The number one reason Obama was re-elected...

One of the few things I will give Obama credit for, his political machine are master at using divisive politics to win election campaigns.

Unfortunately that's where he runs out of talent

his was some of the dirtiest politics I have seen in any Presidential election

and I've been around for a few

unfortunately, his base helped in spreading it around, they have become as dirty it seems

Democrat party of old had some standards they lived by, not with this new Progressive/Democrat party today
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Considering the last 3 years and 8 months of mindless PUB OBSTRUCTION AND PROPAGANDIZING, HE'S DOING FINE. This debt ceiling BS will cost ANOTHER 1-1.5 per cent cut in growth for a year...
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What will be the GOP excuse when they lose in 2016 one wonders...

That is interesting. I think the money right now is Hill v. Rand Paul, and I think that's interesting. Paul even now is trying to bridge over to latinos, and I don't think he's really hostile to GLBT. There would be a youth v. clinton to that matchup, and there will be lot of young voters who were not voting the last time Slick was in the WH.

I'm not that sure of the result.

It scares me, because I really think Justice Roberts intention to to return congressional power to where it was before the new deal, if not Teddy Roosevelt.
More experienced?
At what?
If you are wrong a just have more experience in being wrong. That will never make you wiser if you are incapable of learning from your mistakes.
Take Obamacare...this will be his biggest thing he will be remembered for. And it is already falling apart. They Democrats have already given over 2000 exemptions to unions, government and other businesses they are friendly with. They themselves are exempt from it. It is already causing widespread job losses and hour cuts.
More experience in self denial and ignorance is not a good thing.

Thank you, Mr. President.

LOL, he had the same stupid base as the first time is the ONLY REASON he was re-elected..

and the Gop put up some elitist Republican the people who were to vote for him didn't care for

ANYONE with a record like his with 7 to 8% unemployment after one FULL TERM should of NEVER been re-elected...none of you should be proud you voted to re-elect him

you can try and spin anyway you want though

or we could spin it your way right? shut up
What will be the GOP excuse when they lose in 2016 one wonders...

That is interesting. I think the money right now is Hill v. Rand Paul, and I think that's interesting. Paul even now is trying to bridge over to latinos, and I don't think he's really hostile to GLBT. There would be a youth v. clinton to that matchup, and there will be lot of young voters who were not voting the last time Slick was in the WH.

I'm not that sure of the result.

It scares me, because I really think Justice Roberts intention to to return congressional power to where it was before the new deal, if not Teddy Roosevelt.

The power to choose Senators, is that what you're referring to?
reasons obama won in 2012

1. he is black
2. the media love him
3. he lies well
4. Romney did not attack obama's record
5. voter fraud
6. general ignorance of the american voters
7. his campaign of personal destruction worked
8. he lied
9. he lied
10.he lied.

The number one reason he won was because he had corporate bigwigs funding his campaign. Basically, corporations decided that election, not the people.

Which explains why those same corporations are now telling the GOP to stop trying to wreck the economy!
I notice > a few conservatives using a FOREIGN paper (The Guardian) as a ref as of late. :eusa_think: What self-respecting Red stater would reference a foreign source? :eusa_naughty:

Then again it is owned by Rupert Murdoch so it is just FoxNews with a cockney accent. :D
The number one reason Obama was re-elected...

He had what he lacked the previous election -- experience. Let us be honest here. Whether you agree with his experience in office or not, it exists -- in the real world

Other reasons include having a superior campaign and having reality based polls to run that campaign on.


The unemployed love their benefits.

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