The NRA won

The far right and libertarians agreeing mean nothing. 66% of single women, 55% of married women, minorities in the 80s and 90s %, and 91% who want gun buy checks: and the reactionaries and liberts think they are mainstream?
I'd still like to know how a background check would have prevented Sandy Hook.

Adam kills his mother and steals her guns and commits this atrocity. This is beyond bizarre; like a shell game.

Background checks didn't prevent the guy that shot Sheriff Eugene Crum even though it was illegal for him to buy a gun.

Sheriff Slaying Suspect Bought Gun Despite Check - ABC News
Just as building a border fence between the US and Mexico won't stop illegal immigration background checks won't stop the killing; it just makes it more difficult.

They didn't make it very hard for that guy.

By the way, I am pretty sure I never supported a fence. I think it will help in some places. I used to work at a company where, if I wasn't careful, I could cross into Mexico accidentally. Putting up a, small, fence would at least help keep the people who aren't paying attention from ending up in the wrong country.
I don't much care about background checks, that's fine with me... What I do care about is gun Registration, and the Government knowing exactly what you own... It's very apparent many leftist gun grabbing loons don't seem to understand the difference between the two.
There is a deal on gun control, and it includes nothing new to sop the conscious of any of the gun haters.

A bipartisan group of senators has struck a deal to expand gun background checks to all commercial sales — whether at gun shows, via the Internet or in any circumstance involving paid advertising, according to Senate aides familiar with the talks.

Bipartisan deal reached on gun background checks

You claim the NRA has won.

You're more fucked up than even I imagined. If the NRA won, who lost? That's obvious, the innocent vicitims of future gun violence and their loved ones. Bums like you - sociopaths (i.e. the personality disordered) - don't care and don't feel anything normal human beings feel.

What or who made you so fucked up?

Even magazine capacity limits would not curb "most" gun violence. Obama's like Mao (-: playing a long game. This is another wedge issue that demographically trends away from the gop. The NRA takes it's marching orders from mafturers, and for them, the higher the tech, the better. But, over time, the NRA's power will wane because younger folks just aren't so much into hunting and shooting as older voters are.

Ten years from now the Supreme Court will look different and probably less favorable to the NRA's positions. Scalia has already opinined on the individual right that MAY be infringed ... or limited/regulated.

The gop set out to make Obama a one termer, and his response has been a concerted political effort to perpetually campaign for them to be the minority party for a decade.

imo, that's all this is really about. Though, Obama probably would prefer to see every handgun in Chicago licensed
The reactionaries and libertarians are playing Mao's long game and Alinky's rules.

However, they waited too long and failed to take power when the could have had it.

Their day is over.
there is a deal on gun control, and it includes nothing new to sop the conscious of any of the gun haters.

a bipartisan group of senators has struck a deal to expand gun background checks to all commercial sales — whether at gun shows, via the internet or in any circumstance involving paid advertising, according to senate aides familiar with the talks.

bipartisan deal reached on gun background checks

we already have background checks
I will need to read the bill before I will pop any champaigne.

I don't trust any "compromise" that is dealing with my enumerated rights that Obama likes.

You don't have an enumerated right to own, buy, and sell guns free from any regulation whatsoever.

What part of "Shall not be infringed" do you fail to understand?

The Leftest support 100% an action which kills a child every time it is done and refuses to allow any restrictions on it. Only a very small portion of gun owners ever kill any one.

He doesn't understand any of it.
91% of Americans want universal background checks, which means they think your crowd's opinion is wrong, bigrebnc.
The NRA lost. They didn't get their stance for convicted felons and gang bangers to get no questions asked access to guns.

Felons and gang bangers would have unrestricted access to any kind of firepower they want. No matter what kind of laws are passed. The only question asked is "Ya got the money?'

Black Label is a moron, ignore him.
it's helpful if one looks to see what "infringed" meant in 1780. Or what is now termed an anachronist meaning. Just saying y'all might wanna take a look. Not arguing if its a good or bad law, but if it's really about what the founders meant .....
There is a deal on gun control, and it includes nothing new to sop the conscious of any of the gun haters.

Bipartisan deal reached on gun background checks

You claim the NRA has won.

You're more fucked up than even I imagined. If the NRA won, who lost? That's obvious, the innocent vicitims of future gun violence and their loved ones. Bums like you - sociopaths (i.e. the personality disordered) - don't care and don't feel anything normal human beings feel.

What or who made you so fucked up?

Strange, I was taught that individual rights trumped nonsense, when did that change?

When Barack Hussein Obama became potus.
91% of Americans want universal background checks, which means they think your crowd's opinion is wrong, bigrebnc.

When has the NRA Not been Pro Law Enforcement or Pro Law and Order?

You could not be more full of it Jake. You are luke warm at best, Dude. Grow a spine. :) Seriously.
Thing is, You can not buy guns on line without a FFL to receive the weapon for you, and dealers at gun shows make you fill out 4473, so what exactly are they after here ? This "bipartisan" crap is just that, crap.

You can buy guns online without an FFL as long as it doesnt cross state lines and you're willing to pick it up rather then ship it.

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