The NRA won

And then the outrage from 90% of the voters will deliver the House to the Dems in 2014. Yes, that sounds like a plan!

We already have background checks
Why is this so fucking hard for some people too understand?

Then why the hysterica opposition to 'universal' background checks if they're already 'universal'?

Hint: they are not. You're an idiot...

...okay, that's 2 hints.

Dumb ass I buy guns if you did you would know that their are background checks.

These are our republicans time to send them a message I sent Richard one

Kelly Ayotte (NH)
Richard Burr (NC)
Saxby Chambliss (GA)
Tom Coburn (OK
Susan Collins (ME)
Bob Corker (TN)
Jeff Flake (AZ)
Lindsey Graham (SC)
Dean Heller (NV)
John Hoeven (ND)
Johnny Isakson (GA)
Mark Kirk (IL),
John McCain (AZ)
Pat Toomey (PA)
Roger Wicker (MS)
Lamar Alexander (TN)

You screwed us Richard. I am a voter who knows many more voters . I suggest you make plans to find another job elsewhere. Did you know that we already have background checks? Have you lost your mind? Wake the hell up.
Jake has never claimed to be a moderate. He has always CLAIMED TO BE A REPUBLICAN.

I can't do a thing about libs and lefties, but I can work for where I can to GOP victory.

If the Dems get the House next year, we are all screwed.

They blew their chances for the most part in 2009 and 2010. They will start with amending Senate rules for 50 plus 1 up and down votes, then they will push through ALL of the Dem agenda.

Is that what you guys want?
Romney is a good example of why the GOP lost the white house.

If we had run anyone else, other than maybe Huntsman, we would not have gotten 42% of the vote.

bigrebnc, if your people continue with your obstructionism, I hope you have your bunkers built and connected, because the Dems will win next year.
These are our republicans time to send them a message I sent Richard one

Kelly Ayotte (NH)
Richard Burr (NC)
Saxby Chambliss (GA)
Tom Coburn (OK
Susan Collins (ME)
Bob Corker (TN)
Jeff Flake (AZ)
Lindsey Graham (SC)
Dean Heller (NV)
John Hoeven (ND)
Johnny Isakson (GA)
Mark Kirk (IL),
John McCain (AZ)
Pat Toomey (PA)
Roger Wicker (MS)
Lamar Alexander (TN)

You screwed us Richard. I am a voter who knows many more voters . I suggest you make plans to find another job elsewhere. Did you know that we already have background checks? Have you lost your mind? Wake the hell up.

The Senators know you are outnumbered ten to one on this, even in Red States.
I can't do a thing about libs and lefties, but I can work for where I can to GOP victory.

If the Dems get the House next year, we are all screwed.

They blew their chances for the most part in 2009 and 2010. They will start with amending Senate rules for 50 plus 1 up and down votes, then they will push through ALL of the Dem agenda.

Is that what you guys want?
Romney is a good example of why the GOP lost the white house.

If we had run anyone else, other than maybe Huntsman, we would not have gotten 42% of the vote.

bigrebnc, if your people continue with your obstructionism, I hope you have your bunkers built and connected, because the Dems will win next year.
You are full of shit. What difference does it make how bad you lose? A lose is a lose. OH and obama did not get the same support he got back in 2008.
The reactionaries and libertarians are playing Mao's long game and Alinky's rules.

However, they waited too long and failed to take power when the could have had it.

Their day is over.

Ever wonder what beat cops think about gun control?


PoliceOne's Gun Control Survey: 11 key lessons from officers' perspectives

The people who support gun control are not trying to make the world safer for individuals, they are trying to make the government more powerful. They are all tyrants who care nothing about people, they only care about the power they hold.
91% of Americans want universal background checks, which means they think your crowd's opinion is wrong, bigrebnc.

That is based on them believing the people who lie to them about 40% of gun sales not going through background checks.
You gun reactionaries better believe your nonsense, if you stampede the House to ignoring the people's will, delivers the House to the Dems in 2014.

If that what you want?

90% of police believe that a good guy with a gun is the best way to reduce gun violence.


Who should I listen too, the people that think government needs more power, or the police who think people are able to defend themselves?
You gun reactionaries better believe your nonsense, if you stampede the House to ignoring the people's will, delivers the House to the Dems in 2014.

If that what you want?
Jake you have way to much in common with JimH52. Why do you claim to be a republican?

You are not, so your question is moot. Why do you want to make the House Democrat, bigebnc. After all this time, are you revealing you are a Dem plant?

That would explain your paranoid postings.

Tell me something Jake, what happened the last time Congress passed a gun control law? If I remember correctly, both the House and the Senate were Democrat before the law was passed, and both switched after the law. How is voting for gun control going to help Republicans keep the House when most Democrats expect to lose the election if they vote for it?
And then the outrage from 90% of the voters will deliver the House to the Dems in 2014. Yes, that sounds like a plan!

We already have background checks
Why is this so fucking hard for some people too understand?

Then why the hysterica opposition to 'universal' background checks if they're already 'universal'?

Hint: they are not. You're an idiot...

...okay, that's 2 hints.

What is the hysteria about the gun show loophole?

Hint: There is no loophole, and you are a moron.
Romney is a good example of why the GOP lost the white house.

If we had run anyone else, other than maybe Huntsman, we would not have gotten 42% of the vote.

bigrebnc, if your people continue with your obstructionism, I hope you have your bunkers built and connected, because the Dems will win next year.
You are full of shit. What difference does it make how bad you lose? A lose is a lose. OH and obama did not get the same support he got back in 2008.

He got enough in a horrible economic climate, and if the Senate passes and the House opposes this law, all hell will break loose in the GOP primaries.

You people may well give the House to the Dems, then you will be fucked for sure.
Background checks didn't prevent the guy that shot Sheriff Eugene Crum even though it was illegal for him to buy a gun.

Sheriff Slaying Suspect Bought Gun Despite Check - ABC News
Just as building a border fence between the US and Mexico won't stop illegal immigration background checks won't stop the killing; it just makes it more difficult.

They didn't make it very hard for that guy.

By the way, I am pretty sure I never supported a fence. I think it will help in some places. I used to work at a company where, if I wasn't careful, I could cross into Mexico accidentally. Putting up a, small, fence would at least help keep the people who aren't paying attention from ending up in the wrong country.
Which is exactly the reason for background checks, it won't stop people from shooting people, it just makes it a little harder.
If we had run anyone else, other than maybe Huntsman, we would not have gotten 42% of the vote.

bigrebnc, if your people continue with your obstructionism, I hope you have your bunkers built and connected, because the Dems will win next year.
You are full of shit. What difference does it make how bad you lose? A lose is a lose. OH and obama did not get the same support he got back in 2008.

He got enough in a horrible economic climate, and if the Senate passes and the House opposes this law, all hell will break loose in the GOP primaries.

You people may well give the House to the Dems, then you will be fucked for sure.

If you are a republican you are the fringe you are the enemy
And if you repeat anything I post it proves even more how correct I am.
You are full of shit. What difference does it make how bad you lose? A lose is a lose. OH and obama did not get the same support he got back in 2008.

He got enough in a horrible economic climate, and if the Senate passes and the House opposes this law, all hell will break loose in the GOP primaries.

You people may well give the House to the Dems, then you will be fucked for sure.

If you are a republican you are the fringe you are the enemy
And if you repeat anything I post it proves even more how correct I am.

You are drinking, I see. :lol: You are not a Republican, as I demonstrated with your post

progressives are the greatest threat to America.
Democrat Republican obama
They are doing far more damage from within than any outside source could ever do.

You are the fringe, the booby, bigrebnc. HSA is behind you!
He got enough in a horrible economic climate, and if the Senate passes and the House opposes this law, all hell will break loose in the GOP primaries.

You people may well give the House to the Dems, then you will be fucked for sure.

If you are a republican you are the fringe you are the enemy
And if you repeat anything I post it proves even more how correct I am.

You are drinking, I see. :lol: You are not a Republican, as I demonstrated with your post

progressives are the greatest threat to America.
Democrat Republican obama
They are doing far more damage from within than any outside source could ever do.

You are the fringe, the booby, bigrebnc. HSA is behind you!
There is nothing in that post that says that I am not a Republican. If you are a republican you are one of the progressives
You are not a republican
91% of Americans want universal background checks, which means they think your crowd's opinion is wrong, bigrebnc.

That is based on them believing the people who lie to them about 40% of gun sales not going through background checks.

Then why not shut up and let the universal background check law pass, if you think it's moot.
If we had run anyone else, other than maybe Huntsman, we would not have gotten 42% of the vote.

bigrebnc, if your people continue with your obstructionism, I hope you have your bunkers built and connected, because the Dems will win next year.
You are full of shit. What difference does it make how bad you lose? A lose is a lose. OH and obama did not get the same support he got back in 2008.

He got enough in a horrible economic climate, and if the Senate passes and the House opposes this law, all hell will break loose in the GOP primaries.

You people may well give the House to the Dems, then you will be fucked for sure.

Just like happened in 1994.

Just as building a border fence between the US and Mexico won't stop illegal immigration background checks won't stop the killing; it just makes it more difficult.

They didn't make it very hard for that guy.

By the way, I am pretty sure I never supported a fence. I think it will help in some places. I used to work at a company where, if I wasn't careful, I could cross into Mexico accidentally. Putting up a, small, fence would at least help keep the people who aren't paying attention from ending up in the wrong country.
Which is exactly the reason for background checks, it won't stop people from shooting people, it just makes it a little harder.

Borders are imaginary lines, and background checks do not make it any harder to shoot people.
91% of Americans want universal background checks, which means they think your crowd's opinion is wrong, bigrebnc.

That is based on them believing the people who lie to them about 40% of gun sales not going through background checks.

Then why not shut up and let the universal background check law pass, if you think it's moot.

I did not say it is moot, I oppose it for the same reason the ACLU opposes it, it violates everyone's privacy.

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