The NRA won

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
I will need to read the bill before I will pop any champaigne.

I don't trust any "compromise" that is dealing with my enumerated rights that Obama likes.
I will need to read the bill before I will pop any champaigne.

I don't trust any "compromise" that is dealing with my enumerated rights that Obama likes.

This is a bipartisan group of pro gun Senators.

In theory, this is already happening, it just tightens it up so no one can argue that any private sales occur either online or at a gun show.
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I will need to read the bill before I will pop any champaigne.

I don't trust any "compromise" that is dealing with my enumerated rights that Obama likes.

You don't have an enumerated right to own, buy, and sell guns free from any regulation whatsoever.

What part of "Shall not be infringed" do you fail to understand?

The Leftest support 100% an action which kills a child every time it is done and refuses to allow any restrictions on it. Only a very small portion of gun owners ever kill any one.
It appears my concerns may be confirmed...

Sen. Lee: Backgound Checks Could Allow Holder to Create Gun Registry Using Regulations | CNS News

On Wednesday, Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) took to the Senate floor and warned that universal background checks could lead to a national registry system for guns.

"Some of the proposals, like for example- universal background checks- would allow the federal government to surveil law-abiding citizens who exercise their Constitutional rights. One of the provisions we expect to see in the bill based on what we saw in the Judiciary Committee- on which I sit- would allow the Attorney General of the United States (Eric Holder) to promulgate regulations that could lead to a national registry system for guns. Something my constituents in Utah are very concerned about, and understandably so," said Sen. Lee.

Lee also said that the government has place monitoring the legal exercise of any Constitutional right a citizen chooses to exercise:

"You see, the federal government has no business monitoring when or how often you go to church; what books and newspapers you read; who you vote for; your health conditions; what you eat for breakfast; and the details of your private life-- including your lawful exercise of your rights protected by the Second Amendment and other provisions of the Bill of Rights."
The NRA lost. They didn't get their stance for convicted felons and gang bangers to get no questions asked access to guns.
The more I see of this bill, the more I don't like it.

Coburn: Manchin-Toomey deal is 'unworkable' - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

"The Manchin-Toomey proposal is a good faith but unworkable plan," Coburn said in a statement. "The proposal will impose new taxes and unreasonable burdens on law-abiding citizens."

The deal by Toomey and Manchin expands background checks on guns to include sales done at gun shows and over the internet. The agreement also mandates records so law enforcement officials can make sure a gun sale took place. Coburn said the deal by Manchin and Toomey focuses more on record-keeping than protecting citizens' rights.

"The agreement also prioritizes collecting records over protecting citizens. As gun control special interest groups admit, the proposal expands the government’s powers to record sales of firearms at the expense of expanding the scope of background checks," Coburn said. "This is the wrong approach. Preventing sales to dangerous persons, not collecting receipts, will save lives."

The proposal, Coburn continued, is a "government takeover" of gun shows, Coburn added.

"The proposal also unwisely expands the government’s power to regulate and control the sales of firearms," Coburn said. "A government takeover of gun shows will open more loopholes than it closes. Instead of paying a gun show tax, gun owners will simply handle those transactions elsewhere. The Manchin-Toomey proposal, unfortunately, trades a workable way to improve access the NICS database for a system that is not workable and will be extremely difficult to pass Congress and become law."

Coburn had previously been in negotiations with Manchin and Sens. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) and Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) on background check legislation but walked away from the talks. The Oklahoma Republican said he planned to introduce an amendment to a gun proposal Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) plans to bring to the Senate floor on Thursday. Coburn's amendment, he said, will include a number of features that had been agreed to in previous gun negotiations.

I intend to offer a substitute amendment based on many previously agreed to bipartisan reforms gun control advocates abandoned," Coburn said. "For instance, I’ll propose a consumer portal that would facilitate access to the NICS database at not just gun shows but for virtually all private sales. While the Manchin-Toomey proposal is flawed, I commend them for their effort and look forward to the full and open debate the American people deserve."
The NRA lost. They didn't get their stance for convicted felons and gang bangers to get no questions asked access to guns.

The NRA is not going to be the winner or loser here..

It will be the Constitution and the American people who will be the losers if the Democrats and Obama have their way.
Thing is, You can not buy guns on line without a FFL to receive the weapon for you, and dealers at gun shows make you fill out 4473, so what exactly are they after here ? This "bipartisan" crap is just that, crap.
The NRA lost. They didn't get their stance for convicted felons and gang bangers to get no questions asked access to guns.

Felons and gang bangers would have unrestricted access to any kind of firepower they want. No matter what kind of laws are passed. The only question asked is "Ya got the money?'
There is a deal on gun control, and it includes nothing new to sop the conscious of any of the gun haters.

A bipartisan group of senators has struck a deal to expand gun background checks to all commercial sales — whether at gun shows, via the Internet or in any circumstance involving paid advertising, according to Senate aides familiar with the talks.

Bipartisan deal reached on gun background checks

You believe the NRA won? You're more fucked up than even I imagined. If the NRA won, who lost? That's obvious, and bums like you - sociopaths (i.e. the personality disordered) - don't care and don't feel anything normal human beings feel.

What or who made you so fucked up?
Thing is, You can not buy guns on line without a FFL to receive the weapon for you, and dealers at gun shows make you fill out 4473, so what exactly are they after here ? This "bipartisan" crap is just that, crap.

I noticed that too. The language is definitely vague. The proposed bill says that there will be a record of purchases that the federal license dealers will control as opposed to current law in which licensed dealers are privy to that record.
The NRA lost. They didn't get their stance for convicted felons and gang bangers to get no questions asked access to guns.

Felons and gang bangers would have unrestricted access to any kind of firepower they want. No matter what kind of laws are passed. The only question asked is "Ya got the money?'

...and it doesn't matter where you are! I saw a TV special the other night where prisoners were brandishing semi-automatic pistols, bags of name it. If a prisoner can get a weapon in prison, you must know he can easily get one on the street...regardless of any fuckin' laws that congress passes to deprive the common man of his RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS!

Fuck all of you gun control fanatics! You stupid bastards just cannot admit that criminals will be able to get whatever weapons they desire no matter what kind of fuckin' laws you write.

Liberalism is a mental disorder! You people are fuckin' NUTS!
It appears my concerns may be confirmed...

Sen. Lee: Backgound Checks Could Allow Holder to Create Gun Registry Using Regulations | CNS News

On Wednesday, Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) took to the Senate floor and warned that universal background checks could lead to a national registry system for guns.

"Some of the proposals, like for example- universal background checks- would allow the federal government to surveil law-abiding citizens who exercise their Constitutional rights. One of the provisions we expect to see in the bill based on what we saw in the Judiciary Committee- on which I sit- would allow the Attorney General of the United States (Eric Holder) to promulgate regulations that could lead to a national registry system for guns. Something my constituents in Utah are very concerned about, and understandably so," said Sen. Lee.

Lee also said that the government has place monitoring the legal exercise of any Constitutional right a citizen chooses to exercise:

"You see, the federal government has no business monitoring when or how often you go to church; what books and newspapers you read; who you vote for; your health conditions; what you eat for breakfast; and the details of your private life-- including your lawful exercise of your rights protected by the Second Amendment and other provisions of the Bill of Rights."

He is talking about a different proposal, not the one I linked to.

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