The NRA won

Then why not shut up and let the universal background check law pass, if you think it's moot.

I did not say it is moot, I oppose it for the same reason the ACLU opposes it, it violates everyone's privacy.

You don't have a right to privacy when it comes to owning guns. That's been settled.

We don't? And who settled it? You? We have a right to defend ourselves, THAT'S been settled.
I can't do a thing about libs and lefties, but I can work for where I can to GOP victory.

If the Dems get the House next year, we are all screwed.

They blew their chances for the most part in 2009 and 2010. They will start with amending Senate rules for 50 plus 1 up and down votes, then they will push through ALL of the Dem agenda.

Is that what you guys want?
Romney is a good example of why the GOP lost the white house.

If we had run anyone else, other than maybe Huntsman, we would not have gotten 42% of the vote.

bigrebnc, if your people continue with your obstructionism, I hope you have your bunkers built and connected, because the Dems will win next year.

Actually we got 47% Jake. Stop lying.
You are drinking, I see. :lol: You are not a Republican, as I demonstrated with your post

progressives are the greatest threat to America.
Democrat Republican obama
They are doing far more damage from within than any outside source could ever do.

You are the fringe, the booby, bigrebnc. HSA is behind you!
There is nothing in that post that says that I am not a Republican. If you are a republican you are one of the progressives
You are not a republican

I see that you have come here for your daily ass licking. Get Yidnar in here, I have a job he likes doing.

You fringies are such goonies.

anyone that does not have the same opinion as you is a fringie :cuckoo:
Romney is a good example of why the GOP lost the white house.

If we had run anyone else, other than maybe Huntsman, we would not have gotten 42% of the vote.

bigrebnc, if your people continue with your obstructionism, I hope you have your bunkers built and connected, because the Dems will win next year.

Actually we got 47% Jake. Stop lying.

Take a reading case. I said "If we had run anyone else . . . we would not have gotten 42%"

America is terrified of the far left, the far right, and the libertarians. Finally.
There is nothing in that post that says that I am not a Republican. If you are a republican you are one of the progressives
You are not a republican

I see that you have come here for your daily ass licking. Get Yidnar in here, I have a job he likes doing.

You fringies are such goonies.

anyone that does not have the same opinion as you is a fringie :cuckoo:

Not at all, squeeze. Those who engage in hatred and anti-Americanism from the far left to the far right are the ones I oppose as fringies.
I see that you have come here for your daily ass licking. Get Yidnar in here, I have a job he likes doing.

You fringies are such goonies.

anyone that does not have the same opinion as you is a fringie :cuckoo:

Not at all, squeeze. Those who engage in hatred and anti-Americanism from the far left to the far right are the ones I oppose as fringies.
Holy shit dumb ass what in the hell are you talking about anti-Americanism? Your views are anti America you side way to many times with the left of this board to nothing other than anti America pro big government.
Wait for it.........
bigreb, you are the most anti-American gun nut militia fringie on this board.

I chastise you because you want to live in the 19th century.

That way of life is gone.
Justice Antonin Scalia on the Second Amendment


By John Scalzi

From the 2008 DC v. Heller ruling, written by Scalia, and one of the very few Supreme Court cases to touch on the Second Amendment at all:

"Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms."

Remember: Written by Scalia, i.e., not one of those liberal judicial activists you hear so much about.
bigreb, you are the most anti-American gun nut militia fringie on this board.

I chastise you because you want to live in the 19th century.

That way of life is gone.

You chastising anyone is absurd. Your views are ridiculed and discredited daily, yet you see yourself as the savior of some mythical Republican Party that died with Dwight Eisenhower and Nelson Rockefeller.
While the rest of the Party has moved to opposing Progressivism, you are stuck in some illusion from your childhood.
While your views may have put you in the main stream of the GOP in 1955, you have become irrelevant in today's political climate.

We can not continue to give our country away incrementally as we have been since FDR. We must turn the tide and return to the individual and personal freedoms that made this country great.
Justice Antonin Scalia on the Second Amendment


By John Scalzi

From the 2008 DC v. Heller ruling, written by Scalia, and one of the very few Supreme Court cases to touch on the Second Amendment at all:

"Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms."

Remember: Written by Scalia, i.e., not one of those liberal judicial activists you hear so much about.

Few are arguing that felons and the insane should be packing heat, but when the government can take a man's guns and right to bear them because he is taking a mild anti anxiety drug and has not been judged a danger by anyone other than a state licensing board controlled by, of all people, Andrew Cuomo, I think his rights have been "infringed".
Thing is, You can not buy guns on line without a FFL to receive the weapon for you, and dealers at gun shows make you fill out 4473, so what exactly are they after here ? This "bipartisan" crap is just that, crap.

must be why the libs spent so much time

fighting for laws we already have


so it looks like they really won something
We already have background checks
Why is this so fucking hard for some people too understand?

Then why the hysterica opposition to 'universal' background checks if they're already 'universal'?

Hint: they are not. You're an idiot...

...okay, that's 2 hints.

What is the hysteria about the gun show loophole?

Hint: There is no loophole, and you are a moron.

The last time I purchased a weapon at a gun show, I filled out the ATF background check on a computer kiosk. There were officers in the parking lot stopping private sales. This is in Alabama where even most Democrats are pro 2nd Amendment.
bigreb, you are the most anti-American gun nut militia fringie on this board.

I chastise you because you want to live in the 19th century.

That way of life is gone.

You chastising anyone is absurd. Your views are ridiculed and discredited daily, yet you see yourself as the savior of some mythical Republican Party that died with Dwight Eisenhower and Nelson Rockefeller.
While the rest of the Party has moved to opposing Progressivism, you are stuck in some illusion from your childhood.
While your views may have put you in the main stream of the GOP in 1955, you have become irrelevant in today's political climate.

We can not continue to give our country away incrementally as we have been since FDR. We must turn the tide and return to the individual and personal freedoms that made this country great.

What we are witnessing, Ernie S., is the fringe's growing irrelevance in America politics. I have no problem chastising dorks like you, and libertarians, and lefties who are trying to create a fantasy America. Our future of course will be determined by the right of center to left of center, not the extremists like you or JoeB at either end.
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A bipartisan group of senators has struck a deal to expand gun background checks to all commercial sales — whether at gun shows, via the Internet or in any circumstance involving paid advertising, according to Senate aides familiar with the talks.
Can anyone that supports this explain, with specificity, how it changes things from the way thery are right now?
Can anyone that supports this explain how it can be enforced?

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