The Obama Deception HQ Full length version


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
After watching of this film only very stupid people can vote for Obama or RINOs.
Don't forget that only Cain, Bachman or Palin can stop the True Government and its agenda.

[ame=]The Obama Deception HQ Full length version - YouTube[/ame]
Our Presidents are placed into power. It's all about the New World Order Globalist agenda. Both American Political Parties get together and agree on who the President will be. Our Elections are just theatre for the masses who don't know any better. This stuff is decided in advance by very very powerful organizations. Obama has been chosen to be re-elected but it will be the Republican's turn in 2016. Good documentary. I don't buy into everything in it but i do agree with some of the information in it. Thanks.
The way they succed is to marginalize and accuse everyone of being "crazy conspiracy wingnuts." They own the MSM so of course they carry their water. There is some reality to this. People shouldn't be so quick to dismiss this.
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If that is really what you believe to be true... then OWS is doing the right thing.. fighting those powerful entities that are controlling our world.
The way they succed is to marginalize and accuse everyone of being "crazy conspiracy wingnuts." They own the MSM so of course they go along with it. There is some reality to this. People shouldn't be so quick to dismiss this.

Actually, ZeitGeist says basically the same things... I don't necessarily dismiss them out of hand. However... taking their power away should be our goal as everyday citizens... not propping them up and making them more powerful.
Our Presidents are placed into power. It's all about the New World Order Globalist agenda. Both American Political Parties get together and agree on who the President will be. Our Elections are just theatre for the masses who don't know any better. This stuff is decided in advance by very very powerful organizations. Obama has been chosen to be re-elected but it will be the Republican's turn in 2016. Good documentary. I don't buy into everything in it but i do agree with some of the information in it. Thanks.

The Final Crisis is still continuing,the World Economy is destroyed, if Obama,RINOs or other puppets win billions of people will probably die.That's the Truth.
The way they succed is to marginalize and accuse everyone of being "crazy conspiracy wingnuts." They own the MSM so of course they go along with it. There is some reality to this. People shouldn't be so quick to dismiss this.

Actually, ZeitGeist says basically the same things... I don't necessarily dismiss them out of hand. However... taking their power away should be our goal as everyday citizens... not propping them up and making them more powerful.

America need a Tea Party President, otherwise it will cease to exist in few years.
Only an independent President can destroy the plans of Obama, Wall Street and Bilderbergs.No one RINO can save America, they all are Part of System.
The way they succed is to marginalize and accuse everyone of being "crazy conspiracy wingnuts." They own the MSM so of course they go along with it. There is some reality to this. People shouldn't be so quick to dismiss this.

Actually, ZeitGeist says basically the same things... I don't necessarily dismiss them out of hand. However... taking their power away should be our goal as everyday citizens... not propping them up and making them more powerful.

It's all about all-powerful One-World Government rule. But they have to destroy the sovereignty of the larger wealthier nations first. That's why they are intentionally destroying the economies in these nations. They want to destroy them and then rebuild them with a single Global Currency and a World Government that controls them. They are clearly taking us there. So while i don't believe everything in this Documentary,i do believe much of it. The large Global Organizations are not just Conspiracy Theories either. They are real. They are behind this New World Order Globalism agenda. This documentary is definitely worth watching.
Ventura really nailed it. American Politics is the same as professional Wrestling. It's all just entertainment for the masses. Behind the scenes they're all buddies and on the same team.
So many like to ridicule these kinds of documentaries but i think it's very important to keep an open mind. These Global Organizations really do run the show. That is reality.
Jesse Ventura is a lying piece of shit. My guess would be most of the above posts believe in Alex Jones too. Bring it on, bitches. My guess would be none of you are over 30. If you are, grow up. TPTB have always been in "power".:lol::lol::lol:
The way they succed is to marginalize and accuse everyone of being "crazy conspiracy wingnuts." They own the MSM so of course they go along with it. There is some reality to this. People shouldn't be so quick to dismiss this.

Actually, ZeitGeist says basically the same things... I don't necessarily dismiss them out of hand. However... taking their power away should be our goal as everyday citizens... not propping them up and making them more powerful.

America need a Tea Party President, otherwise it will cease to exist in few years.
Only an independent President can destroy the plans of Obama, Wall Street and Bilderbergs.No one RINO can save America, they all are Part of System.

The Tea Party? Gimme a break. They are bought and sold and have been almost from the very beginning.
So many like to ridicule these kinds of documentaries but i think it's very important to keep an open mind. These Global Organizations really do run the show. That is reality.

So then why do you support huge, largely monopolistic Corporations? Why do you want to see people that "run the show" keep their economic and influential power?
So many like to ridicule these kinds of documentaries but i think it's very important to keep an open mind. These Global Organizations really do run the show. That is reality.

So then why do you support huge, largely monopolistic Corporations? Why do you want to see people that "run the show" keep their economic and influential power?

I never said that. I am against an all powerful World Government.
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After watching of this film only very stupid people can vote for Obama or RINOs.
Don't forget that only Cain, Bachman or Palin can stop the True Government and its agenda.
If you really watched the movie like you said, you would have already figgered out that:
Cain is a Federal Reserve stooge,
Bachman is an IRS Tax Lawyer,
Palin is still suspect until I see who she endorses.
So many like to ridicule these kinds of documentaries but i think it's very important to keep an open mind. These Global Organizations really do run the show. That is reality.

So then why do you support huge, largely monopolistic Corporations? Why do you want to see people that "run the show" keep their economic and influential power?

I never said that. I am against an all powerful World Government.

So am I... but you are enabling just that by allowing Big business and banking to have their way with the everyday people... those are the only people who have the power and financial influence to create that world government.
After watching of this film only very stupid people can vote for Obama or RINOs.
Don't forget that only Cain, Bachman or Palin can stop the True Government and its agenda.

The Obama Deception HQ Full length version - YouTube

You cant be serious? Cain, Bachman and Palin are all just as much willing puppets for the establishment and its agenda as Obama is.:lol: Ron Paul is the ONLY candidate for the people and more importantly,the only one who believes in the constitution and thats no opinion,thats a are obviously not aware of the true agenda of those three frauds.
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