the obama birth certificate media scandal...

Lord Monckton Speaks Wednesday in California on Obama's Felony Document Fraud | Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records

Tom Ballantyne, author of "Uncommon Sense…Apparently!" and “Oh Really O’Reilly” will discuss the total media cover-up of this historic eligibility issue - especially that of the Establishment "Conservative" Media - as well as that of the Republican "leadership" in Washington, DC, and throughout the nation (especially in AZ, his home state). He will explain both why he believes this has happened, and continues to happen, and exactly what we must do as citizens to combat it. His theme will be "What is truth?"

this is truly an amazing story because media of all political persuasions are blacking out equally honest coverage of the obama birth certificate and the obamas' provenance and history.

it will be interesting to see what new developments will come out of hawaii next month.

Rather than maliciously blacking out coverage, as you seem to think, couldn't it be that the large majority of people, both in and out of media, see this as a non-issue and not worthy of reporting?
Lord Monckton Speaks Wednesday in California on Obama's Felony Document Fraud | Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records

Tom Ballantyne, author of "Uncommon Sense…Apparently!" and “Oh Really O’Reilly” will discuss the total media cover-up of this historic eligibility issue - especially that of the Establishment "Conservative" Media - as well as that of the Republican "leadership" in Washington, DC, and throughout the nation (especially in AZ, his home state). He will explain both why he believes this has happened, and continues to happen, and exactly what we must do as citizens to combat it. His theme will be "What is truth?"

this is truly an amazing story because media of all political persuasions are blacking out equally honest coverage of the obama birth certificate and the obamas' provenance and history.

it will be interesting to see what new developments will come out of hawaii next month.

. . . because there is no story,
Lord Monckton Speaks Wednesday in California on Obama's Felony Document Fraud | Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records

Tom Ballantyne, author of "Uncommon Sense…Apparently!" and “Oh Really O’Reilly” will discuss the total media cover-up of this historic eligibility issue - especially that of the Establishment "Conservative" Media - as well as that of the Republican "leadership" in Washington, DC, and throughout the nation (especially in AZ, his home state). He will explain both why he believes this has happened, and continues to happen, and exactly what we must do as citizens to combat it. His theme will be "What is truth?"

this is truly an amazing story because media of all political persuasions are blacking out equally honest coverage of the obama birth certificate and the obamas' provenance and history.

it will be interesting to see what new developments will come out of hawaii next month.

. . . because there is no story,

that's pretty funny man...
do you have a tv, a computer, or know where to find a newspaper jake ??
just trying to get a sense of what you think is real jake.

don't suppose it really matters now. the proverbial cat is out of the bag.
The cat is out of the bag: the birfers are the story, not the pres. This is all for grins and chuckles, nothing more,
no one in the birther camp is laughing jake. no one should be taking this lightly, even if romney wins the election. any cover up is a serious thing.
The cover up is done so poorly by the birfers, who eventually will start paying the penalty for the lies, libels, and frivolous law suits, as well as the public humiliation,
The cover up is done so poorly by the birfers, who eventually will start paying the penalty for the lies, libels, and frivolous law suits, as well as the public humiliation,

you keep using the epithet "birfir" jake, as if you don't know now that it's a racist term.

i'm willing to be humiliated if i'm doing what i think is right for my country. that's the definition of a patriot jake, someone willing/unafraid to speak up because they care, willing to take a hit for the team. you are too jake. you are one of the avid obots here.
The cover up is done so poorly by the birfers, who eventually will start paying the penalty for the lies, libels, and frivolous law suits, as well as the public humiliation,

you keep using the epithet "birfir" jake, as if you don't know now that it's a racist term.

i'm willing to be humiliated if i'm doing what i think is right for my country. that's the definition of a patriot jake, someone willing/unafraid to speak up because they care, willing to take a hit for the team. you are too jake. you are one of the avid obots here.

Hey's not a racist term, it's a bigoted term. Racism refers to someone who LOOKS ethnically different from you, but bigotry is being biased against someone for their THOUGHTS.

By the far as you being a "patriot"? Yeah, you are in the sense that Mark Twain defined it..................

"Patriot: the person who can holler the loudest without knowing what he is hollering about." - Mark Twain.
Wash humiliates himself. He needs no help. Birfer is a term used for bigots who believe an American is something else than what he clearly is: native born, America, of an American parent. Shame on you, Wash,
I was being nice to you, wash. Should I have been truthful and said you self humiliate every time you post?
I was being nice to you, wash. Should I have been truthful and said you self humiliate every time you post?

you can say whatever you like, it's a free country jake. and you can be truthful whenever it suits you.
Yes, it is a free country, and, yes, you can continue to publish birfer nonsense all you want. The issue is not the president, it is the birfer narrative.

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