The Obama Economy

The stock market hit record highs under Trump, not Obama. Trump's GDP is much better than Obama's. Paycheck are better under Trump. The economic recovery under Obama was anemic.

There's no denying the economy and jobs look great under Trump. Nearly two years in Obama has no claim to the economy. Trump owns it all.
Economy was dead in 2015-2016 headed downwards. Only reovered a bit when the threat of the beast was squashed Nov 08 2016. Trumps policies are good for the overall economy. Fairer trade deals too, finally but many years late. Huge market pop before DJT even officially took the job. But he was working of course. Obama had QE....DJT has to earn his gains.

Of course many want to go back to cash for clunkers, food stamps, 1% GDP and dopey Biden "summers of recovery". Commie wanna kwacker?
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The obama economy cost our household $80,000 in disposable income because he intentionally drove energy prices up immediately upon taking office.
You’re so full of shit. :laugh:
I monitor my money.
You’re a hack.
And you’re a liar.
$2 per gallon overcharge in gasoline, $15/day grocery and food increase (family of three) and $100/month utility increases all due to energy cost increases caused by Obama’s reimplementation of drilling bans.
I monitor my money. You’re a hack.
Its so true. It cannot be denied.

Thank you, President Obama!

View attachment 213136
I'll try to dumb it down enough for even you to understand.

Let's say you are 6 feet tall. I toss you in a well that is 10 feet deep.

You only have one direction to go. Up.

It takes you 8 years and you never, truly, fully leave the hole.

Now, I take someone who is an actual success at business; who is also 6 feet tall.

He climbs out of the hole in 19 months.

Do you see why the progress YOU made is worthless in this situation?

Probably not.
Its so true. It cannot be denied.

Thank you, President Obama!

View attachment 213136

The quantitative easing program of the foreign owned Federal Reserve central bank propped up the Barrypuppet's time in office and never raised the rates once. The "recovery" was an anemic effort in futility in spite of the Fed pumping anywhere from 85 to 60 BILLION Federal Reserve notes into the system. The Fed has already raised rates since Trump took office.Barrypuppet didn't do diddly squat about trying to create blue collar employment with a living wage and even said that manufacturing jobs were never coming usual, the jug-eared mulatto was wrong as he took his orders from his shadow "gubermint" masters.

As USUAL, you don't know diddly squat......
The obama economy cost our household $80,000 in disposable income because he intentionally drove energy prices up immediately upon taking office.
You’re so full of shit. :laugh:
I monitor my money.
You’re a hack.
And you’re a liar.
$2 per gallon overcharge in gasoline, $15/day grocery and food increase (family of three) and $100/month utility increases all due to energy cost increases caused by Obama’s reimplementation of drilling bans.
I monitor my money. You’re a hack.
You’re talking out your ass, as always.
The obama economy cost our household $80,000 in disposable income because he intentionally drove energy prices up immediately upon taking office.
You’re so full of shit. :laugh:
I monitor my money.
You’re a hack.
And you’re a liar.
$2 per gallon overcharge in gasoline, $15/day grocery and food increase (family of three) and $100/month utility increases all due to energy cost increases caused by Obama’s reimplementation of drilling bans.
I monitor my money. You’re a hack.
You’re talking out your ass, as always.

Great job of rebuttal! The ol "Uh-uh" debate tactic just rocks!! LMAO!!!!!!!
...And there would be no trump if there was no Obama… Karma is a bitch
The OP thinks he can create a new reality from the nether-regions of the internet.:113::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Nobody thinks the humming economy has anything to do with Obama!:bye1:
Well that’s not true. Roughly half of people polled think Obama gets the credit.

For example, job growth continues at roughly the same pace as it has for the last 8 1/2 years...


... you gonna credit Trump for that?
Well Obama left Trump a fair hand but Trump has improved on it big time.

They both deserve credit for the economy even though the OP thinks it all Obama.


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