"The Notion of Sarah Palin Being President

Palin Derangement Syndrome lives.

Stupid analogies live on.
If Palin ever decides to run for office again I think some people might take their own lives over it.

I dunno. I'll bet there's a ton of hardcore rightwingers who'd love to see her run, and the rest of us would have great fun with it. Holy crap, just imagine.

of the United States is..... "


That was Steve Schmidt just now on Morning Joe... and HE isn't saying that the portrayal in Game Change was wrong.

He also says that we need to start making Vice Presidential choices for actual considerations like can this person step into the job rather than for political considerations like what group does this person help with?

FWIW, he thought John Edwards was ill-equipped for the big job, too.

how about Joe Biden? is he 'equipped'?
of the United States is..... "


That was Steve Schmidt just now on Morning Joe... and HE isn't saying that the portrayal in Game Change was wrong.

He also says that we need to start making Vice Presidential choices for actual considerations like can this person step into the job rather than for political considerations like what group does this person help with?

FWIW, he thought John Edwards was ill-equipped for the big job, too.

how about Joe Biden? is he 'equipped'?

Ask mrs. Biden.
of the United States is..... "


That was Steve Schmidt just now on Morning Joe... and HE isn't saying that the portrayal in Game Change was wrong.

He also says that we need to start making Vice Presidential choices for actual considerations like can this person step into the job rather than for political considerations like what group does this person help with?

FWIW, he thought John Edwards was ill-equipped for the big job, too.

how about Joe Biden? is he 'equipped'?

Ask mrs. Biden.

She was unavailable for comment.....................
Stupid analogies live on.
If Palin ever decides to run for office again I think some people might take their own lives over it.

I dunno. I'll bet there's a ton of hardcore rightwingers who'd love to see her run, and the rest of us would have great fun with it. Holy crap, just imagine.

Doubtful on ever board I have posted since Palin left office the vast majority of threads started about her have come from the left they seem far more interested in her than the right does.
The whole point of the United States is that a variety of people can run. That we don't have Lords and Kings and that we don't have career politicians. So, i welcome her or anyone who wants to run. They can make their case to the people and then let the votes be counted. I think Palin is a terrific person, a smart woman and a straight shooter. I much prefer that over another useless politician like Obama who only tells people what they think we want to hear. Tell me who you are and what you really stand for and what you really will do. I might disagree but that i can respect. Not politics as usual Obama.

that we don't have career politicians.

we dont?.....i think you should think about that one.....
Just based off the OP and nothing else in this thread as I'm not reading 168 posts of this, but...

... Better Sarah than Barack, I always say.

In fact, better Sarah than John McCain as well.

They do make choices based on who can step into the job. She was more qualified than Obama was and you are still acting as if she was unqualified despite the fact that you VOTED HIM IN.

She wasn't qualified because she didn't know anything and refused to learn. He's smart. You just disagree with him.

If I just disagreed with her, I'd say, 'she's smart but i disagree with her' like I do about people like Scalia.

Palin knows nothing and instead of studying and preparing herself, she refused to learn anything and embarrassed herself.

I understand the rightwingnut attachment to her. But that isn't what we're talking about.

Palin was more than qualified to be the GOP nominee. Because a Republican president is nothing more than a figurehead who represents the top 1% and religious nuts. She would be no different than Bush. Cut programs that help the poor and give tax breaks to the rich? Spend trillions on defense/war. She's no different than Romney or Santorum or McCain or Bush. They are simply the figurehead for the top 1%. She would turn a blind eye to corporate pollution. She would push for free trade and send all the good jobs overseas. She would break unions. She would take away collective bargaining. She would sell "The commons" to private companies just like any other Republican. She would go to war with Iran. She would kill social security and medicare. She would ban abortion. She would descriminate against gay people. She would not regulate the bankers, oil companies or healthcare companies.

Who's telling GOP politicians, Senators and Governors what to do? Adelson, The Koch Brothers and ALEC. Billionaires.

Let me know if I'm wrong about anything I said about Palin. Am I wrong on any of the positions I said she's just like Bush on? Can anyone show me where/how Romney/Palin are different than Bush?

your problem Bobo is that you think Obama is actually the guy saying whats what....who is telling him what to do?....what 1% 's are pulling his strings?.....
Just based off the OP and nothing else in this thread as I'm not reading 168 posts of this, but...

... Better Sarah than Barack, I always say.

In fact, better Sarah than John McCain as well.


Palin McCain would have won 54, 55 maybe 56 of our 57 states.

Just based off the OP and nothing else in this thread as I'm not reading 168 posts of this, but...

... Better Sarah than Barack, I always say.

In fact, better Sarah than John McCain as well.


Palin McCain would have won 54, 55 maybe 56 of our 57 states.


I don't know how many states they would have won, but never in a million years would she have run as crappy a campaign as McCain did.
Funny how the GOP tries to point to Romney's experience at Bain as a reason why he should be president, and all he did was lay people off, rip off their pensions and send their jobs overseas. And he walked away with millions each time he did this. This is not good for America.

Similar to how they want to give Palin credit for Alaska's budget surplus when the only reason they had a surplus was because the oil companies were charging us $4 a gallon.

I hope one day there is a water shortage and Michigan cuts off water to any state that isn't bordering the Great Lakes and we should charge the rest of the country an arm and a leg for our fresh water.

dumbass ....they will just buy it from Canada.....they aint as greedy as you.....
He should of talked about how the people elect a President. They elected a inexperienced Junior Senator that never ran a thing in his life.
Mitt has never run a business.

Santorum (Google him!) has never run a business.

So I guess it's not that important to you guys.

Mitt has never run a business.

really?.....well you had better talk to Dean and Bobo and a few others around here Synth...they have said many a time that he did and fired people,fucked their pensions and sent jobs to China....who is telling me the truth?......i gotta know......
Stupid analogies live on.
If Palin ever decides to run for office again I think some people might take their own lives over it.

I dunno. I'll bet there's a ton of hardcore rightwingers who'd love to see her run, and the rest of us would have great fun with it. Holy crap, just imagine.


why does someone have to be a hardcore rightwinger to want to see her run?
So you're saying that the people who elected her Governor of Alaska with 80% approval, are hardcore.
No one is talking about a separate nomination process for VP. What they ARE talking about is the nominee and his/her campaign people picking a VP based on ability to do the job rather than who can help him/her win the election by appealing to specific constituencies.

You know, I saw that interview this morning... the thing that bothered me MOST wasn't that she was unprepared...but the fact that she refused to become prepared. According to Schmidt, they tried in vain to give her an education on history and politics on the National Scale and she refused to participate. He also stated that he felt that the campaign took a deep emotional toll on her and he felt bad about that. He basically stated that he made a mistake and that there were more important things than winning an election...like the aforementioned "ability to do the job if something happened to the POTUS".

lol, he tried to give her a education in history and politics..what a frikken joke..She comes from a line of educators in the family
yeah he feels bad about the emotional toll it took on her, so here he is..making his monies off her...what a class act.

Then why didn't she know anything about WWI or WWII?

she came from a line of EDUCATORS Synth not a Military line......:D
lol, he tried to give her a education in history and politics..what a frikken joke..She comes from a line of educators in the family
yeah he feels bad about the emotional toll it took on her, so here he is..making his monies off her...what a class act.

Then why didn't she know anything about WWI or WWII?

she came from a line of EDUCATORS Synth not a Military line......:D

Yeah, she only has a son in Iraq right now..
He should of talked about how the people elect a President. They elected a inexperienced Junior Senator that never ran a thing in his life.
Mitt has never run a business.

Santorum (Google him!) has never run a business.

So I guess it's not that important to you guys.

Mitt has never run a business.

really?.....well you had better talk to Dean and Bobo and a few others around here Synth...they have said many a time that he did and fired people,fucked their pensions and sent jobs to China....who is telling me the truth?......i gotta know......

Did Synthaholic really write that? Romney never ran a business? Holy crap. The poor guy has no television set, no books, no newspapers , no radio? Unable to read the content of the dozens of threads on Romney? No wonder he's a leftist Democrat. :)
It is "should have". Idiot.

It is "an" inexperienced...... Idiot.

It is "who" never...... Idiot.

Oh boy, the Grammar Nazi is in this week... :cuckoo:
It's not about being a grammar Nazi, it's about a poster (Stephanie) who can't spell, can't think intelligently, and can't debate.

I bet she's good at spitting out babies, though!

Synth....i dont want to mention any names.....but i dont see you getting on Truth about her horrible spelling....:eusa_eh:......and she said spelling doesnt matter......yea she did......
Governor Palin would have been leagues better than community organizer obama. She's far smarter than he is, and far more wise.

yea we can tell......im sure the least of Obama's worries is the amount of Intellect carried around by Palin or any of these other people trying for his job......
of the United States is..... "


That was Steve Schmidt just now on Morning Joe... and HE isn't saying that the portrayal in Game Change was wrong.

He also says that we need to start making Vice Presidential choices for actual considerations like can this person step into the job rather than for political considerations like what group does this person help with?

FWIW, he thought John Edwards was ill-equipped for the big job, too.

how about Joe Biden? is he 'equipped'?

They are ignoring that question. I already ask Jillian who was still here at the time if since she felt Palin was not a good choice did she think Biden was? It is after all her thread and she is complaining about not picking VP for their ability to lead. No answer of course. I am sure the proper response if given will be " make your own thread about that" can't go asking relevant questions that make the left look bad after all.

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