The obama admin is run by racist piles of shit.

So not every general has a president present at their funeral, nothing new....
moron, try reading

I never said obama needed to go, I said he's not sending anyone

but nice lie.

How does it feel to hate Vets so much that you let obama off the hook for this?

This vet it's ok...
A Kerry vet? One that would get hurt as fast as he could get his medals and go home. Throw the medals away and spread lies about our great soldiers. Probably got some killed telling his lies. That kind of vet indeed, a turn coat.
So not every general has a president present at their funeral, nothing new....
moron, try reading

I never said obama needed to go, I said he's not sending anyone

but nice lie.

How does it feel to hate Vets so much that you let obama off the hook for this?

This vet it's ok...
A Kerry vet? One that would get hurt as fast as he could get his medals and go home. Throw the medals away and spread lies about our great soldiers. Probably got some killed telling his lies. That kind of vet indeed, a turn coat.

No wars while I was in to go to...
I thought it was true b/c it fit his pattern of division

I didn't need another example to prove obama is a racist, that's been clear for awhile
What 'examples' did you use to determine that Obama is a racist?
uh, ok, I'll repost them;

coil of rage
cops acted stewpudly
If I had a son
sending Holder to investigate a local shooting

If you can't see the pattern, and being a leftist you can, but will deny, unless you can be honest about it, I can't help you
The obama admin is run by racist piles of shit.

The OP is clearly oblivious as to how idiotic this is, the consequence of his inane and unwarranted hatred of the president and ridiculous partisanism.
The obama admin is run by racist piles of shit.

The OP is clearly oblivious as to how idiotic this is, the consequence of his inane and unwarranted hatred of the president and ridiculous partisanism.
I think we can all agree that Holder is a racist scumbag, but im unaware of any others within Obamas administration.
The obama admin is run by racist piles of shit.

The OP is clearly oblivious as to how idiotic this is, the consequence of his inane and unwarranted hatred of the president and ridiculous partisanism.
I think we can all agree that Holder is a racist scumbag, but im unaware of any others within Obamas administration.

I know one official at the WH who attended a racist church for about 20 years and was a member as well.

Cant recall his name off hand.....OH, THAT'S RIGHT, IT IS THE FUCKING PRESIDENT.
Income Inequality at the White House FrontPage Magazine
While the elitists dine on aged beef, a record-setting one-in-five American households use food stamps to pay for their food. Those same elitists, who inhabit Silicon Valley and the Chamber of Commerce clamor for comprehensive immigration reform that would pit millions of low-skill, low-wage American job-seekers against newly-amnestied illegals, lowering wage levels in the process, according to the CBO. Obama and the rest of his inner circle applaud the actions of the Federal Reserve, whose newest chairwoman, Janet Yellen, has promised to remain accommodative to Wall Street (while Main Street America remains saddled with pitiful interest rates on their savings) and to remain committed to an ongoing Quantitative Easing policy that fuels market speculation, even as it debases our currency.
While the president and his party bemoan income inequality and joblessness, four of the five richest counties in the nation are suburbs of Washington, D.C. A supine Republican Party is praised by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) for approving a clean raise of the debt ceiling, allowing the nation’s unconscionable borrowing habits to continue. That those unconscionable borrowing habits will either bankrupt the nation, or lead to a vastly lower standard of living for future generations of Americans is dismissed as exaggerated nonsense that only animates “radicals” like the Tea Party faction of the GOP.
All while the president and his friends party hearty. Ordinary Americans can likely imagine the conversation at such parties occasionally addressing the latest theories regarding social justice for the benighted masses — in between sips of Chardonnay or bites of oyster mushrooms. No doubt the atmosphere is thick with the aroma of self-aggrandizement that surrounds people who earnestly believe the historical wreckage attached to every attempt to achieve a socialist utopia was due to the fact that the wrong people were in charge.

I hear income inequality is racist, lol.
So not every general has a president present at their funeral, nothing new....

What General has died in combat and NOT had a President attend, aside from this racist currently in the WH?
All of them.

What purpose does it serve to respond with such a blatant lie? Did you even bother to Google the topic? lol

Can you even name another general who died in combat?

As to generals funerals, yes, Presidents so do attend at times.
Douglas MacAuthur's funeral
Chapter 24 - The Last Salute
President and Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson and Attorney General and Mrs. Robert F. Kennedy, representing the family of the late President Kennedy, were present when the funeral train arrived on Track 17. The Kennedys boarded first, entering a diner that had been prepared as a reception car. President and Mrs. Johnson then went aboard and a few minutes later escorted Mrs. MacArthur from the train. With the rest of the family group following, they led the way through the honor cordon, which stood at attention, to the concourse just inside the east entrance.

Leftiwing fascists like you have not one drop of integrity whatsoever.
So not every general has a president present at their funeral, nothing new....

What General has died in combat and NOT had a President attend, aside from this racist currently in the WH?
All of them.

What purpose does it serve to respond with such a blatant lie? Did you even bother to Google the topic? lol

Can you even name another general who died in combat?

As to generals funerals, yes, Presidents so do attend at times.
Douglas MacAuthur's funeral
Chapter 24 - The Last Salute
President and Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson and Attorney General and Mrs. Robert F. Kennedy, representing the family of the late President Kennedy, were present when the funeral train arrived on Track 17. The Kennedys boarded first, entering a diner that had been prepared as a reception car. President and Mrs. Johnson then went aboard and a few minutes later escorted Mrs. MacArthur from the train. With the rest of the family group following, they led the way through the honor cordon, which stood at attention, to the concourse just inside the east entrance.

Leftiwing fascists like you have not one drop of integrity whatsoever.

Your own fucking words Bowie: "What General has died in combat and NOT had a President attend?"

Did MacArthur die in combat?


He was a Five star general and supreme commander. Geezez.

BBC News - Five US generals killed in action

As usual, I am right, and you are wrong.
Oh, and BTW, Three major representatives of the Obama administration were present at the fallen hero funeral for Major General Greene:

Secretary of Defense, Chuck Hagel (Obama Cabinet member)

Chief of Staff of the Army, General Ray Odierno (Obama staff appointment)

Assistant Secretary of the Army, Heidi Shyu (Obama staff appointment)
The obama admin is run by racist piles of shit.

The OP is clearly oblivious as to how idiotic this is, the consequence of his inane and unwarranted hatred of the president and ridiculous partisanism.
coil of rage
cops acted stewpudly
If I had a son
sending Holder to investigate a local shooting

you need to look up the words in bold
WH Can t Make Generals Funeral Attending Michael Browns The Federalist Papers

Is every leftist happy now? You have hate coming from the highest office in the world.
You have a leader that can't send a peon to attend the funeral of one of Americas finest, but we can go to a thugs funeral.

Fuck all you leftist trash, this is the change you voted for.

You know, just when I think this son of a bitch in the WH can't shock me again Obama manages to do it one more time.
At some point all people have to say that this is wrong, very wrong.

You severely underestimate the utter stupidity and dedication of the patronizing racist left wing squishpots.
WH Can t Make Generals Funeral Attending Michael Browns The Federalist Papers

Is every leftist happy now? You have hate coming from the highest office in the world.
You have a leader that can't send a peon to attend the funeral of one of Americas finest, but we can go to a thugs funeral.

Fuck all you leftist trash, this is the change you voted for.
From your link:

"No one from the White House shows up for the funeral of Major General Harold Greene"

Another CON$ervoFascist lie parroted by morons!

Check this one out;

President Barack Obama sent no White House representative to the memorial Mass held yesterday in Rochester, New Hampshire, for James Foley, the American journalist beheaded by the Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) terrorists.

President Obama, however, did send three White House aides to Monday’s funeral for Michael Brown, an 18-year-old African American fatally shot in an encounter with a white police officer in Ferguson, Mo.

Obama Sent No Representative to Memorial Mass for Beheaded Journalist James Foley CNS News
I thought it was true b/c it fit his pattern of division

I didn't need another example to prove obama is a racist, that's been clear for awhile
What 'examples' did you use to determine that Obama is a racist?
uh, ok, I'll repost them;

coil of rage
cops acted stewpudly
If I had a son
sending Holder to investigate a local shooting

If you can't see the pattern, and being a leftist you can, but will deny, unless you can be honest about it, I can't help you

How are any of those statements or actions "racist"?

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