The Obama legacy: 92898000 Americans not working

A thank you to the Great President Obama ...


How many did Obama hire?
Oh that is such a clever response ...NOT...just a wing nut non sequitur
Republicans have to learn how to read and write first.

Does you mom know you are up this early?

You men that Republicans can not read or write but took over all the evil corporations? Quite a feat.

What is a 'you mom'?

Oops, should have said yo momma.

Oh, how cute, a racial slur. How intelligent...

How, other then projection, do you get that to be a racial slur?
It's all he has left.
the US economy has improved...

your opinion ? or do you have proof the economy IS improving ?

MY OPINION.., is that the economy is NOT improving when 93 MILLION employable American are NOT working.

i guess when everything is down a liberfool says and feeeeels it is up.
the US economy has improved...

your opinion ? or do you have proof the economy IS improving ?

MY OPINION.., is that the economy is NOT improving when 93 MILLION employable American are NOT working.

i guess when everything is down a liberfool says and feeeeels it is up.

There is ample proof. It's been posted here hundreds of times. Eat shit.
Eat shit.
That would make him a "cannibal" among conservatives...

Shortly after the A.C.A. passed, in 2010, a group of conservative lawyers met at a conference in Washington, D.C., sponsored by the American Enterprise Institute, and scoured the nine-hundred-page text of the law, looking for grist for possible lawsuits. Michael Greve, a board member of the Competitive Enterprise Institute, a libertarian outfit funded by, among others, the Koch brothers, said, of the law, “This bastard has to be killed as a matter of political hygiene. I do not care how this is done, whether it’s dismembered, whether we drive a stake through its heart, whether we tar and feather it and drive it out of town, whether we strangle it.” In time, lawyers hired by the C.E.I. discovered four words buried in Section 36B, which refers to the exchanges—now known as marketplaces—where people can buy health-insurance policies. The A.C.A. created federal tax subsidies for those earning less than a certain income to help pay for their premiums and other expenses, and, in describing who is eligible, Section 36B refers to exchanges “established by the State.” However, thirty-four states, most of them under Republican control, refused to create exchanges; for residents of such states, the law had established a federal exchange. But, according to the conjurings of the C.E.I. attorneys, the subsidies should be granted only to people who bought policies on the state exchanges, because of those four words in Section 36B. The lawyers recruited plaintiffs and filed a lawsuit; their goal is to revoke the subsidies provided to the roughly seven and a half million people who were left no choice by the states where they live but to buy on the federal exchange. Hard Cases By Jeffrey Toobin The New Yorker March 9, 2015 Issue
One nutter after another......desperate to soothe their butthurt over the fact that the US economy has improved under the guidance of President Barack Hussein Obama.
You really think this is an economic boom? How fucking stupid does a person have to be to believe that? If you ever choose to venture out of your mom's basement you will see things aren't all that great out here. God forbid your mom cut you off and make you participate in this sewer of obie's economy and support yourself. Maybe then you would actually get it.
Whether you can deal with it or not -- we are at full employment.

Left wing <> Reality

How Far Are We From Full Employment Brookings Institution

The Great Recession ended in the summer of 2009. The economy has expanded in all but one calendar quarter since the recovery began. Unfortunately, progress in pushing down the unemployment rate and improving worker compensation has been modest. The July 2013 unemployment rate was 7.4%. While this is much lower than the peak unemployment rate we experienced in fall 2009 (10.0%), it is 2.8 percentage points higher than the average rate in 2007. The nation’s job market remains a long way from full employment.

That's awesome. Almost two year old numbers. Nice work.

By all means feel free to counter.

  1. Unemployment at 5.7 Percent for January 2015. The national unemployment rate ticked up a tenth of a percent in January 2015, to 5.7 percent. Unemployment has been under 6.0 percent since September 2014. Approximately 257,000 new jobs were created in January.Feb 6, 2015
Full employment is considered, by some to be around 5.2 percent unemployment, which seems strange since 5.2 percent are looking for work and a whole lot other are not.

We also have this:

What conclusions do you draw from the declining labor force participation rate?
Well, they don't seem to care. He's now going to add millions more with the generous wave of his tyrant pen and give Legal statues to people who came here by breaking our laws

so we are suppose to be grateful for OBama being sent to us from the heavens above.

He be the ONE
Good links. Liberals try to minimize these numbers by claiming that Bush left Obama with a horribly damaged economy and that that's why Obama's recovery has been weaker and slower than previous recoveries.

But that's simply false. Bush opposed and tried to stop the federal policies that did the most to cause the Great Recession, i.e., Freddie and Fannie's securing or financing over $1 trillion in high-risk (sub-prime) home loans, which led to the housing collapse and the financial meltdown. If Freddie and Fannie had not intervened in such a disastrous way, the amount of toxic assets would have been a fraction of what they were because there would have been drastically fewer sub-prime mortgages to bundle into toxic assets in the first place.

Horse shit total absolute 100 percent pure unadulterated Horse shit...
Bush administration ignored clear warnings - NBC News

WASHINGTON —The Bush administration backed off proposed crackdowns on no-money-down, interest-only mortgages years before the economy collapsed, buckling to pressure from some of the same banks that have now failed. It ignored remarkably prescient warnings that foretold the financial meltdown, according to an Associated Press review of regulatory documents.

“Expect fallout, expect foreclosures, expect horror stories,” California mortgage lender Paris Welch wrote to U.S. regulators in January 2006, about one year before the housing implosion cost her a job.

Bowing to aggressive lobbying — along with assurances from banks that the troubled mortgages were OK — regulators delayed action for nearly one year. By the time new rules were released late in 2006, the toughest of the proposed provisions were gone and the meltdown was under way.
A thank you to the Great President Obama ...


How many did Obama hire?
Not many

Overall employment increased in spite of Republican insistence on restricting government hiring

Obama was the only president expected to recover from a major recession without government hiring
Those shit heads eliminated over a half million public sector jobs...this has led in Florida where I live to absolutely dysfunctional Corrections Department that regularly murders inmates including by boiling them alive in order to keep control amidst Rick Scott cuts to funding

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