"The Notion of Sarah Palin Being President

They will and have done the very same thing to EVERY conservative woman on the national scene as well as any person from a minority group who dares to be conservative and most especially if they dare to be (gasp) Republican.

Coulter & Malkin continue on.
Comparing the two,a sitting state Governor,and a 200 days young senator with NO executive experience,pushing this she didn't have the experience and he did is absurd.

That's true. But it's a moot point cause shed be the most dangerous president in history.

How!! and your right its moot,she isn't the Pres. Why would she be the most dangerous in history??!!
I intially thought the Thread Title was a joke, until I began thinking about the possibility that McCain may have won in 2008. I broke out in as sweat and am now under a suicide watch...

So I guess the 2012 GOP will have to settle for the closet Moderate Morman that is now leading the field. Most Dems I know say that they can live with Romney as President. He is satying what he has to in order to get the GOP nod. I Big Wink to you Mitt!

But back to the Thread subject.....Palin as Preside......where are the sleeping pills?
I intially thought the Thread Title was a joke, until I began thinking about the possibility that McCain may have won in 2008. I broke out in as sweat and am now under a suicide watch...

So I guess the 2012 GOP will have to settle for the closet Moderate Morman that is now leading the field. Most Dems I know say that they can live with Romney as President. He is satying what he has to in order to get the GOP nod. I Big Wink to you Mitt!

But back to the Thread subject.....Palin as Preside......where are the sleeping pills?

you might want to stock on them for the future..you just never know.
I've been following politics with a passion for a lot of decades now, and I do not recall EVER that the issue of whether a Vice President pick was qualified to be President ever came up until McCain/Palin. Maybe a little bit when Perot picked Colonel Stockdale, but even that was very low key and nobody suggested that it in any way affected Perot's electability.

And I don't recall a Vice President pick that the opponents of the GOP nominee liked. Especially in modern times. Who had ever heard of Spiro Agnew? When he resigned in disgrace, Gerald Ford was a good pick but had the sad distinction of being both Veep and President without ever being elected to either office. The media was furious with George H.W. Bush when he named Dan Quayle his veep. The Media never saw that coming and made him an object of ridicule from day one. They also hated Dick Cheney from day one, but couldn't make him an object of ridicule so turned that honor onto the President.

What a load of crap. He was praised endlessly during the Gulf War by everyone in the media. Then he disappeared to cut deals with Saddam as head of Halliburton and there was zero reporting about him until he was picked by Bush. And the media thought it was a smart move, since Cheney knew his way around Congress and the Pentagon.

I swear, some of you just type to hear yourselves type.
Comparing the two,a sitting state Governor,and a 200 days young senator with NO executive experience,pushing this she didn't have the experience and he did is absurd.

That's true. But it's a moot point cause shed be the most dangerous president in history.

How!! and your right its moot,she isn't the Pres. Why would she be the most dangerous in history??!!

Presidents die in office.
I've been following politics with a passion for a lot of decades now, and I do not recall EVER that the issue of whether a Vice President pick was qualified to be President ever came up until McCain/Palin. Maybe a little bit when Perot picked Colonel Stockdale, but even that was very low key and nobody suggested that it in any way affected Perot's electability.

And I don't recall a Vice President pick that the opponents of the GOP nominee liked. Especially in modern times. Who had ever heard of Spiro Agnew? When he resigned in disgrace, Gerald Ford was a good pick but had the sad distinction of being both Veep and President without ever being elected to either office. The media was furious with George H.W. Bush when he named Dan Quayle his veep. The Media never saw that coming and made him an object of ridicule from day one. They also hated Dick Cheney from day one, but couldn't make him an object of ridicule so turned that honor onto the President.

So why was Palin such a big deal? Because she was charismatic, funny, beautiful, and therefore a huge threat? So she had to be humilated, marginalized, trashed, demeaned, and disqualified?

Don't give me her not knowing her geography, history, world politics crap unless you acknowledge that the current occupant of the White House was equally ignorant, made just as many gaffes, and was pretty clueless about how it all worked. He was the one who so arrogantly criticized the Bush administration for not pulling Arabic translators out of Iraq, remember? He said they should be taken out of Iraq and sent to Afghanistan. (Where no Arabic is spoken.) More than once he made major mistakes in demanding that the U.N., most especially the U.N. Security Council, do something when that something was not within its prerogative.

And Joe Biden? The lovable clown? Have you seen anywhere near the ridicule, scorn, and demeaning characterizations heaped on him?

Sarah Palin may or may not have accomplished herself in high office. But she sure as hell wouldn't have done any worse than what we've had. And most likely would have done a far sight less damage. But every stumble would have been blasted for days on end and she would have gotten no credit for anything done right.

joe biden would have made a very good president. he's hardly a clown. and people who voted for baby bush really should be careful about calling others "clowns"

palin wasn't unacceptable because she was charismatic.

she was unacceptable because she was ignorant and refused to learn anything.

some of us actually watched the couric interviews and were embarrassed for her.

so to cut through to the crux of it, yes, she would have been worse than what we have. what we have is far better than what we HAD...

the last thing we needed in complex times was someone who both didn't have a core of knowledge and then didn't want to learn.

you can parse it anyway you want, but that's what it comes down to.
so now we are suppose to care what some LOSER that ran a campaign that helped lose the Presidency says..

Like a Vice President does a hell of a lot...Just look at Joe Biden..:badgrin:

Yes! And do you know why? Because losing and being out of the business of campaigning can, and often does, lead to some much-needed honesty instead of endless posturing.
Because losing and being out of the business of campaigning can, and often does, lead to some much-needed honesty instead of endless posturing.
And PROFIT from book deals, opinion pieces, TV appearances, etc. ; ) That's Palin, plus many more.
I've been following politics with a passion for a lot of decades now, and I do not recall EVER that the issue of whether a Vice President pick was qualified to be President ever came up until McCain/Palin. Maybe a little bit when Perot picked Colonel Stockdale, but even that was very low key and nobody suggested that it in any way affected Perot's electability.

And I don't recall a Vice President pick that the opponents of the GOP nominee liked. Especially in modern times. Who had ever heard of Spiro Agnew? When he resigned in disgrace, Gerald Ford was a good pick but had the sad distinction of being both Veep and President without ever being elected to either office. The media was furious with George H.W. Bush when he named Dan Quayle his veep. The Media never saw that coming and made him an object of ridicule from day one. They also hated Dick Cheney from day one, but couldn't make him an object of ridicule so turned that honor onto the President.

So why was Palin such a big deal? Because she was charismatic, funny, beautiful, and therefore a huge threat? So she had to be humilated, marginalized, trashed, demeaned, and disqualified?

Don't give me her not knowing her geography, history, world politics crap unless you acknowledge that the current occupant of the White House was equally ignorant, made just as many gaffes, and was pretty clueless about how it all worked. He was the one who so arrogantly criticized the Bush administration for not pulling Arabic translators out of Iraq, remember? He said they should be taken out of Iraq and sent to Afghanistan. (Where no Arabic is spoken.) More than once he made major mistakes in demanding that the U.N., most especially the U.N. Security Council, do something when that something was not within its prerogative.

And Joe Biden? The lovable clown? Have you seen anywhere near the ridicule, scorn, and demeaning characterizations heaped on him?

Sarah Palin may or may not have accomplished herself in high office. But she sure as hell wouldn't have done any worse than what we've had. And most likely would have done a far sight less damage. But every stumble would have been blasted for days on end and she would have gotten no credit for anything done right.

joe biden would have made a very good president. he's hardly a clown. and people who voted for baby bush really should be careful about calling others "clowns"

palin wasn't unacceptable because she was charismatic.

she was unacceptable because she was ignorant and refused to learn anything.

some of us actually watched the couric interviews and were embarrassed for her.

so to cut through to the crux of it, yes, she would have been worse than what we have. what we have is far better than what we HAD...

the last thing we needed in complex times was someone who both didn't have a core of knowledge and then didn't want to learn.

you can parse it anyway you want, but that's what it comes down to.

No its just YOUR opinion and speculation doesn't come down to any other thing.
so now we are suppose to care what some LOSER that ran a campaign that helped lose the Presidency says..

Like a Vice President does a hell of a lot...Just look at Joe Biden..:badgrin:

Yes! And do you know why? Because losing and being out of the business of campaigning can, and often does, lead to some much-needed honesty instead of endless posturing.

I gotta bridge for sale.....
of the United States is..... "


That was Steve Schmidt just now on Morning Joe... and HE isn't saying that the portrayal in Game Change was wrong.

He also says that we need to start making Vice Presidential choices for actual considerations like can this person step into the job rather than for political considerations like what group does this person help with?

FWIW, he thought John Edwards was ill-equipped for the big job, too.

I'm certain the GOP specifically chose a woman as a running mate for John McCain in an attempt to attract some of the voters who were disillusioned over Hillary losing the Dem primary but they didn't do their homework very well. With all the women from whom they had to choose, seriously, was Palin really the best bet?
of the United States is..... "


That was Steve Schmidt just now on Morning Joe... and HE isn't saying that the portrayal in Game Change was wrong.

He also says that we need to start making Vice Presidential choices for actual considerations like can this person step into the job rather than for political considerations like what group does this person help with?

FWIW, he thought John Edwards was ill-equipped for the big job, too.

I'm certain the GOP specifically chose a woman as a running mate for John McCain in an attempt to attract some of the voters who were disillusioned over Hillary losing the Dem primary but they didn't do their homework very well. With all the women from whom they had to choose, seriously, was Palin really the best bet?

What other women are there in the GOP? Elizabeth dole?
That's true. But it's a moot point cause shed be the most dangerous president in history.

How!! and your right its moot,she isn't the Pres. Why would she be the most dangerous in history??!!

Presidents die in office.

And???? got more?? thin not seeing your point how would she be the most dangerous president ever??

Skip the broad generalities try and be a bit more detailed.
of the United States is..... "


That was Steve Schmidt just now on Morning Joe... and HE isn't saying that the portrayal in Game Change was wrong.

He also says that we need to start making Vice Presidential choices for actual considerations like can this person step into the job rather than for political considerations like what group does this person help with?

FWIW, he thought John Edwards was ill-equipped for the big job, too.

I'm certain the GOP specifically chose a woman as a running mate for John McCain in an attempt to attract some of the voters who were disillusioned over Hillary losing the Dem primary but they didn't do their homework very well. With all the women from whom they had to choose, seriously, was Palin really the best bet?

What other women are there in the GOP? Elizabeth dole?

Really?? there are plenty of Republican women that are as qualified as any
I'm certain the GOP specifically chose a woman as a running mate for John McCain in an attempt to attract some of the voters who were disillusioned over Hillary losing the Dem primary but they didn't do their homework very well. With all the women from whom they had to choose, seriously, was Palin really the best bet?

What other women are there in the GOP? Elizabeth dole?

Really?? there are plenty of Republican women that are as qualified as any

The amazing thing is if Sarah hadnt quit halfway through her term, she could Have run and would be the front runner right now.

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