The not-so-veiled threat to non-Muslims in Tennessee

I didn't say your stupid attitude was unconstitutional, I said it was Un-American, and it is. Poor attempt at deflection there, champ.

oh i you're trying to shame us into destroying our country....:eusa_hand:

I'm not talking to an "us," I'm talking to a "you," douchebag. The illogical nonsense you just posted only further suggests you don't understand America at all. Maybe it's time for you to GTFO.

so you DO think we should let in illegals and anti-Americans.....and support them....not to mention flood the already-suffering job market....

all in the name of "understanding" America.....:cuckoo:
I love the way you make stuff up to fill in the (vast) gaps in your knowledge. I saw the video. I saw all the video. I had seen most or all of it before this thread ever started. It held nothing surprising or especially interesting. I also 2 or 3 other videos that were more interesting. You have shown no interest in listening to anything other than one side of the issues so, yes, we do know who is too narrow-minded to be ready to seriously address the topic. That would be you.

Bullshit. I invited comment on it over and over and got nothing. Now you're whining "did too". So where are your examples of what you've been complaining about?

That's exactly what I mean-- as far as you're concerned, what you wanted to hear went on outside; what went on inside was simply not what you wanted to hear because it didn't fit the preconceptions to which you've enslaved yourself. Ironically that was the whole reason for having the meeting in the first place.

Last I heard a meeting is supposed to involve an exchange of ideas. I didn't expect the Muslims or government reps to say anything I hadn't already heard and thought about nor do I think I was wrong in that expectation. I was there to be heard more than I was there to listen to what had already been said before.

I keep saying the same thing, and you keep confirming: you were there for a monologue, not a dialogue. You wanted to bellow, not hear. That tells us all we need to know.

Incidentally Doc, if you would just use the freaking board software the way it's designed and quit playing around with ad hoc colors and italics, it would be a lot simpler to carry on a lucid exchange.
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oh i you're trying to shame us into destroying our country....:eusa_hand:

I'm not talking to an "us," I'm talking to a "you," douchebag. The illogical nonsense you just posted only further suggests you don't understand America at all. Maybe it's time for you to GTFO.

so you DO think we should let in illegals and anti-Americans.....

When did I ever say that, you dishonest sack of shit? As for "anti-Americans," we apparently have you already and that's one too many.
Bullshit. I invited comment on it over and over and got nothing. Now you're whining "did too". So where are your examples of what you've been complaining about?

Bullshit back attcha. You don't listen well nor are you in the least willing to discuss anything other than your preconceived fantasy facts. You are the one that seemed to think the video was some kind of proof of something important; not I. You have pointed out that the locals were somewhat less that perfectly polite at some points and I have agreed but noted that I felt that their actions and manner were exactly what was called for.
I keep saying the same thing, and you keep confirming: you were there for a monologue, not a dialogue. You wanted to bellow, not hear.

And just what part of "you are correct" are you having trouble understanding? We had heard (or read) the lecture before and we had not come there to be lied to, threatened, or slandered without response.
We intended to be heard and it appears that we were. Good.
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Is he the newest member of your Liars Club?
Why don't you take this to the Flame Zone or something, lightweight...

Or shall we call you a Waaaaaambulance?

Oh, you don't like it when your blatant lies are rubbed in your face? Too bad. Try not lying if it bothers you so much.
I have no idea what you are talking about but in your shoes I would consider talking to my doctor about upping my meds...
Why don't you take this to the Flame Zone or something, lightweight...

Or shall we call you a Waaaaaambulance?

Oh, you don't like it when your blatant lies are rubbed in your face? Too bad. Try not lying if it bothers you so much.
I have no idea what you are talking about

There's another lie, you no-class little punk. You just sent me about 5 PMs trying to tell me that I support illegal immigration, when I have been more than clear on dozens of occasions that I do NOT. When I told you to try and back up your accusation you ducked the issue and/or tried to cover one lie with another. You really are a low-life idiot, based on what you have posted on this and other threads as well as in PMs.
Oh, you don't like it when your blatant lies are rubbed in your face? Too bad. Try not lying if it bothers you so much.
I have no idea what you are talking about

There's another lie, you no-class little punk. You just sent me about 5 PMs trying to tell me that I support illegal immigration, when I have been more than clear on dozens of occasions that I do NOT. When I told you to try and back up your accusation you ducked the issue and/or tried to cover one lie with another. You really are a low-life idiot, based on what you have posted on this and other threads as well as in PMs.

You may wish to check your PM's for the latest.

And, isn't the content of PMs supposed to be off-limits, in open forum?

Isn't that a violation of the Code of Conduct or something?

I thought that I was being called a 'liar' about something else (you DO seem to 'go off' and get nasty on a hair-trigger, when you see something you don't like), because we were not supposed to intermix PM's and publicly-visible messages.

Or so I thought.

You insist on continuing to bait and attempt to escalate this into a confrontation.

I'm entirely capable of taking you on in a Flame-Fight.

But I really don't feel like it tonight, little one.

Now... you've spent enough time tonight dry-humping my pants-cuff... here's a quarter... go bother somebody else.
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Bullshit. I invited comment on it over and over and got nothing. Now you're whining "did too". So where are your examples of what you've been complaining about?

Bullshit back attcha. You don't listen well nor are you in the least willing to discuss anything other than your preconceived fantasy facts. You are the one that seemed to think the video was some kind of proof of something important; not I. You have pointed out that the locals were somewhat less that perfectly polite at some points and I have agreed but noted that I felt that their actions and manner were exactly what was called for.
I keep saying the same thing, and you keep confirming: you were there for a monologue, not a dialogue. You wanted to bellow, not hear.

And just what part of "you are correct" are you having trouble understanding? We had heard (or read) the lecture before and we had not come there to be lied to, threatened, or slandered without response.
We intended to be heard and it appears that we were. Good.

Obviously we don't have a dispute on the second point; you fully admit your ears are closed. You admit your guilt, and that's good.

On point one: the video isn't there as "proof" of something that happened; rather, it's proof of what didn't, which is dialogue. An audience that I'd have to say was there to hear, but the whole thing was disrupted by cretins like you determined to shout down the dialogue and sabotage the entire ideal of free speech, lest their Geller Gadfly fantasy be challenged by actual fact.

So it's settled. You admit to being a shithead; I'm not going to take issue with that.
I'm not talking to an "us," I'm talking to a "you," douchebag. The illogical nonsense you just posted only further suggests you don't understand America at all. Maybe it's time for you to GTFO.

so you DO think we should let in illegals and anti-Americans.....

When did I ever say that, you dishonest sack of shit? As for "anti-Americans," we apparently have you already and that's one too many.

maybe you didn't quite "say" that.....but you insinuate that we should open our borders to more and more immigrants....all in the name of 'being American'.......even though it is obvious that these immigrants are creating big problems for us....even to the point of threatening our American way of life...

you can see many of the results in Europe today where they had welcoming non-discriminating PC immigration policies and wonderful welfare programs...the immigrants are now crippling their welfare programs and are in the process of taking over the countries that once welcomed a few decades you won't recognize the old Europe...

when you indiscriminately bring in Third World also import their Third World problems...
Pogo said:
Bullshit. I invited comment on it over and over and got nothing.

this whole thread has been commenting about it...but not the specifics of what was actually said because nothing really out of line was said at the meeting...they probably didn't dare given the people who showed up....the very nature of the meeting is what inflamed them...
Bullshit. I invited comment on it over and over and got nothing. Now you're whining "did too". So where are your examples of what you've been complaining about?

Bullshit back attcha. You don't listen well nor are you in the least willing to discuss anything other than your preconceived fantasy facts. You are the one that seemed to think the video was some kind of proof of something important; not I. You have pointed out that the locals were somewhat less that perfectly polite at some points and I have agreed but noted that I felt that their actions and manner were exactly what was called for.
I keep saying the same thing, and you keep confirming: you were there for a monologue, not a dialogue. You wanted to bellow, not hear.

And just what part of "you are correct" are you having trouble understanding? We had heard (or read) the lecture before and we had not come there to be lied to, threatened, or slandered without response.
We intended to be heard and it appears that we were. Good.

Obviously we don't have a dispute on the second point; you fully admit your ears are closed. You admit your guilt, and that's good.

On point one: the video isn't there as "proof" of something that happened; rather, it's proof of what didn't, which is dialogue. An audience that I'd have to say was there to hear, but the whole thing was disrupted by cretins like you determined to shout down the dialogue and sabotage the entire ideal of free speech, lest their Geller Gadfly fantasy be challenged by actual fact.

So it's settled. You admit to being a shithead; I'm not going to take issue with that.

While I am truly honored to be named "shithead" by a person of your caliber I must confess that I must share that honor with the government reps and Muslim speakers in attendance who neither wanted, nor intended to allow, a dialogue.
so you DO think we should let in illegals and anti-Americans.....

When did I ever say that, you dishonest sack of shit? As for "anti-Americans," we apparently have you already and that's one too many.

maybe you didn't quite "say" that.....but you insinuate that we should open our borders to more and more immigrants....all in the name of 'being American'.......even though it is obvious that these immigrants are creating big problems for us....even to the point of threatening our American way of life......

I don't "insinuate" anything. I say what I mean. LEGAL immigrants are most certainly NOT "threatening our American way of life," you un-American fool.
when you indiscriminately bring in Third World also import their Third World problems...

LEGAL immigrants do not all come from third world countries, nor are they brought in "indiscriminately." You really are just too stupid to even think about this issue, aren't you?
When did I ever say that, you dishonest sack of shit? As for "anti-Americans," we apparently have you already and that's one too many.

maybe you didn't quite "say" that.....but you insinuate that we should open our borders to more and more immigrants....all in the name of 'being American'.......even though it is obvious that these immigrants are creating big problems for us....even to the point of threatening our American way of life......

I don't "insinuate" anything. I say what I mean. LEGAL immigrants are most certainly NOT "threatening our American way of life," you un-American fool.

many legal muslim immigrants are....

many legal mexican immigrants are...

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