The Obama Justice Department told the FBI not to charge Hillary Clinton

The FBI doesn't charge anyone do they?

Don’t blame the FBI — Hillary Clinton was never going to be charged

"First, the Democrats didn’t want her charged. ....."

"Second, line attorneys at the DOJ did not want to charge Hillary Clinton. ....".

"Third, the Republican elites were against charges. Hillary Clinton is a lightning rod that unifies the party’s different conservative factions. She is fuel on the fire every time she lands in the news, and prison would end her long-term usability. The only thing worse for Republicans than Hillary Clinton not being charged would be an acquittal....."
Trying to blame Republicans again? Really?

Sure pal I blame them. Not the article, the GOP elite were third, but personally. It's because of (imho) their incompetence that the super-duper fucking criminal mastermind has gotten away with all her nefarious deeds for all of these years. After 40 years one would think they'd have gotten something, anything! Littering, Jaywalking, Spitting on the sidewalk.......

Above the law is above the law. Hillary and other top party elite are above ALL laws.
It's gotten to the point that even Democrat activists...... Jussie Smollett are above the law.
Just the usual way of doing things when the person is obviously not guilty, super duper. No it is not a gigantic conspiracy of everyone in government law enforcement and journalism. Change the channel.
The problem with your theory is that Hillary is obviously guilty.

Reality says you are obviously nuts.

Seriously, if Clinton is obviously guilty then you need the GREATEST CONSPIRACY OF ALL TIME to explain her not getting prosecuted for commiting obvious crimes.

Maybe if you paid more attention to the facts instead of tennis and CNN you might know that James Comey himself laid out a list on national TV in July 2016 of all the felonies Hillary committed (just those directly involved with his investigation) enough to put ten people in jail for life---- ---- then rationalized her not being prosecuted (for which he had no authority to do). Meantime, the person who HAD the authority to put Hillary in jail, Loretta Lynch, was having lunch with her husband Slick Willie on the tarmac in his private jet, WHILE HIS WIFE WAS BEING INVESTIGATED.

Now it comes out the entire thing was a set up to protect Hillary from prosecution and keep her in the race by FBI'ers Peter Strozk and Lisa Page, soon to become a major new investigation leading all the way back to Barry (Obama). The entire Mueller thing has been a snowjob to keep Trump in the news and Hillary OUT of it. Now the entire thing is falling apart.

Gee, I learned that much while on my fucking back in the hospital.

Retard, go ahead and list the crimes worth 10 lifetimes in jail Comey laid out as he was declaring that no reasonable prosecutor would take this to court.

This ought to be good. :rolleyes:

Hey imbecile, Comey laid that out on TV in stark detail in July 2016 before a national audience. It can be replayed on You Tube. Gowdy and others grilled him on it before the Congress. Since I've been on here, I've talked about it at least a dozen times while seeing maybe at least 30-40 threads covering the topic. If you have missed ALL OF THAT and are too lazy or stupid to go look it up yourself, not only must one ask of what possible good it could do to waste my time listing it all yet again just for your pathetic, doubtful edification, one must really wonder where someone like you gets off calling anyone else a "retard?"

The Obama Justice Department told the FBI not to charge Hillary Clinton with gross negligence, according to Rep. John Ratcliffe.
Did you read this part?

Page also testified that the DOJ and FBI had "multiple conversations ... about charging gross negligence," and the DOJ decided that the term was "constitutionally vague" and "had either never been done or had only been done once like 99 years ago," and so "they did not feel they could sustain.


  • Roberts Commission - Pearl Harbor - 285 days

  • 9/11 Commission - 478 days

  • Warren Commission - Kennedy Assassination - 300 days

  • Senate Watergate investigation - 406 days
    (69 indictments, 48 jailed).
  • Benghazi Committee - 956 days
0 indictments, 0 prosecutions 0 incarcerations.
Oh you mean like the 220 year old law Flynn was charged with that is considered unconstitutional

He was charged, and plead guilty to perjury. So wtf are you talking about?
The Obama Justice Department told the FBI not to charge Hillary Clinton with gross negligence, according to Rep. John Ratcliffe.
Did you read this part?

Page also testified that the DOJ and FBI had "multiple conversations ... about charging gross negligence," and the DOJ decided that the term was "constitutionally vague" and "had either never been done or had only been done once like 99 years ago," and so "they did not feel they could sustain.


  • Roberts Commission - Pearl Harbor - 285 days

  • 9/11 Commission - 478 days

  • Warren Commission - Kennedy Assassination - 300 days

  • Senate Watergate investigation - 406 days
    (69 indictments, 48 jailed).
  • Benghazi Committee - 956 days
0 indictments, 0 prosecutions 0 incarcerations.
Oh you mean like the 220 year old law Flynn was charged with that is considered unconstitutional

He was charged, and plead guilty to perjury. So wtf are you talking about?

No, you ignorant troll.

He plead guilty to lying to the FSB, That is not "perjury" and he was never sworn. Known and open traitor Peter Strzok fed Gen. Flynn false and misleading information in order to entrap him. Then the Grand Inquisitor had his men metaphorically rape Flynn's wife until he confessed.****

In light of the FAILURE of the Grand Inquisitor, Flynn case should be reviewed and thrown out.

Standard disclaimer: Leftists are ignorant, it's a big part of why they are leftists. The original Torquemada from the 15th century (1400's you ignorant dolts) would have his victims wives and daughters dragged into his dungeon where his "holy men" would brutally rape them, often to death. Mewler-Torquemada put a spin on this by threatening to put Flynn's SON in prison and sell his grandchildren into slavery. (foster care)
The Obama Justice Department told the FBI not to charge Hillary Clinton with gross negligence, according to Rep. John Ratcliffe.

Tards will be going to Jail.....

Tic Toc Mother Fluckers...



democrats are NOT subject to the law in this nation.

The law is a farce, a club to beat commoners into submission with. The ruling democrats can and will violate the law flagrantly with zero consequence.
The Obama Justice Department told the FBI not to charge Hillary Clinton with gross negligence, according to Rep. John Ratcliffe.
of course they did, they are not a bunch of conspiracy nut jobs and knew Hillary is not a master criminal, unlike you brainwashed functional morons... All investigated nothing ever found but garbage GOP propaganda. And James Comey was a big mouth GOP idiot who wrecked Hillary by not simply saying there is not enough evidence to charge her with anything and following FBI protocol.....

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