The NRA won

I'd still like to know how a background check would have prevented Sandy Hook.

Adam kills his mother and steals her guns and commits this atrocity. This is beyond bizarre; like a shell game.
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I'd still like to know how a background check would have prevented Sandy Hook.

Adam kills his mother and steals her guns and commits this atrocity.

There is no law short of a total gun ban that would have had a chance of preventing Sandy Hook.

And that is the goal of the gun grabbers.
I'd still like to know how a background check would have prevented Sandy Hook.

Adam kills his mother and steals her guns and commits this atrocity.

There is no law short of a total gun ban that would have had a chance of preventing Sandy Hook.

And that is the goal of the gun grabbers.
Ooooooh! Criminals are so afraid of a total gun ban!....they must be shitting their pants right now...thinking, "Oh my god! We won't be able to get guns if they pass a law against it!"

Only a fuckin' moron would believe shit like that!

Liberals are fuckin' morons!
I will need to read the bill before I will pop any champaigne.

I don't trust any "compromise" that is dealing with my enumerated rights that Obama likes.

You don't have an enumerated right to own, buy, and sell guns free from any regulation whatsoever.

What part of "Shall not be infringed" do you fail to understand?

The Leftest support 100% an action which kills a child every time it is done and refuses to allow any restrictions on it. Only a very small portion of gun owners ever kill any one.

Laws against selling firearms to felons are as constitutional as any law can be.
If it passes, it will be a step in the right direction. Most gun owners can then breath a sigh of relief. They can continue to add to their arsenal of 270,000,000 guns and we can discuss something besides gun control.
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Obama has opened the Treasury to help reconcile House members to the vote.
Thing is, You can not buy guns on line without a FFL to receive the weapon for you, and dealers at gun shows make you fill out 4473, so what exactly are they after here ? This "bipartisan" crap is just that, crap.

I noticed that too. The language is definitely vague. The proposed bill says that there will be a record of purchases that the federal license dealers will control as opposed to current law in which licensed dealers are privy to that record.

This behavior from pro gun politicians should not be tolerated. They are openly calling there supporters stupid with this drivel. all they are doing is trying to run down the clock until election time.
There is a deal on gun control, and it includes nothing new to sop the conscious of any of the gun haters.

A bipartisan group of senators has struck a deal to expand gun background checks to all commercial sales — whether at gun shows, via the Internet or in any circumstance involving paid advertising, according to Senate aides familiar with the talks.

Bipartisan deal reached on gun background checks

You claim the NRA has won.

You're more fucked up than even I imagined. If the NRA won, who lost? That's obvious, the innocent vicitims of future gun violence and their loved ones. Bums like you - sociopaths (i.e. the personality disordered) - don't care and don't feel anything normal human beings feel.

What or who made you so fucked up?
There is a deal on gun control, and it includes nothing new to sop the conscious of any of the gun haters.

A bipartisan group of senators has struck a deal to expand gun background checks to all commercial sales — whether at gun shows, via the Internet or in any circumstance involving paid advertising, according to Senate aides familiar with the talks.
Bipartisan deal reached on gun background checks

You claim the NRA has won.

You're more fucked up than even I imagined. If the NRA won, who lost? That's obvious, the innocent vicitims of future gun violence and their loved ones. Bums like you - sociopaths (i.e. the personality disordered) - don't care and don't feel anything normal human beings feel.

What or who made you so fucked up?

Strange, I was taught that individual rights trumped nonsense, when did that change?
I'd still like to know how a background check would have prevented Sandy Hook.

Adam kills his mother and steals her guns and commits this atrocity. This is beyond bizarre; like a shell game.

Background checks didn't prevent the guy that shot Sheriff Eugene Crum even though it was illegal for him to buy a gun.

Sheriff Slaying Suspect Bought Gun Despite Check - ABC News
Just as building a border fence between the US and Mexico won't stop illegal immigration background checks won't stop the killing; it just makes it more difficult.

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