The oath of office no longer applies to Republicans

'Inconsistent': McConnell slammed for violating 'oath' as 'constitutional officer' Republicans like Mitch McConnell of kentucky no longer value the rule of law, the Constitution, honesty, and fairness, while Republican elected officials threw out their oath of office to country, the citizenry, and sent them straight into the garbage. Folks, we are watching history here. When Mitch McConnell and his criminal subordinates decide not honor their oath with a "real" trial, they will be judged harshly for decades. This is a much bigger deal than just putting Trump on trial. Pretend if you will Trump Sheep, but if a fair trial does not come about, the Republican party loses its soul and credibility as a representative party. With Trump, they have all but destroyed the party after 3 years, and if they push this stunt with no trial, where there is overwhelming evidence against Trump, that will finally finish them off.'Constitutional travesty': See Trump and McConnell block fair impeachment trial

Funny how you talk about honoring the Constitution when the commies just impeached a President with no actual evidence, and the only real charge is something that your front runner actually did as VP.

It ended as it started with the partial testimony of three anti-Trump constitutional experts to one that was against impeachment.

The US Constitution states that impeachment is for violations of high crimes and misdemeanors. Yet Trump never was involved in either. They vowed to impeach Trump from the first day he took office, based only that he won the election.

And now Piglosi refuses to do what the Constitution requires, and forward their phony impeachment to the Senate, unless the Senate does things her way. Where is that in the Constitution? Furthermore they want to add articles to the impeachment they already passed.
You don't understand how impeachment works then?

Right now, it works EXACTLY the way the Speaker of the Senate says it works. Ms Pelosi can hold her breath, stamp her feet, and threaten to take her ball and go home all she wants ... but she's taken her last shot.
"The speaker of the senate"?

Who the fuck is that?

And the responsibilities are clearly laid out:

Clause 6: Trial of Impeachment
The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present.
Both parties shit on their oath every day.
Dont be a dumbfuck and pretend otherwise
Negative! Link your proof they do it every day.
How can that scum McConnell swear to impartiality when he makes deals with that pos in the WH ?

What deals did he make?
I'm not privy to exactly what deals BUT you didn't hear with your own ears when he said he'll be in touch with Trump on how to conduct the trial ? The head of a jury conspiring with the person being tried?? Are you fn kidding me??
Both parties shit on their oath every day.
Dont be a dumbfuck and pretend otherwise
Negative! Link your proof they do it every day.
How can that scum McConnell swear to impartiality when he makes deals with that pos in the WH ?

What deals did he make?
I'm not privy to exactly what deals BUT you didn't hear with your own ears when he said he'll be in touch with Trump on how to conduct the trial ? The head of a jury conspiring with the person being tried?? Are you fn kidding me??

He didn't say he'd be in touch with Trump, he said he'd be in touch with his legal team. And what does him discussing this matter have to do with impartiality? Is he supposed to ignore Trump until Piglosi finally decides to forward the articles instead of sitting on them forever?

Your commies had their fun, and everybody watched the entire circus show. So the Senators minds are already made up. There might not even be a hearing. They might just vote to throw it out. Mitch talking to anybody is not going to change his mind. His mind is made up, just like other rational Americans who see this farce for what it really is. Nobody in their right mind can take this seriously. It was, and is, a complete joke.
I'm not privy to exactly what deals BUT you didn't hear with your own ears when he said he'll be in touch with Trump on how to conduct the trial? The head of a jury conspiring with the person being tried?? Are you fn kidding me??

McConnell has the authority to make quick work of this witch hunt nonsense from the House. 100% of Republicans plus some Democrats plus a majority of the American people think its a sore losers partisan witch hunt. So yes, he spoke with the White House and this will be trash canned in the Senate in short order.
What is your problem with The Comstitution?

The Constitution was always meant to be interpreted in a strict sense.

It wasn’t until the advent of Judicial Activism coupled with Radical Socialism that Leftists started trying to twist The Law and try to screw this country up.

Go Smoke some dope and come back here and post when any of your delusions come true.

Flame Bait!

Trollholio: Show us on the Doll where Due
Process touched you.

So what you saw in the DemTard Inquisition was Due Process and The Rule of Law?

Didn’t you declare that you had irrefutable, incontrovertible, overwhelming evidence that you had no choice but to impeach the President?

You started the whole hoax with Russian Collusion, then moved to Bribery, then neither The Mueller Report nor Bribery made it in to your puke articles. Hell, you couldn’t even find violations of US Code.


Wait until Joe and Hunter Biden are Subpoenaed to the Senate. Then you’ll see how Due Process and justice works.

'Inconsistent': McConnell slammed for violating 'oath' as 'constitutional officer' Republicans like Mitch McConnell of kentucky no longer value the rule of law, the Constitution, honesty, and fairness, while Republican elected officials threw out their oath of office to country, the citizenry, and sent them straight into the garbage. Folks, we are watching history here. When Mitch McConnell and his criminal subordinates decide not honor their oath with a "real" trial, they will be judged harshly for decades. This is a much bigger deal than just putting Trump on trial. Pretend if you will Trump Sheep, but if a fair trial does not come about, the Republican party loses its soul and credibility as a representative party. With Trump, they have all but destroyed the party after 3 years, and if they push this stunt with no trial, where there is overwhelming evidence against Trump, that will finally finish them off.'Constitutional travesty': See Trump and McConnell block fair impeachment trial

I get ya, tree. One man, one party rule, no oath (especially not on a Bible), no duty to anyone but DJT, and anyone questions is a dirty liberal. Your one of those strict conservative Constitutionalist supporters, right?
OK, OK, I'm was mistaken. You are not on of those conservatives that support a strict interpretations of the Constitution. Whatever you say, Tree.
How oils anyone know what a trial is by looking at The Clown show Adolph Schiffler and Mazi
Nadler ran?

And speaking of trials, aren’t you supposed to have an actual crime to hold one of those.

McConnell swear to impartiality

When did we elect politicians to be impartial? The entire point in electing politicians is that we don't want them to be impartial. We want them to take our side every time.
You do know what a trial is, don't you?
How oils anyone know what a trial is by looking at The Clown show Adolph Schiffler and Mazi
Nadler ran?

And speaking of trials, aren’t you supposed to have an actual crime to hold one of those.

McConnell swear to impartiality

When did we elect politicians to be impartial? The entire point in electing politicians is that we don't want them to be impartial. We want them to take our side every time.
You do know what a trial is, don't you?
English Stumpy, we speak English here.
'Inconsistent': McConnell slammed for violating 'oath' as 'constitutional officer' Republicans like Mitch McConnell of kentucky no longer value the rule of law, the Constitution, honesty, and fairness, while Republican elected officials threw out their oath of office to country, the citizenry, and sent them straight into the garbage. Folks, we are watching history here. When Mitch McConnell and his criminal subordinates decide not honor their oath with a "real" trial, they will be judged harshly for decades. This is a much bigger deal than just putting Trump on trial. Pretend if you will Trump Sheep, but if a fair trial does not come about, the Republican party loses its soul and credibility as a representative party. With Trump, they have all but destroyed the party after 3 years, and if they push this stunt with no trial, where there is overwhelming evidence against Trump, that will finally finish them off.'Constitutional travesty': See Trump and McConnell block fair impeachment trial
Dean had a great suggestion Just don't give anything over to the senate Keep on accumulating info and charges until election when Repubs lose the senate Then impeach the piece of human crap
So it's fine and dandy for the accused to have the blessings of the jury ? You republicans are mad men
Dean had a great suggestion Just don't give anything over to the senate Keep on accumulating info and charges until election when Repubs lose the senate Then impeach the piece of human crap

You can't hold on to the articles forever. I'm sure it would end up in court and be dismissed. That's besides the fact that even if the Dems would get a majority, it takes 2/3 of the Senate to convict.
Both parties shit on their oath every day.
Dont be a dumbfuck and pretend otherwise
Negative! Link your proof they do it every day.
How can that scum McConnell swear to impartiality when he makes deals with that pos in the WH ?
Corey was on meet the fake last Sunday and said he was impartial right before he said trump violated his oath of office Too fking funny. you panzies run around spewing demofk talking points. hey parrot need a cracker?
'Inconsistent': McConnell slammed for violating 'oath' as 'constitutional officer' Republicans like Mitch McConnell of kentucky no longer value the rule of law, the Constitution, honesty, and fairness, while Republican elected officials threw out their oath of office to country, the citizenry, and sent them straight into the garbage. Folks, we are watching history here. When Mitch McConnell and his criminal subordinates decide not honor their oath with a "real" trial, they will be judged harshly for decades. This is a much bigger deal than just putting Trump on trial. Pretend if you will Trump Sheep, but if a fair trial does not come about, the Republican party loses its soul and credibility as a representative party. With Trump, they have all but destroyed the party after 3 years, and if they push this stunt with no trial, where there is overwhelming evidence against Trump, that will finally finish them off.'Constitutional travesty': See Trump and McConnell block fair impeachment trial
I can't stop laughing whenever leftwing retards post shit like this. They actually expect us to believe they give a shit about the rule of law and the Constitution
I can see how people like you don't give 2 shits for our constitution but it's what makes America great People like you try to tear us down
You're too stupid to understand that I didn't say that, moron.
Both parties shit on their oath every day.
Dont be a dumbfuck and pretend otherwise
Negative! Link your proof they do it every day.
How can that scum McConnell swear to impartiality when he makes deals with that pos in the WH ?

What deals did he make?
I'm not privy to exactly what deals BUT you didn't hear with your own ears when he said he'll be in touch with Trump on how to conduct the trial ? The head of a jury conspiring with the person being tried?? Are you fn kidding me??

Where does the Constitution say that isn't allowed?
'Inconsistent': McConnell slammed for violating 'oath' as 'constitutional officer' Republicans like Mitch McConnell of kentucky no longer value the rule of law, the Constitution, honesty, and fairness, while Republican elected officials threw out their oath of office to country, the citizenry, and sent them straight into the garbage. Folks, we are watching history here. When Mitch McConnell and his criminal subordinates decide not honor their oath with a "real" trial, they will be judged harshly for decades. This is a much bigger deal than just putting Trump on trial. Pretend if you will Trump Sheep, but if a fair trial does not come about, the Republican party loses its soul and credibility as a representative party. With Trump, they have all but destroyed the party after 3 years, and if they push this stunt with no trial, where there is overwhelming evidence against Trump, that will finally finish them off.'Constitutional travesty': See Trump and McConnell block fair impeachment trial
I can't stop laughing whenever leftwing retards post shit like this. They actually expect us to believe they give a shit about the rule of law and the Constitution

Funny how some of the Republican Senators are starting to voice their dismay over Moscow Mitch's handling of this. Of course, Moscow Mitch has also lost the support of the WVA voter as well. He's trying to stay on Rumps coat tails and has placed his future directly on keeping rump safe. Even if rump weathers it, Moscow Mitch won't. We have a Senator here in the same boat. That's two lost seats in the senate for the Party of the Rump and it appears more are starting to wake up or it may happen to them. You can show pleasure or displeasure with Rump but Moscow Mitch is a downright disaster and has brought the Senate to a dead stop.

WV went for Trump, fool.
'Inconsistent': McConnell slammed for violating 'oath' as 'constitutional officer' Republicans like Mitch McConnell of kentucky no longer value the rule of law, the Constitution, honesty, and fairness, while Republican elected officials threw out their oath of office to country, the citizenry, and sent them straight into the garbage. Folks, we are watching history here. When Mitch McConnell and his criminal subordinates decide not honor their oath with a "real" trial, they will be judged harshly for decades. This is a much bigger deal than just putting Trump on trial. Pretend if you will Trump Sheep, but if a fair trial does not come about, the Republican party loses its soul and credibility as a representative party. With Trump, they have all but destroyed the party after 3 years, and if they push this stunt with no trial, where there is overwhelming evidence against Trump, that will finally finish them off.'Constitutional travesty': See Trump and McConnell block fair impeachment trial
I can't stop laughing whenever leftwing retards post shit like this. They actually expect us to believe they give a shit about the rule of law and the Constitution

Funny how some of the Republican Senators are starting to voice their dismay over Moscow Mitch's handling of this. Of course, Moscow Mitch has also lost the support of the WVA voter as well. He's trying to stay on Rumps coat tails and has placed his future directly on keeping rump safe. Even if rump weathers it, Moscow Mitch won't. We have a Senator here in the same boat. That's two lost seats in the senate for the Party of the Rump and it appears more are starting to wake up or it may happen to them. You can show pleasure or displeasure with Rump but Moscow Mitch is a downright disaster and has brought the Senate to a dead stop.

WV went for Trump, fool.

Yes, and they will gain. But Moscow Mitch isn't Rump.
'Inconsistent': McConnell slammed for violating 'oath' as 'constitutional officer' Republicans like Mitch McConnell of kentucky no longer value the rule of law, the Constitution, honesty, and fairness, while Republican elected officials threw out their oath of office to country, the citizenry, and sent them straight into the garbage. Folks, we are watching history here. When Mitch McConnell and his criminal subordinates decide not honor their oath with a "real" trial, they will be judged harshly for decades. This is a much bigger deal than just putting Trump on trial. Pretend if you will Trump Sheep, but if a fair trial does not come about, the Republican party loses its soul and credibility as a representative party. With Trump, they have all but destroyed the party after 3 years, and if they push this stunt with no trial, where there is overwhelming evidence against Trump, that will finally finish them off.'Constitutional travesty': See Trump and McConnell block fair impeachment trial
What rule of law are you referring to?
Dean had a great suggestion Just don't give anything over to the senate Keep on accumulating info and charges until election when Repubs lose the senate Then impeach the piece of human crap
They can’t hold them. A new Congress would have to start all over

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