The number one reason Obama was re-elected...

The Number One reason why America chose Obama is he is as diametrically opposite of George W. Bush as it gets, visually, personally, and intellectually. The same cannot be said for either McCain or Romney, both of whom are much too physically, politically, and behaviorally White, therefore reminiscent of Bush.

As it turns out, Mr. Obama is just as White as, if not just a bit whiter than, Bush. But he's wearing an effective disguise.

:lol: but obama has continued or expanded every one of the Bush policies that you say you hate----------Obama lied to you, and you fell for it. What does that say about you?

BS- Like health care, Wall St , oil, and fracking regulation, alternative power subsidies, ue and welfare help for victims of the Pub economic meltdown, help for GM and state and local gov'ts, ACTUALLY getting out of IRAQ...YOU'RE OUT OF YOUR MIND LOL.

Pubs have blocked jobs bills, infrastructure and job training, etc etc etc, MADE PHONY crises like this one-we could have recovered by now without Pubcrappe and silly dupes...
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omg, how would this country and US TAXPAYERS survive without 10% of gubement leeches
you know what Steph?.....i worked for the Govt and i sure as hell did not feel like i was leeching on anyone when i was out there delivering the mail in pouring rain,in the dark in 100 plus degree temps,battling some assholes dog.....i did not feel like a leech at all....

my dear, stop taking thing so personally, we were talking about a 10% cut in government workers and's not like we can't live without that cut
are you going to say there aren't ANY who work for the guberment who aren't lazy and leeches? I worked for them too a few times and speak from experience that I all can feel what you want
of course there are useless workers just like any other place of work.....but.... my did not specify did not say said "Govt Leeches"....meaning sorry Steph if im slightly jaded here..... there have been too many people who lean right here, who have said those exact same words as well as a few choice other ones to me just for being a Govt worker or having the gall to belong to a Union...
those wasteful gov't workers always turn out to be police, firemen, and teachers, and the waste what YOU don't want to lose. What we actually need is more tax money from bloated rich and corporations, now sitting on trillions of cash. FACT

Pub hater dupes LOL...

they aint federal Frankie.....
The Number One reason why America chose Obama is he is as diametrically opposite of George W. Bush as it gets, visually, personally, and intellectually. The same cannot be said for either McCain or Romney, both of whom are much too physically, politically, and behaviorally White, therefore reminiscent of Bush.

As it turns out, Mr. Obama is just as White as, if not just a bit whiter than, Bush. But he's wearing an effective disguise.

:lol: but obama has continued or expanded every one of the Bush policies that you say you hate----------Obama lied to you, and you fell for it. What does that say about you?

BS- Like health care, Wall St , oil, and fracking regulation, alternative power subsidies, ue and welfare help for victims of the Pub economic meltdown, help for GM and state and local gov'ts, ACTUALLY getting out of IRAQ...YOU'RE OUT OF YOUR MIND LOL.

Pubs have blocked jobs bills, infrastructure and job training, etc etc etc, MADE PHONY crises like this one-we could have recovered by now without Pubcrappe and silly dupes...

if we had a leader Frankie we would have.....
What will be the GOP excuse when they lose in 2016 one wonders...


All aboard the 2016 Republican Clown Car



So it's obvious, people would rather believe the lies than face their own failings. [MENTION=42379]Redfish[/MENTION] you nailed it.

Obama lied to a bunch of folks, they just want to believe him even if it's not really true.
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Obama was reelected because he ran a better campaign as I stated on another thread Obama has proven many times he excels at campaigning at governing not so much.

Fair enough. No matter there is a concerted action by a rabid faction to stop him at every turn...Obama fought for the job. If he expected people to cooperate just because he feels sincere in his beliefs, then he should have stuck with academia and law and left politics and government to....oh wait...people like me and you :eek:

See, Dante criticizes Obama...where reason and rationality reside :cool:
Romney lost because he misread the public. He knew that pretty much half of the American public would vote democrat because that's where they get their goodies from. He just misread the remainder. His entire campaign was built around the erroneous belief that Americans wanted jobs. They don't want a job. They wanted an obamaphone.

Why would anyone who wanted a job vote for Romney? Romney is a job destroyer not a job creator.
The number one reason Obama was re-elected...

He had what he lacked the previous election -- experience. Let us be honest here. Whether you agree with his experience in office or not, it exists -- in the real world

Other reasons include having a superior campaign and having reality based polls to run that campaign on.


The unemployed love their benefits.

Yeah, especially when they dry up. Please go away? :eusa_shifty:
Obama was reelected because he ran a better campaign as I stated on another thread Obama has proven many times he excels at campaigning at governing not so much.

Fair enough. No matter there is a concerted action by a rabid faction to stop him at every turn...Obama fought for the job. If he expected people to cooperate just because he feels sincere in his beliefs, then he should have stuck with academia and law and left politics and government to....oh wait...people like me and you :eek:

See, Dante criticizes Obama...where reason and rationality reside :cool:

There is a concerted effort by some sort rabid faction to stop every president at every turn it didn't start with Obama and it won't end with him.
Obama was reelected because he ran a better campaign as I stated on another thread Obama has proven many times he excels at campaigning at governing not so much.

Fair enough. No matter there is a concerted action by a rabid faction to stop him at every turn...Obama fought for the job. If he expected people to cooperate just because he feels sincere in his beliefs, then he should have stuck with academia and law and left politics and government to....oh wait...people like me and you :eek:

See, Dante criticizes Obama...where reason and rationality reside :cool:

There is a concerted effort by some sort rabid faction to stop every president at every turn it didn't start with Obama and it won't end with him.

Agree, but it gets ratcheted up as some accept the unacceptable as the new normal. Started with going after Clinton with totally partisan impeachment hearings.

Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, and GHW Bush ... and even Clinton for a while, got agreements with loyal opposition. GW Bush got some things passed in bipartisan fashion, but the meanspirited anti Clinton attitude came back at W after a while.

Obama has had very little bipartisan support
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Fair enough. No matter there is a concerted action by a rabid faction to stop him at every turn...Obama fought for the job. If he expected people to cooperate just because he feels sincere in his beliefs, then he should have stuck with academia and law and left politics and government to....oh wait...people like me and you :eek:

See, Dante criticizes Obama...where reason and rationality reside :cool:

There is a concerted effort by some sort rabid faction to stop every president at every turn it didn't start with Obama and it won't end with him.

Agree, but it gets ratcheted up as some accept the unacceptable as the new normal. Started with going after Clinton with totally partisan impeachment hearings.

Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, and GHW Bush ... and even Clinton for a while, got agreements with loyal opposition. GW Bush got some things passed in bipartisan fashion, but the meanspirited anti Clinton attitude came back at W after a while.

Obama has had very little bipartisan support

Clinton lied under oath. Carter wasn't part of the regime. Nixon was a creep. Ford had to live with his own devils. Reagan understood.

Obama couldn't have been elected without the white vote. ;)
There is a concerted effort by some sort rabid faction to stop every president at every turn it didn't start with Obama and it won't end with him.

Agree, but it gets ratcheted up as some accept the unacceptable as the new normal. Started with going after Clinton with totally partisan impeachment hearings.

Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, and GHW Bush ... and even Clinton for a while, got agreements with loyal opposition. GW Bush got some things passed in bipartisan fashion, but the meanspirited anti Clinton attitude came back at W after a while.

Obama has had very little bipartisan support

Clinton lied under oath. Carter wasn't part of the regime. Nixon was a creep. Ford had to live with his own devils. Reagan understood.

Obama couldn't have been elected without the white vote. ;)

White vote? wtf? Please go away. This isnt a race thread
Agree, but it gets ratcheted up as some accept the unacceptable as the new normal. Started with going after Clinton with totally partisan impeachment hearings.

Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, and GHW Bush ... and even Clinton for a while, got agreements with loyal opposition. GW Bush got some things passed in bipartisan fashion, but the meanspirited anti Clinton attitude came back at W after a while.

Obama has had very little bipartisan support

Clinton lied under oath. Carter wasn't part of the regime. Nixon was a creep. Ford had to live with his own devils. Reagan understood.

Obama couldn't have been elected without the white vote. ;)

White vote? wtf? Please go away. This isnt a race thread

What is racist about THESE FACTS!!!
Based on above polling data 38% for Obama in 2012 leaves

67.2 million or 53% of 99.9 million white voters for Romney
THAT MEANT 47% of whites or 47 million white voters voted for Obama!

2.0 million voted for Romney while 87% of 15.8 million black voters for Obama

3.1 million or 67% of 6.5 million hispanic voters for Romney.

Almost ALL of the white votes for Obama or 47 million THE BIGGEST CHUNK.. was by totally racist people!
YES racists! Because even though they had 4 years of Obama ineptitude as President THEY just couldn't bring themselves
to vote against a BLACK! And that is RACIST because RACE should never been a consideration in voting!
George W. Bush inherited a strong economy, a budget surplus, and a nation at peace.

Eight years later, he left Obama with a shattered economy, a trillion dollar deficit, and two useless wars.

Obama saved the country from another Great Depression, rebuilt GM, reformed healthcare, reformed Wall Street, doubled the stock market, created 16 straight quarters of GDP growth, created 49 months of private sector job growth, got Bin Laden, got Gaddafi, and got us out of Iraq.

Obama has done a very good job.

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