The Nunes Staff's Memo, That's All You Want To Release?

Today, the front and center issue on the subject of whether or not there was collusion between President Trump's Presidential campaign and Russia on Russia's interference in the U.S.'s 2016 presidential election is whether the House's Intelligence Chairmen Devin Nunes staff's memo should be released. Calling for this release alone is like giving someone a piece of cutting edge technology but withholding the instruction manual on how to put it together and use it! Calling for this release alone is like a prosecutor's office charging someone with a crime but not telling the defendant the date, time and nature of the incident which the criminal charges are based!

The proponents of releasing the memorandum want to do so because Chairman Nunez's staff apparently laid out a case where the FBI obtained one or more FISA (Foreign Intelligent Surveillance Act) warrants on insufficient evidence they unduly relied on this memo written by a former U.K. intelligence officer on candidate Donald Trump's Russian contacts. To be krass these proponents with this effort are trying to prove the FBI went off the reservation, they went rogue, they ignored the rule of law and embarked on this agenda to try to destroy the President Trump presidential campaign and presidency! Maybe I watch too many movies where good triumphs over evil and I expect it in real life or I am old school I guess and believe that the principle of fairness should prevail in America. It just seems to me that if the powers that be are going to be "fair and just" and want to release a document alleging that the FBI got a warrant on insufficient grounds that the FBI did not have the legally required evidence to get the FISA warrants they should be releasing the "application(s) for the warrants in question" in conjunction with releasing the Nunes staff's memo. This would allow the American people to evaluate accurately the Nunez's staff's memo allegations against the FBI and determine if they are legitimate. Considering that the stakes on the table here is only the reputation of America's premier law enforcement agency, the FBI, the elected officials behind this move might want to make sure all the facts are put on the table for the American people to examine!
I'm still waiting for Democrats who met with that same Russian Lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya to hand over all emails pertaining to their requests to meet and all transcripts of those meetings.
Very important because she claimed to know Russia was helping Hillary and offered it as a bait and switch carrot to get her intended adoption concerns meeting.
Questioning her on what Russia was doing to help Hillary(now we know it was probably with the Fusion GPS fake story charade), would also be pertinent. So why did the Feds fail to thoroughly question and investigate if they truly were concerned about Russia interferences and not just using it as cover for smear campaign or soft coup?
Why would MSM also not be concerned about what Russia was doing or mention the full
Natalia Veselnitskaya story that would lead to that most obvious question?
"What was Russia doing to help Hillary?"* as she promised to have info on when baiting Don Jr.?

*Most people getting their news, from MSM only, don't realize through MSM wordplay, that the Russian "Dirt on Hillary" offered up to get the bait and switch meeting was actually worded as information from Russia about their "helping" Hillary. MSM leaves out "Helping" from her email and play the word play game to make viewership think it's "dirt on Hillary" without describing it being offered as Russias acts of giving her fake info dossier. This means MSM might have known all along and been part of this big missdirection. If so, is that enough for the pull of their broadcast license by the FCC or forced sale by the DOJ?
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Yes, I believe all evidence should also be released, otherwise questions and innuendo will continue. I am also of the old school, in which it was just a given these agencies were unbiased within their work. Unfortunately, the last few years has been eye opening as to what has been happening, and the lack of oversight is chilling.
Thanks for that reminder. If ever there was a setup, that points right to it.

In the end I am anxiously awaiting the OIG’s report. I have a feeling that just may open the doors wide as to what has been occurring there.
Today, the front and center issue on the subject of whether or not there was collusion between President Trump's Presidential campaign and Russia on Russia's interference in the U.S.'s 2016 presidential election is whether the House's Intelligence Chairmen Devin Nunes staff's memo should be released. Calling for this release alone is like giving someone a piece of cutting edge technology but withholding the instruction manual on how to put it together and use it! Calling for this release alone is like a prosecutor's office charging someone with a crime but not telling the defendant the date, time and nature of the incident which the criminal charges are based!

The proponents of releasing the memorandum want to do so because Chairman Nunez's staff apparently laid out a case where the FBI obtained one or more FISA (Foreign Intelligent Surveillance Act) warrants on insufficient evidence they unduly relied on this memo written by a former U.K. intelligence officer on candidate Donald Trump's Russian contacts. To be krass these proponents with this effort are trying to prove the FBI went off the reservation, they went rogue, they ignored the rule of law and embarked on this agenda to try to destroy the President Trump presidential campaign and presidency! Maybe I watch too many movies where good triumphs over evil and I expect it in real life or I am old school I guess and believe that the principle of fairness should prevail in America. It just seems to me that if the powers that be are going to be "fair and just" and want to release a document alleging that the FBI got a warrant on insufficient grounds that the FBI did not have the legally required evidence to get the FISA warrants they should be releasing the "application(s) for the warrants in question" in conjunction with releasing the Nunes staff's memo. This would allow the American people to evaluate accurately the Nunez's staff's memo allegations against the FBI and determine if they are legitimate. Considering that the stakes on the table here is only the reputation of America's premier law enforcement agency, the FBI, the elected officials behind this move might want to make sure all the facts are put on the table for the American people to examine!
I'm still waiting for Democrats who met with that same Russian Lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya to hand over all emails pertaining to their requests to meet and all transcripts of those meetings.
Very important because she claimed to know Russia was helping Hillary and offered it as a bait and switch carrot to get her intended adoption concerns meeting.
Questioning her on what Russia was doing to help Hillary(now we know it was probably with the Fusion GPS fake story charade), would also be pertinent. So why did the Feds fail to thoroughly question and investigate if they truly were concerned about Russia interferences and not just using it as cover for smear campaign or soft coup?
Why would MSM also not be concerned about what Russia was doing or mention the full
Natalia Veselnitskaya story that would lead to that most obvious question?
"What was Russia doing to help Hillary?" as she promised to have info on when baiting Don Jr.?
Accidentally posted this to a different thread, but meant to put it here-

You know I heard it put well this morning. These are not the agencies of our parents era. Today they have almost instant access to every communication that everyone participates in, whether phone, cell, email, mail, and internet. They have it all.
Laws and oversight have to become much more stringent for their ability to intercept American citizens communications.
As it is today, anyone one of us could be responding innocently to someone other than an American citizen online and in a forum such as this and that can be enough to access everything they want to about us.
Today, the front and center issue on the subject of whether or not there was collusion between President Trump's Presidential campaign and Russia on Russia's interference in the U.S.'s 2016 presidential election is whether the House's Intelligence Chairmen Devin Nunes staff's memo should be released. Calling for this release alone is like giving someone a piece of cutting edge technology but withholding the instruction manual on how to put it together and use it! Calling for this release alone is like a prosecutor's office charging someone with a crime but not telling the defendant the date, time and nature of the incident which the criminal charges are based!

The proponents of releasing the memorandum want to do so because Chairman Nunez's staff apparently laid out a case where the FBI obtained one or more FISA (Foreign Intelligent Surveillance Act) warrants on insufficient evidence they unduly relied on this memo written by a former U.K. intelligence officer on candidate Donald Trump's Russian contacts. To be krass these proponents with this effort are trying to prove the FBI went off the reservation, they went rogue, they ignored the rule of law and embarked on this agenda to try to destroy the President Trump presidential campaign and presidency! Maybe I watch too many movies where good triumphs over evil and I expect it in real life or I am old school I guess and believe that the principle of fairness should prevail in America. It just seems to me that if the powers that be are going to be "fair and just" and want to release a document alleging that the FBI got a warrant on insufficient grounds that the FBI did not have the legally required evidence to get the FISA warrants they should be releasing the "application(s) for the warrants in question" in conjunction with releasing the Nunes staff's memo. This would allow the American people to evaluate accurately the Nunez's staff's memo allegations against the FBI and determine if they are legitimate. Considering that the stakes on the table here is only the reputation of America's premier law enforcement agency, the FBI, the elected officials behind this move might want to make sure all the facts are put on the table for the American people to examine!

One step at a time and your analogies are very very poor. A better analogy would be that it’s like releasing the financial records of a company that is under suspicion of fraud.

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