The Obama Justice Department told the FBI not to charge Hillary Clinton

Democrat Trump-haters think they can do a better job than the IRS...

After 2+years digging through Trump's entire life and finding nothing, now they think they will suddenly find something in his taxes the IRS did not find?


They know they can't. What Democrats are looking for is something they can twist into a lie like they always do, and then report the fake news to their buddies in the MSM to spread the lie for them. Kind of like Trump called all Mexicans thieves and rapists, or that Trump is a white Nationalist when Trump only said he was a Nationalist. The sheep believe the MSM like some people believe Jesus.
Trump called the deported animals.
"they're not people, they're animals".

"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best," he said then. "They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

Data released earlier this month by the Anti-Defamation League shows white supremacists’ propaganda efforts increased 182 percent last year, with 1,187 distributions across the US in 2018, up from 421 total incidents reported in 2017.

but Trump cant seem to see it.

And you can’t seem to see Trump never said the things Democrats said he did. Democrats are born liars.

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We have a deposition video of Trump saying these things.
yes, and we then have you and so many others taking it WAY out of context so you can push for max lie/drama yet get upset when people do that in return.
The full deposition video is there, along with the part of Trump talking about mexicans. The full context is there.
They know they can't. What Democrats are looking for is something they can twist into a lie like they always do, and then report the fake news to their buddies in the MSM to spread the lie for them. Kind of like Trump called all Mexicans thieves and rapists, or that Trump is a white Nationalist when Trump only said he was a Nationalist. The sheep believe the MSM like some people believe Jesus.
Trump called the deported animals.
"they're not people, they're animals".

"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best," he said then. "They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

Data released earlier this month by the Anti-Defamation League shows white supremacists’ propaganda efforts increased 182 percent last year, with 1,187 distributions across the US in 2018, up from 421 total incidents reported in 2017.

but Trump cant seem to see it.

And you can’t seem to see Trump never said the things Democrats said he did. Democrats are born liars.

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We have a deposition video of Trump saying these things.
yes, and we then have you and so many others taking it WAY out of context so you can push for max lie/drama yet get upset when people do that in return.
The full deposition video is there, along with the part of Trump talking about mexicans. The full context is there.
bullshit, son.

moving the goalposts is when trump says "there are good people on both sides" referencing the left AND right base. yet the left sees GOOD PEOPLE IN RACISTS!!!! and that's all they choose to see.

moving the goalposts is when trump does stupid hand gestures for his entire life during interviews and on camera and the one time he does it to a disabled person, he's mocking the handicapped.

now - the question is - DID OBAMA'S DOJ TELL THE FBI TO STOP????

dunno how y'all tailspinned into a convo that has nothing to do with the topic so let's get back to it.

did he? seems like he did. only now when someone speaks out against the ever changing mood of the left, that said person becomes the enemy. both sides "extremists" seem to get off on this shit and its' annoying as fuck.
When will Obama be asked about this?
already has been, everything gets investigated and there's nothing there, super duper. Change the channel

Obama was investigated? Gotta link?
Everyone in the world but you dupes know there is nothing To your phony scandals. All investigated by the GOP congressional committees and journalists at least. Forget about it.

So ya don't have a link? What a shock...dumbass.
Not to worry, Trumps NEW AG is going to get the cancklepotomus pig for her crimes.

Yeah those other 17 investigations were all bull shit, designed cover ups by the "Derp State"! We're really, really get her this time for her real crimes by god.......Get that cell ready!
The FBI doesn't charge anyone do they?

Don’t blame the FBI — Hillary Clinton was never going to be charged

"First, the Democrats didn’t want her charged. ....."

"Second, line attorneys at the DOJ did not want to charge Hillary Clinton. ....".

"Third, the Republican elites were against charges. Hillary Clinton is a lightning rod that unifies the party’s different conservative factions. She is fuel on the fire every time she lands in the news, and prison would end her long-term usability. The only thing worse for Republicans than Hillary Clinton not being charged would be an acquittal....."
Trying to blame Republicans again? Really?

Sure pal I blame them. Not the article, the GOP elite were third, but personally. It's because of (imho) their incompetence that the super-duper fucking criminal mastermind has gotten away with all her nefarious deeds for all of these years. After 40 years one would think they'd have gotten something, anything! Littering, Jaywalking, Spitting on the sidewalk.......
It's no use refighting your last loss while you should be practising for your next.
The Obama Justice Department told the FBI not to charge Hillary Clinton with gross negligence, according to Rep. John Ratcliffe.

No surprise here. No way you commit all that crime and walk away free without someone backing you up. Just wonder what secret dirt Hillary has on the Obamas.
Just the usual way of doing things when the person is obviously not guilty, super duper. No it is not a gigantic conspiracy of everyone in government law enforcement and journalism. Change the channel.
The problem with your theory is that Hillary is obviously guilty.
∆∆∆brainwashed functional moron like most Republican voters.... Worst voters in the modern world by far, only UK conservatives are competition.... Change the channel
When will Obama be asked about this?
already has been, everything gets investigated and there's nothing there, super duper. Change the channel

Obama was investigated? Gotta link?
Everyone in the world but you dupes know there is nothing To your phony scandals. All investigated by the GOP congressional committees and journalists at least. Forget about it.

So ya don't have a link? What a shock...dumbass.
Sorry about you losing all your long-term memory, super duper. For example, there were nine GOP Congressional investigations of Benghazi and five investigations of the Foster death... Brainwashed functional moron
The Obama Justice Department told the FBI not to charge Hillary Clinton with gross negligence, according to Rep. John Ratcliffe.
Did you read this part?

Page also testified that the DOJ and FBI had "multiple conversations ... about charging gross negligence," and the DOJ decided that the term was "constitutionally vague" and "had either never been done or had only been done once like 99 years ago," and so "they did not feel they could sustain.


  • Roberts Commission - Pearl Harbor - 285 days

  • 9/11 Commission - 478 days

  • Warren Commission - Kennedy Assassination - 300 days

  • Senate Watergate investigation - 406 days
    (69 indictments, 48 jailed).
  • Benghazi Committee - 956 days
0 indictments, 0 prosecutions 0 incarcerations.
Oh you mean like the 220 year old law Flynn was charged with that is considered unconstitutional. And it doesn’t matter how guilty someone is if the fix is in at the justice department, and it was, Obama will never be investigated or charged. Remember, Susan rice was tasked with preserving Obama’s legacy. The corruption was from the top down. He has never been asked in a public interview since he left office about his communications with the Hilary server or if he or staff at the White House was in communication with the fbi. If he has, please post a link. I think it was Lisa page who said under testimony that the White House wanted to be informed about the investigation. As far as length of the investigation, both the Obama and early trump justice dept. refused to give the committee the information they asked for or purposefully redacted all the information. Operating procedure was stonewall, trump will be out of there soon.
The Obama Justice Department told the FBI not to charge Hillary Clinton with gross negligence, according to Rep. John Ratcliffe.
Did you read this part?

Page also testified that the DOJ and FBI had "multiple conversations ... about charging gross negligence," and the DOJ decided that the term was "constitutionally vague" and "had either never been done or had only been done once like 99 years ago," and so "they did not feel they could sustain.


  • Roberts Commission - Pearl Harbor - 285 days

  • 9/11 Commission - 478 days

  • Warren Commission - Kennedy Assassination - 300 days

  • Senate Watergate investigation - 406 days
    (69 indictments, 48 jailed).
  • Benghazi Committee - 956 days
0 indictments, 0 prosecutions 0 incarcerations.
Oh you mean like the 220 year old law Flynn was charged with that is considered unconstitutional. And it doesn’t matter how guilty someone is if the fix is in at the justice department, and it was, Obama will never be investigated or charged. Remember, Susan rice was tasked with preserving Obama’s legacy. The corruption was from the top down. He has never been asked in a public interview since he left office about his communications with the Hilary server or if he or staff at the White House was in communication with the fbi. If he has, please post a link. I think it was Lisa page who said under testimony that the White House wanted to be informed about the investigation. As far as length of the investigation, both the Obama and early trump justice dept. refused to give the committee the information they asked for or purposefully redacted all the information. Operating procedure was stonewall, trump will be out of there soon.
“Oh you mean like the 220 year old law Flynn was charged with that is considered unconstitutional.”

Considered unconstitutional by whom? Only the Judicial branch can deem a law unconstitutional and they have not. Anyone else weighing in on the matter is merely offering their worthless opinion.
Obama and his his administration should all be in Federal Prison for obstruction of Justice.
Hillary was on Obamas plane flying to South Carolina while comey was about to speak about not charging Hillary

So Obama already knew what was gonna be said

All in collusion

Now what will happen to an ex president trying to do a coup on a current president in order to protect hillarys crimes?
Maybe if you made any effort to be informed you would recognize an informed opinion. Needless to say, your disdain for factual information informs the rest of us that you consult your ideology before you consult your brain.

No one has been successfully prosecuted for violating the Logan Act, which Congress passed in response to the actions of George Logan, a Pennsylvania doctor who went to France as a private citizen and tried to negotiate with officials there, according to the Congressional Research Service. Lawyers say there are questions about the constitutionality of the law pertaining to its vagueness and the First Amendment right to free speech.
The Obama Justice Department told the FBI not to charge Hillary Clinton with gross negligence, according to Rep. John Ratcliffe.
Did you read this part?

Page also testified that the DOJ and FBI had "multiple conversations ... about charging gross negligence," and the DOJ decided that the term was "constitutionally vague" and "had either never been done or had only been done once like 99 years ago," and so "they did not feel they could sustain.


  • Roberts Commission - Pearl Harbor - 285 days

  • 9/11 Commission - 478 days

  • Warren Commission - Kennedy Assassination - 300 days

  • Senate Watergate investigation - 406 days
    (69 indictments, 48 jailed).
  • Benghazi Committee - 956 days
0 indictments, 0 prosecutions 0 incarcerations.
Oh you mean like the 220 year old law Flynn was charged with that is considered unconstitutional. And it doesn’t matter how guilty someone is if the fix is in at the justice department, and it was, Obama will never be investigated or charged. Remember, Susan rice was tasked with preserving Obama’s legacy. The corruption was from the top down. He has never been asked in a public interview since he left office about his communications with the Hilary server or if he or staff at the White House was in communication with the fbi. If he has, please post a link. I think it was Lisa page who said under testimony that the White House wanted to be informed about the investigation. As far as length of the investigation, both the Obama and early trump justice dept. refused to give the committee the information they asked for or purposefully redacted all the information. Operating procedure was stonewall, trump will be out of there soon.
“Oh you mean like the 220 year old law Flynn was charged with that is considered unconstitutional.”

Considered unconstitutional by whom? Only the Judicial branch can deem a law unconstitutional and they have not. Anyone else weighing in on the matter is merely offering their worthless opinion.

If the supremes rule 5 to 4 on and issue where the men are on the losing side

That will not stand for long because the men will rise up
The Obama Justice Department told the FBI not to charge Hillary Clinton with gross negligence, according to Rep. John Ratcliffe.

No surprise here. No way you commit all that crime and walk away free without someone backing you up. Just wonder what secret dirt Hillary has on the Obamas.
Just the usual way of doing things when the person is obviously not guilty, super duper. No it is not a gigantic conspiracy of everyone in government law enforcement and journalism. Change the channel.
The problem with your theory is that Hillary is obviously guilty.

Reality says you are obviously nuts.

Seriously, if Clinton is obviously guilty then you need the GREATEST CONSPIRACY OF ALL TIME to explain her not getting prosecuted for commiting obvious crimes.

Maybe if you paid more attention to the facts instead of tennis and CNN you might know that James Comey himself laid out a list on national TV in July 2016 of all the felonies Hillary committed (just those directly involved with his investigation) enough to put ten people in jail for life---- ---- then rationalized her not being prosecuted (for which he had no authority to do). Meantime, the person who HAD the authority to put Hillary in jail, Loretta Lynch, was having lunch with her husband Slick Willie on the tarmac in his private jet, WHILE HIS WIFE WAS BEING INVESTIGATED.

Now it comes out the entire thing was a set up to protect Hillary from prosecution and keep her in the race by FBI'ers Peter Strozk and Lisa Page, soon to become a major new investigation leading all the way back to Barry (Obama). The entire Mueller thing has been a snowjob to keep Trump in the news and Hillary OUT of it. Now the entire thing is falling apart.

Gee, I learned that much while on my fucking back in the hospital.

Retard, go ahead and list the crimes worth 10 lifetimes in jail Comey laid out as he was declaring that no reasonable prosecutor would take this to court.

This ought to be good. :rolleyes:
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The Obama Justice Department told the FBI not to charge Hillary Clinton with gross negligence, according to Rep. John Ratcliffe.
Wouldn't that be obstruction of justice?

No it is not because it didn't happen Nunes is just getting competition for who is up Trump's ass more...

By the way... Please charge Hillary... Please... You have got nothing...

But when you do the gloves come off and Trump will serve time when he is finished his term of office...

Good one Cowboy....

I needed a laugh.

Thank you.
No surprise here. No way you commit all that crime and walk away free without someone backing you up. Just wonder what secret dirt Hillary has on the Obamas.
Just the usual way of doing things when the person is obviously not guilty, super duper. No it is not a gigantic conspiracy of everyone in government law enforcement and journalism. Change the channel.
The problem with your theory is that Hillary is obviously guilty.

Reality says you are obviously nuts.

Seriously, if Clinton is obviously guilty then you need the GREATEST CONSPIRACY OF ALL TIME to explain her not getting prosecuted for commiting obvious crimes.

Maybe if you paid more attention to the facts instead of tennis and CNN you might know that James Comey himself laid out a list on national TV in July 2016 of all the felonies Hillary committed (just those directly involved with his investigation) enough to put ten people in jail for life---- ---- then rationalized her not being prosecuted (for which he had no authority to do). Meantime, the person who HAD the authority to put Hillary in jail, Loretta Lynch, was having lunch with her husband Slick Willie on the tarmac in his private jet, WHILE HIS WIFE WAS BEING INVESTIGATED.

Now it comes out the entire thing was a set up to protect Hillary from prosecution and keep her in the race by FBI'ers Peter Strozk and Lisa Page, soon to become a major new investigation leading all the way back to Barry (Obama). The entire Mueller thing has been a snowjob to keep Trump in the news and Hillary OUT of it. Now the entire thing is falling apart.

Gee, I learned that much while on my fucking back in the hospital.

Retard, go ahead and list the crimes worth 10 lifetimes in jail Comey laid out as he was declaring that no reasonable prosecutor would take this to court.

This ought to be good. :rolleyes:

Hey imbecile, Comey laid that out on TV in stark detail in July 2016 before a national audience. It can be replayed on You Tube. Gowdy and others grilled him on it before the Congress. Since I've been on here, I've talked about it at least a dozen times while seeing maybe at least 30-40 threads covering the topic. If you have missed ALL OF THAT and are too lazy or stupid to go look it up yourself, not only must one ask of what possible good it could do to waste my time listing it all yet again just for your pathetic, doubtful edification, one must really wonder where someone like you gets off calling anyone else a "retard?"

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