the obama birth certificate media scandal...

[ame=]Did Obama Biographer David Maraniss Have Obama's Long-Form Birth Certificate in 2008? - YouTube[/ame]
still curious. the issue won't die.
since faux NeWS owner has been declared unfit
me thinks lots o retractions and apologies will be forthcoming..
obama thugs? any proof....?

Hey Daws, pay no attention to that muttering troll known as Washed Out American. Either he's lonely with no friends or life, or he's nutso with no friends or life.

so says the man afraid of the truth about government conspiracys.Funny how you listen to these disinfo agent trolls like Dawgshit, Emma,and candycorn-aka Obamaerica.
since faux NeWS owner has been declared unfit
me thinks lots o retractions and apologies will be forthcoming..
obama thugs? any proof....?

Hey Daws, pay no attention to that muttering troll known as Washed Out American. Either he's lonely with no friends or life, or he's nutso with no friends or life.

so says the man afraid of the truth about government conspiracys.Funny how you listen to these disinfo agent trolls like Dawgshit, Emma,and candycorn-aka Obamaerica.

that's true, it always seems to be the same players that tell me how wrong i am.

it's a fact that i've had people stalk me, chased me down to tell me how much of their time i've been wasting.

great observation i.j. that type of overzealousness has always spurred me on in this caper (the red flag of overacting).

watch the bin laden execution story, i think it's tied in, too many "seinfeldesque" coincidences. all falls under the flag of "fake it till you make it" alinskyism.

i don't think there are any true obots here though, for that you have to go to politicalforum or the lions den at thefogbow. but there are a lot of loyal obamaphiles here, indeed.

where there is smoke, there is soon to be fire isn't always true, but it is in this case. it's a "dead issue", but the video you linked has 10.4 million views.

here is a good example of a fox hit job for obama.

also hannity cancelled corsi hours before the show, oreilly stated as fact that obama senior lived in connecticut for years, and of course the sheppard smith performances of 4/27.

another common denominator is that none of the defenders i've met with the exception of arduini has read dr. corsi's book. and he just gleaned it from wnd, in segments. jarret is in on the caper as a hired gun, i think. they had beckel do the same thing, except beckel just went after cors's character and ignored the subject, another common denominator. this is all so watergate.

this is the 7pm show, sheppards 3pm performance was way way over the top.

and don't forget the rush by fox to weigh in with the jean-claude trembly report, which he later rescinded as "tainted"

recent polls suggest that the issue is not only not dead, but may be growing. it's easy to call someone who disagrees with obama as crazy, stupid and racist, i don't think i am.

it's gotten to the point where we need permission to talk about it.... not me. lol

i've watch the on air personalities walking on eggs about this for a year now.

don't hold your breath on the apologies from foxnews anybody. michael mukasey might be the harbinger. i say if there was a contingency to cover obama in case of a botched raid, there could be a cover up.

to all of you doubters, remember there is no timed deadline on this, if you want the story to die, i suggest, leave it alone. but it's hard not to rubberneck, we see proof of that just about everyday.

people tell me i'm the last birther standing, but when people instruct me not to talk about something, i need to know why. i'm still searching.
Last edited by a moderator:
Hey Daws, pay no attention to that muttering troll known as Washed Out American. Either he's lonely with no friends or life, or he's nutso with no friends or life.

so says the man afraid of the truth about government conspiracys.Funny how you listen to these disinfo agent trolls like Dawgshit, Emma,and candycorn-aka Obamaerica.

that's true, it always seems to be the same players that tell me how wrong i am.

it's a fact that i've had people stalk me, chased me down to tell me how much of their time i've been wasting.

great observation i.j. that type of overzealousness has always spurred me on in this caper (the red flag of overacting).

watch the bin laden execution story, i think it's tied in, too many "seinfeldesque" coincidences. all falls under the flag of "fake it till you make it" alinskyism.

i don't think there are any true obots here though, for that you have to go to politicalforum or the lions den at thefogbow. but there are a lot of loyal obamaphiles here, indeed.

where there is smoke, there is soon to be fire isn't always true, but it is in this case. it's a "dead issue", but the video you linked has 10.4 million views.

here is a good example of a fox hit job for obama. [ame=]Fox Protects Obama: Corsi Interview On Fox Business Network - YouTube[/ame]

also hannity cancelled corsi hours before the show, oreilly stated as fact that obama senior lived in connecticut for years, and of course the sheppard smith performances of 4/27.

another common denominator is that none of the defenders i've met with the exception of arduini has read dr. corsi's book. and he just gleaned it from wnd, in segments. jarret is in on the caper as a hired gun, i think. they had beckel do the same thing, except beckel just went after cors's character and ignored the subject, another common denominator. this is all so watergate.

this is the 7pm show, sheppards 3pm performance was way way over the top. [ame=]Juan Williams: This is Not the Way to Treat Any President of the United States - YouTube[/ame]

and don't forget the rush by fox to weigh in with the jean-claude trembly report, which he later rescinded as "tainted"

recent polls suggest that the issue is not only not dead, but may be growing. it's easy to call someone who disagrees with obama as crazy, stupid and racist, i don't think i am.

it's gotten to the point where we need permission to talk about it.... not me. lol

i've watch the on air personalities walking on eggs about this for a year now.

don't hold your breath on the apologies from foxnews anybody. michael mukasey might be the harbinger. i say if there was a contingency to cover obama in case of a botched raid, there could be a cover up.

to all of you doubters, remember there is no timed deadline on this, if you want the story to die, i suggest, leave it alone. but it's hard not to rubberneck, we see proof of that just about everyday.

people tell me i'm the last birther standing, but when people instruct me not to talk about something, i need to know why. i'm still searching.

Thats hysterical that they call you the last birther standing.That shows they are grasping at straws getting desperate.:lol::lol::lol:
Oh you arent kidding.At political forum as you know,they got so many paid trolls there it is unreal.The fact at that place they come in droves day after day,week after week,month after month there attacking anybody such as yourself that speaks the truth about this issue shows their handlers are getting desperate that the truth is getting out on this.

They are the same way there in the 9/11 section as well.Like you said,its always the same players everyday.that speaks volumns.why get so worked up about something like that to try and come back and constantly post nonsense all the time like they do if there is nothing to it? red flag right there.

Oh and speaking of political forum,candyass AKA Obamaerica,before he got banned there,:lol: before that happened,he used to troll in the 9/11 section there constantly.He goes to SEVERAL message boards trolling about 9/11 and probably about the birther issue as well night and day hours on end.Nobody has THAT much time on their hands unless they are a paid troll.Thats the only reason he isnt here now is I guarantee,his handlers have him trolling at some other message board posting his propaganda about either 9/11 or the birther issue.:lol::lol:
so says the man afraid of the truth about government conspiracys.Funny how you listen to these disinfo agent trolls like Dawgshit, Emma,and candycorn-aka Obamaerica.

that's true, it always seems to be the same players that tell me how wrong i am.

it's a fact that i've had people stalk me, chased me down to tell me how much of their time i've been wasting.

great observation i.j. that type of overzealousness has always spurred me on in this caper (the red flag of overacting).

watch the bin laden execution story, i think it's tied in, too many "seinfeldesque" coincidences. all falls under the flag of "fake it till you make it" alinskyism.

i don't think there are any true obots here though, for that you have to go to politicalforum or the lions den at thefogbow. but there are a lot of loyal obamaphiles here, indeed.

where there is smoke, there is soon to be fire isn't always true, but it is in this case. it's a "dead issue", but the video you linked has 10.4 million views.

here is a good example of a fox hit job for obama. [ame=]Fox Protects Obama: Corsi Interview On Fox Business Network - YouTube[/ame]

also hannity cancelled corsi hours before the show, oreilly stated as fact that obama senior lived in connecticut for years, and of course the sheppard smith performances of 4/27.

another common denominator is that none of the defenders i've met with the exception of arduini has read dr. corsi's book. and he just gleaned it from wnd, in segments. jarret is in on the caper as a hired gun, i think. they had beckel do the same thing, except beckel just went after cors's character and ignored the subject, another common denominator. this is all so watergate.

this is the 7pm show, sheppards 3pm performance was way way over the top. [ame=]Juan Williams: This is Not the Way to Treat Any President of the United States - YouTube[/ame]

and don't forget the rush by fox to weigh in with the jean-claude trembly report, which he later rescinded as "tainted"

recent polls suggest that the issue is not only not dead, but may be growing. it's easy to call someone who disagrees with obama as crazy, stupid and racist, i don't think i am.

it's gotten to the point where we need permission to talk about it.... not me. lol

i've watch the on air personalities walking on eggs about this for a year now.

don't hold your breath on the apologies from foxnews anybody. michael mukasey might be the harbinger. i say if there was a contingency to cover obama in case of a botched raid, there could be a cover up.

to all of you doubters, remember there is no timed deadline on this, if you want the story to die, i suggest, leave it alone. but it's hard not to rubberneck, we see proof of that just about everyday.

people tell me i'm the last birther standing, but when people instruct me not to talk about something, i need to know why. i'm still searching.

Thats hysterical that they call you the last birther standing.That shows they are grasping at straws getting desperate.:lol::lol::lol:
Oh you arent kidding.At political forum as you know,they got so many paid trolls there it is unreal.The fact at that place they come in droves day after day,week after week,month after month there attacking anybody such as yourself that speaks the truth about this issue shows their handlers are getting desperate that the truth is getting out on this.

They are the same way there in the 9/11 section as well.Like you said,its always the same players everyday.that speaks volumns.why get so worked up about something like that to try and come back and constantly post nonsense all the time like they do if there is nothing to it? red flag right there.

Oh and speaking of political forum,candyass AKA Obamaerica,before he got banned there,:lol: before that happened,he used to troll in the 9/11 section there constantly.He goes to SEVERAL message boards trolling about 9/11 and probably about the birther issue as well night and day hours on end.Nobody has THAT much time on their hands unless they are a paid troll.Thats the only reason he isnt here now is I guarantee,his handlers have him trolling at some other message board posting his propaganda about either 9/11 or the birther issue.:lol::lol:

all true amigo.

‘OBOTs’ admit lying in scheme to punk WND

how's this for ego.

this is dr. conspiracy's phantom site:

The Strange Case of Dr. Conspiracy and Mr. Obot | Obama Conspiracy Theories
so says the man afraid of the truth about government conspiracys.Funny how you listen to these disinfo agent trolls like Dawgshit, Emma,and candycorn-aka Obamaerica.

that's true, it always seems to be the same players that tell me how wrong i am.

it's a fact that i've had people stalk me, chased me down to tell me how much of their time i've been wasting.

great observation i.j. that type of overzealousness has always spurred me on in this caper (the red flag of overacting).

watch the bin laden execution story, i think it's tied in, too many "seinfeldesque" coincidences. all falls under the flag of "fake it till you make it" alinskyism.

i don't think there are any true obots here though, for that you have to go to politicalforum or the lions den at thefogbow. but there are a lot of loyal obamaphiles here, indeed.

where there is smoke, there is soon to be fire isn't always true, but it is in this case. it's a "dead issue", but the video you linked has 10.4 million views.

here is a good example of a fox hit job for obama. [ame=]Fox Protects Obama: Corsi Interview On Fox Business Network - YouTube[/ame]

also hannity cancelled corsi hours before the show, oreilly stated as fact that obama senior lived in connecticut for years, and of course the sheppard smith performances of 4/27.

another common denominator is that none of the defenders i've met with the exception of arduini has read dr. corsi's book. and he just gleaned it from wnd, in segments. jarret is in on the caper as a hired gun, i think. they had beckel do the same thing, except beckel just went after cors's character and ignored the subject, another common denominator. this is all so watergate.

this is the 7pm show, sheppards 3pm performance was way way over the top. [ame=]Juan Williams: This is Not the Way to Treat Any President of the United States - YouTube[/ame]

and don't forget the rush by fox to weigh in with the jean-claude trembly report, which he later rescinded as "tainted"

recent polls suggest that the issue is not only not dead, but may be growing. it's easy to call someone who disagrees with obama as crazy, stupid and racist, i don't think i am.

it's gotten to the point where we need permission to talk about it.... not me. lol

i've watch the on air personalities walking on eggs about this for a year now.

don't hold your breath on the apologies from foxnews anybody. michael mukasey might be the harbinger. i say if there was a contingency to cover obama in case of a botched raid, there could be a cover up.

to all of you doubters, remember there is no timed deadline on this, if you want the story to die, i suggest, leave it alone. but it's hard not to rubberneck, we see proof of that just about everyday.

people tell me i'm the last birther standing, but when people instruct me not to talk about something, i need to know why. i'm still searching.

Thats hysterical that they call you the last birther standing.That shows they are grasping at straws getting desperate.:lol::lol::lol:
Oh you arent kidding.At political forum as you know,they got so many paid trolls there it is unreal.The fact at that place they come in droves day after day,week after week,month after month there attacking anybody such as yourself that speaks the truth about this issue shows their handlers are getting desperate that the truth is getting out on this.

They are the same way there in the 9/11 section as well.Like you said,its always the same players everyday.that speaks volumns.why get so worked up about something like that to try and come back and constantly post nonsense all the time like they do if there is nothing to it? red flag right there.

Oh and speaking of political forum,candyass AKA Obamaerica,before he got banned there,:lol: before that happened,he used to troll in the 9/11 section there constantly.He goes to SEVERAL message boards trolling about 9/11 and probably about the birther issue as well night and day hours on end.Nobody has THAT much time on their hands unless they are a paid troll.Thats the only reason he isnt here now is I guarantee,his handlers have him trolling at some other message board posting his propaganda about either 9/11 or the birther issue.:lol::lol:

all true amigo.

‘OBOTs’ admit lying in scheme to punk WND

how's this for ego.

this is dr. conspiracy's phantom site:

The Strange Case of Dr. Conspiracy and Mr. Obot | Obama Conspiracy Theories

these fols are so darned clever.
The pointless flames have been moved to the Rubber Room.

Please try to keep the discussions in the discussion forums and the excessive flaming for the sake of flaming in the Taunting Arena.
The pointless flames have been moved to the Rubber Room.

Please try to keep the discussions in the discussion forums and the excessive flaming for the sake of flaming in the Taunting Arena.
EDIT: Staff business is NOT up for discussion.
Last edited by a moderator:
The pointless flames have been moved to the Rubber Room.

Please try to keep the discussions in the discussion forums and the excessive flaming for the sake of flaming in the Taunting Arena.

we're all equals here. there's no reason why any topic should be constantly harangued.

if people think the subject is dead or stupid, they should just ignore the thread.

i get it that some don't like what i do here. but repetitively poisoning the arena doesn't help the game.

if people have questions they may be afraid to post because of some others.

that's neither good nor right.

i'm not interested in character attacks... only in moving the discussion forward.
Last edited:
The pointless flames have been moved to the Rubber Room.

Please try to keep the discussions in the discussion forums and the excessive flaming for the sake of flaming in the Taunting Arena.

we're all equals here. there's no reason why any topic should be constantly harangued.

if people think the subject is dead or stupid, they should just ignore the thread.

i get it that some don't like what i do here. but repetitively poisoning the arena doesn't help the game.

if people have questions they may be afraid to post because of some others.

that's neither good nor right.

i'm not interested in character attacks... only in moving the discussion forward.
ok! :lol::lol::lol:

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