut from the hull and presented in court as evidence.


Sure as hell sounded like Terrorism to me.

Sure as hell sounds like Terrorism to MOST Americans, I'm guessing.

And Radical Islamic Terrorism, to boot.

That was a very disappointing pronouncement on Pogo's part.

Somebody's not reading real deeply I see.

Once again --- Where's the message??

When planes flew into the WTC, we knew immediately what the message was. When a guy walked into a church and shot Doctor Tiller point blank, we knew immediately what the motivation was. When a van in front of a federal building blew up that building, the symbolism was readily evident. Terrorism messages are anything BUT subtle and do not have to be figured out or stretched. They do not require time to analyze and figure out, "well, maybe the message was X". It's not a message "in theory" -- it's blatantly obvious.

So where the hell is a message in an act of random violence involving no symbolic targets at all? Where is it?
Think real hard -- which of the events mentioned above is not like the others?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Definition of TERRORISM
: the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -
- This coercion is ... where again?

When 9/11 struck we knew we were under attack. When Eric Rudolph bombed a clinic we knew why.

When Boston happened we had no idea who or why. That's not delivering a message. That's not coercion. It's random psychopathic violence with no point. Conflating the term "terrorism" selectively with any act of violence that serves the myth is not a valid argument. Not every act of violence or hate or destruction is "terrorism" just because somebody is "terrified". That's not how the term works.

So I enlarged some of the pertinent part from your own post, and bolded a part just before that tells us what this is really about: guilt by association. When real terrorism happens, the message is immediate, even before we know who did it. Nobody declared Boston to be "terrorism" until the perps were caught and their religion identified. THEN it became popular among gadflies to cry "terrorism" based on nothing but their religion.

Conversely, nobody declared "Christian terrorism" when Roeder or Rudolph or Goldsby/Simmons/Simmons/Wiggins did their deeds, which under the same logic should have been the conclusion.

THAT's hypocrisy.

Am I the only one who's had my coffee today? I have to walk you through this?

Go ahead, make your case. You'll have to come up with something more substantial than "disappointing". Terrorism always has a point. And the point is basic and raw and obvious. It doesn't need to be figured out, assembled, attached, postulated, imagined or appended by wags with a pre-existing agenda.
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yes.....a pause due to our bad economy....even your own article admits it may resume...
It is possible that the Mexican immigration wave will resume as the U.S. economy recovers.

some think Obama will now pivot to bringing in millions of Muslim immigrants...

[ame=]SHOCKER! Avi Lipkin says OBAMA Plans to Legalize 50 Million Muslim Immigrants to America! - YouTube[/ame]
The Boston Marathon bombing was obviously an act of terrorism. No semantic game of chutes and ladders can change that. It's one thing to put idiotic bigots in their place, but denying reality for the sake of a 'position' in an argument is pointless at best and dangerous at worst. Is there NO middle-ground fucking common sense left at all?
Definition of TERRORISM
: the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion
"Especially", but NOT EXCLUSIVELY.

"...This coercion is ... where again?"


We are talking about systematic use of terror as a tool of religious-political proxy-revenge for past events rather than a systematic use of terror to coerce something in the present.

But systematic use of terror as a tool of religious-political proxy-revenge for past events also qualifies as terrorism.

"Especially", but NOT EXCLUSIVELY.

Your Honor, the Defense rests.
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