The number one reason Obama was re-elected...

Procrustes Stretched

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Dec 1, 2008
Location: Nowhere
The number one reason Obama was re-elected...

He had what he lacked the previous election -- experience. Let us be honest here. Whether you agree with his experience in office or not, it exists -- in the real world

Other reasons include having a superior campaign and having reality based polls to run that campaign on.

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White RepubliKKKans hate him so much, they just assumed the rest of America did to.
romney had a shitty campaign. I just dont understand the level pussy that was in that camoaign.
he has foreign policy experience? :eek:
The number one reason Obama was re-elected...

He had what he lacked the previous election -- experience. Let us be honest here. Whether you agree with his experience in office or not, it exists -- in the real world

Other reasons include having a superior campaign and having reality based polls to run that campaign on.


he got re-elected Dante because of the the 2nd rater running against him and because of all the people in this country who are too chicken shit to cut their parties cord and vote for someone who is not a Party Puppet....
The number one reason Obama was re-elected was the Republicans fielded a lousy candidate.

And many of us knew it.

US election campaign: Mitt Romney unzipped

The real question is why the polling in the battleground states is still so close

  • Editorial
  • The Guardian, Wednesday 19 September 2012 18.22 EDT
Mitt Romney is running the worst presidential campaign since George McGovern – and that's going back a bit. Not a week goes by without the Republican candidate putting his foot in it.
Romney lost because he misread the public. He knew that pretty much half of the American public would vote democrat because that's where they get their goodies from. He just misread the remainder. His entire campaign was built around the erroneous belief that Americans wanted jobs. They don't want a job. They wanted an obamaphone.
LOL, he had the same stupid base as the first time is the ONLY REASON he was re-elected..

and the Gop put up some elitist Republican the people who were to vote for him didn't care for

ANYONE with a record like his with 7 to 8% unemployment after one FULL TERM should of NEVER been re-elected...none of you should be proud you voted to re-elect him

you can try and spin anyway you want though
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Romney lost because he misread the public. He knew that pretty much half of the American public would vote democrat because that's where they get their goodies from. He just misread the remainder. His entire campaign was built around the erroneous belief that Americans wanted jobs. They don't want a job. They wanted an obamaphone.

I want one, but I have a better one that has a more economical time use. Of course 10 years ago it would be a Bush phone since they were around then also, or a Clinton, Bush Sr. or a Reagan phone.
But what I really want is a Reagan era reverse mortgage loan guaranteed by the US govt. Those damn old people get all the best govt./business freebies.
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I notice > a few conservatives using a FOREIGN paper (The Guardian) as a ref as of late. :eusa_think: What self-respecting Red stater would reference a foreign source? :eusa_naughty:
LOL, he had the same stupid base as the first time is the ONLY REASON he was re-elected..

and the Gop put up some elitist Republican the people who were to vote for him didn't care for

ANYONE with a record like his with 7 to 8% unemployment after one FULL TERM should of NEVER been re-elected...none of you should be proud you voted to re-elect him

you can try and spin anyway you want though

Oh yeah, that president runs the whole govt. Where are the concerns about jobs by the GOP? Nah, they're all about stopping govt. functions and repealing the ACA.
I notice > a few conservatives using a FOREIGN paper (The Guardian) as a ref as of late. :eusa_think: What self-respecting Red stater would reference a foreign source? :eusa_naughty:

Same mindless twits that use Russian media for support of their hate for Oblama.
I agree halfway, Dante. But, I think in general Americans LIKE their president. It's the home team thing to do. Sure, there are extremes in both sides of the electorate. But, if Ford hadn't had the RW challange of Reagan, and the Nixon pardon, and then the gaffe about Poland, he wins in 76. Carter, though a policy wonk who was proved right by time in the ME, interest rates, stealth technology, energy efficiency ... was God awful politican, and Reagan was very likeable guy. I never voted for him as governor or potus, but I genuinely liked him. BushI ... look at the swing states he lost. If the extreme of the RW hadn't erupted over taxes, they'd never had Bill Clinton to drive them into a state of insanity. BushII scared the shit outta everybody to get re-elected, but he really isn't a bad person. Horrible potus, but not a bad guy.

Unless, you're an old white person, Obama has an admirable backgroud. In some ways he's post racism. He showed some courage on the Iraq war.

You see the posts here. "Obama won because haflfthe country gets a handout." Clue: generally elections are around 47-53 or thereabouts. You don't think Mitt got rich by sucking off the tit? There's a cayman island just for you. When Mitt made the 47% comment, he was dead.

And that's why Cruz is poison. A party can't win by playing on divisions and divisiveness. Sure, Duckass got killed on Willie Horton, but all Duckass had to say is "I'd have wanted to rip his heart out," but he whimped out. Tagged as a whimp. BushII tagged Kerry as a flipflopper because he IS a filpflopper.

Reagan, Clinton, LBJ .... never would have dismissed any portion of the electorate as being "less worthy." And Romney by all reports is a decent man. He certainly was not divisive as a governor. Not a backslapper, but not tossing anyone out of the boat. He seemed insincere, imo, because he was insincere. He had to run as a TPM to get the nomination, but the country simply isn't gonna elect a TPM as potus.
Carter was diliked in 1980. His own party had an uprising against him as a sitting President. That rarely happens.

Many of the replies here speak volumes on the subjects of willfull denial and group think

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I agree halfway, Dante. But, I think in general Americans LIKE their president. It's the home team thing to do. Sure, there are extremes in both sides of the electorate. But, if Ford hadn't had the RW challange of Reagan, and the Nixon pardon, and then the gaffe about Poland, he wins in 76. Carter, though a policy wonk who was proved right by time in the ME, interest rates, stealth technology, energy efficiency ... was God awful politican, and Reagan was very likeable guy. I never voted for him as governor or potus, but I genuinely liked him. BushI ... look at the swing states he lost. If the extreme of the RW hadn't erupted over taxes, they'd never had Bill Clinton to drive them into a state of insanity. BushII scared the shit outta everybody to get re-elected, but he really isn't a bad person. Horrible potus, but not a bad guy.

Unless, you're an old white person, Obama has an admirable backgroud. In some ways he's post racism
. He showed some courage on the Iraq war.

You see the posts here. "Obama won because haflfthe country gets a handout." Clue: generally elections are around 47-53 or thereabouts. You don't think Mitt got rich by sucking off the tit? There's a cayman island just for you. When Mitt made the 47% comment, he was dead.

And that's why Cruz is poison. A party can't win by playing on divisions and divisiveness. Sure, Duckass got killed on Willie Horton, but all Duckass had to say is "I'd have wanted to rip his heart out," but he whimped out. Tagged as a whimp. BushII tagged Kerry as a flipflopper because he IS a filpflopper.

Reagan, Clinton, LBJ .... never would have dismissed any portion of the electorate as being "less worthy." And Romney by all reports is a decent man. He certainly was not divisive as a governor. Not a backslapper, but not tossing anyone out of the boat. He seemed insincere, imo, because he was insincere. He had to run as a TPM to get the nomination, but the country simply isn't gonna elect a TPM as potus.

all that long winded spew just to call people lovey...and there isn't anything admirable about a man who goes around putting down the very PEOPLE HE REPRESENTS...hell, he even put down his WHITE grandmother who helped raise him...I'm sure she didn't expect the ugly human he turned out to be ...that's how despicable a man he is

now you can kiss his picture at night, but don't think everyone will fall for this fairy tale you write
I agree halfway, Dante. But, I think in general Americans LIKE their president. It's the home team thing to do. Sure, there are extremes in both sides of the electorate. But, if Ford hadn't had the RW challange of Reagan, and the Nixon pardon, and then the gaffe about Poland, he wins in 76. Carter, though a policy wonk who was proved right by time in the ME, interest rates, stealth technology, energy efficiency ... was God awful politican, and Reagan was very likeable guy. I never voted for him as governor or potus, but I genuinely liked him. BushI ... look at the swing states he lost. If the extreme of the RW hadn't erupted over taxes, they'd never had Bill Clinton to drive them into a state of insanity. BushII scared the shit outta everybody to get re-elected, but he really isn't a bad person. Horrible potus, but not a bad guy.

Unless, you're an old white person, Obama has an admirable backgroud. In some ways he's post racism
. He showed some courage on the Iraq war.

You see the posts here. "Obama won because haflfthe country gets a handout." Clue: generally elections are around 47-53 or thereabouts. You don't think Mitt got rich by sucking off the tit? There's a cayman island just for you. When Mitt made the 47% comment, he was dead.

And that's why Cruz is poison. A party can't win by playing on divisions and divisiveness. Sure, Duckass got killed on Willie Horton, but all Duckass had to say is "I'd have wanted to rip his heart out," but he whimped out. Tagged as a whimp. BushII tagged Kerry as a flipflopper because he IS a filpflopper.

Reagan, Clinton, LBJ .... never would have dismissed any portion of the electorate as being "less worthy." And Romney by all reports is a decent man. He certainly was not divisive as a governor. Not a backslapper, but not tossing anyone out of the boat. He seemed insincere, imo, because he was insincere. He had to run as a TPM to get the nomination, but the country simply isn't gonna elect a TPM as potus.

all that long winded spew just to call people lovey...and there isn't anything admirable about a man who goes around putting down the very PEOPLE HE REPRESENTS...hell, he even put down his WHITE grandmother who helped raise him...I'm sure she didn't expect the ugly human he turned out to be ...that's how despicable a man he is

now you can kiss his picture at night, but don't think everyone will fall for this fairy tale you write

If you think I called you a racist, you're projecting ... but possibly with good reason. I'll have to leave that up to you, since I don't know you. Giving you the benefit of the doubt, I'll simply have to note the the only group Mitt solidly won was old white people. I'm sorry that fact is unpleasant for you.
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One of the few things I will give Obama credit for, his political machine are master at using divisive politics to win election campaigns.

Unfortunately that's where he runs out of talent

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