the obama birth certificate media scandal...

la jeunesse just added the birth certificate to the story they've been casting all day. fox may be finding it's way back with the sheriff joe story. i think i may have persuaded them. at least i called attention to it.

see... even a little commoner American with a blog can make a difference.

sheriff joe is the liberal's nightmare and i think that's great.
only in your wettest dreams!
you should get out more...first handjob and now this!

yet you are so worldly and sophisticated. how can this be dawson ?
now you're catching on!

ibid dawson.

watch as white house deputy press secretary chuck todd orchestrates the order of the room and the questions. not to mention the overacting by the ap guy. (keeps walking out).

the birth certificate that gibbs refers to is the first one, which we now know that anyone can obtain.
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Hey Wash I cant find where you said it but I remember earlier you talking about my video that I have in my sig MUST SEE VIDEO of The Obama Deception and talking about how it has over 10,000 views.You might be interested to know that the MAIN reason I have that in my sig is actually different than what you think.

I have it there in my sig because Jones speaks the truth in that video that JFK was our last REAL president that we had.REAL because he wasnt a puppet for the establishment.He wasnt doing what they told him to do.He was stepping on some very powerful toes in washington and he paid the price for do realise that right?

You realise that both parties are corrupt,that there is no difference between the two parties right? thats why many people refer to them as the demopublicans and reprocrats. Fortunately unlike here at this site,there are many americans that have woke up and realise that and are not blind sheep like so many here are who say retarded stuff like-"Anybody other than Obama." Pale Retard and Yidnar are classic examples of that.People like those two hurt the cause for people like us who are fighting for the truth of Obama being put behind bars where he belongs because of their bias they display.

They both always whine talking about How Obama needs to be held accountable for his actions lying to the american people and not upholding the constitution.Yet that describes EVERY american president we have had since nov 22nd 1963.None of them have held up the constituition either and have done nothing but lie to the american people as well yet neither one of them could care less about that.somehow its okay that THEY all committed the same crime but its NOT okay for Obama to do so.:cuckoo: Especially with Pale Retard.He has an irrational obsession over Obama.

I know with him,he only cares that Obama has done what every other president for the past 45 years or so has done as well because he is a racist and hates blacks thats why he never says anything about these other presidents not upholding the constitution.

Pale Retard is a joke.Worse than these other posters that have come on here and attacked you for these posts you make on Obama and thats because he is a hypocrite racist. He displayed his hypocricy a long time ago once making a thread talking about that video The Obama Deception. He showed off what a hypocrite he was because while Bush was president,anytime Alex Jones talked about 9/11 being an inside job Pale would say Jones is a loony.

Well Jones goes and makes that video THE OBAMA DECEPTION and NOW all of a sudden in Pales mind,Jones has credibility and is the smartest guy on the planet because he is all of a sudden shitting on Obama which is obviously a topic near and dear to Pale Retard.:cuckoo: Pale obviously did not read the contents in that video that Jones made because he would have noticed how Jones talked about how Kennedy was our last real president we had.:lol:

He only made that thread because the title alone is negative towards Obama.:lol: anytime I have asked Pale and Yidnar to address that question,how is it that Jones is all of a suddent credible now that he is shitting on Obama but he wasnt back then when talking about 9/11,everytime I ask them that,they run off and wont answer me because they know they cant have it both ways.Jones has to either be right about BOTH or wrong about both.They cant have it both ways that he is right about one,but wrong about the other.again thats being a hypocrite as Im sure you agree?

Thats why I am glad neither of them have come on this thread because they hurt the cause for people like you trying to get the word out on Obama with their hypocrisy and racial hatred they have.

Once last thing,people like Pale are the reason why american continues to go down the toilet and remain a facist state because they have the mentality that anybody is better than Obama where they dont get it that if they vote for Romney.NOTHING will change because he is just like Obama.

Like Obama,he does not believe in the constitution and is a member of that evil organization the CFR who considers us their enemy.If you are not rich and powerful,you are their enemy.Romney,Obama,Bush,Clinton,Santorium,Gingrich,are all members of that organization.NONE of them believe in the constituion.Fortunately many americans even in the military have woke up about that and realise that Ron Paul is our only hope for the future because he is not a member of the CFR and he is the only one who believes in the constitution and serving us instead of the establishment.He has the same visions that kennedy did.You DO realise all this I hope?
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Hey Wash I cant find where you said it but I remember earlier you talking about my video that I have in my sig MUST SEE VIDEO of The Obama Deception and talking about how it has over 10,000 views.You might be interested to know that the MAIN reason I have that in my sig is actually different than what you think.

I have it there in my sig because Jones speaks the truth in that video that JFK was our last REAL president that we had.REAL because he wasnt a puppet for the establishment.He wasnt doing what they told him to do.He was stepping on some very powerful toes in washington and he paid the price for do realise that right?

You realise that both parties are corrupt,that there is no difference between the two parties right? thats why many people refer to them as the demopublicans and reprocrats. Fortunately unlike here at this site,there are many americans that have woke up and realise that and are not blind sheep like so many here are who say retarded stuff like-"Anybody other than Obama." Pale Retard and Yidnar are classic examples of that.People like those two hurt the cause for people like us who are fighting for the truth of Obama being put behind bars where he belongs because of their bias they display.

They both always whine talking about How Obama needs to be held accountable for his actions lying to the american people and not upholding the constitution.Yet that describes EVERY american president we have had since nov 22nd 1963.None of them have held up the constituition either and have done nothing but lie to the american people as well yet neither one of them could care less about that.somehow its okay that THEY all committed the same crime but its NOT okay for Obama to do so.:cuckoo: Especially with Pale Retard.He has an irrational obsession over Obama.

I know with him,he only cares that Obama has done what every other president for the past 45 years or so has done as well because he is a racist and hates blacks thats why he never says anything about these other presidents not upholding the constitution.

Pale Retard is a joke.Worse than these other posters that have come on here and attacked you for these posts you make on Obama and thats because he is a hypocrite racist. He displayed his hypocricy a long time ago once making a thread talking about that video The Obama Deception. He showed off what a hypocrite he was because while Bush was president,anytime Alex Jones talked about 9/11 being an inside job Pale would say Jones is a loony.

Well Jones goes and makes that video THE OBAMA DECEPTION and NOW all of a sudden in Pales mind,Jones has credibility and is the smartest guy on the planet because he is all of a sudden shitting on Obama which is obviously a topic near and dear to Pale Retard.:cuckoo: Pale obviously did not read the contents in that video that Jones made because he would have noticed how Jones talked about how Kennedy was our last real president we had.:lol:

He only made that thread because the title alone is negative towards Obama.:lol: anytime I have asked Pale and Yidnar to address that question,how is it that Jones is all of a suddent credible now that he is shitting on Obama but he wasnt back then when talking about 9/11,everytime I ask them that,they run off and wont answer me because they know they cant have it both ways.Jones has to either be right about BOTH or wrong about both.They cant have it both ways that he is right about one,but wrong about the other.again thats being a hypocrite as Im sure you agree?

Thats why I am glad neither of them have come on this thread because they hurt the cause for people like you trying to get the word out on Obama with their hypocrisy and racial hatred they have.

Once last thing,people like Pale are the reason why american continues to go down the toilet and remain a facist state because they have the mentality that anybody is better than Obama where they dont get it that if they vote for Romney.NOTHING will change because he is just like Obama.

Like Obama,he does not believe in the constitution and is a member of that evil organization the CFR who considers us their enemy.If you are not rich and powerful,you are their enemy.Romney,Obama,Bush,Clinton,Santorium,Gingrich,are all members of that organization.NONE of them believe in the constituion.Fortunately many americans even in the military have woke up about that and realise that Ron Paul is our only hope for the future because he is not a member of the CFR and he is the only one who believes in the constitution and serving us instead of the establishment.He has the same visions that kennedy did.You DO realise all this I hope?

i think you are alluding to the new world order and bilderberg. i don't know. my focus has always been looking for an obama cover up, tantamount to nixon and watergate. but i do know a lot of really smart people who swear by it. i know chicago and how things work. for obama to be wholesome and pure is beyond my expectations, and of course all we know is what he's told us in his "biographies" which are loosely written about, and in fact are factually inaccurate. i think bill ayers wrote "dreams" (see jack cashill)

i don't know man... are the clintons and the bush dynasties in on it all?? well, it was father bush who i first heard mention the NWO. we know that gibbs lied to reporters on the chase plane while obama and hillary went to a bilderberg festival. i think i could fill a thimble with what we know about obama and lake michigan with what we don't.

why doesn't he just end the controversy by showing his original bc. does it exist ? is there something on it we can't see? why all the games. which side might be saving it for the october surprise...

people think this ends with an obama loss, or the completion of a second term. i will always be interested in hearing the truth, thereby giving definition the wild over reaction to anyone who simply asks questions.

one conspiracy theory for me is enough, i'm just a simple musician from vermont with lots of time on his hands. but more power to you man, there's lots of room here for anyone to challenge anything they see as unfit improper or unresolved.

btw: it was ten million hits/views for that video you linked.

compare this performance by sweaty maghee to the one directly above:

he's a lousy liar, i good instincts about that. obamavich could give him a few pointers.

incidentally this thread has gotten to a nice pace and tone, i think the bullies got tired of slinging the same epithets over and over again. bullies get bored easily. that's good cause i like to hear from anyone who is interested in my perspective. all questions are welcomed. the media has changed since the advent of cable and internet, they are doing things i've never seen before.
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Actually, it's because everyone who has half a brain has unsubscribed from this thread, leaving you conspiracy nutjobs alone to weave your weird theories.
exactly, why should you care.

and of course, i'm not the only one with time on my hands.
Sheriff Arpaio Uncovers More on Obama - 12160

Another Press Conference

Sheriff Joe has announced another upcoming press conference scheduled for June that will release more developments concerning the fraudulent efforts by President Obama to evade the truth about his true identity as well as legal US citizenship. Arpaio will once again rely upon the efforts of his veteran assistant Mike Zullo, who has recently coauthored a new book along with Harvard Professor, Jerome Corsi, who has pursued the Obama eligibility scandal for more than 4 years now. The new evidence will likely be shocking!

not going away soon.
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Sheriff Arpaio Uncovers More on Obama - 12160

Another Press Conference

Sheriff Joe has announced another upcoming press conference scheduled for June that will release more developments concerning the fraudulent efforts by President Obama to evade the truth about his true identity as well as legal US citizenship. Arpaio will once again rely upon the efforts of his veteran assistant Mike Zullo, who has recently coauthored a new book along with Harvard Professor, Jerome Corsi, who has pursued the Obama eligibility scandal for more than 4 years now. The new evidence will likely be shocking!

not going away soon.

To paraphrase, "The same cast or characters that has yet to provide any real evidence of their claims once again tells us something 'shocking' will be revealed soon.".

Sound about right? :)
Sheriff Arpaio Uncovers More on Obama - 12160

Another Press Conference

Sheriff Joe has announced another upcoming press conference scheduled for June that will release more developments concerning the fraudulent efforts by President Obama to evade the truth about his true identity as well as legal US citizenship. Arpaio will once again rely upon the efforts of his veteran assistant Mike Zullo, who has recently coauthored a new book along with Harvard Professor, Jerome Corsi, who has pursued the Obama eligibility scandal for more than 4 years now. The new evidence will likely be shocking!

not going away soon.

To paraphrase, "The same cast or characters that has yet to provide any real evidence of their claims once again tells us something 'shocking' will be revealed soon.".

Sound about right? :)

to you.

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Actually, it's because everyone who has half a brain has unsubscribed from this thread, leaving you conspiracy nutjobs alone to weave your weird theories.

You need to look in the mirror when calling someone a conspiracy nutjob,you believe the most absurd ludicrous theories of the government and eat them up like pie such as Obama being a us citizen or this conspiracy theory for instance.:cuckoo::lol::lol:
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Hey Wash I cant find where you said it but I remember earlier you talking about my video that I have in my sig MUST SEE VIDEO of The Obama Deception and talking about how it has over 10,000 views.You might be interested to know that the MAIN reason I have that in my sig is actually different than what you think.

I have it there in my sig because Jones speaks the truth in that video that JFK was our last REAL president that we had.REAL because he wasnt a puppet for the establishment.He wasnt doing what they told him to do.He was stepping on some very powerful toes in washington and he paid the price for do realise that right?

You realise that both parties are corrupt,that there is no difference between the two parties right? thats why many people refer to them as the demopublicans and reprocrats. Fortunately unlike here at this site,there are many americans that have woke up and realise that and are not blind sheep like so many here are who say retarded stuff like-"Anybody other than Obama." Pale Retard and Yidnar are classic examples of that.People like those two hurt the cause for people like us who are fighting for the truth of Obama being put behind bars where he belongs because of their bias they display.

They both always whine talking about How Obama needs to be held accountable for his actions lying to the american people and not upholding the constitution.Yet that describes EVERY american president we have had since nov 22nd 1963.None of them have held up the constituition either and have done nothing but lie to the american people as well yet neither one of them could care less about that.somehow its okay that THEY all committed the same crime but its NOT okay for Obama to do so.:cuckoo: Especially with Pale Retard.He has an irrational obsession over Obama.

I know with him,he only cares that Obama has done what every other president for the past 45 years or so has done as well because he is a racist and hates blacks thats why he never says anything about these other presidents not upholding the constitution.

Pale Retard is a joke.Worse than these other posters that have come on here and attacked you for these posts you make on Obama and thats because he is a hypocrite racist. He displayed his hypocricy a long time ago once making a thread talking about that video The Obama Deception. He showed off what a hypocrite he was because while Bush was president,anytime Alex Jones talked about 9/11 being an inside job Pale would say Jones is a loony.

Well Jones goes and makes that video THE OBAMA DECEPTION and NOW all of a sudden in Pales mind,Jones has credibility and is the smartest guy on the planet because he is all of a sudden shitting on Obama which is obviously a topic near and dear to Pale Retard.:cuckoo: Pale obviously did not read the contents in that video that Jones made because he would have noticed how Jones talked about how Kennedy was our last real president we had.:lol:

He only made that thread because the title alone is negative towards Obama.:lol: anytime I have asked Pale and Yidnar to address that question,how is it that Jones is all of a suddent credible now that he is shitting on Obama but he wasnt back then when talking about 9/11,everytime I ask them that,they run off and wont answer me because they know they cant have it both ways.Jones has to either be right about BOTH or wrong about both.They cant have it both ways that he is right about one,but wrong about the other.again thats being a hypocrite as Im sure you agree?

Thats why I am glad neither of them have come on this thread because they hurt the cause for people like you trying to get the word out on Obama with their hypocrisy and racial hatred they have.

Once last thing,people like Pale are the reason why american continues to go down the toilet and remain a facist state because they have the mentality that anybody is better than Obama where they dont get it that if they vote for Romney.NOTHING will change because he is just like Obama.

Like Obama,he does not believe in the constitution and is a member of that evil organization the CFR who considers us their enemy.If you are not rich and powerful,you are their enemy.Romney,Obama,Bush,Clinton,Santorium,Gingrich,are all members of that organization.NONE of them believe in the constituion.Fortunately many americans even in the military have woke up about that and realise that Ron Paul is our only hope for the future because he is not a member of the CFR and he is the only one who believes in the constitution and serving us instead of the establishment.He has the same visions that kennedy did.You DO realise all this I hope?

i think you are alluding to the new world order and bilderberg. i don't know. my focus has always been looking for an obama cover up, tantamount to nixon and watergate. but i do know a lot of really smart people who swear by it. i know chicago and how things work. for obama to be wholesome and pure is beyond my expectations, and of course all we know is what he's told us in his "biographies" which are loosely written about, and in fact are factually inaccurate. i think bill ayers wrote "dreams" (see jack cashill)

i don't know man... are the clintons and the bush dynasties in on it all?? well, it was father bush who i first heard mention the NWO. we know that gibbs lied to reporters on the chase plane while obama and hillary went to a bilderberg festival. i think i could fill a thimble with what we know about obama and lake michigan with what we don't.

why doesn't he just end the controversy by showing his original bc. does it exist ? is there something on it we can't see? why all the games. which side might be saving it for the october surprise...

people think this ends with an obama loss, or the completion of a second term. i will always be interested in hearing the truth, thereby giving definition the wild over reaction to anyone who simply asks questions.

one conspiracy theory for me is enough, i'm just a simple musician from vermont with lots of time on his hands. but more power to you man, there's lots of room here for anyone to challenge anything they see as unfit improper or unresolved.

btw: it was ten million hits/views for that video you linked.

compare this performance by sweaty maghee to the one directly above:

[ame=]Robert Gibbs Lies to Press on CNN avoids disclosing Bilderberg Meeting - YouTube[/ame]

he's a lousy liar, i good instincts about that. obamavich could give him a few pointers.

incidentally this thread has gotten to a nice pace and tone, i think the bullies got tired of slinging the same epithets over and over again. bullies get bored easily. that's good cause i like to hear from anyone who is interested in my perspective. all questions are welcomed. the media has changed since the advent of cable and internet, they are doing things i've never seen before.

Oh yeah the Clintons and Bushs are for sure in on it.They have been long time pals forever.They have a friendship that dates back to at least the early 1980's.They have even been seen going golfing and canoeing together over the years many times. sometimes a picture speaks a thousand words eh? just so you know,that quote in that pic on the far right hand corner of Clinton and Bush sr playing golf together has Bush saying in the quote-"Its just like a play or professional wrestling.Clinton and I were never enemies.We me secretly 11 times before the 1992 election.Bill has been working for us since before our operation in Mena."

Matter of fact,Barbara Bush has said Clinton is like a second son to her.And yeah,thats what I am referring to the bilderbergers and new world order which they are both involved in along with their pal Obama.Ron Paul has spoke out against all that.Here,look for yourself,see there where Clinton,Bush and Obama are in the white house having a jolly old good time together? I guess Romney wasnt invited since he hasnt been a president yet.please watch the two videos here I posted on this thread.

Sealybobo is just the opposite of fellow fools Pale Retard and Yidnar who want Romney in office in the next election.He thinks you cant go wrong voting for the democrats.Despite all the facts presented in that video THE OBAMA DECEPTION,that Obama has expanded what Bush started,that fool is ready to put in his vote to have Obama rerelected.:cuckoo: He refuses to watch that video because he is in denial.

Here,take a look at these videos I posted on his thread.
You can hear it from the horses mouth yourself from Clinton,Bush and Obama them all talking about a new world order.Interesting that Hitler spoke those same words isnt it?

people like Pale Retard,Yidnar and Sealybobo is why america has gone down the toilet. they have been conditioned and programmed to vote for the lesser evil of the two. 10 million views? wow.

one last thing,notice in this thread below how SealyBobo ran off with his tail between his legs when me and mr Jones handed his ass to him on a platter that Obama is corrupt and Ron Paul is the only candidate for us? lol.
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There is money to be made with conspiracies. Books, speeches, contributions all can add up to a bonanza, and the beauty of conspiracies is they require little evidence, real evidence. But conspiracies must be kept in Peter-Pan-land and not allowed to come under real investigation. Orly almost killed this whole Obama thing by taking it into the courtroom. Fortunately, for the birthers, the Court threw the whole mess out, so the conspiracy was never really checked out.
The courts have steered clear of the conspiracy thing, the Republican party avoids it, and what Republican politician has made it part of his or her platform? The sad thing is that most history texts will not even devote a paragraph to the whole thing, so are we helping to keep conspiracies alive and well?
There is money to be made with conspiracies. Books, speeches, contributions all can add up to a bonanza, and the beauty of conspiracies is they require little evidence, real evidence. But conspiracies must be kept in Peter-Pan-land and not allowed to come under real investigation. Orly almost killed this whole Obama thing by taking it into the courtroom. Fortunately, for the birthers, the Court threw the whole mess out, so the conspiracy was never really checked out.
The courts have steered clear of the conspiracy thing, the Republican party avoids it, and what Republican politician has made it part of his or her platform? The sad thing is that most history texts will not even devote a paragraph to the whole thing, so are we helping to keep conspiracies alive and well?

I dont consider it fortunate that they threw the whole thing out.I want this facist bastard put behind bars where he belongs and all the other evil corrupt presidents before him,Clinton and the Bushs and all the other corrupt policiticans but the american sheep wont get off thier lazy asses and do something about it so thats not going to happen anytime soon.

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