The NRA Said "The Only Way To Stop A Bad Guy With A Gun,..

dimocraps lie. It's what they do.
And to expose dimocrap scum for the liars they are.

Maybe others are dishonest ............. but I am not, I am 100% forthcoming & honest, as guns MUST BE BANNED so that we can lay down the law just like Mr. Senior EL Gewappo does it .......... like in this video:
[ame=""]Punishment of the American Sheeple[/ame]
The sheeple must be fooled into giving up the guns willingly to receive their punishments.
A radical right wing propaganda site that has Ted Cruz/Sarah Palin as the headline? :lol:

You are too good, please link more :lmao:

NationalReport>NBC News has identified the suspect in the Washington D.C. Navy Yard shooting as Registered Democract Aaron Alexis, 34, originally of Ft. Worth, Texas (click here for report circulating on Twitter regarding the shooter). Alexis, allegedly a Muslim (possibly gay), was a civilian contractor who reportedly used the ID of a former employee to gain access into the facility. At this time, 13 people are reported dead and several others wounded.

Keep digging your doing a good job...rolmao

Mabel, you got smoked like a cheap cigar...:smoke:

he was a Buddhistt moron

Billygoat, not only was he a Buddhistt moron, but a liberal Buddhistt moron...:lol:
No. Force every single gun transaction to be authorized via a background check and then you get the point across.

Just like they've done in California for decades...

And hasn't that worked be all peaceful and shit there. :cuckoo:

  • In the top 10 cities with the highest rates of violent crime, there are two in California. Coming in 3rd and 7th place are Oakland and Stockton, respectively.
  • Top 10 cities by murder rate? Yep, Oakland and Stockton make the list there as well.

How about the state overall?

  • Over the last ten years, California consistently ranks among the top 15 states by both violent crime and murder rates.
  • In 2010 the state violent crime rate was higher than the national violent crime rate average by 53.98%. Ouch!
  • But hey, the trend is going down, right? Wrong! In 2012, the violent crime and murder rates were up in California:

Capitol Alert: California's crime rates inch up in 2012

Hey, that's some effective central planning there...:doubt:

Once again, the facts do you support your agenda.

So tell us, if you brought this idea of forcing "every single gun transaction to be authorized via a background check" to the entire country, could we expect results as great as in California? :lol:

How about you stop advocating for laws based on INTENT rather than RESULTS???
Because prevention and deterrence are designed to work BEFORE someone is shot?

Arrest enough people for selling guns to the wrong people and the point will get across, which is the same for every law. Right now that doesnt happen, and yet people still ask for more laws.

No. Force every single gun transaction to be authorized via a background check and then you get the point across.

And people will still get guns illegally because checks are easy to get around. A person who wants a gun can get a gun. When you increase the onerousness of background checks all you do is infringe on law abiding citizens.
is a good guy with a gun"

It turns out Alexis was armed only with a shotgun. He was able to take down those "good guys with guns" in the building to then use their handguns to kill more people.

What will LaPierre and the gun-nutters say now? :eusa_think:

The same thing, since it's still true. Just because YOU are too pig-stupid to understand the difference between "best way" and "guaranteed" doesn't change reality.

How well did "good guys with NO guns" work out, after all? And what, if anything, is your alternative?
is a good guy with a gun"

It turns out Alexis was armed only with a shotgun. He was able to take down those "good guys with guns" in the building to then use their handguns to kill more people.

What will LaPierre and the gun-nutters say now? :eusa_think:

Nine instances where a good guy with a gun stopped a bad guy.

1. The Pearl High School shooting:

Oct. 1, 1997
Luke Woodham fatally stabbed and bludgeoned his mother and went on to kill two students and injure seven others at his high school. Woodham was stopped by Assistant Principal Joel Myrick, a U.S. Army Reserve commander, who detained Woodham by using a .45 caliber semi-automatic pistol he kept in his truck, until authorities could show up.

Myrick stopped Woodham from going across the street to the middle school.

2. The Parker Middle School dance shooting:

April 24, 1998
Andrew Wurst showed up to his middle school dance with his .25-caliber pistol. He fired it, killing a teacher, wounding a second one, and injuring two students. The 14-year-old’s shoot-out lasted about 20 minutes. It was ended when James Strand, the owner of the banquet hall the dance was happening in, confronted Wurst with his personal shotgun. He ordered Wurst to drop his weapon and held the teenager in place for 11 minutes before finally getting him to drop the weapon and lie on the ground, and then searched him for other weapons.

3. The Appalachian School of Law shooting:

Jan. 16, 2002
A 43-year-old Nigerian former student named Peter Odighizuwa arrived on campus with a handgun. There are different variations of the story, but according to eyewitness accounts, law students Tracy Bridges, a county sheriff’s deputy, and Mikael Gross, a police officer, ran to their cars after hearing gunshots and grabbed personally owned firearms. They approached Odighizuwa, ordering him to drop his firearm; he did and was subdued by unarmed students.

Three people were killed and three others were wounded.

4. The New Life Church shooting:

Dec. 9, 2007
A former police officer from Minnesota named Jeanne Assam was at church when a 24-year-old gunman named Matthew Murray began firing at parishioners in the parking lot. Murray claimed two victims before Assam opened fire on him with her personally owned concealed weapon. After receiving multiple hits from Assam, Murray then shot himself.

5. The Trolley Square shooting:

Feb. 12, 2007
Sulejman Talović killed five people and wounded four others in 2007 when he began firing in a public square in Salt Lake City, Utah. He carried a shotgun and a backpack of ammunition. He was eventually stopped in a shoot-out involving Salt Lake City Police Department SWAT that took place in a Pottery Barn Kids. He was cornered, however, by off-duty police officer Kenneth Hammond, who held him in position before authorities could arrive.

Hammond ran on scene after hearing gunshots fire out while having an early Valentine’s Day dinner with his pregnant wife at a local restaurant.

6. The Golden Market shooting:

July 19, 2009
The details are murky but according to reports, a man entered a Golden Market in Virginia in 2009 and began firing a gun. He shot and wounded the clerk and then began firing at patrons inside. He ran out of ammo and was attempting to reload when he was shot, wounded, and then subdued by a permit holder who happened to be in the store.

7. The New York Mills AT&T store shooting:

May 27, 2010
Off-duty police officer Donald J. Moore stopped Abraham Dickan, a 79-year-old man who decided to shoot up an AT&T store in New York Mills, New York. Moore was in the store when Dickan entered brandishing a .357 magnum and a hit list of employees he planned to kill in his pocket. Moore heard Dickan’s gun go off, drew his own personal weapon, and killed Dickan on scene.

One AT&T employee was injured in the shooting.

8. The Clackamas Town Center shooting:

Dec. 11, 2012
Two people were killed and a third was seriously wounded in Clackamas County, Oregon, when Jacob Roberts opened fire in a local shopping mall. Nick Meli, a shopper in the mall, drew a personally owned firearm on Roberts, who then retreated. Meli did not fire his weapon, for fear of striking bystanders.

9. The San Antonio Theater shooting:

Dec. 16, 2012
In December of last year, gunfire broke out in a San Antonio movie theater. Moviegoers rushed to exits and ducked for cover as a lone gunman, Jesus Manuel Garcia, began shooting in a China Garden that spilled over into an attached movie complex. The San Antonio Police Department were fired at by the gunman and had to evacuate and seal off the complex.

The gunman was eventually shot and struck by an off-duty police officer, Lisa Castellano, who was working at the theater that night.
is a good guy with a gun"

It turns out Alexis was armed only with a shotgun. He was able to take down those "good guys with guns" in the building to then use their handguns to kill more people.

What will LaPierre and the gun-nutters say now? :eusa_think:

i guess the first question i'd ask is why did he have security clearance?

the second i'd ask is how did he get past our security checkpoint carrying a gun and ammo?

the third is with all the red flags and recent warning from the Rhode Island police is why weren't we watching him closer?

the 4th questions i'd ask is how long before some gun grabbing liberal douchebag truies to blame the gun?
is a good guy with a gun"

It turns out Alexis was armed only with a shotgun. He was able to take down those "good guys with guns" in the building to then use their handguns to kill more people.

What will LaPierre and the gun-nutters say now? :eusa_think:

do tell how alexis was stopped from shooting more people....

hint: good guys with guns

thread fail
is a good guy with a gun"

It turns out Alexis was armed only with a shotgun. He was able to take down those "good guys with guns" in the building to then use their handguns to kill more people.

What will LaPierre and the gun-nutters say now? :eusa_think:

don't need to be a gun nut to know that alexis was in fact stopped by good guys with guns

is a good guy with a gun"

It turns out Alexis was armed only with a shotgun. He was able to take down those "good guys with guns" in the building to then use their handguns to kill more people.

What will LaPierre and the gun-nutters say now? :eusa_think:

He killed one (not plural as you indicated) security guard with a gun and used his gun when he could have accomplished the same thing by just bringing a second gun, and that to you proves what exactly?
is a good guy with a gun"

It turns out Alexis was armed only with a shotgun. He was able to take down those "good guys with guns" in the building to then use their handguns to kill more people.

What will LaPierre and the gun-nutters say now? :eusa_think:

don't need to be a gun nut to know that alexis was in fact stopped by good guys with guns


Were they good guys? They had guns!
This tragedy could have been prevented.

By taking everyone else's guns away?

Not everyone. Not every gun. What part of the word "control" throws you gomers & goobers off so much?

In all the mass shootings, control means the bad guy has a gun and no one else does. I think we understand it fine.

In your solution though, only the government has guns. Other than some guns, and the government knows exactly where they are. It's the way to maintain government power.
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The sheer volume of things the liberals are ignorant of is astounding. But I guess ignorance is how you get to be a liberal. Form follows function I guess.
That can't be right. The shipyard was a gun free zone, as is all of the District of Columbia. A Gun Free Zone. They have signs and everything!

There were armed guards, which he obtained the pistol from. Nice job lying again,..

But he wasn't a guard, therefore he couldn't have had a gun. You know, the signs and all.

Your story is a lie...unless you mean to say that criminals don't obey the law and disregard the Gun Free Zone signs. Surely, you don't mean to imply that.

Even if he managed to bring a gun from home right past the signs, he couldn't have done much with it considering that the guards and police have training us mere plebs don't and they're the only ones professional enough to use said guns in any event. Clearly you can't mean that if those centurions can be brought down and unable to protect us, then who can and we should consider having the means to protect ourselves from people who ignore Gun Free Zone signs. Heaven forfend the thought that bad guys do bad things and that not even the police can always stop them.

Nope. Those Gun Free Zone signs and the knowledge that even the baddest of the bad will obey said signs is all I need to keep me safe.

Or you could have offered him some Skittles and he would have gone away happy. Remember, we haven't seen the media's pictures of this guy as a 12-year-old at his birthday party, so he could have been just an innocent child easy to turn back into his happy angelic normal state.
i see BL fled the thread after it was pointed out that he indeed was stopped by good guys with guns


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