The Obama legacy: 92898000 Americans not working


U-6 is down 5.5%

Anyway you look at it, unemployment has dropped dramatically

Stop your fucking lying. You are either a liar or a dumbass that doesn't know the difference between U-6 and U-3. Seeing that you are a Moon Bat then the dumbass explanation is probably it.

In February the U-6 rate was 11%.

U6 Unemployment Rate Portal Seven

The U-6 rate takes into consideration people that have gave up looking for work that the U-3 rate ignores. It is a much better indicator of unemployment.

Obama has been a failure you dumbass and you are too stupid to know it.
And OBTW.....

Know those 295,000 jobs dimocraps are crowing about?

They forgot to tell you that 320,000 NEW jobless claims were filed during the same time period.

And since Math is always an adventure with dimocraps, that leaves you with a net job growth of MINUS 25,000

dimocraps are what they are... You know the rest of it by now
The U-6 unemployment being over 11% tells us two things about Obama's economy:

1. Americans are hurting.

2. Not very many Americans that want a job can find one.

Throw in the high rate of poverty, the low workforce participation rate, the tremendous number of people on welfare and the fact that family income has decreased since Obama has been President and we have a good picture of his failed economic policy.

If the sonofabitch had worked on stimulating capitalism instead of stealing money from those that have it to give to the welfare queens then we have a much better economy now.
U-6 is down 5.5%

Anyway you look at it, unemployment has dropped dramatically

Let me know when the record number people on gov assistance goes down....
You are right

We need to do something about that. How about supporting a living wage?
Sorry bout that,

1. That means in reality that 33% of the work force isn't working, sure old people don't work, but that means a huge amount of able body people are not!
2. The bullshit I keep hearing is the unemployment rate is 7%….LIE!


I could be wrong, but I think it means that roughly 30% of the entire US population is not working. I am pretty sure that the 92.9 million includes kids and possibly the retired elderly.

Still, the number is a pretty massive one and it does put the lie to the fake BLS statistics about the alleged employment rate. I mean, it's really just stupid to think our unemployment rate is around 5.5%.

It is not a valid answer to point to the fact that these numbers (U-3 rather than U-6) are the same numbers which prior administrations have used. While that may be true, it doesn't make our actual unemployment situation any better.

U-6 is down 5.5%

Anyway you look at it, unemployment has dropped dramatically

Stop your fucking lying. You are either a liar or a dumbass that doesn't know the difference between U-6 and U-3. Seeing that you are a Moon Bat then the dumbass explanation is probably it.

In February the U-6 rate was 11%.

U6 Unemployment Rate Portal Seven

The U-6 rate takes into consideration people that have gave up looking for work that the U-3 rate ignores. It is a much better indicator of unemployment.

Obama has been a failure you dumbass and you are too stupid to know it.
You mean this rate that is down 6%?

Thanks president Obama


17.5% down to 11% ......Quite a drop in U6, don't ya think?

U-6 is down 5.5%

Anyway you look at it, unemployment has dropped dramatically

Stop your fucking lying. You are either a liar or a dumbass that doesn't know the difference between U-6 and U-3. Seeing that you are a Moon Bat then the dumbass explanation is probably it.

In February the U-6 rate was 11%.

U6 Unemployment Rate Portal Seven

The U-6 rate takes into consideration people that have gave up looking for work that the U-3 rate ignores. It is a much better indicator of unemployment.

Obama has been a failure you dumbass and you are too stupid to know it.
You mean this rate that is down 6%?

Thanks president Obama


Quite a drop, don't ya think?

If you believe the numbers (which I don't) that's a good start. Sure.

But why would anyone give "credit" to Obumbler for any improvement in the nation's employment figures? Is he hiring more Secret Service agents or sumpin'?
One nutter after another......desperate to soothe their butthurt over the fact that the US economy has improved under the guidance of President Barack Hussein Obama.
You really think this is an economic boom? How fucking stupid does a person have to be to believe that? If you ever choose to venture out of your mom's basement you will see things aren't all that great out here. God forbid your mom cut you off and make you participate in this sewer of obie's economy and support yourself. Maybe then you would actually get it.
Whether you can deal with it or not -- we are at full employment.

Left wing <> Reality

How Far Are We From Full Employment Brookings Institution

The Great Recession ended in the summer of 2009. The economy has expanded in all but one calendar quarter since the recovery began. Unfortunately, progress in pushing down the unemployment rate and improving worker compensation has been modest. The July 2013 unemployment rate was 7.4%. While this is much lower than the peak unemployment rate we experienced in fall 2009 (10.0%), it is 2.8 percentage points higher than the average rate in 2007. The nation’s job market remains a long way from full employment.
Exactly how insane must one be to think an opinion piece from 2013 is relevant in 2015? The article you quoted even says we were a long way from full employment ... that was true in 2013. But this is 2015 and we are now at full employment. Your acceptance of this fact is not really even necessary.
One nutter after another......desperate to soothe their butthurt over the fact that the US economy has improved under the guidance of President Barack Hussein Obama.
You really think this is an economic boom? How fucking stupid does a person have to be to believe that? If you ever choose to venture out of your mom's basement you will see things aren't all that great out here. God forbid your mom cut you off and make you participate in this sewer of obie's economy and support yourself. Maybe then you would actually get it.
Whether you can deal with it or not -- we are at full employment.

Left wing <> Reality

How Far Are We From Full Employment Brookings Institution

The Great Recession ended in the summer of 2009. The economy has expanded in all but one calendar quarter since the recovery began. Unfortunately, progress in pushing down the unemployment rate and improving worker compensation has been modest. The July 2013 unemployment rate was 7.4%. While this is much lower than the peak unemployment rate we experienced in fall 2009 (10.0%), it is 2.8 percentage points higher than the average rate in 2007. The nation’s job market remains a long way from full employment.
Exactly how insane must one be to think an opinion piece from 2013 is relevant in 2015? The article you quoted even says we were a long way from full employment ... that was true in 2013. But this is 2015 and we are now at full employment. Your acceptance of this fact is not really even necessary.

Words have no fixed meaning to you lunatic lolberals.

"Full" does NOT actually mean "partial."

Pass it on.
Good links. Liberals try to minimize these numbers by claiming that Bush left Obama with a horribly damaged economy and that that's why Obama's recovery has been weaker and slower than previous recoveries.

But that's simply false. Bush opposed and tried to stop the federal policies that did the most to cause the Great Recession, i.e., Freddie and Fannie's securing or financing over $1 trillion in high-risk (sub-prime) home loans, which led to the housing collapse and the financial meltdown. If Freddie and Fannie had not intervened in such a disastrous way, the amount of toxic assets would have been a fraction of what they were because there would have been drastically fewer sub-prime mortgages to bundle into toxic assets in the first place.


When President Bush announced his Minority Homeownership plans last week in Atlanta, his top priorities were new federal programs: a $2.4 billion tax credit to facilitate home purchases by lower-income first-time buyers, and a $200 million national down payment grant fund.

But none of the new federal programs--if passed by Congress--will come even close to achieving the 5.5 million-household increase in minority home ownership the President set as his target.

Instead, most of the heavy lifting was assigned to two mortgage market players that have sometimes come under fire from Bush administration officials and Congressional Republicans: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Fannie's and Freddie's commitments are the bedrock core of the President's ambitious plans
--but didn't get the headlines.
Fannie Mae agreed to increase its already substantial lending efforts to minority families by targeting another $260 billion of mortgage purchases to them during the next nine years. Freddie Mac agreed to buy an additional $180 billion in minority-household home loans during the same period.​

....... you were saying ... ?

U-6 is down 5.5%

Anyway you look at it, unemployment has dropped dramatically

Stop your fucking lying. You are either a liar or a dumbass that doesn't know the difference between U-6 and U-3. Seeing that you are a Moon Bat then the dumbass explanation is probably it.

In February the U-6 rate was 11%.

U6 Unemployment Rate Portal Seven

The U-6 rate takes into consideration people that have gave up looking for work that the U-3 rate ignores. It is a much better indicator of unemployment.

Obama has been a failure you dumbass and you are too stupid to know it.
You mean this rate that is down 6%?

Thanks president Obama


Quite a drop, don't ya think?

If you believe the numbers (which I don't) that's a good start. Sure.

But why would anyone give "credit" to Obumbler for any improvement in the nation's employment figures? Is he hiring more Secret Service agents or sumpin'?
It is more of an issue of you not understanding the numbers. You've already shown your ass when it comes to mathematics and statistics during the 2012 election. It wasn't pretty.
The U-6 unemployment being over 11% tells us two things about Obama's economy:

1. Americans are hurting.

2. Not very many Americans that want a job can find one.

Throw in the high rate of poverty, the low workforce participation rate, the tremendous number of people on welfare and the fact that family income has decreased since Obama has been President and we have a good picture of his failed economic policy.

If the sonofabitch had worked on stimulating capitalism instead of stealing money from those that have it to give to the welfare queens then we have a much better economy now.
U-6 is down 5.5%

Anyway you look at it, unemployment has dropped dramatically

Let me know when the record number people on gov assistance goes down....
You are right

We need to do something about that. How about supporting a living wage?

Now why would I want to do something that would drive up the cost of everything?

U-6 is down 5.5%

Anyway you look at it, unemployment has dropped dramatically

Stop your fucking lying. You are either a liar or a dumbass that doesn't know the difference between U-6 and U-3. Seeing that you are a Moon Bat then the dumbass explanation is probably it.

In February the U-6 rate was 11%.

U6 Unemployment Rate Portal Seven

The U-6 rate takes into consideration people that have gave up looking for work that the U-3 rate ignores. It is a much better indicator of unemployment.

Obama has been a failure you dumbass and you are too stupid to know it.
You mean this rate that is down 6%?

Thanks president Obama


Quite a drop, don't ya think?

If you believe the numbers (which I don't) that's a good start. Sure.

But why would anyone give "credit" to Obumbler for any improvement in the nation's employment figures? Is he hiring more Secret Service agents or sumpin'?
It is more of an issue of you not understanding the numbers. You've already shown your ass when it comes to mathematics and statistics during the 2012 election. It wasn't pretty.

Wrong as you tend to always be, duecebigadolt.

What I showed is that you ARE an ass.

You are easily confused.

Meanwhile, if we put aside your dishonest ad hominem efforts, your argument is reduced to -- nothing.

That's good. It is better for you to say nothing than your usual litany of dumb, dull and drek.

U-6 is down 5.5%

Anyway you look at it, unemployment has dropped dramatically

Stop your fucking lying. You are either a liar or a dumbass that doesn't know the difference between U-6 and U-3. Seeing that you are a Moon Bat then the dumbass explanation is probably it.

In February the U-6 rate was 11%.

U6 Unemployment Rate Portal Seven

The U-6 rate takes into consideration people that have gave up looking for work that the U-3 rate ignores. It is a much better indicator of unemployment.

Obama has been a failure you dumbass and you are too stupid to know it.
You mean this rate that is down 6%?

Thanks president Obama


Quite a drop, don't ya think?

If you believe the numbers (which I don't) that's a good start. Sure.

But why would anyone give "credit" to Obumbler for any improvement in the nation's employment figures? Is he hiring more Secret Service agents or sumpin'?
It is more of an issue of you not understanding the numbers. You've already shown your ass when it comes to mathematics and statistics during the 2012 election. It wasn't pretty.

Wrong as you tend to always be, duecebigadolt.

What I showed is that you ARE an ass.

You are easily confused.

Meanwhile, if we put aside your dishonest ad hominem efforts, your argument is reduced to -- nothing.

That's good. It is better for you to say nothing than your usual litany of dumb, dull and drek.
You bought the unskewed polls nonsense. Don't try to rewrite history now. You have a difficult time understanding math and stats.
Stop your fucking lying. You are either a liar or a dumbass that doesn't know the difference between U-6 and U-3. Seeing that you are a Moon Bat then the dumbass explanation is probably it.

In February the U-6 rate was 11%.

U6 Unemployment Rate Portal Seven

The U-6 rate takes into consideration people that have gave up looking for work that the U-3 rate ignores. It is a much better indicator of unemployment.

Obama has been a failure you dumbass and you are too stupid to know it.
You mean this rate that is down 6%?

Thanks president Obama


Quite a drop, don't ya think?

If you believe the numbers (which I don't) that's a good start. Sure.

But why would anyone give "credit" to Obumbler for any improvement in the nation's employment figures? Is he hiring more Secret Service agents or sumpin'?
It is more of an issue of you not understanding the numbers. You've already shown your ass when it comes to mathematics and statistics during the 2012 election. It wasn't pretty.

Wrong as you tend to always be, duecebigadolt.

What I showed is that you ARE an ass.

You are easily confused.

Meanwhile, if we put aside your dishonest ad hominem efforts, your argument is reduced to -- nothing.

That's good. It is better for you to say nothing than your usual litany of dumb, dull and drek.
You bought the unskewed polls nonsense. Don't try to rewrite history now. You have a difficult time understand math and stats.

You are wrong as always.

What I discussed was that some of the polls WERE skewed and that when one undertook an effort to cancel that shit out, the numbers were often quite different than the nonsense getting reported. (It is true nonetheless, that there were some difficulties in the methodology for unskewing the clearly skewed polls).

YOU lap up whatever "poll" supports your desired conclusion as though you had been given a chance to toss Obumbler's salad. Why? Because you are a willing tool. A hack. A bitch. That's the long and short of it, deuce.
Left wing <> Reality

How Far Are We From Full Employment Brookings Institution

The Great Recession ended in the summer of 2009. The economy has expanded in all but one calendar quarter since the recovery began. Unfortunately, progress in pushing down the unemployment rate and improving worker compensation has been modest. The July 2013 unemployment rate was 7.4%. While this is much lower than the peak unemployment rate we experienced in fall 2009 (10.0%), it is 2.8 percentage points higher than the average rate in 2007. The nation’s job market remains a long way from full employment.

That's awesome. Almost two year old numbers. Nice work.

By all means feel free to counter.

  1. Unemployment at 5.7 Percent for January 2015. The national unemployment rate ticked up a tenth of a percent in January 2015, to 5.7 percent. Unemployment has been under 6.0 percent since September 2014. Approximately 257,000 new jobs were created in January.Feb 6, 2015
Full employment is considered, by some to be around 5.2 percent unemployment, which seems strange since 5.2 percent are looking for work and a whole lot other are not.

We also have this:

What conclusions do you draw from the declining labor force participation rate?
Me that Baby Boomer Demographics are having an effect

4 million baby boomers are dropping out of the workforce voluntarily every year. That has placed a downward pressure on labor force participation for the last 17 years

Notice how we used to be perfectly happy with a labor force participation below 60 percent?
But without the LFPR, rightwingers would lose their only talking point. :eek:

U-6 is down 5.5%

Anyway you look at it, unemployment has dropped dramatically

Stop your fucking lying. You are either a liar or a dumbass that doesn't know the difference between U-6 and U-3. Seeing that you are a Moon Bat then the dumbass explanation is probably it.

In February the U-6 rate was 11%.

U6 Unemployment Rate Portal Seven

The U-6 rate takes into consideration people that have gave up looking for work that the U-3 rate ignores. It is a much better indicator of unemployment.

Obama has been a failure you dumbass and you are too stupid to know it.
You mean this rate that is down 6%?

Thanks president Obama


Quite a drop, don't ya think?

If you believe the numbers (which I don't) that's a good start. Sure.

But why would anyone give "credit" to Obumbler for any improvement in the nation's employment figures? Is he hiring more Secret Service agents or sumpin'?

Denial....then, Obama didn't do it

About what I expected
You see folks, they really do take YOU for stupid. they think they can throw out these Unemployment is down to 5.5% and just hope you fall for it like some here has...But the majority of the people see through their disgusting LIES and DECEPTIONS.
Well, yes ... we do take you for stupid. But we have good reason to. For example, here you are claiming the unemployment rate wasn't really as low as 4.4% in 2007. :cuckoo:
You mean this rate that is down 6%?

Thanks president Obama


Quite a drop, don't ya think?

If you believe the numbers (which I don't) that's a good start. Sure.

But why would anyone give "credit" to Obumbler for any improvement in the nation's employment figures? Is he hiring more Secret Service agents or sumpin'?
It is more of an issue of you not understanding the numbers. You've already shown your ass when it comes to mathematics and statistics during the 2012 election. It wasn't pretty.

Wrong as you tend to always be, duecebigadolt.

What I showed is that you ARE an ass.

You are easily confused.

Meanwhile, if we put aside your dishonest ad hominem efforts, your argument is reduced to -- nothing.

That's good. It is better for you to say nothing than your usual litany of dumb, dull and drek.
You bought the unskewed polls nonsense. Don't try to rewrite history now. You have a difficult time understand math and stats.

You are wrong as always.

What I discussed was that some of the polls WERE skewed and that when one undertook an effort to cancel that shit out, the numbers were often quite different than the nonsense getting reported. (It is true nonetheless, that there were some difficulties in the methodology for unskewing the clearly skewed polls).

YOU lap up whatever "poll" supports your desired conclusion as though you had been given a chance to toss Obumbler's salad. Why? Because you are a willing tool. A hack. A bitch. That's the long and short of it, deuce.
Wrong, as usual. I follow the polls closely and don't support only those that give me a desired conclusion. I wasn't in denial about the Dems taking a beating in 2014. You on the other hand unskew those that don't fit your desired conclusion. Who's the hack again?

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