The Number of Mixed-Race Americans is Rapidly Rising. Will it Make a Difference?

Opinion | How Interracial Love Is Saving America

Will it change things over time, or is the need to fear an "other" too strong?

I hope so, but I don't know.

In the overwrought atmosphere of 2019 I feel like I'm missing a social gene or something. I do not understand all this racial stuff from any angle. If you act like a scholar I will treat you as such--or a gentleman, a criminal, a hero, or a thug. I don't care if you're purple. I even think this nonsense about "cultural awareness" is overblown. Of course we all come from different backgrounds, families, experiences, neighborhoods. Doesn't basic respect cover a lot of ground?

If you come at me with your "cultural awareness" and my "white privilege" as fronts, I don't see you...even though I realize your race is part of you. And you don't see me. We see cardboard versions. It's stupid, but I feel stupid for not getting it because I feel like it's become Such A Big Thing.
It's nothing new it's been going on for forty years....Although the women's movement is different but the blacks and minorities are still singing the same old song.
Opinion | How Interracial Love Is Saving America

Will it change things over time, or is the need to fear an "other" too strong?

I hope so, but I don't know.

In the overwrought atmosphere of 2019 I feel like I'm missing a social gene or something. I do not understand all this racial stuff from any angle. If you act like a scholar I will treat you as such--or a gentleman, a criminal, a hero, or a thug. I don't care if you're purple. I even think this nonsense about "cultural awareness" is overblown. Of course we all come from different backgrounds, families, experiences, neighborhoods. Doesn't basic respect cover a lot of ground?

If you come at me with your "cultural awareness" and my "white privilege" as fronts, I don't see you...even though I realize your race is part of you. And you don't see me. We see cardboard versions. It's stupid, but I feel stupid for not getting it because I feel like it's become Such A Big Thing.

There are behaviors and traits embedded in genetics. It applies as much to dog breeds as it does human breeds... If you're very old and haven't noticed this simple fact yet, it's because you don't want to notice.
Opinion | How Interracial Love Is Saving America

Will it change things over time, or is the need to fear an "other" too strong?

The question itself is the problem. Let people be and be with whomever they choose without making their choice about skin color or even mentioning it. Simple.

The democrats cannot speak about people without mentioning skin color.

Too true. And that is perhaps the foremost social and political problem of our Age. The Democrats: holding America in perpetually low boiling race war since their party's inception.
Why because we point out you whites don’t hire blacks? Because we point out you conservatives don’t want your daughters dating them? Because we point out that cops treat black citizens different than they do whites? Because we make the argument in favor of affirmative action and diversity?

We just point out your flaws and that bothers you.
.......cops don't treat blacks differently--in fact they do a great job at it considering blacks commit crimes at MUCH higher rates---

.....blacks have great jobs--a lot of them--also considering they graduate high school at lower levels
35 High Paying Jobs Without Degrees that Pay a Salary of $55,000
USPS's Largely Black and Female Workforce Rallies to Save Jobs | Colorlines
blacks 13% of the population..whites 67%
you can do math--yes? so look at these stats
Labor force characteristics by race and ethnicity, 2017 : BLS Reports: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
most interracial marriages are in the south and south west
the northeast is wacist

im logged onto the wall st journal and their old LARGE jpg is blurred for some reason


but you can make it out here

https ://
thiers a link with a space in it after https

take a look where the most interracial marriages between black and whites are
THAT would be the south

Traditional Southerners are much more enlightened than progressives ...the numbers dont lie:04:

heres a link to whole article

More Marriages Cross Race, Ethnicity Lines
if ya cant log in BUy your own subscription
what do i look like social friggin services
Opinion | How Interracial Love Is Saving America

Will it change things over time, or is the need to fear an "other" too strong?

I hope so, but I don't know.

In the overwrought atmosphere of 2019 I feel like I'm missing a social gene or something. I do not understand all this racial stuff from any angle. If you act like a scholar I will treat you as such--or a gentleman, a criminal, a hero, or a thug. I don't care if you're purple. I even think this nonsense about "cultural awareness" is overblown. Of course we all come from different backgrounds, families, experiences, neighborhoods. Doesn't basic respect cover a lot of ground?

If you come at me with your "cultural awareness" and my "white privilege" as fronts, I don't see you...even though I realize your race is part of you. And you don't see me. We see cardboard versions. It's stupid, but I feel stupid for not getting it because I feel like it's become Such A Big Thing.

There are behaviors and traits embedded in genetics. It applies as much to dog breeds as it does human breeds... If you're very old and haven't noticed this simple fact yet, it's because you don't want to notice.

Well you know, I don't compare dogs and humans. I'm a Christian. I believe each human is made in the image of God.
Opinion | How Interracial Love Is Saving America

Will it change things over time, or is the need to fear an "other" too strong?

I hope so, but I don't know.

In the overwrought atmosphere of 2019 I feel like I'm missing a social gene or something. I do not understand all this racial stuff from any angle. If you act like a scholar I will treat you as such--or a gentleman, a criminal, a hero, or a thug. I don't care if you're purple. I even think this nonsense about "cultural awareness" is overblown. Of course we all come from different backgrounds, families, experiences, neighborhoods. Doesn't basic respect cover a lot of ground?

If you come at me with your "cultural awareness" and my "white privilege" as fronts, I don't see you...even though I realize your race is part of you. And you don't see me. We see cardboard versions. It's stupid, but I feel stupid for not getting it because I feel like it's become Such A Big Thing.

There are behaviors and traits embedded in genetics. It applies as much to dog breeds as it does human breeds... If you're very old and haven't noticed this simple fact yet, it's because you don't want to notice.
"Embedded" is that the new scientific way to say "inherent behaviors"?
Opinion | How Interracial Love Is Saving America

Will it change things over time, or is the need to fear an "other" too strong?

I hope so, but I don't know.

In the overwrought atmosphere of 2019 I feel like I'm missing a social gene or something. I do not understand all this racial stuff from any angle. If you act like a scholar I will treat you as such--or a gentleman, a criminal, a hero, or a thug. I don't care if you're purple. I even think this nonsense about "cultural awareness" is overblown. Of course we all come from different backgrounds, families, experiences, neighborhoods. Doesn't basic respect cover a lot of ground?

If you come at me with your "cultural awareness" and my "white privilege" as fronts, I don't see you...even though I realize your race is part of you. And you don't see me. We see cardboard versions. It's stupid, but I feel stupid for not getting it because I feel like it's become Such A Big Thing.

There are behaviors and traits embedded in genetics. It applies as much to dog breeds as it does human breeds... If you're very old and haven't noticed this simple fact yet, it's because you don't want to notice.
"Embedded" is that the new scientific way to say "inherent behaviors"?

"Human breeds"......nope
Opinion | How Interracial Love Is Saving America

Will it change things over time, or is the need to fear an "other" too strong?

I hope so, but I don't know.

In the overwrought atmosphere of 2019 I feel like I'm missing a social gene or something. I do not understand all this racial stuff from any angle. If you act like a scholar I will treat you as such--or a gentleman, a criminal, a hero, or a thug. I don't care if you're purple. I even think this nonsense about "cultural awareness" is overblown. Of course we all come from different backgrounds, families, experiences, neighborhoods. Doesn't basic respect cover a lot of ground?

If you come at me with your "cultural awareness" and my "white privilege" as fronts, I don't see you...even though I realize your race is part of you. And you don't see me. We see cardboard versions. It's stupid, but I feel stupid for not getting it because I feel like it's become Such A Big Thing.

There are behaviors and traits embedded in genetics. It applies as much to dog breeds as it does human breeds... If you're very old and haven't noticed this simple fact yet, it's because you don't want to notice.
"Embedded" is that the new scientific way to say "inherent behaviors"?

"Human breeds"......nope
There is only one breed...they colors may be different but they all be the same..
our biggest problems are assimilation (thier is none anymore) ..what is being taught in schools ....and single moms
i think more so than the simplistic skin color cop out by the leftarded and others

the schools INDEED

dont get me wrong im all for more white babies
cause white babies are the most precious of all babies


Its ok to be white
Its ok to be a MAN
Opinion | How Interracial Love Is Saving America

Will it change things over time, or is the need to fear an "other" too strong?

I hope so, but I don't know.

In the overwrought atmosphere of 2019 I feel like I'm missing a social gene or something. I do not understand all this racial stuff from any angle. If you act like a scholar I will treat you as such--or a gentleman, a criminal, a hero, or a thug. I don't care if you're purple. I even think this nonsense about "cultural awareness" is overblown. Of course we all come from different backgrounds, families, experiences, neighborhoods. Doesn't basic respect cover a lot of ground?

If you come at me with your "cultural awareness" and my "white privilege" as fronts, I don't see you...even though I realize your race is part of you. And you don't see me. We see cardboard versions. It's stupid, but I feel stupid for not getting it because I feel like it's become Such A Big Thing.

There are behaviors and traits embedded in genetics. It applies as much to dog breeds as it does human breeds... If you're very old and haven't noticed this simple fact yet, it's because you don't want to notice.
"Embedded" is that the new scientific way to say "inherent behaviors"?

"Human breeds"......nope
There is only one breed...they colors may be different but they all be the same..

This is why the Christian worldview was so protective for so long and not.

And God help us now.

America as a nation is founded on the principle that we are all made in the image of God, no matter our race, religion, nationality. That we all have inherent human worth NOT based on 'breed'. It took us a few decades, sadly, to fully live up to that belief in terms of slavery, but we got there.

There are different races of humans but if you're a Christian that is immaterial. God does not judge by race and neither should we. Christianity is fundamentally a religion of the individual. You will be judged as an individual, and we are all of us made individually in the image of God.
Mass immigration is a weapon to dismantle whiteness and make us into actual minorities- worldwide, permanently.
Europeans are a MINORITY worldwide. That's why the "minority card" in regarding non-whites is false dichotomy invented by those who control the media.
Opinion | How Interracial Love Is Saving America

Will it change things over time, or is the need to fear an "other" too strong?

I hope so, but I don't know.

In the overwrought atmosphere of 2019 I feel like I'm missing a social gene or something. I do not understand all this racial stuff from any angle. If you act like a scholar I will treat you as such--or a gentleman, a criminal, a hero, or a thug. I don't care if you're purple. I even think this nonsense about "cultural awareness" is overblown. Of course we all come from different backgrounds, families, experiences, neighborhoods. Doesn't basic respect cover a lot of ground?

If you come at me with your "cultural awareness" and my "white privilege" as fronts, I don't see you...even though I realize your race is part of you. And you don't see me. We see cardboard versions. It's stupid, but I feel stupid for not getting it because I feel like it's become Such A Big Thing.

There are behaviors and traits embedded in genetics. It applies as much to dog breeds as it does human breeds... If you're very old and haven't noticed this simple fact yet, it's because you don't want to notice.
"Embedded" is that the new scientific way to say "inherent behaviors"?

Sure, you can call it that too. Trends that are observable in large populations. Might not always be the case on an individual basis. Blacks have an obvious propensity towards athleticism. They also are more suceptible to sickle cell disease. Jews are apparently more susceptible to tay sachs. I'm sure whitey has something similar, maybe gluten allergies...

Anyway I know its very very un-PC to say so but the racial differences go beyond just the physical. Cramming people who are so different to live together and expecting one big multicultural love fest is unrealistic.
Opinion | How Interracial Love Is Saving America

Will it change things over time, or is the need to fear an "other" too strong?

I hope so, but I don't know.

In the overwrought atmosphere of 2019 I feel like I'm missing a social gene or something. I do not understand all this racial stuff from any angle. If you act like a scholar I will treat you as such--or a gentleman, a criminal, a hero, or a thug. I don't care if you're purple. I even think this nonsense about "cultural awareness" is overblown. Of course we all come from different backgrounds, families, experiences, neighborhoods. Doesn't basic respect cover a lot of ground?

If you come at me with your "cultural awareness" and my "white privilege" as fronts, I don't see you...even though I realize your race is part of you. And you don't see me. We see cardboard versions. It's stupid, but I feel stupid for not getting it because I feel like it's become Such A Big Thing.

There are behaviors and traits embedded in genetics. It applies as much to dog breeds as it does human breeds... If you're very old and haven't noticed this simple fact yet, it's because you don't want to notice.
"Embedded" is that the new scientific way to say "inherent behaviors"?

Sure, you can call it that too. Trends that are observable in large populations. Might not always be the case on an individual basis. Blacks have an obvious propensity towards athleticism. They also are more suceptible to sickle cell disease. Jews are apparently more susceptible to tay sachs. I'm sure whitey has something similar, maybe gluten allergies...

Anyway I know its very very un-PC to say so but the racial differences go beyond just the physical. Cramming people who are so different to live together and expecting one big multicultural love fest is unrealistic.
I know the whites had to kill the last guys they stole the land from...They were like total assholes...
Opinion | How Interracial Love Is Saving America

Will it change things over time, or is the need to fear an "other" too strong?

I hope so, but I don't know.

In the overwrought atmosphere of 2019 I feel like I'm missing a social gene or something. I do not understand all this racial stuff from any angle. If you act like a scholar I will treat you as such--or a gentleman, a criminal, a hero, or a thug. I don't care if you're purple. I even think this nonsense about "cultural awareness" is overblown. Of course we all come from different backgrounds, families, experiences, neighborhoods. Doesn't basic respect cover a lot of ground?

If you come at me with your "cultural awareness" and my "white privilege" as fronts, I don't see you...even though I realize your race is part of you. And you don't see me. We see cardboard versions. It's stupid, but I feel stupid for not getting it because I feel like it's become Such A Big Thing.

There are behaviors and traits embedded in genetics. It applies as much to dog breeds as it does human breeds... If you're very old and haven't noticed this simple fact yet, it's because you don't want to notice.
"Embedded" is that the new scientific way to say "inherent behaviors"?

"Human breeds"......nope
There is only one breed...they colors may be different but they all be the same..

Breed is a much more appropriate term than race. Breeds can mix with one another just like people can. But breeds aren't all the same. Human breeds developed over millennia with adaptations depending on their lifestyle and the local environment. Africans didn't have to prepare for winter like Scandinavians did...
Well, as long as its the law that we all become 100,000 a year Professionals, have a 300+ wedding event, and die overworked, I like where some southern Hicks were going with this.

Unmarried man can
-meet family
-wait at hospital
-be respected
-be responsible
married man
-first-at-line hospital
-Make the other races do all the baby-carrying. Pow blam.
Last edited:
I hope so, but I don't know.

In the overwrought atmosphere of 2019 I feel like I'm missing a social gene or something. I do not understand all this racial stuff from any angle. If you act like a scholar I will treat you as such--or a gentleman, a criminal, a hero, or a thug. I don't care if you're purple. I even think this nonsense about "cultural awareness" is overblown. Of course we all come from different backgrounds, families, experiences, neighborhoods. Doesn't basic respect cover a lot of ground?

If you come at me with your "cultural awareness" and my "white privilege" as fronts, I don't see you...even though I realize your race is part of you. And you don't see me. We see cardboard versions. It's stupid, but I feel stupid for not getting it because I feel like it's become Such A Big Thing.

There are behaviors and traits embedded in genetics. It applies as much to dog breeds as it does human breeds... If you're very old and haven't noticed this simple fact yet, it's because you don't want to notice.
"Embedded" is that the new scientific way to say "inherent behaviors"?

"Human breeds"......nope
There is only one breed...they colors may be different but they all be the same..

Breed is a much more appropriate term than race. Breeds can mix with one another just like people can. But breeds aren't all the same. Human breeds developed over millennia with adaptations depending on their lifestyle and the local environment. Africans didn't have to prepare for winter like Scandinavians did...

“People” is the appropriate term.
There are behaviors and traits embedded in genetics. It applies as much to dog breeds as it does human breeds... If you're very old and haven't noticed this simple fact yet, it's because you don't want to notice.
"Embedded" is that the new scientific way to say "inherent behaviors"?

"Human breeds"......nope
There is only one breed...they colors may be different but they all be the same..

Breed is a much more appropriate term than race. Breeds can mix with one another just like people can. But breeds aren't all the same. Human breeds developed over millennia with adaptations depending on their lifestyle and the local environment. Africans didn't have to prepare for winter like Scandinavians did...

“People” is the appropriate term.

impuretrash is like . R to the A to the C to the I to the S to the T . .. … How come Unkotare is so liberal. Why, Japan made a class of army prostitutes to defend the Great Race. Government decree! once again!

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