the obama birth certificate media scandal...

someone farted in here.:poop:

There is money to be made with conspiracies. Books, speeches, contributions all can add up to a bonanza, and the beauty of conspiracies is they require little evidence, real evidence. But conspiracies must be kept in Peter-Pan-land and not allowed to come under real investigation. Orly almost killed this whole Obama thing by taking it into the courtroom. Fortunately, for the birthers, the Court threw the whole mess out, so the conspiracy was never really checked out.
The courts have steered clear of the conspiracy thing, the Republican party avoids it, and what Republican politician has made it part of his or her platform? The sad thing is that most history texts will not even devote a paragraph to the whole thing, so are we helping to keep conspiracies alive and well?

Says it all:


Old Willie has been exposed for the liar he is several times.
somebody take handjob's meth away STAT!

on second though give him more !

You get the feeling that between him and Grumps; they are keeping the Kansas City meth labs in business all by themselves.
no kidding ! this many day many thread rant has only two explanations, a meth jag or hand job lost his fast food job and is using his last check to buy meth !
anyways its hard to believe that fools like Sealybobo want this fraud president reelected.:cuckoo: and of course idiots like Pale Retard want Romney in even though he has said Obama has not spent enough on the wars.:cuckoo:

Despite all this information below,again fools like sealybobo who has been brainwashed by his family obviously that you cant go wrong voting deomcrat,want this guy reelected despite all these facts below.:cuckoo:
I know you were aware of some of this stuff wash but were you aware of all of it by chance?


When sermons of Obama’s Chicago pastor, Jeremiah Wright, surfaced during the Iowa primaries, it threatened to derail Obama’s campaign. ABC aired one where Wright screamed, “Goddamn America.. (more)

WOW! The liberal media is running scared, knowing their days of defrauding the American people are coming to an end. Listen up, this is important.

Word about “America’s Fraud President” is getting out and the blithering media is worried because the Tea Party is dealing a blistering blow to Obama’s sock puppet media machine.

Never in their wildest dreams did the smug mug media think that anyone would dare rise up and challenge their imperial authority.

Well, the Tea Party is pushing back and saying “ENOUGH!” We’re by-passing the media, going direct to grassroots America with our message, exposing Obama as the fraud he is.

Operation “By-Pass and Expose” is HOT!

Household by household, community by community, state by state, the Tea Party is by-passing the liberal global communists with our Operation ‘By-Pass and Expose” ONE MILLION HOUSEHOLD BLITZ taking place across grassroots America.

The phone lines are burning up, we’re spilling the hot tar of truth and scalding the mean stream media minions—right along with the sham of a president that has the gall to sit in the White House and call himself a true American. He is a joke, but no one is laughing!

Why has the Tea Party been able to get this far?

Because outstanding patriots like you have stepped up to support the ONE MILLION HOUSEHOLD BLITZ with your donations and your prayers!

All I can say is thank you…but our children will say: “God blessed those patriots who had the courage to step up and fight in 2012. They defended our country, our rights, our constitution and saved America for us.”

Now, you can see why the left stream media is going silent about the ONE MILLION phone calls we’re making.

It’s their vile attempt to cover up our campaign, not report on it so the people won’t find out the truth. But, oh they will! The Tea Party is on a fire with our ONE MILLION CALL campaign.

Blame stream media is clamming up, muffling their talking heads, hoping the secret won’t get out!

The liberal sock puppet media is clamming up, buttoning their lip about the Tea Party’s ONE MILLION PHONE CALL BLITZ. Why? Because they don’t want the word to spread.

The Tea Party is pushing back against Obamites media machine and the liberal grunts are nervous, they’re sweatin’ buckets.

The Obamites greatest fear is if regular Americans learn through a phone call what’s really taking place in the Oral Office, the global communist machine will come to a grinding halt. Guess what then? Game over.

So to that I say “Hell, lets amp it up!”

Do these three things just to piss off miff the Obamite media machine, o.k.? Don’t just sit there, get moving. We need you now more than ever.

Give a donation you’ll be proud of;

Recruit your friends by sending them this message—share it far and wide;

Get involved exposing “America's Fraud President”—spread the word through emails, phone calls and social media networks at every opportunity. (Secret link to our social network site – (JOIN)

The response to the work of Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Dr. Jerome Corsi and now the Operation “By-Pass and Expose” ONE MILLION HOUSEHOLD PHONE CALL campaign has been fantastic!

The phone calls are rolling out from the Tea Party ( and the campaign is in high gear—the response overwhelming.

Vexed liberals are trying in vain to quash the “Tempest-In-A-Tea Cup” by ridiculing, waving false flags and using pathetic humor. But they’re failing and failing big!

The main blame media machine is cranking up its effort to make the sheriff, Harvard’s Ph.D.’s and the Tea Party look as ludicrous as possible. Declaring a lawful and reasonable quest for truth as lunacy! The Obamites frustration is clearly showing and we are making progress!

The global communists are feeling the heat.

As more and more Americans wake up to the fact we have “America’s Fraud President’ sitting in the “Oral Office” running the show, the more the temperature flares.

Know what I say?
“Hot Damn! Let it rise—then turn up
the heat some more!”

How does the Tea Party know the liberal global communists are taking such actions? Simple. They just released a pitiful YouTube video making fun of those who dare question “his royal majesty, King Obama.”

Would you like to see it?

Ok, then BE WARNED! It’s going to make you puke.

You’ll see their futile attempt to derail the outstanding work of the toughest sheriff in America and Dr. Corsi, Harvard Ph.D. as well as the powerful Operation “By-Pass and Expose” ONE MILLION HOUSEHOLD BLITZ.

Beware: this liberal garbage will make you gag like a maggot!

Direct Link -- Click!

See, the sock puppet media really believes
Obama is their messiah

(Umm hello. Hate to break this to you idiots but we patriots know he’s more like a false prophet)
The first time I watched this video I damn-near puked. What a load of *%@^#@! That’s why I’m mad as hell and I will not get over it.

See what I mean?

Why would they produce such trash unless they were getting the crap scared out of them!

If we’re a bunch of tin-foil hatted rat bastards why would Obama’s minion media care? Why would they waste their time if there was no problem? Oops, looks like we put our finger on a nerve!

Guess what folks? Now is the time to turn up the heat and have an old fashion revival of truth! All I can say is Hallelujah!

No matter what the lame brain media spews, America is lovin’ the Tea.


Now, I want you to get a load of what we’re hearing from patriots as we make our calls across America:

•“It’s about time someone “by-passed” the media and talked to the American people.”

•“I’m a Grandma with 12 grandkids and now I feel they just may have a future!”

•“Keep going guys, I’m praying for you.”

•“Obama is not going to like this!”

•“I want to throw those bums out of Washington (Exploitative Deleted)!”

•“Those *#@!* are screwing up my country…the Tea Party is the last chance we got.”

•“To hell with change, I just what America back!”

•The bias media whores are frantic! They’re turning a blind eye to what’s happening with the Tea Party and our Operation “By-Pass and Expose” ONE MILLION HOUSEHOLD BLITZ. Is that a grass fire I smell? Yes Sir!

But not everyone is happy, especially the Obamites. Here is what some of the “enlightened progressive geniuses” are saying about the Tea Party:

•“Racist bastards! The Tea Party is just a bunch of old white people.”

•“The Tea Party must be shut down!”

•“You bunch of mother *&$@(* somebody needs to stop you!”

•“Don’t ever call me again you bunch of #@*^%!!!!!

•….and those are some of the nicer comments! Hmm—touched a nerve did we?! Hell ya!!!

We want our country back and if we have to call every last U.S. citizen in America, telling them about “America’s Fraud President” then so be it.

Do you understand Obama not only wants to change the future of America, but the past as well?!

This first thing a conquering army does is rewrite that nation’s history books. Think I’m kidding? Remember his campaign promise when he said that he wanted to rewrite our National Anthem?

Obama’s Campaign Promise: “Obama continued: "The National Anthem should be “swapped” for something less parochial and less bellicose. I like the song “I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing.” If that were our anthem, then, I might salute it. In my opinion, we should consider reinventing our National Anthem as well as redesign our flag to better offer our enemies hope and love….”

Excuse me while I gag.

Obama wants to become the new George Washington, a founder of “the change.” The new Abraham Lincoln, freeing the slaves to the constitution and the messiah, so we can have life and live more abundantly, guaranteed by the government, of course. If you are not already, you should be very afraid of his agenda.

C’mon now. Change? We’re talking a total train wreck.

The American people have the right to know the truth about “America’s Fraud President”—and it is that truth that will set us free.

You must understand that the Tea Party’s list of atrocities committed by “America’s Fraud President” is growing. Just look at this.

America’s Fraud President’s
list of lies, corruptions and falsehoods:

•Forged birth certificate issued by the White House

•Multiple Social Security numbers

•Sealed college records

•Surrendered license to practice law

•Missing birth records in Hawaii

•Sealed selective service records

•Obama uses foreign passports

•Association with known communists and subversives

•Sworn testimonies proving Obama was not born in America

•America’s top sheriff threatened if he continues investigating Obama frauds

•Michelle Obama’s disbarment…her license to practice law revoked

•Obama’s own mother said her son, Barry Santoro (Barack Hussein Obama), received foreign aid to pay for college.

•Obama publicly stated he was not born in America.

•Created ObamaCare and put the I.R.S. in charge

•Approved the Fast and Furious Plan to arm dangerous Mexican drug lords.

•Our Obomination of a president praised Occupy Wall Street thugs and hoodlums—the very scum of the earth just arrested for planning to blow up a bridge in Ohio, taking innocent men, women and children right along with it.

•Approves of the TSA groping and of nudity scans at airports—and now on public buses, too!

•Obama wants to rewrite the national anthem. Remember, I just told you a few minutes ago. Obama’s Campaign Promise: "…the National Anthem should be swapped for something less parochial and less bellicose. I like the song “I'd like to Teach the World to Sing.” If that were our anthem, then, I might salute it. In my opinion, we should consider reinventing our national anthem as well as redesign our flag to better offer our enemies hope and love….” Utter heresy!!!

•Held in contempt of court for illegally obstructing oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.

•Filed lawsuits against the states he swore an oath to protect (AZ, WI, OH, IN)

Need I say more? Is this the Manchurian President?

It’s about time we fired this joker and replaced him with a patriot who loves America and all we stand for.

Are you good and mad and sick and tired and ready for action yet? Then listen up.

The Tea Party doesn’t have time for crybabies and spectators. We must hit this hard and fast and keep burning up the phone lines with hundreds of thousands of phone calls.

Are you ready to take action…or go back to your
man cave and hide?
Here’s the plan again:

ONE MILLION HOUSEHOLDS divided into 10 blocks each of 100,000. Each 100,000 household block costs us approximately $23,000.00 to reach.

At first glance $23,000.00 seems very attainable, BUT once the process begins we cannot stop. The first block of 100,000 households is just as important as the last block of 100,000 households.

It works out to about .23 per household.

Your financial support helps us carry out this critical operation. Your donation goes to helping us make these calls, conducting live operator follow-up and sending hard-hitting snail mail and email to households that respond in a positive manner.

Operation “By-Pass and Expose”
needs your help—NOW!

1. Give a donation you’ll be proud of;

2. Recruit your friends by sending them this message—share it far and wide;

3. Get involved exposing “America's Fraud President”—spread the word through emails, phone calls and social media networks at every opportunity.

If you’re as tired of this blasted fraud as I am, then step up and be counted now. Help us oust “America’s Fraud President!”

By the time you read this, thousands upon thousands of these calls have gone out to grassroots America. Patriots like you are stepping up to help fund this important project.

Thank you!

Now is not the time to skimp or be a cheapskate

You understand we’re calling those who want to know more with live operators. We’re giving America the no-holds-barred, REAL facts and asking them to get involved and join our crusade.

In short, this is why we need your help: paying for the costs to keep these calls to ONE MILLION HOUSEHOLDS going. Remember, we’re calling ONE MILLION HOUSEHOLDS, ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND at a time. It takes an army to carry that out.

I know times are difficult. But now, more than ever, is the time to give what you can to help us expose (and depose!) “America’s Fraud President.”

If you’re a patriot that’s passionate about getting this fraud out of the Oval Office, stripping him of his power, getting America back on her feet and preserving your freedoms and liberties, then you must help us.

If you don’t do it now, we could be stuck with this fake, fraud, f-up of a president for the next four years. If that happens, God help us all.

Help us “by-pass” the liberal media!
Support the Tea Party as we spill the facts to America
and expose “America’s Fraud President!”

How many households will you help at .23 cents each?

100 Households - 23.00

250 Households - 57.50

500 Households - 115.00

1,000 Households - 230.00

2,000 Households - 460.00

4,000 Households - 920.00

10,000 Households - 2,300.00

Many Households - DONATE

Once you’ve taken the first step and given your best donation, you’ll be directed to an action page so you can become part of the solution.

Remember: ONE MILLION TELEPHONE CALLS to expose “America’s Fraud President” and take back our beloved country.

You can help and be part of the Tea Party stampede with a donation.

Thank you. Someday your children will thank you for saving their future. Today, you are saving our heritage!


Freeing America from the fraud in the White House and from global communism.

Steve Eichler

P.S. Remember, do your part with these 3 steps…

1. Give a donation you’ll be proud of;

2. Recruit your friends by sending them this message—share it far and wide;

3. Get involved exposing “America's Fraud President”—spread the word through emails, phone calls and social media networks at every opportunity. Click -> Tea Party Social Network Site
Last edited:

anyways its hard to believe that fools like Sealybobo want this fraud president reelected.:cuckoo: and of course idiots like Pale Retard want Romney in even though he has said Obama has not spent enough on the wars.:cuckoo:

Despite all this information below,again fools like sealybobo who has been brainwashed by his family obviously that you cant go wrong voting deomcrat,want this guy reelected despite all these facts below.:cuckoo:
I know you were aware of some of this stuff wash but were you aware of all of it by chance?

</title> </head> <body bgcolor="#41567a">


When sermons of Obama’s Chicago pastor, Jeremiah Wright, surfaced during the Iowa primaries, it threatened to derail Obama’s campaign. ABC aired one where Wright screamed, “Goddamn America.. (more)

WOW! The liberal media is running scared, knowing their days of defrauding the American people are coming to an end. Listen up, this is important.

Word about “America’s Fraud President” is getting out and the blithering media is worried because the Tea Party is dealing a blistering blow to Obama’s sock puppet media machine.

Never in their wildest dreams did the smug mug media think that anyone would dare rise up and challenge their imperial authority.

Well, the Tea Party is pushing back and saying “ENOUGH!” We’re by-passing the media, going direct to grassroots America with our message, exposing Obama as the fraud he is.

Operation “By-Pass and Expose” is HOT!

Household by household, community by community, state by state, the Tea Party is by-passing the liberal global communists with our Operation ‘By-Pass and Expose” ONE MILLION HOUSEHOLD BLITZ taking place across grassroots America.

The phone lines are burning up, we’re spilling the hot tar of truth and scalding the mean stream media minions—right along with the sham of a president that has the gall to sit in the White House and call himself a true American. He is a joke, but no one is laughing!

Why has the Tea Party been able to get this far?

Because outstanding patriots like you have stepped up to support the ONE MILLION HOUSEHOLD BLITZ with your donations and your prayers!

All I can say is thank you…but our children will say: “God blessed those patriots who had the courage to step up and fight in 2012. They defended our country, our rights, our constitution and saved America for us.”

Now, you can see why the left stream media is going silent about the ONE MILLION phone calls we’re making.

It’s their vile attempt to cover up our campaign, not report on it so the people won’t find out the truth. But, oh they will! The Tea Party is on a fire with our ONE MILLION CALL campaign.

Blame stream media is clamming up, muffling their talking heads, hoping the secret won’t get out!

The liberal sock puppet media is clamming up, buttoning their lip about the Tea Party’s ONE MILLION PHONE CALL BLITZ. Why? Because they don’t want the word to spread.

The Tea Party is pushing back against Obamites media machine and the liberal grunts are nervous, they’re sweatin’ buckets.

The Obamites greatest fear is if regular Americans learn through a phone call what’s really taking place in the Oral Office, the global communist machine will come to a grinding halt. Guess what then? Game over.

So to that I say “Hell, lets amp it up!”

Do these three things just to piss off miff the Obamite media machine, o.k.? Don’t just sit there, get moving. We need you now more than ever.

Give a donation you’ll be proud of;

Recruit your friends by sending them this message—share it far and wide;

Get involved exposing “America's Fraud President”—spread the word through emails, phone calls and social media networks at every opportunity. (Secret link to our social network site – (JOIN)

The response to the work of Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Dr. Jerome Corsi and now the Operation “By-Pass and Expose” ONE MILLION HOUSEHOLD PHONE CALL campaign has been fantastic!

The phone calls are rolling out from the Tea Party ( and the campaign is in high gear—the response overwhelming.

Vexed liberals are trying in vain to quash the “Tempest-In-A-Tea Cup” by ridiculing, waving false flags and using pathetic humor. But they’re failing and failing big!

The main blame media machine is cranking up its effort to make the sheriff, Harvard’s Ph.D.’s and the Tea Party look as ludicrous as possible. Declaring a lawful and reasonable quest for truth as lunacy! The Obamites frustration is clearly showing and we are making progress!

The global communists are feeling the heat.

As more and more Americans wake up to the fact we have “America’s Fraud President’ sitting in the “Oral Office” running the show, the more the temperature flares.

Know what I say?
“Hot Damn! Let it rise—then turn up
the heat some more!”

How does the Tea Party know the liberal global communists are taking such actions? Simple. They just released a pitiful YouTube video making fun of those who dare question “his royal majesty, King Obama.”

Would you like to see it?

Ok, then BE WARNED! It’s going to make you puke.

You’ll see their futile attempt to derail the outstanding work of the toughest sheriff in America and Dr. Corsi, Harvard Ph.D. as well as the powerful Operation “By-Pass and Expose” ONE MILLION HOUSEHOLD BLITZ.

Beware: this liberal garbage will make you gag like a maggot!

Direct Link -- Click!

See, the sock puppet media really believes
Obama is their messiah

(Umm hello. Hate to break this to you idiots but we patriots know he’s more like a false prophet)
The first time I watched this video I damn-near puked. What a load of *%@^#@! That’s why I’m mad as hell and I will not get over it.

See what I mean?

Why would they produce such trash unless they were getting the crap scared out of them!

If we’re a bunch of tin-foil hatted rat bastards why would Obama’s minion media care? Why would they waste their time if there was no problem? Oops, looks like we put our finger on a nerve!

Guess what folks? Now is the time to turn up the heat and have an old fashion revival of truth! All I can say is Hallelujah!

No matter what the lame brain media spews, America is lovin’ the Tea.


Now, I want you to get a load of what we’re hearing from patriots as we make our calls across America:

•“It’s about time someone “by-passed” the media and talked to the American people.”

•“I’m a Grandma with 12 grandkids and now I feel they just may have a future!”

•“Keep going guys, I’m praying for you.”

•“Obama is not going to like this!”

•“I want to throw those bums out of Washington (Exploitative Deleted)!”

•“Those *#@!* are screwing up my country…the Tea Party is the last chance we got.”

•“To hell with change, I just what America back!”

•The bias media whores are frantic! They’re turning a blind eye to what’s happening with the Tea Party and our Operation “By-Pass and Expose” ONE MILLION HOUSEHOLD BLITZ. Is that a grass fire I smell? Yes Sir!

But not everyone is happy, especially the Obamites. Here is what some of the “enlightened progressive geniuses” are saying about the Tea Party:

•“Racist bastards! The Tea Party is just a bunch of old white people.”

•“The Tea Party must be shut down!”

•“You bunch of mother *&$@(* somebody needs to stop you!”

•“Don’t ever call me again you bunch of #@*^%!!!!!

•….and those are some of the nicer comments! Hmm—touched a nerve did we?! Hell ya!!!

We want our country back and if we have to call every last U.S. citizen in America, telling them about “America’s Fraud President” then so be it.

Do you understand Obama not only wants to change the future of America, but the past as well?!

This first thing a conquering army does is rewrite that nation’s history books. Think I’m kidding? Remember his campaign promise when he said that he wanted to rewrite our National Anthem?

Obama’s Campaign Promise: “Obama continued: "The National Anthem should be “swapped” for something less parochial and less bellicose. I like the song “I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing.” If that were our anthem, then, I might salute it. In my opinion, we should consider reinventing our National Anthem as well as redesign our flag to better offer our enemies hope and love….”

Excuse me while I gag.

Obama wants to become the new George Washington, a founder of “the change.” The new Abraham Lincoln, freeing the slaves to the constitution and the messiah, so we can have life and live more abundantly, guaranteed by the government, of course. If you are not already, you should be very afraid of his agenda.

C’mon now. Change? We’re talking a total train wreck.

The American people have the right to know the truth about “America’s Fraud President”—and it is that truth that will set us free.

You must understand that the Tea Party’s list of atrocities committed by “America’s Fraud President” is growing. Just look at this.

America’s Fraud President’s
list of lies, corruptions and falsehoods:

•Forged birth certificate issued by the White House

•Multiple Social Security numbers

•Sealed college records

•Surrendered license to practice law

•Missing birth records in Hawaii

•Sealed selective service records

•Obama uses foreign passports

•Association with known communists and subversives

•Sworn testimonies proving Obama was not born in America

•America’s top sheriff threatened if he continues investigating Obama frauds

•Michelle Obama’s disbarment…her license to practice law revoked

•Obama’s own mother said her son, Barry Santoro (Barack Hussein Obama), received foreign aid to pay for college.

•Obama publicly stated he was not born in America.

•Created ObamaCare and put the I.R.S. in charge

•Approved the Fast and Furious Plan to arm dangerous Mexican drug lords.

•Our Obomination of a president praised Occupy Wall Street thugs and hoodlums—the very scum of the earth just arrested for planning to blow up a bridge in Ohio, taking innocent men, women and children right along with it.

•Approves of the TSA groping and of nudity scans at airports—and now on public buses, too!

•Obama wants to rewrite the national anthem. Remember, I just told you a few minutes ago. Obama’s Campaign Promise: "…the National Anthem should be swapped for something less parochial and less bellicose. I like the song “I'd like to Teach the World to Sing.” If that were our anthem, then, I might salute it. In my opinion, we should consider reinventing our national anthem as well as redesign our flag to better offer our enemies hope and love….” Utter heresy!!!

•Held in contempt of court for illegally obstructing oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.

•Filed lawsuits against the states he swore an oath to protect (AZ, WI, OH, IN)

Need I say more? Is this the Manchurian President?

It’s about time we fired this joker and replaced him with a patriot who loves America and all we stand for.

Are you good and mad and sick and tired and ready for action yet? Then listen up.

The Tea Party doesn’t have time for crybabies and spectators. We must hit this hard and fast and keep burning up the phone lines with hundreds of thousands of phone calls.

Are you ready to take action…or go back to your
man cave and hide?
Here’s the plan again:

ONE MILLION HOUSEHOLDS divided into 10 blocks each of 100,000. Each 100,000 household block costs us approximately $23,000.00 to reach.

At first glance $23,000.00 seems very attainable, BUT once the process begins we cannot stop. The first block of 100,000 households is just as important as the last block of 100,000 households.

It works out to about .23 per household.

Your financial support helps us carry out this critical operation. Your donation goes to helping us make these calls, conducting live operator follow-up and sending hard-hitting snail mail and email to households that respond in a positive manner.

Operation “By-Pass and Expose”
needs your help—NOW!

1. Give a donation you’ll be proud of;

2. Recruit your friends by sending them this message—share it far and wide;

3. Get involved exposing “America's Fraud President”—spread the word through emails, phone calls and social media networks at every opportunity.

If you’re as tired of this blasted fraud as I am, then step up and be counted now. Help us oust “America’s Fraud President!”

By the time you read this, thousands upon thousands of these calls have gone out to grassroots America. Patriots like you are stepping up to help fund this important project.

Thank you!

Now is not the time to skimp or be a cheapskate

You understand we’re calling those who want to know more with live operators. We’re giving America the no-holds-barred, REAL facts and asking them to get involved and join our crusade.

In short, this is why we need your help: paying for the costs to keep these calls to ONE MILLION HOUSEHOLDS going. Remember, we’re calling ONE MILLION HOUSEHOLDS, ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND at a time. It takes an army to carry that out.

I know times are difficult. But now, more than ever, is the time to give what you can to help us expose (and depose!) “America’s Fraud President.”

If you’re a patriot that’s passionate about getting this fraud out of the Oval Office, stripping him of his power, getting America back on her feet and preserving your freedoms and liberties, then you must help us.

If you don’t do it now, we could be stuck with this fake, fraud, f-up of a president for the next four years. If that happens, God help us all.

Help us “by-pass” the liberal media!
Support the Tea Party as we spill the facts to America
and expose “America’s Fraud President!”

How many households will you help at .23 cents each?

100 Households - 23.00

250 Households - 57.50

500 Households - 115.00

1,000 Households - 230.00

2,000 Households - 460.00

4,000 Households - 920.00

10,000 Households - 2,300.00

Many Households - DONATE

Once you’ve taken the first step and given your best donation, you’ll be directed to an action page so you can become part of the solution.

Remember: ONE MILLION TELEPHONE CALLS to expose “America’s Fraud President” and take back our beloved country.

You can help and be part of the Tea Party stampede with a donation.

Thank you. Someday your children will thank you for saving their future. Today, you are saving our heritage!


Freeing America from the fraud in the White House and from global communism.

Steve Eichler

P.S. Remember, do your part with these 3 steps…

1. Give a donation you’ll be proud of;

2. Recruit your friends by sending them this message—share it far and wide;

3. Get involved exposing “America's Fraud President”—spread the word through emails, phone calls and social media networks at every opportunity. Click -> Tea Party Social Network Site

i want a thread just on this., which i will add to in the coming days ahead... it will come to be that the media was warned not to talk about the obama birth certificate. in fact i will go on to say that they media was directed to proactively sell the idea that no issue ever existed.
performances by sheppard smith, gregg jarrett, oreilly, hannity by cancelling jerry corsi hours before the interview, esquire magazine, anderson cooper, lawrence odonald, the rachal maddov lady.... and on and on. post scandal, i will make a video showing all of them (overacters) way over the top. robert gibbs, never answering questions about it. chuck todd and liberal drowning out les kinsolving when he rarely got a chance... the lies... and on and on and on....

this story is breaking open slower than i had hoped, but people are getting it now, and they are going to be pissed, which is how i've felt about the cover up from the begiining...

this is the unthinkable in a first amendment society...

Hannity says he believes Obama was born in the USA


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