The Obama legacy: 92898000 Americans not working

:) AzMike admits defeat. He is such a far right twerker and gastric penguin belching mouth farts.

The numbers munch you up. Only 16 odd million can be out of work if we count every last man, woman, child, infant, all the sick lame and lazy, at 5.5% of the WHOLE population.
The U-6 unemployment being over 11% tells us two things about Obama's economy:

1. Americans are hurting.

2. Not very many Americans that want a job can find one.

Throw in the high rate of poverty, the low workforce participation rate, the tremendous number of people on welfare and the fact that family income has decreased since Obama has been President and we have a good picture of his failed economic policy.

If the sonofabitch had worked on stimulating capitalism instead of stealing money from those that have it to give to the welfare queens then we have a much better economy now.
The fact that we have more people in this country getting payments from the government that we have with jobs tells you everything you need to know about how bad of a job Obama has done.
WTF did obie have to do with that?

If you had bothered to click on the link you would not have to ask but after all you are a blow hard ignoramus conservative Right winger...its what you do...shoot off your mouth with the brain in Park...

Biosimilars are possible thanks to the Affordable Care Act and the law’s promise to bring cheaper versions of expensive biotech drugs to the U.S. market.

FULL story at link.

Read more: First Copycat Biotech Drug Spurs 250B Obamacare Savings - Forbes
:) AzMike admits defeat. He is such a far right twerker and gastric penguin belching mouth farts.

The numbers munch you up. Only 16 odd million can be out of work if we count every last man, woman, child, infant, all the sick lame and lazy, at 5.5% of the WHOLE population.
There comes a point in the day when disputing retards get's old. If you're too stupid to grasp the subject I don't feel the need to point out thee same things over and over again.
:) AzMike admits defeat. He is such a far right twerker and gastric penguin belching mouth farts.

The numbers munch you up. Only 16 odd million can be out of work if we count every last man, woman, child, infant, all the sick lame and lazy, at 5.5% of the WHOLE population.
There comes a point in the day when disputing retards get's old. If you're too stupid to grasp the subject I don't feel the need to point out thee same things over and over again.
The lie begins with the number 93 million.

When logic of number is used to demonstrate the lie, you simply admit your defeat above.
Obama has his PAID tools on this site folks...

YOU know who they don't let them derail you from the FACTS
One nutter after another......desperate to soothe their butthurt over the fact that the US economy has improved under the guidance of President Barack Hussein Obama.
You really think this is an economic boom? How fucking stupid does a person have to be to believe that? If you ever choose to venture out of your mom's basement you will see things aren't all that great out here. God forbid your mom cut you off and make you participate in this sewer of obie's economy and support yourself. Maybe then you would actually get it.
Whether you can deal with it or not -- we are at full employment.

Hardly. And the majority of those jobs are shit jobs to be filled by illegals.
One nutter after another......desperate to soothe their butthurt over the fact that the US economy has improved under the guidance of President Barack Hussein Obama.
You really think this is an economic boom? How fucking stupid does a person have to be to believe that? If you ever choose to venture out of your mom's basement you will see things aren't all that great out here. God forbid your mom cut you off and make you participate in this sewer of obie's economy and support yourself. Maybe then you would actually get it.
Whether you can deal with it or not -- we are at full employment.

Hardly. And the majority of those jobs are shit jobs to be filled by illegals.
Reading without reflecting is like eating without digesting.
Edmund Burke

It appears to me that your last chart does not necessarily support your contention. It appears to me to be a chart comparing Male/Female educational levels not the percentage of the population.

Which is meaningless unless woman, and men, are getting degrees in fields that are in demand. An English degree, even advanced, might land you a decent job, an engineering degree almost guaranteed especially for women and minorities.

I am also thinking that maybe men have seen this treand and are going for vocational training which will also land a decent job.

Here is a link to information which may or may not support your contention:

College Enrollment and Work Activity of 2013 High School Graduates

From your link.

In October 2013, 65.9 percent of 2013 high school graduates were enrolled in colleges or universities, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Recent high school graduates not enrolled in college in October 2013 were over twice as likely as enrolled graduates to be working or looking for work--74.2 percent compared with 34.1 percent.

So, how does that support the contention made?

Is there an adult in your trailer that can help you?

A high percentage of high school graduates are enrolled in college. And they are half as likely to be working or looking for work.

Did you bump you head on the floor boards? Basement ceiling can be quite low, careful. End of discussion. have been schooled, and you are running home with your tail between your legs...

Realy truth, you're a childish insulting liberal tool which I have no time for. If you think the country is so great then why in the hell do liberals bitch so much about everything?? don't answer, end of discussion.
A thank you to the Great President Obama ...


How many did Obama hire?
Oh that is such a clever response ...NOT...just a wing nut non sequitur

Well, if we read the charts supplied by the left wing tools they are saying that Public employment has dropped under Obama. Since this really is all he has control over then I would say he has done nothing to turn the tide. Matter of fact if there was a turn in the tide, then Obama held it back more then helped it. The last 6 years and history proves that fact.
One nutter after another......desperate to soothe their butthurt over the fact that the US economy has improved under the guidance of President Barack Hussein Obama.
You really think this is an economic boom? How fucking stupid does a person have to be to believe that? If you ever choose to venture out of your mom's basement you will see things aren't all that great out here. God forbid your mom cut you off and make you participate in this sewer of obie's economy and support yourself. Maybe then you would actually get it.
Whether you can deal with it or not -- we are at full employment.

Hardly. And the majority of those jobs are shit jobs to be filled by illegals.

So you are so ill informed you dont know the number of mexicans allowed into our country?
You might want to think about giving up political message dont even get the basics.
From your link.

In October 2013, 65.9 percent of 2013 high school graduates were enrolled in colleges or universities, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Recent high school graduates not enrolled in college in October 2013 were over twice as likely as enrolled graduates to be working or looking for work--74.2 percent compared with 34.1 percent.

So, how does that support the contention made?

Is there an adult in your trailer that can help you?

A high percentage of high school graduates are enrolled in college. And they are half as likely to be working or looking for work.

Did you bump you head on the floor boards? Basement ceiling can be quite low, careful. End of discussion. have been schooled, and you are running home with your tail between your legs...

Realy truth, you're a childish insulting liberal tool which I have no time for. If you think the country is so great then why in the hell do liberals bitch so much about everything?? don't answer, end of discussion.


You need a new avatar...

The U-6 unemployment being over 11% tells us two things about Obama's economy:

1. Americans are hurting.

2. Not very many Americans that want a job can find one.

Throw in the high rate of poverty, the low workforce participation rate, the tremendous number of people on welfare and the fact that family income has decreased since Obama has been President and we have a good picture of his failed economic policy.

If the sonofabitch had worked on stimulating capitalism instead of stealing money from those that have it to give to the welfare queens then we have a much better economy now.
U-6 is down 5.5%

Anyway you look at it, unemployment has dropped dramatically
The U-6 unemployment being over 11% tells us two things about Obama's economy:

1. Americans are hurting.

2. Not very many Americans that want a job can find one.

Throw in the high rate of poverty, the low workforce participation rate, the tremendous number of people on welfare and the fact that family income has decreased since Obama has been President and we have a good picture of his failed economic policy.

If the sonofabitch had worked on stimulating capitalism instead of stealing money from those that have it to give to the welfare queens then we have a much better economy now.
U-6 is down 5.5%

Anyway you look at it, unemployment has dropped dramatically

Let me know when the record number people on gov assistance goes down....
Well, if we read the charts supplied by the left wing tools they are saying that Public employment has dropped under Obama. Since this really is all he has control over then I would say he has done nothing to turn the tide. Matter of fact if there was a turn in the tide, then Obama held it back more then helped it. The last 6 years and history proves that fact.

You would be wrong to assume any such thing.

the Lying Cocksucker in Chief has increased FEDERAL employment exponentially.

The 'Public Employment' chart that lying dimocrap like to point to includes State, County, City and all other forms of Public Employment.

Federal Jobs, which is the only thing the Lying Cocksucker in Chief has control over has increased dramatically since his infestation of the white house.

Federal Employment has increased at over 3 times the rate of Private Employment.

dimocraps are lying scum


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