The Number of Mixed-Race Americans is Rapidly Rising. Will it Make a Difference?

My kid is a mid level genius and he's a mix.

There's plenty of Asians who are bad at math but statistically, on average Asians have high IQs especially compared to Africans. It's an ugly truth and I understand why some people want to avoid it but it's true nonetheless.

Accepting ugly truths as your fundamental truth makes for an ugly soul.

Ugly souls do ugly things. Always.

WHat about ignoring ugly truths and acting as though it is not true? What does that do?

We all ignore ugly truths every single blessed day. We do this so we can function.

Ugly truth: you will die

Ugly truth: you are already aging and your cells are dying

Ugly truth: in a few years after you die, very few people will remember you ever lived

There are so many more I could list them not get to the end by nightfall. We all decide what to do with truths. Deciding what to do with them is just as important as accepting them as truth.

Which is why I carry a lot of life insurance, to provide for my family.

If I ignored it, I would be irresponsibly putting my family at risk of serious hardship.

Are you seriously telling me, that you as an individual, and we as a society, SHOULD ignore "ugly truths"?

So you looked at an ugly truth, like the fact that you will die, and did a responsible thing in providing for your family. That's what you did with the truth.

Now you expect me to, I suppose, look at black people, accept that they don't have the high IQs that other people have...and do WHAT responsible thing with that information? Tell me. What?
There's plenty of Asians who are bad at math but statistically, on average Asians have high IQs especially compared to Africans. It's an ugly truth and I understand why some people want to avoid it but it's true nonetheless.

Accepting ugly truths as your fundamental truth makes for an ugly soul.

Ugly souls do ugly things. Always.

I wouldn't care about the overall well-being of society today nor would I worry about it's future after I am dead if I had an ugly soul.

You do care about the overall well-being of society, if we're talking about white society. Right?

I care more about white people than I do others but I also want to see Asians and Africans maintain their unique cultures and not be erased and blended together into a conformist mush.

Well much of the world seems to disagree with you, for all kinds of different reasons. Last I checked you're not King of the World, so your opinion remains your opinion.

Uh sorry sweetie but only the white western world is afflicted with racial self loathing.
There's plenty of Asians who are bad at math but statistically, on average Asians have high IQs especially compared to Africans. It's an ugly truth and I understand why some people want to avoid it but it's true nonetheless.

Accepting ugly truths as your fundamental truth makes for an ugly soul.

Ugly souls do ugly things. Always.

WHat about ignoring ugly truths and acting as though it is not true? What does that do?

We all ignore ugly truths every single blessed day. We do this so we can function.

Ugly truth: you will die

Ugly truth: you are already aging and your cells are dying

Ugly truth: in a few years after you die, very few people will remember you ever lived

There are so many more I could list them not get to the end by nightfall. We all decide what to do with truths. Deciding what to do with them is just as important as accepting them as truth.

Which is why I carry a lot of life insurance, to provide for my family.

If I ignored it, I would be irresponsibly putting my family at risk of serious hardship.

Are you seriously telling me, that you as an individual, and we as a society, SHOULD ignore "ugly truths"?

So you looked at an ugly truth, like the fact that you will die, and did a responsible thing in providing for your family. That's what you did with the truth.

Now you expect me to, I suppose, look at black people, accept that they don't have the high IQs that other people have...and do WHAT responsible thing with that information? Tell me. What?

We let Africans be africans and stop holding them up to the white man's standards.
Accepting ugly truths as your fundamental truth makes for an ugly soul.

Ugly souls do ugly things. Always.

I wouldn't care about the overall well-being of society today nor would I worry about it's future after I am dead if I had an ugly soul.

You do care about the overall well-being of society, if we're talking about white society. Right?

I care more about white people than I do others but I also want to see Asians and Africans maintain their unique cultures and not be erased and blended together into a conformist mush.

Well much of the world seems to disagree with you, for all kinds of different reasons. Last I checked you're not King of the World, so your opinion remains your opinion.

Uh sorry sweetie but only the white western world is afflicted with racial self loathing.

Leftists are for sure. I don't hate myself or any white people. None of the Christian white people hate themselves, our society, or think any of that "white privilege" stuff is fair. We don't see groups of "breeds", as I keep telling you.
I wouldn't care about the overall well-being of society today nor would I worry about it's future after I am dead if I had an ugly soul.

You do care about the overall well-being of society, if we're talking about white society. Right?

I care more about white people than I do others but I also want to see Asians and Africans maintain their unique cultures and not be erased and blended together into a conformist mush.

Well much of the world seems to disagree with you, for all kinds of different reasons. Last I checked you're not King of the World, so your opinion remains your opinion.

Uh sorry sweetie but only the white western world is afflicted with racial self loathing.

Leftists are for sure. I don't hate myself or any white people. None of the Christian white people hate themselves, our society, or think any of that "white privilege" stuff is fair. We don't see groups of "breeds", as I keep telling you.

Seems to me you're in hard core denial about biological realities. You're indoctrinated and your superstitious ideology about race is inviting destruction on the western world.

Do you also feel the same about gender identity politics?
Oh Great Frankish race, remember the Manly deeds of Charlemagne o race over the mountains, it is time to Smash a barbarian race defiling the holy places to the East! Crusader time! Now if there are any among you sort of fibbing about your Ancestors I suppose that's just fine as well.
You do care about the overall well-being of society, if we're talking about white society. Right?

I care more about white people than I do others but I also want to see Asians and Africans maintain their unique cultures and not be erased and blended together into a conformist mush.

Well much of the world seems to disagree with you, for all kinds of different reasons. Last I checked you're not King of the World, so your opinion remains your opinion.

Uh sorry sweetie but only the white western world is afflicted with racial self loathing.

Leftists are for sure. I don't hate myself or any white people. None of the Christian white people hate themselves, our society, or think any of that "white privilege" stuff is fair. We don't see groups of "breeds", as I keep telling you.

Seems to me you're in hard core denial about biological realities. You're indoctrinated and your superstitious ideology about race is inviting destruction on the western world.

Do you also feel the same about gender identity politics?

I'm not indoctrinated at all. Maybe you've noticed I'm actually very thoughtful about my ideology. I reject your comparison of gender identity politics with race for this reason: you are asking me to believe that "Africans have low IQs" and so should be segregated. You make no allowances for the extremely bright exceptions--and there are.

There are NO exceptions in gender, except for birth defects. A man is a man and a woman is a woman.
There's plenty of Asians who are bad at math but statistically, on average Asians have high IQs especially compared to Africans. It's an ugly truth and I understand why some people want to avoid it but it's true nonetheless.

Accepting ugly truths as your fundamental truth makes for an ugly soul.

Ugly souls do ugly things. Always.

I wouldn't care about the overall well-being of society today nor would I worry about it's future after I am dead if I had an ugly soul.

You do care about the overall well-being of society, if we're talking about white society. Right?

I care more about white people than I do others but I also want to see Asians and Africans maintain their unique cultures and not be erased and blended together into a conformist mush.

Well much of the world seems to disagree with you, for all kinds of different reasons. Last I checked you're not King of the World, so your opinion remains your opinion.

The issue was not his ability to control the world, but your judgement on him being an ugly soul for accepting an ugly truth.

Do you still believe that, and if so why?
I care more about white people than I do others but I also want to see Asians and Africans maintain their unique cultures and not be erased and blended together into a conformist mush.

Well much of the world seems to disagree with you, for all kinds of different reasons. Last I checked you're not King of the World, so your opinion remains your opinion.

Uh sorry sweetie but only the white western world is afflicted with racial self loathing.

Leftists are for sure. I don't hate myself or any white people. None of the Christian white people hate themselves, our society, or think any of that "white privilege" stuff is fair. We don't see groups of "breeds", as I keep telling you.

Seems to me you're in hard core denial about biological realities. You're indoctrinated and your superstitious ideology about race is inviting destruction on the western world.

Do you also feel the same about gender identity politics?

I'm not indoctrinated at all. Maybe you've noticed I'm actually very thoughtful about my ideology. I reject your comparison of gender identity politics with race for this reason: you are asking me to believe that "Africans have low IQs" and so should be segregated. You make no allowances for the extremely bright exceptions--and there are.

There are NO exceptions in gender, except for birth defects. A man is a man and a woman is a woman.

Unfortunately, we're stuck with Africans.

It would be unfeasible and cruel to send them all back now. Would have been so much better if they'd never been brought here in the first place, don't you agree? We wouldn't have had a civil war and we wouldn't have white guilt nor would we have to deal with an angry, resentful and violent minority population.
There's plenty of Asians who are bad at math but statistically, on average Asians have high IQs especially compared to Africans. It's an ugly truth and I understand why some people want to avoid it but it's true nonetheless.

Accepting ugly truths as your fundamental truth makes for an ugly soul.

Ugly souls do ugly things. Always.

WHat about ignoring ugly truths and acting as though it is not true? What does that do?

We all ignore ugly truths every single blessed day. We do this so we can function.

Ugly truth: you will die

Ugly truth: you are already aging and your cells are dying

Ugly truth: in a few years after you die, very few people will remember you ever lived

There are so many more I could list them not get to the end by nightfall. We all decide what to do with truths. Deciding what to do with them is just as important as accepting them as truth.

Which is why I carry a lot of life insurance, to provide for my family.

If I ignored it, I would be irresponsibly putting my family at risk of serious hardship.

Are you seriously telling me, that you as an individual, and we as a society, SHOULD ignore "ugly truths"?

So you looked at an ugly truth, like the fact that you will die, and did a responsible thing in providing for your family. That's what you did with the truth.

Now you expect me to, I suppose, look at black people, accept that they don't have the high IQs that other people have...and do WHAT responsible thing with that information? Tell me. What?

Number one, not discriminate against white people trying to reach equal outcomes in all fields, based on the assumption that only racism can explain any unequal outcomes.
Opinion | How Interracial Love Is Saving America

Will it change things over time, or is the need to fear an "other" too strong?

Racism is here to stay as long as Trump remains in power. The good news is easily seen in the malls of America, where teens and 20 somethings' parade in diverse groups of friends.

I challenge you to name ONE racist policy that Trump is pushing, to support your vile and divisive race baiting.

This is a rhetorical challenge, I know that you just spout shit and then run away.
Opinion | How Interracial Love Is Saving America

Will it change things over time, or is the need to fear an "other" too strong?

Racism is here to stay as long as Trump remains in power. The good news is easily seen in the malls of America, where teens and 20 somethings' parade in diverse groups of friends.

I challenge you to name ONE racist policy that Trump is pushing, to support your vile and divisive race baiting.

This is a rhetorical challenge, I know that you just spout shit and then run away.

Donald Trump’s long history of racism, from the 1970s to 2019

The Trump Administration's Record of Racism — Democracy in Color

Happy now?
Do you talk to a lot of actual immigrants, face-to-face? I do, and the people in your videos are a small minority who have been convinced by pasty-faced, far-left a-holes to parade around and act out for propaganda. The democrats want you to think they represent anything more than a tiny minority of immigrants.

I guess the fact that most Latin American nations are extremely left wing is also just propaganda, right? ....

You're not paying attention. That trend is shifting.

Sorry, I'm not buying it. Conservative, right wing politics will always be associated with "white supremacy", fascism and Hitler because that's the way the left-controlled media likes it. Brown people will always hate whitey because that's what he's been programmed to think. Mass immigration is a weapon to dismantle whiteness and make us into actual minorities- worldwide, permanently. All that resentment the left has built up towards us isn't going to just magically up and disappear.

Are you trying to not be taken seriously? This stupid 'white victim' nonsense makes you look like a damn fool. Stop repeating one talking point as if you lack the capacity to hold another thought, and take a look at what is actually happening in the world. More conservative governments are being elected throughout Latin America. Latinos tend to be conservative on some issues, and liberal on others - like every fucking body else. Stereotypes, generalizations, and pathetically illogical conclusions will never advance any issues you believe in. Stop playing the buffoon.

*shrug* Nothing I say online is going to change the trajectory we're on. America has been going leftward my entire life and it's only escalated in the last few years. I don't see that changing any time soon. Nor do I see an end to racial tensions or the hate whitey mindset. Not unless we clean house in higher education and in the media, get rid of the marxists and the intersectional feminist types. I just don't get how you can have such a rosy outlook for the future.
Trump has packed the courts with right wing idealogs. Relax. Things will be fine in our lifetime.

It’s up to the young to fight for decent wages, affordable healthcare, social security and Medicare, affordable college, good public schools, affordable housing, clean air and water, etc...
The sad thing is how the media is pushing the inter racial agenda. Seems you cannot watch tv for 15 minutes without seeing a program or commercial with an inter racial couple and some of these are same sex couples. How far have we fallen in just a few short years.
Opinion | How Interracial Love Is Saving America

Will it change things over time, or is the need to fear an "other" too strong?

Racism is here to stay as long as Trump remains in power. The good news is easily seen in the malls of America, where teens and 20 somethings' parade in diverse groups of friends.

I challenge you to name ONE racist policy that Trump is pushing, to support your vile and divisive race baiting.

This is a rhetorical challenge, I know that you just spout shit and then run away.

Donald Trump’s long history of racism, from the 1970s to 2019

The Trump Administration's Record of Racism — Democracy in Color

Happy now?

With you demonstration of the logical fallacy of Shotgun Argument?

Yes, it was very good.

Especially coming right after I pointed out that you just spout shit.

I double dog dare you to post a real answer, in your own words, your best example, so that I can tear it to shreds and laugh at you.
I hope so, but I don't know.

In the overwrought atmosphere of 2019 I feel like I'm missing a social gene or something. I do not understand all this racial stuff from any angle. If you act like a scholar I will treat you as such--or a gentleman, a criminal, a hero, or a thug. I don't care if you're purple. I even think this nonsense about "cultural awareness" is overblown. Of course we all come from different backgrounds, families, experiences, neighborhoods. Doesn't basic respect cover a lot of ground?

If you come at me with your "cultural awareness" and my "white privilege" as fronts, I don't see you...even though I realize your race is part of you. And you don't see me. We see cardboard versions. It's stupid, but I feel stupid for not getting it because I feel like it's become Such A Big Thing.

There are behaviors and traits embedded in genetics. It applies as much to dog breeds as it does human breeds... If you're very old and haven't noticed this simple fact yet, it's because you don't want to notice.
"Embedded" is that the new scientific way to say "inherent behaviors"?

"Human breeds"......nope
There is only one breed...they colors may be different but they all be the same..

Breed is a much more appropriate term than race. Breeds can mix with one another just like people can. But breeds aren't all the same. Human breeds developed over millennia with adaptations depending on their lifestyle and the local environment. Africans didn't have to prepare for winter like Scandinavians did...
You don't think it doesn't get cold in Southern Africa?
The sad thing is how the media is pushing the inter racial agenda. Seems you cannot watch tv for 15 minutes without seeing a program or commercial with an inter racial couple and some of these are same sex couples. How far have we fallen in just a few short years.
You gotta love capitalism!
Hey I got another question. How come Glenn on Walking Dead has to be like the Asian man is my emotional rock in a committed relationship, and black zombie relationships are always, ITS THE END F IT! BIG BLACK MAN!

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