The NRA Said "The Only Way To Stop A Bad Guy With A Gun,..

gun free zones only apply to non-government agents. Progressive statists want the government to be the only authroized user of deadly force.

Progressives just don't want loons like you having any impact whatsoever on what kind of country we have.

And there you have a brief moment of unguarded truth from a dimocrap scumbag.

They don't want YOU to have any say in how our Country is run.

And to accomplish that mission, they must first disarm you.

That is your enemy, my fellow Patriots. Right there. In that bolded quote.

The worshipers of Hitler and Stalin don't want us involved. Only they know what's best for us.

I'm actually glad not everyone has that sniveling bed wetter blocked, and that you picked it up.

It is indeed a perfect illustration of what kind of fascist pigs nycarbuttlicker and his ilk are. Criminally insane authortarian sociopaths.

Except in nycarbuttlicker's case, he's also a blithering idiot to boot.

I took the liberty of changing the color of it's quote though edge. Bed wetting commies should always be quoted in red.
Progressives just don't want loons like you having any impact whatsoever on what kind of country we have.

And there you have a brief moment of unguarded truth from a dimocrap scumbag.

They don't want YOU to have any say in how our Country is run.

And to accomplish that mission, they must first disarm you.

That is your enemy, my fellow Patriots. Right there. In that bolded quote.

The worshipers of Hitler and Stalin don't want us involved. Only they know what's best for us.

I'm actually glad not everyone has that sniveling bed wetter blocked, and that you picked it up.

It is indeed a perfect illustration of what kind of fascist pigs nycarbuttlicker and his ilk are. Criminally insane authortarian sociopaths.

Except in nycarbuttlicker's case, he's also a blithering idiot to boot.

I took the liberty of changing the color of it's quote though edge. Bed wetting commies should always be quoted in red.

I don't block people. I don't put people on ignore.

I just don't do it. If they want to be completely and utterly stupid and dishonest, that's their right. Quite obviously, the Board has no rules against that sort of thing and I am here as a guest of the Board's proprietors and their Agents (Moderators, aka: Jedi Knights, aka: Those who must be obeyed)... A privilege they can revoke at any time.

If someone wants to make a complete and utter fool of himself, I'm gonna watch.

It's fun. It's like watching Laurel and Hardy or The Three Stooges or Abbot and Costello......

But..... They were Actors. Good ones.

These morons aren't acting. :popcorn:
are you this stupid black label ??? every media out let has said he came in with a shot gun and took the armed guards gun ... do you keep you head up your ass all the time ???? do you every come out for air????

Speaking of stupid.

Quote: Originally Posted by Black_Label View Post
is a good guy with a gun"

It turns out Alexis was armed only with a shotgun. He was able to take down those "good guys with guns" in the building to then use their handguns to kill more people.

What will LaPierre and the gun-nutters say now?

who in the hell would want to be a disgusting worthless piece of shit texan ... thats worse the being a dog shit

That all you got? Unfortunately you're still stupid.
no moron the clearly said he tried to purchased a AR 15 but found out that he could buy a shot gun wit les problems

What kind of problems?

I sorry ... it doesn't say google on my forehead ...if you're to stupid to read anything, Im not your teacher ... do you own damn searching... its been in the news... try the new york times ... then try to comprehend what you read

Your concession is duly noted.
is a good guy with a gun"

It turns out Alexis was armed only with a shotgun. He was able to take down those "good guys with guns" in the building to then use their handguns to kill more people.

What will LaPierre and the gun-nutters say now? :eusa_think:

Why is it you leftist turds always push fascism after a nutty liberal kills people?

They're fascists, that's what fascists do.
nothing worng being a liberal Buddhist ... its way better then being a repub-lie-tard buddhist

Tell that to the family of the liberal Buddhist's victims.

ok go get me the email addresses of all the liberal Buddhist and i'll email them no problem with that ... sorry to ruin you lie... where you were trying to make him out to me a muslim bet that pissed ya off... I'm just saying

Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit. Nor is grammar.
You're just proving my point. People like you are defending the right of this mental case, even if he had been legally declared ineligible to purchase and possess guns,

to be able to do so.

Wrong. There are already laws against owning a firearm for those declared ineligible due to mental issues.

Now, how about supporting background checks for spoons? Do you deny obesity kills?

Man, you are heartless. Have you ever tried eating ice cream with a fork?
Especially here in Florida.

No, but you could kill someone with a fork. BG checks for them too.
Wrong. There are already laws against owning a firearm for those declared ineligible due to mental issues.

Now, how about supporting background checks for spoons? Do you deny obesity kills?

Man, you are heartless. Have you ever tried eating ice cream with a fork?
Especially here in Florida.

No, but you could kill someone with a fork. BG checks for them too.

At least we should limit the number of tines on forks. I mean, who needs more than three tines??? And really, isn't one fork enough? I say limit the number of forks someone can buy in per month. These fucking forknutters make me sick!
What's the point in arguing with hate filled lefties who twist logic to the point where they are suggesting that Police Officers be disarmed because bad guys might take their guns?
And there you have a brief moment of unguarded truth from a dimocrap scumbag.

They don't want YOU to have any say in how our Country is run.

And to accomplish that mission, they must first disarm you.

That is your enemy, my fellow Patriots. Right there. In that bolded quote.

The worshipers of Hitler and Stalin don't want us involved. Only they know what's best for us.

I'm actually glad not everyone has that sniveling bed wetter blocked, and that you picked it up.

It is indeed a perfect illustration of what kind of fascist pigs nycarbuttlicker and his ilk are. Criminally insane authortarian sociopaths.

Except in nycarbuttlicker's case, he's also a blithering idiot to boot.

I took the liberty of changing the color of it's quote though edge. Bed wetting commies should always be quoted in red.

I don't block people. I don't put people on ignore.

I just don't do it. If they want to be completely and utterly stupid and dishonest, that's their right. Quite obviously, the Board has no rules against that sort of thing and I am here as a guest of the Board's proprietors and their Agents (Moderators, aka: Jedi Knights, aka: Those who must be obeyed)... A privilege they can revoke at any time.

If someone wants to make a complete and utter fool of himself, I'm gonna watch.

It's fun. It's like watching Laurel and Hardy or The Three Stooges or Abbot and Costello......

But..... They were Actors. Good ones.

These morons aren't acting. :popcorn:

I commend you for your intestinal fortitude. I find their stupidity to be painful. I have no need to correct the willfullly stupid. They're dedicated to absolute ignorance and will vehemently defend that stupidity to the death, even if it means taking other people out with them.

Take the Jim Jones commie cult for instance, another cult of personality centered around a messianic asshole who was (again) a crininally insane authortarian sociopath. Once he decided everyone had to die, his blithering idiot zealots almost unanimously lined up. The children were murdered by their own parents, and the few who resisted mostly didn't survive. They were also murdered.

Even the fucktards still in San Fransicko who could have made their own decisions, did not have the capacity to question their messiah's orders. Thus proving to me that people who adhere to leftist dogma are almost uniformly completely incapable of independent thought, and haven't a synapse of critical thinking skills.

It's the same with the parasitic intestinal worms were seeing here. So dedicated to absolue bullshit, they foam at the mouth when confronted with facts that totally destroy the inane giberish they regurgitate from their asinine bed wetter websites. Are any of them arguing rationally, or providing a single byte of factual information? So for me there's no point. I ridicule them when I see their mindless drivel in someone else's posts, but I can't be bothered to see it otherwise.

Again I do enjoy seeing some of you folks instigate these mindless little creatures into revealing exactly what sort of fascist pigs they really are.
I'm actually glad not everyone has that sniveling bed wetter blocked, and that you picked it up.

It is indeed a perfect illustration of what kind of fascist pigs nycarbuttlicker and his ilk are. Criminally insane authortarian sociopaths.

Except in nycarbuttlicker's case, he's also a blithering idiot to boot.

I took the liberty of changing the color of it's quote though edge. Bed wetting commies should always be quoted in red.

I don't block people. I don't put people on ignore.

I just don't do it. If they want to be completely and utterly stupid and dishonest, that's their right. Quite obviously, the Board has no rules against that sort of thing and I am here as a guest of the Board's proprietors and their Agents (Moderators, aka: Jedi Knights, aka: Those who must be obeyed)... A privilege they can revoke at any time.

If someone wants to make a complete and utter fool of himself, I'm gonna watch.

It's fun. It's like watching Laurel and Hardy or The Three Stooges or Abbot and Costello......

But..... They were Actors. Good ones.

These morons aren't acting. :popcorn:

I commend you for your intestinal fortitude. I find their stupidity to be painful. I have no need to correct the willfullly stupid. They're dedicated to absolute ignorance and will vehemently defend that stupidity to the death, even if it means taking other people out with them.

Take the Jim Jones commie cult for instance, another cult of personality centered around a messianic asshole who was (again) a crininally insane authortarian sociopath. Once he decided everyone had to die, his blithering idiot zealots almost unanimously lined up. The children were murdered by their own parents, and the few who resisted mostly didn't survive. They were also murdered.

Even the fucktards still in San Fransicko who could have made their own decisions, did not have the capacity to question their messiah's orders. Thus proving to me that people who adhere to leftist dogma are almost uniformly completely incapable of independent thought, and haven't a synapse of critical thinking skills.

It's the same with the parasitic intestinal worms were seeing here. So dedicated to absolue bullshit, they foam at the mouth when confronted with facts that totally destroy the inane giberish they regurgitate from their asinine bed wetter websites. Are any of them arguing rationally, or providing a single byte of factual information? So for me there's no point. I ridicule them when I see their mindless drivel in someone else's posts, but I can't be bothered to see it otherwise.

Again I do enjoy seeing some of you folks instigate these mindless little creatures into revealing exactly what sort of fascist pigs they really are.

Pete, that's their schtick, dewd.

They have no desire to debate us. None. They know we have the moral high ground and the superior logic and reason. So do you. So does everybody.

All they're interested in -- All of them... All they do is make stupid posts and then suck you in so they can make you mad. They have no intention of proving a point. They just want to annoy you.

To them, that's a victory. It's what they do. On every Message Board I've ever been (and I've been on a few) they do the same thing.

All they want to do is infuriate you.

The Mods can't do anything much about it. They'll organize a boycott of the entire Board. Sometimes, they'll single out a Conservative poster and zero-in on him and try to drive hime off.

Sometimes they'll pick a Conservative poster and take turns filing complaints on him until the Mods are forced into doing something.... Or not.

You gotta understand something.... These are not "Good people with bad ideas".

These people are the scum of the fucking Earth. Get that through your head.

And you're not here to change their minds. Most of them are way too far gone.

What we're here to do is to try to save the ones that haven't gone-over completely just yet. To fight for them.

Putting scumbag dimocraps on ignore does nothing. To them, it's win. To them, it gives them the room they need to stand up and shout their lies to the world.

Since logic and reason don't work on dimocrap scum, call them names (within the rules of the Board) point out their hypocrisy and remember.......

They'll be back with the same lies, from the same people, on the same subject in a short period of time.

dimocraps lie. It's what they do.

I'm not here for them. I don't care about them. They can rot in their disease-infested world.

I'm here for you and for people like you.

And to expose dimocrap scum for the liars they are.
I don't block people. I don't put people on ignore.

I just don't do it. If they want to be completely and utterly stupid and dishonest, that's their right. Quite obviously, the Board has no rules against that sort of thing and I am here as a guest of the Board's proprietors and their Agents (Moderators, aka: Jedi Knights, aka: Those who must be obeyed)... A privilege they can revoke at any time.

If someone wants to make a complete and utter fool of himself, I'm gonna watch.

It's fun. It's like watching Laurel and Hardy or The Three Stooges or Abbot and Costello......

But..... They were Actors. Good ones.

These morons aren't acting. :popcorn:

I commend you for your intestinal fortitude. I find their stupidity to be painful. I have no need to correct the willfullly stupid. They're dedicated to absolute ignorance and will vehemently defend that stupidity to the death, even if it means taking other people out with them.

Take the Jim Jones commie cult for instance, another cult of personality centered around a messianic asshole who was (again) a crininally insane authortarian sociopath. Once he decided everyone had to die, his blithering idiot zealots almost unanimously lined up. The children were murdered by their own parents, and the few who resisted mostly didn't survive. They were also murdered.

Even the fucktards still in San Fransicko who could have made their own decisions, did not have the capacity to question their messiah's orders. Thus proving to me that people who adhere to leftist dogma are almost uniformly completely incapable of independent thought, and haven't a synapse of critical thinking skills.

It's the same with the parasitic intestinal worms were seeing here. So dedicated to absolue bullshit, they foam at the mouth when confronted with facts that totally destroy the inane giberish they regurgitate from their asinine bed wetter websites. Are any of them arguing rationally, or providing a single byte of factual information? So for me there's no point. I ridicule them when I see their mindless drivel in someone else's posts, but I can't be bothered to see it otherwise.

Again I do enjoy seeing some of you folks instigate these mindless little creatures into revealing exactly what sort of fascist pigs they really are.

Pete, that's their schtick, dewd.

They have no desire to debate us. None. They know we have the moral high ground and the superior logic and reason. So do you. So does everybody.

All they're interested in -- All of them... All they do is make stupid posts and then suck you in so they can make you mad. They have no intention of proving a point. They just want to annoy you.

To them, that's a victory. It's what they do. On every Message Board I've ever been (and I've been on a few) they do the same thing.

All they want to do is infuriate you.

The Mods can't do anything much about it. They'll organize a boycott of the entire Board. Sometimes, they'll single out a Conservative poster and zero-in on him and try to drive hime off.

Sometimes they'll pick a Conservative poster and take turns filing complaints on him until the Mods are forced into doing something.... Or not.

You gotta understand something.... These are not "Good people with bad ideas".

These people are the scum of the fucking Earth. Get that through your head.

And you're not here to change their minds. Most of them are way too far gone.

What we're here to do is to try to save the ones that haven't gone-over completely just yet. To fight for them.

Putting scumbag dimocraps on ignore does nothing. To them, it's win. To them, it gives them the room they need to stand up and shout their lies to the world.

Since logic and reason don't work on dimocrap scum, call them names (within the rules of the Board) point out their hypocrisy and remember.......

They'll be back with the same lies, from the same people, on the same subject in a short period of time.

dimocraps lie. It's what they do.

I'm not here for them. I don't care about them. They can rot in their disease-infested world.

I'm here for you and for people like you.

And to expose dimocrap scum for the liars they are.

You're preaching to the choir Edge, I know their game I'm just not going to play. When one of ya'll point out some of the more insipid posts I'll comment and ridicule it because I'm good at that, and it relieves stress. It's fun to see the bed wetters get butt hurt when Alinsky's Rule # 5 is used against them.

I'm painfully aware of just what vile and pathetic creatures they are, in fact intestinal worms are a higher form of life. They can go on with the delusion they've "won" something because I avoid even seeing a lot of the asinine bullshit they post. I've already likely read it anyway since these bed wetters are usually just regurgitating the inane chatter some other bed wetter posted somewhere online. It gets repetitive, so I filter it.

You're doing something good, and I applaud your efforts. You amuse folks like us, and like you said, you just might pursued a younger bed wetter in training to think for themselves, and get potty trained. If you save just a few people from being sucked into the "Black Hole of Liberal Ignorance", you're literally saving a human life. There will be a person who adds something positive to society, rather than contributes to it's decline.

Last edited:
I don't block people. I don't put people on ignore.

I just don't do it. If they want to be completely and utterly stupid and dishonest, that's their right. Quite obviously, the Board has no rules against that sort of thing and I am here as a guest of the Board's proprietors and their Agents (Moderators, aka: Jedi Knights, aka: Those who must be obeyed)... A privilege they can revoke at any time.

If someone wants to make a complete and utter fool of himself, I'm gonna watch.

It's fun. It's like watching Laurel and Hardy or The Three Stooges or Abbot and Costello......

But..... They were Actors. Good ones.

These morons aren't acting. :popcorn:

I commend you for your intestinal fortitude. I find their stupidity to be painful. I have no need to correct the willfullly stupid. They're dedicated to absolute ignorance and will vehemently defend that stupidity to the death, even if it means taking other people out with them.

Take the Jim Jones commie cult for instance, another cult of personality centered around a messianic asshole who was (again) a crininally insane authortarian sociopath. Once he decided everyone had to die, his blithering idiot zealots almost unanimously lined up. The children were murdered by their own parents, and the few who resisted mostly didn't survive. They were also murdered.

Even the fucktards still in San Fransicko who could have made their own decisions, did not have the capacity to question their messiah's orders. Thus proving to me that people who adhere to leftist dogma are almost uniformly completely incapable of independent thought, and haven't a synapse of critical thinking skills.

It's the same with the parasitic intestinal worms were seeing here. So dedicated to absolue bullshit, they foam at the mouth when confronted with facts that totally destroy the inane giberish they regurgitate from their asinine bed wetter websites. Are any of them arguing rationally, or providing a single byte of factual information? So for me there's no point. I ridicule them when I see their mindless drivel in someone else's posts, but I can't be bothered to see it otherwise.

Again I do enjoy seeing some of you folks instigate these mindless little creatures into revealing exactly what sort of fascist pigs they really are.

Pete, that's their schtick, dewd.

They have no desire to debate us. None. They know we have the moral high ground and the superior logic and reason. So do you. So does everybody.

All they're interested in -- All of them... All they do is make stupid posts and then suck you in so they can make you mad. They have no intention of proving a point. They just want to annoy you.

To them, that's a victory. It's what they do. On every Message Board I've ever been (and I've been on a few) they do the same thing.

All they want to do is infuriate you.

The Mods can't do anything much about it. They'll organize a boycott of the entire Board. Sometimes, they'll single out a Conservative poster and zero-in on him and try to drive hime off.

Sometimes they'll pick a Conservative poster and take turns filing complaints on him until the Mods are forced into doing something.... Or not.

You gotta understand something.... These are not "Good people with bad ideas".

These people are the scum of the fucking Earth. Get that through your head.

And you're not here to change their minds. Most of them are way too far gone.

What we're here to do is to try to save the ones that haven't gone-over completely just yet. To fight for them.

Putting scumbag dimocraps on ignore does nothing. To them, it's win. To them, it gives them the room they need to stand up and shout their lies to the world.

Since logic and reason don't work on dimocrap scum, call them names (within the rules of the Board) point out their hypocrisy and remember.......

They'll be back with the same lies, from the same people, on the same subject in a short period of time.

dimocraps lie. It's what they do.

I'm not here for them. I don't care about them. They can rot in their disease-infested world.

I'm here for you and for people like you.

And to expose dimocrap scum for the liars they are.

Butthurt, cry-babying, and temper tantrums, you are the staple of those on the far right, disgusting trash.

Try again when you have something to contribute to the thread besides na-na-boo-boo 3 year old nonsense,..
The only thing that should be contributed to this thread is a roll of toilet paper.
It's been asked over and over, but I'll ask again.

Please present your laws and policies that would have prevented the DC incident.

Already done so in other posts but to summarize;

The "good guys with guns" need regular proficiency training.
HIPAA laws need revising so that there is no right to privacy if you are being treated for mental disorders that make you a danger to others.
If you need armed security then it needs to be done properly with redundant layers.

From your response I will assume that your laws would not allow a person to own a weapon unless they are trained proficiently and are not being treated for a mental disorder.

How would you be able to enforce those laws? You would have somewhat of a chance if we were starting new and nobody yet owned any weapons. In my view these would be impossible to enforce.

As for proper armed security, you and your kind do not have the stomach for it.

My kind support the 2nd amendment and own guns so I would appreciate it if you refrained from making assumptions without anything to support them. Thank you
Progressives just don't want loons like you having any impact whatsoever on what kind of country we have.

And there you have a brief moment of unguarded truth from a dimocrap scumbag.

They don't want YOU to have any say in how our Country is run.

And to accomplish that mission, they must first disarm you.

That is your enemy, my fellow Patriots. Right there. In that bolded quote.

The worshipers of Hitler and Stalin don't want us involved. Only they know what's best for us.

I'm actually glad not everyone has that sniveling bed wetter blocked, and that you picked it up.

It is indeed a perfect illustration of what kind of fascist pigs nycarbuttlicker and his ilk are. Criminally insane authortarian sociopaths.

Except in nycarbuttlicker's case, he's also a blithering idiot to boot.

I took the liberty of changing the color of it's quote though edge. Bed wetting commies should always be quoted in red.

boohoo. Pretend that you want liberals to make policy in this country.
The law already holds a person liable if it is found they sold a gun to a person not eligible to own one. How about we enforce that law first before we start making new ones?

Because prevention and deterrence are designed to work BEFORE someone is shot?

Arrest enough people for selling guns to the wrong people and the point will get across, which is the same for every law. Right now that doesnt happen, and yet people still ask for more laws.

No. Force every single gun transaction to be authorized via a background check and then you get the point across.

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