The obama admin is run by racist piles of shit.

So they stoop so low to try and configure a married man with children as being gay....but when a Catholic priest plays sexually with little boys they don't call priest gay every day...
Q: How is the priest like the Olympic Silver Medalist?

A: They both came in a little behind.

Q: How many libtards does it take to change a light bulb?

A: IT's Bushes fault, and YOU'RE a RACIST.
Oh, and BTW, Three major representatives of the Obama administration were present at the fallen hero funeral for Major General Greene:

Secretary of Defense, Chuck Hagel (Obama Cabinet member)

Chief of Staff of the Army, General Ray Odierno (Obama staff appointment)

Assistant Secretary of the Army, Heidi Shyu (Obama staff appointment)

Straw man, dumbass
no, the Stars and Stripes mentioned that one of them was there, the op link was bullshit, but I can't edit it.

however, his other actions stand.

No, paperview the Liar was responding to my post about OBAMA not attending the funeral.

He replied with this post right after his reply to mine as a follow up.
Oh, and BTW, Three major representatives of the Obama administration were present at the fallen hero funeral for Major General Greene:

Secretary of Defense, Chuck Hagel (Obama Cabinet member)

Chief of Staff of the Army, General Ray Odierno (Obama staff appointment)

Assistant Secretary of the Army, Heidi Shyu (Obama staff appointment)

Straw man, dumbass
no, the Stars and Stripes mentioned that one of them was there, the op link was bullshit, but I can't edit it.

however, his other actions stand.

No, paperview the Liar was responding to my post about OBAMA not attending the funeral.

He replied with this post right after his reply to mine as a follow up.

The obama admin is run by racist piles of shit. Page 4 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The obama admin is run by racist piles of shit. Page 4 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I thought it was true b/c it fit his pattern of division

I didn't need another example to prove obama is a racist, that's been clear for awhile
What 'examples' did you use to determine that Obama is a racist?
uh, ok, I'll repost them;

coil of rage
cops acted stewpudly
If I had a son
sending Holder to investigate a local shooting

If you can't see the pattern, and being a leftist you can, but will deny, unless you can be honest about it, I can't help you

How are any of those statements or actions "racist"?

I hope you're kidding

coil of rage Is a comment from his book of how he feels twards white people
cops acted stewpudly black friend, white cop, he didn't know the facts
If I had a son black teen, what he thought was a white shooter, gets involved for no reason
sending Holder to investigate a local shooting black teen, white cop, gets involved for no reaons

do you see the pattern?

1. What is the context of the "coil of rage" quote? Unsurprisingly, that seems to be left out of all the conservo-spam emails that Google turns up when I search.

2. The cops did act stupidly, and either way there's nothing racist about that statement.

3. If Obama had a son, he'd be black. That's not "racist", it's a statement of fact.

4. You don't think that major civil unrest isn't a "reason" for the President to get involved?

Watching conservatives play the race card always make me laugh.

What major civil unrest were you talking about? The Gates affair? That wasn't even on the radar until Mr. Gates called his buddy, Barry and then it made the papers and Barry made an ass of himself.

Of course he made an ass of himself when he got involved in the Trayvon Martin affair. Saying Trayvon 'would have looked like his son' wasn't giving any bias to the story now was it? I felt Zimmerman was guilty but it wasn't for the president to intervene.

And, if the president is going to get involved in civil unrest, he'd better say to those who are looting and assaulting police officers it's more that just creating "tension" in the situation it is fucking against the law and it can get the thug killed!

Conservatives playing the race card???? My God man, you are blind!

I was referring to Obama sending Holder to Ferguson when I talked about civil unrest.

Obama saying that if he had had a son he'd look like Trayvon did not "give any bias to the story". He was empathizing with the family and everyone else who was upset about it, but he didn't express anything close to an opinion of whether or not Zimmerman was guilty.

And as to the last part, a quick Google search will show that Obama did in fact condemn the looters and rioters in Ferguson.
I thought it was true b/c it fit his pattern of division

I didn't need another example to prove obama is a racist, that's been clear for awhile
What 'examples' did you use to determine that Obama is a racist?
uh, ok, I'll repost them;

coil of rage
cops acted stewpudly
If I had a son
sending Holder to investigate a local shooting

If you can't see the pattern, and being a leftist you can, but will deny, unless you can be honest about it, I can't help you

How are any of those statements or actions "racist"?

I hope you're kidding

coil of rage Is a comment from his book of how he feels twards white people
cops acted stewpudly black friend, white cop, he didn't know the facts
If I had a son black teen, what he thought was a white shooter, gets involved for no reason
sending Holder to investigate a local shooting black teen, white cop, gets involved for no reaons

do you see the pattern?

1. What is the context of the "coil of rage" quote? Unsurprisingly, that seems to be left out of all the conservo-spam emails that Google turns up when I search.

2. The cops did act stupidly, and either way there's nothing racist about that statement.

3. If Obama had a son, he'd be black. That's not "racist", it's a statement of fact.

4. You don't think that major civil unrest isn't a "reason" for the President to get involved?

Watching conservatives play the race card always make me laugh.

What major civil unrest were you talking about? The Gates affair? That wasn't even on the radar until Mr. Gates called his buddy, Barry and then it made the papers and Barry made an ass of himself.

Of course he made an ass of himself when he got involved in the Trayvon Martin affair. Saying Trayvon 'would have looked like his son' wasn't giving any bias to the story now was it? I felt Zimmerman was guilty but it wasn't for the president to intervene.

And, if the president is going to get involved in civil unrest, he'd better say to those who are looting and assaulting police officers it's more that just creating "tension" in the situation it is fucking against the law and it can get the thug killed!

Conservatives playing the race card???? My God man, you are blind!

I was referring to Obama sending Holder to Ferguson when I talked about civil unrest.

Obama saying that if he had had a son he'd look like Trayvon did not "give any bias to the story". He was empathizing with the family and everyone else who was upset about it, but he didn't express anything close to an opinion of whether or not Zimmerman was guilty.

And as to the last part, a quick Google search will show that Obama did in fact condemn the looters and rioters in Ferguson.

Thank you for your response. But, why would he send Holder? Why didn't Holder just send a couple of investigators and that would be it? He sent Holder so Holder could meet with BROWN'S family, meet with SHARPTON, and see that a VIGOROUS prosecution ( ala Jay Nixon) would take place.

Holder DID NOT meet with Wilson. His civil rights were of no concern to him.

Lastly, this is the exact wording of the statement I recalled:

Obama: Time to review local police militarization
Pausing briefly in the middle of his summer vacation, Obama expressed sympathy for the "passions and anger" sparked by Brown's death. But he said giving in to that anger through looting and attacks on police only stirs tensions and leads to further chaos.

I don't mean to be a hard ass, but it's blatantly false that this president has any concern for anything but his own agenda. And he plays politics with race all the time.
Obama Time to review local police militarization - KATV - Breaking News Weather and Razorback Sports

Holder is on the record for saying that he will not enforce civil rights violations that were committed against whites.

That is denying whites equal standing before the law and this piece of shyte is the top law enforcement officer in the land.

HYEs, the Obama Regime is racist to the core of their being and libtards think that is funny.
I thought it was true b/c it fit his pattern of division

I didn't need another example to prove obama is a racist, that's been clear for awhile
What 'examples' did you use to determine that Obama is a racist?
uh, ok, I'll repost them;

coil of rage
cops acted stewpudly
If I had a son
sending Holder to investigate a local shooting

If you can't see the pattern, and being a leftist you can, but will deny, unless you can be honest about it, I can't help you
You don't know the definition of racist, obviously.

What is racist about saying "If I had a son he would probably look a lot like Trayvon"?

Be specific, motherfucker.
damn leftist are fucking dumb

a local shooting, a local shooting, and that racist had to put his 2 cents in to create division.

sorry you're to fucking dumb to see it. must be part of being a pathetic leftist.
Any POTUS is at full liberty to discuss any American issue in the news.

Why do you want to deny the president his first amendment right? Is it because he's Black and you don't think he deserves the same Constitutional protections as White people?

Looks like you're the racist pile of shit.
who said he didn't have the right?
you, cuz you need to make shit up
who brought up his race
you, cuz you don't have the manhood to admit what obama did was wrong

you're pathetic now, I proved he is a racist, with examples, man up and admit it.

Don't hold your breathe waiting on a libtard to apologize for lying. They think it is clever and if you caught them then they have to ignore you to bury the lie.
If I didn't have my keys and I was breaking in my house, and a couple of cops came up to me. I would actually be appreciative that my house was protected. Instead a stupid black racist man decided to disrespect the very men who were trying to protect his property. So no, the cops acted rightfully.

What if you told them you lived there and they still dragged you out of your house?
We all saw video of that occurrence. I didn't see the police dragging Gates out of his home. However, I did see Gates 'trash talk' the police officers...which generally is not a good idea.."Yo Mamma.." Oh really Mr. Gates!

If obama had a son, he would be queer. Just look at the man child you support. A real man doesn't blame everything but himself, for HIS OWN FAILURES.
You have to admit that queer comment IS funny.

Oh, now I understand - you're a piece of shit.

You actually being a moderator on here makes me shocked, and tearfully laugh. Holy cow.

Reported. You should get a nice vacation from here for that.
Everyone has opinions, dear. They don't get banned for them. I'm sure TDII took it in stride.
My answers are in red...
Any POTUS is at full liberty to discuss any American issue in the news.

Why do you want to deny the president his first amendment right? Is it because he's Black and you don't think he deserves the same Constitutional protections as White people?

Looks like you're the racist pile of shit.
who said he didn't have the right?
you, cuz you need to make shit up
who brought up his race
you, cuz you don't have the manhood to admit what obama did was wrong

you're pathetic now, I proved he is a racist, with examples, man up and admit it.

You still haven't said why it was wrong for him to comment.

You still haven't explained why it's racist to comment.

You're a failure.
If I didn't have my keys and I was breaking in my house, and a couple of cops came up to me. I would actually be appreciative that my house was protected. Instead a stupid black racist man decided to disrespect the very men who were trying to protect his property. So no, the cops acted rightfully.

What if you told them you lived there and they still dragged you out of your house?
We all saw video of that occurrence. I didn't see the police dragging Gates out of his home. However, I did see Gates 'trash talk' the police officers...which generally is not a good idea.."Yo Mamma.." Oh really Mr. Gates!

If obama had a son, he would be queer. Just look at the man child you support. A real man doesn't blame everything but himself, for HIS OWN FAILURES.
You have to admit that queer comment IS funny.

Oh, now I understand - you're a piece of shit.

You actually being a moderator on here makes me shocked, and tearfully laugh. Holy cow.

Reported. You should get a nice vacation from here for that.
Everyone has opinions, dear. They don't get banned for them. I'm sure TDII took it in stride.
My answers are in red...
Mocking moderators, in their role as moderators, is against the TOS.
So they stoop so low to try and configure a married man with children as being gay....but when a Catholic priest plays sexually with little boys they don't call priest gay every day...
If you like to touch or suck another man's penis, your queer. Like the saying goes if my best friend got bite by a venomous snake there, sorry buddy here's your last beer.
So they stoop so low to try and configure a married man with children as being gay....but when a Catholic priest plays sexually with little boys they don't call priest gay every day...
Q: How is the priest like the Olympic Silver Medalist?

A: They both came in a little behind.

Q: How many libtards does it take to change a light bulb?

A: IT's Bushes fault, and YOU'RE a RACIST.

That was bad, don't quit your day job.
If I didn't have my keys and I was breaking in my house, and a couple of cops came up to me. I would actually be appreciative that my house was protected. Instead a stupid black racist man decided to disrespect the very men who were trying to protect his property. So no, the cops acted rightfully.

What if you told them you lived there and they still dragged you out of your house?

If obama had a son, he would be queer. Just look at the man child you support. A real man doesn't blame everything but himself, for HIS OWN FAILURES.

Oh, now I understand - you're a piece of shit.

You actually being a moderator on here makes me shocked, and tearfully laugh. Holy cow.

Reported. You should get a nice vacation from here for that.
Lol, notice I didn't get a vacation. You know why? Well I didn't call him a name, or threatened him. I simply gave him my opinion. Too bad, lol.

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