The Number of Mixed-Race Americans is Rapidly Rising. Will it Make a Difference?

What's most damaging to American society is the idea that more brown people will somehow "fix" it.
It’s not more brown people, it’s fewer racists. Because racists are always the most ignorant and uneducated people in the country. Always.
Nothing good comes from racists. All they know is damage.

Sadly, most of them belong to the Republican Party. Not that Democrats would want them. We don’t . Republicans are stuck with them.
Trump tapped into that racism and got elected because of it. It's blacks, illegals, muslims, unions, poor people and liberal democrats who are to blame for any middle class person who's struggling.

HIs message on Trade and Immigration was clear to the voters. Why you are afraid to be honest about it, I don't know.
Because he is 100% right that illegals hurt the middle class but he won’t go after illegal employers. So I know a wall won’t do shit.
What's most damaging to American society is the idea that more brown people will somehow "fix" it.
It’s not more brown people, it’s fewer racists. Because racists are always the most ignorant and uneducated people in the country. Always.
Nothing good comes from racists. All they know is damage.

Sadly, most of them belong to the Republican Party. ....

The evidence of history to the contrary.

Do you know the white racists switched parties when Democrats passed civil rights? Why didn't the racist white stay in the Democratic party when blacks joined?

And why today do Republicans love Robert E Lee so much? He was a Democrat right?

Totally debunked, long ago, and many times since.
Then provide a link that explains how this thinking is flawed.

Was Robert e lee a democrat yes or no?
What's most damaging to American society is the idea that more brown people will somehow "fix" it.
It’s not more brown people, it’s fewer racists. Because racists are always the most ignorant and uneducated people in the country. Always.
Nothing good comes from racists. All they know is damage.

Sadly, most of them belong to the Republican Party. Not that Democrats would want them. We don’t . Republicans are stuck with them.
Trump tapped into that racism and got elected because of it. It's blacks, illegals, muslims, unions, poor people and liberal democrats who are to blame for any middle class person who's struggling.

HIs message on Trade and Immigration was clear to the voters. Why you are afraid to be honest about it, I don't know.
The electoral college voters that is...

RUst belt voters, many who voted for Obama.

Trade and Immigration. And the more he focuses on that, the more he is likely to be reelected in 2020.
We know. I almost fell for it too. Trump is slick
What's most damaging to American society is the idea that more brown people will somehow "fix" it.
It’s not more brown people, it’s fewer racists. Because racists are always the most ignorant and uneducated people in the country. Always.
Nothing good comes from racists. All they know is damage.

Sadly, most of them belong to the Republican Party. Not that Democrats would want them. We don’t . Republicans are stuck with them.

Wow, the stupid is strong in that one.
What's most damaging to American society is the idea that more brown people will somehow "fix" it.
It’s not more brown people, it’s fewer racists. Because racists are always the most ignorant and uneducated people in the country. Always.
Nothing good comes from racists. All they know is damage.

Sadly, most of them belong to the Republican Party. ....

The evidence of history to the contrary.

Do you know the white racists switched parties when Democrats passed civil rights? Why didn't the racist white stay in the Democratic party when blacks joined?

And why today do Republicans love Robert E Lee so much? He was a Democrat right?

Republicans passed civil rights. Democrats fought it.
Illegal Mexicans, particularly. They dont even bother to hide their racism these days. Go watch some youtube videos of them protesting with their mexican flags. They say awful shit without batting an eye.

You're buying the narrative the democrats want you to. Don't be a dupe.
Do you watch a lot of protest videos? I do and ive seen MANY open acts of racism against white people and no one cares one iota.

Do you talk to a lot of actual immigrants, face-to-face? I do, and the people in your videos are a small minority who have been convinced by pasty-faced, far-left a-holes to parade around and act out for propaganda. The democrats want you to think they represent anything more than a tiny minority of immigrants.
Most of my dealings with mexicans are quite good. I agree with you, but the left has most definitely created an environment for some shitheads to openly be racist.
Funny because in the 80s it was you white republican hicks who were telling my dad to go back to his own country. Greece.

Not to many liberals hear a foreign accent and tell the person to go back to their country. That’s usually a move only a republican makes.

Lie ^^^^
What's most damaging to American society is the idea that more brown people will somehow "fix" it.
It’s not more brown people, it’s fewer racists. Because racists are always the most ignorant and uneducated people in the country. Always.
Nothing good comes from racists. All they know is damage.

Sadly, most of them belong to the Republican Party. ....

The evidence of history to the contrary.

Do you know the white racists switched parties when Democrats passed civil rights? Why didn't the racist white stay in the Democratic party when blacks joined?

And why today do Republicans love Robert E Lee so much? He was a Democrat right?

Republicans passed civil rights. Democrats fought it.

Truth ^^^^^^^^
Do you watch a lot of protest videos? I do and ive seen MANY open acts of racism against white people and no one cares one iota.

Do you talk to a lot of actual immigrants, face-to-face? I do, and the people in your videos are a small minority who have been convinced by pasty-faced, far-left a-holes to parade around and act out for propaganda. The democrats want you to think they represent anything more than a tiny minority of immigrants.

I guess the fact that most Latin American nations are extremely left wing is also just propaganda, right? ....

You're not paying attention. That trend is shifting.

Sorry, I'm not buying it. Conservative, right wing politics will always be associated with "white supremacy", fascism and Hitler because that's the way the left-controlled media likes it. Brown people will always hate whitey because that's what he's been programmed to think. Mass immigration is a weapon to dismantle whiteness and make us into actual minorities- worldwide, permanently. All that resentment the left has built up towards us isn't going to just magically up and disappear.

Are you trying to not be taken seriously? This stupid 'white victim' nonsense makes you look like a damn fool. Stop repeating one talking point as if you lack the capacity to hold another thought, and take a look at what is actually happening in the world. More conservative governments are being elected throughout Latin America. Latinos tend to be conservative on some issues, and liberal on others - like every fucking body else. Stereotypes, generalizations, and pathetically illogical conclusions will never advance any issues you believe in. Stop playing the buffoon.

*shrug* Nothing I say online is going to change the trajectory we're on. America has been going leftward my entire life and it's only escalated in the last few years. I don't see that changing any time soon. Nor do I see an end to racial tensions or the hate whitey mindset. Not unless we clean house in higher education and in the media, get rid of the marxists and the intersectional feminist types. I just don't get how you can have such a rosy outlook for the future.
Do you talk to a lot of actual immigrants, face-to-face? I do, and the people in your videos are a small minority who have been convinced by pasty-faced, far-left a-holes to parade around and act out for propaganda. The democrats want you to think they represent anything more than a tiny minority of immigrants.

I guess the fact that most Latin American nations are extremely left wing is also just propaganda, right? ....

You're not paying attention. That trend is shifting.

Sorry, I'm not buying it. Conservative, right wing politics will always be associated with "white supremacy", fascism and Hitler because that's the way the left-controlled media likes it. Brown people will always hate whitey because that's what he's been programmed to think. Mass immigration is a weapon to dismantle whiteness and make us into actual minorities- worldwide, permanently. All that resentment the left has built up towards us isn't going to just magically up and disappear.

Are you trying to not be taken seriously? This stupid 'white victim' nonsense makes you look like a damn fool. Stop repeating one talking point as if you lack the capacity to hold another thought, and take a look at what is actually happening in the world. More conservative governments are being elected throughout Latin America. Latinos tend to be conservative on some issues, and liberal on others - like every fucking body else. Stereotypes, generalizations, and pathetically illogical conclusions will never advance any issues you believe in. Stop playing the buffoon.

...America has been going leftward my entire life ....

I guess the fact that most Latin American nations are extremely left wing is also just propaganda, right? ....

You're not paying attention. That trend is shifting.

Sorry, I'm not buying it. Conservative, right wing politics will always be associated with "white supremacy", fascism and Hitler because that's the way the left-controlled media likes it. Brown people will always hate whitey because that's what he's been programmed to think. Mass immigration is a weapon to dismantle whiteness and make us into actual minorities- worldwide, permanently. All that resentment the left has built up towards us isn't going to just magically up and disappear.

Are you trying to not be taken seriously? This stupid 'white victim' nonsense makes you look like a damn fool. Stop repeating one talking point as if you lack the capacity to hold another thought, and take a look at what is actually happening in the world. More conservative governments are being elected throughout Latin America. Latinos tend to be conservative on some issues, and liberal on others - like every fucking body else. Stereotypes, generalizations, and pathetically illogical conclusions will never advance any issues you believe in. Stop playing the buffoon.

...America has been going leftward my entire life ....


Gay marriage was completely off limits a decade ago. Even democrats opposed it.


Gay marriage is quaint. Transgenderism is the talk of the day. Even little kids are changing their gender, it's no big deal. If you have a problem with it, you're a nazi.
Well Impuretrash, I don't care leftward or rightward as long as I … I personally don't care if I'm gay married, as long as I get to march, and I look like the guy on "Glory to Arsztotzka" march. Join me Gay Brothers in the leftward Conservatives... My helmet looks nice. Does impuretrash think we should have different outfits?
When I was a grade school kid in the 60's watching racial mayhem on my family's first B&W TV with rabbit ears, I use to think about creating a law stating black and white citizens should make babies together until our entire population turns various shades of brown and gray.

Apparently the laws of LOVE are very slowly making my dream come true.

Opinion | How Interracial Love Is Saving America

Will it change things over time, or is the need to fear an "other" too strong?
It seems like the more their numbers grow, the more they hate white people.
Or the more whites become a minority the more paranoid you poor whites get. I’m white and I don’t fear the fair competition. In fact I know us whites barely have an advantage when it comes to dealing with the rich. How has white america done since Reagan? Not good? Don’t blame Clinton or obama. Blame Reagan, the Bush’s and trump. Blame the rich. Blame corporations. They’ve done great in those 40 years.

Fair competition like when they beat you for being white?

Dude. You are being crazy. Seriously and with all due respect.
What's most damaging to American society is the idea that more brown people will somehow "fix" it.
It’s not more brown people, it’s fewer racists. Because racists are always the most ignorant and uneducated people in the country. Always.
Nothing good comes from racists. All they know is damage.

Sadly, most of them belong to the Republican Party. ....

The evidence of history to the contrary.

Do you know the white racists switched parties when Democrats passed civil rights? Why didn't the racist white stay in the Democratic party when blacks joined?

And why today do Republicans love Robert E Lee so much? He was a Democrat right?

Totally debunked, long ago, and many times since.
Then provide a link that explains how this thinking is flawed.

Was Robert e lee a democrat yes or no?

Sure. From that right wing rag the new york times.

The Myth of ‘the Southern Strategy’
It’s not more brown people, it’s fewer racists. Because racists are always the most ignorant and uneducated people in the country. Always.
Nothing good comes from racists. All they know is damage.

Sadly, most of them belong to the Republican Party. Not that Democrats would want them. We don’t . Republicans are stuck with them.
Trump tapped into that racism and got elected because of it. It's blacks, illegals, muslims, unions, poor people and liberal democrats who are to blame for any middle class person who's struggling.

HIs message on Trade and Immigration was clear to the voters. Why you are afraid to be honest about it, I don't know.
The electoral college voters that is...

RUst belt voters, many who voted for Obama.

Trade and Immigration. And the more he focuses on that, the more he is likely to be reelected in 2020.
We know. I almost fell for it too. Trump is slick

We had a choice between a politician who said he would work for our interests and one that said she would work against our interests.

Going with the obvious choice there, is not "falling for it" and it is unfair of you to say that.
Its a status symbol today for white girls to have a baby by a black guy.Much like suburban working couples had a black maid in the 1960's.
Opinion | How Interracial Love Is Saving America

Will it change things over time, or is the need to fear an "other" too strong?

The question itself is the problem. Let people be and be with whomever they choose without making their choice about skin color or even mentioning it. Simple. Race was never the problem unless a majority of society or some of its ideologues made it such. Now, if one is talking about the introduction of hostile cultures into a generationally traditional or closed cultural society, that's another matter indeed.
Race was never the problem
Its a status symbol today for white girls to have a baby by a black guy.Much like suburban working couples had a black maid in the 1960's.
They have been saying that shit since the early 1980's, when are yous gonna find another line to lie with?
Opinion | How Interracial Love Is Saving America

Will it change things over time, or is the need to fear an "other" too strong?

I hope so, but I don't know.

In the overwrought atmosphere of 2019 I feel like I'm missing a social gene or something. I do not understand all this racial stuff from any angle. If you act like a scholar I will treat you as such--or a gentleman, a criminal, a hero, or a thug. I don't care if you're purple. I even think this nonsense about "cultural awareness" is overblown. Of course we all come from different backgrounds, families, experiences, neighborhoods. Doesn't basic respect cover a lot of ground?

If you come at me with your "cultural awareness" and my "white privilege" as fronts, I don't see you...even though I realize your race is part of you. And you don't see me. We see cardboard versions. It's stupid, but I feel stupid for not getting it because I feel like it's become Such A Big Thing.

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