The Nunes Staff's Memo, That's All You Want To Release?


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Today, the front and center issue on the subject of whether or not there was collusion between President Trump's Presidential campaign and Russia on Russia's interference in the U.S.'s 2016 presidential election is whether the House's Intelligence Chairmen Devin Nunes staff's memo should be released. Calling for this release alone is like giving someone a piece of cutting edge technology but withholding the instruction manual on how to put it together and use it! Calling for this release alone is like a prosecutor's office charging someone with a crime but not telling the defendant the date, time and nature of the incident which the criminal charges are based!

The proponents of releasing the memorandum want to do so because Chairman Nunez's staff apparently laid out a case where the FBI obtained one or more FISA (Foreign Intelligent Surveillance Act) warrants on insufficient evidence they unduly relied on this memo written by a former U.K. intelligence officer on candidate Donald Trump's Russian contacts. To be krass these proponents with this effort are trying to prove the FBI went off the reservation, they went rogue, they ignored the rule of law and embarked on this agenda to try to destroy the President Trump presidential campaign and presidency! Maybe I watch too many movies where good triumphs over evil and I expect it in real life or I am old school I guess and believe that the principle of fairness should prevail in America. It just seems to me that if the powers that be are going to be "fair and just" and want to release a document alleging that the FBI got a warrant on insufficient grounds that the FBI did not have the legally required evidence to get the FISA warrants they should be releasing the "application(s) for the warrants in question" in conjunction with releasing the Nunes staff's memo. This would allow the American people to evaluate accurately the Nunez's staff's memo allegations against the FBI and determine if they are legitimate. Considering that the stakes on the table here is only the reputation of America's premier law enforcement agency, the FBI, the elected officials behind this move might want to make sure all the facts are put on the table for the American people to examine!
At this point, it appears the FBI was catering to what they thought would be the next president, Hillary. It would be better if the guilty simply left as they release all evidence against themselves.
Once again, after the fact, Trump looks very smart in his decisions. Comey needed to go.
Once again, after the fact, Trump looks very smart in his decisions. Comey needed to go.
I heard someone mention the other day Trump has been aware of some of this crap for awhile, and to have to live with it, and be silent. How frustrating and grating that must have been. It would take a lot of strength to endure. Probably explains some of his blow ups on Twitter.
The question: What is the intelligence source behind the memo?

Someone supposedly investigated the FBI and found they did awful things.

The FBI wouldn't investigate the FBI.

The only group with the pre-existing legal authority to do that is the DOJ. However, that would have to go through Sessions, and Sessions had no idea about the memo. Hence, it's not the DOJ.

The NSA could do it, if directly ordered to by the president. However, that would be a massive scandal in itself, a president weaponizing the NSA as a Stalinist political secret police. Highly unlikely the NSA would go along with that.

The obvious conclusion? Nunes faked it all. That's why he won't release it. And the usual Stalinist suckups here fell for it. Or, more correctly, they know Nunes faked it all, and they fully support the Stalinist tactic of using faked charges to jail political opponents.
Doj and fbi documents, themselves. Gowdy has repeatedly stated it is all backed up with the evidence-

Gowdy suggested that Democrats don’t want the memo released because it would point to them financing the dossier. And he said that Justice knows what’s in the memo because it supplied the documents, but that federal officials should nevertheless review it before its release.

The question: What is the intelligence source behind the memo?

Someone supposedly investigated the FBI and found they did awful things.

The FBI wouldn't investigate the FBI.

The only group with the pre-existing legal authority to do that is the DOJ. However, that would have to go through Sessions, and Sessions had no idea about the memo. Hence, it's not the DOJ.

The NSA could do it, if directly ordered to by the president. However, that would be a massive scandal in itself, a president weaponizing the NSA as a Stalinist political secret police. Highly unlikely the NSA would go along with that.

The obvious conclusion? Nunes faked it all. That's why he won't release it. And the usual Stalinist suckups here fell for it. Or, more correctly, they know Nunes faked it all, and they fully support the Stalinist tactic of using faked charges to jail political opponents.
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People at the top of DOJ/FBI KNEW Hillary would win in a 'landslide'. That's why they were VERY careful not to piss her off. They made sure Hillary KNEW they were in her corner doing everything they could, even illegally, to help her win.
It all backfired when Trump won and these corrupt officials are now up to their ears in the shit they created.
Watch what happens when Mueller isn't able to charge President Trump with jaywalking.
The 'investigation' will be disbanded and THEN a brand new SC will be appointed to actually bring these corrupt officials to justice.
BTW, the new SC WILL be Trey Gowdy.
More Strzok and Page-

Peter Strzok and Lisa Page

  • Sara Carter On February 1, 2018

Newly released text messages between a pair of FBI anti-Trump officials at the center of the Russia investigation controversy show that they sought to “get around” rules established by the government to preserve text messages, stating that none of the agencies abide by the rules then “why should we.”

Former FBI agent Peter Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa Page discussed getting new Apple iPhones, in lieu of their Samsung 5 government issued phones in text messages they exchanged in August 2016. They noted in the texts that the new phones would help keep their text messages from government collection after speaking with the FBI’s IT director, according to newly released August 2016 text messages.

“According to text messages produced by the committee, Ms. Page and Mr. Strzok make references to communicating with other FBI employees via text message, phone call, email, and voice mail,” stated Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Sen. Ron Johnson, in a letter dated Jan. 31, to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. “Additional text messages suggest that FBI officials used non-official email accounts and messaging programs to communicate about official business.”

Here’s a portion of the text messages:

Strzok: “Hot damn. I’m happy to pilot that…we get around our security/monitoring issues?”

Page: “No, he’s proposing that we just stop following them. Apparently, the requirement to capture texts came from omb, but we’re the only org (I’m told) who is following that rule. His point is, if no one else is doing it why should we.”

Page: Helps that Dd had a terrible time with his phone [redacted] which made him concerned for our folks all over the place.

Page: These phones suck as much as they do because of the program we use to capture texts, full stop.

Strzok: No doubt.

Strzok: I’m not convinced short of OPR, that text capture capability really deters anything.

Strzok: If I want to copy/take classified, I’m sure as hell not going to do it on this phone.

In the above text messages, Strzok’s reference to “Dd” is possibly referring to Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, per Johnson’s letter’s footnote.

New Strzok, Page Texts Discuss Evasion of Message Archiving | Sara A. Carter

Anyone good with this cares not for the rule of law within our country.

FBI /Doj are in open revolt against America.....
Congress has oversite authority.....period end of story yet they think they can hide documents...
It’s nuts. And I don’t understand why others on the left can’t see it. If it isn’t tackled now, doesn’t matter which side you are on, it will continue from admin to admin. They think they are above the laws and rules and it could negatively effect anyone they choose to get caught up in it. Unless they foolishly believe it will only ever happen to people to the right of center...
Once again, after the fact, Trump looks very smart in his decisions. Comey needed to go.
I heard someone mention the other day Trump has been aware of some of this crap for awhile, and to have to live with it, and be silent. How frustrating and grating that must have been. It would take a lot of strength to endure. Probably explains some of his blow ups on Twitter.


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