"The Obamacare implosion is worse than you think"

There will be no obama implosion the media will prevent it and the low information voter will accept it. That's just the fact of life.
The good news is that eventually the bad news will get out. It's probably too late to do much good. Jobs, income and insurance policies are already lost -- even if there is a delay Blue Cross Blue Shield won't be able to say, "Come back to us at your old rates and deductions". Nor will employers be able to say, "Come back to work for us at your old hourly level for one more year before we have to let you go again". But at least the news will eventually be told. I hope.

Marc Thiessen: The Obamacare implosion is worse than you think - The Washington Post

From the opinion piece:

Plans with the least expensive monthly premiums — highlighted by state and federal officials as proof the new law will keep costs low for consumers — have deductibles as high as $6,350 for individuals and $12,700 for families.” Even with federal subsidies, few Americans will bother to buy insurance with a $4,000 to $12,700 deductible — and millions won’t even be eligible for the subsidies.

The author seems to be ignorant of the fact that the Bronze plans are the ones which have the high deductibles. The Silver and Gold plans are the ones with subsidies. He's conflating the different plans.

The Bronze plans are for the voluntarily uinsured who are mandated to buy insurance but don't want to pay a lot.

If you are voluntarily uninsured, you have an infinite deductible, so a $5,000 Bronze plan deductible is far less painful should you get ill.

you cant have you liberal cake and eat it too you cant trumpet the low monthly cost of the bronze plan then turn around and trumpet the lower deductible of a silver plan it is either or not both. you cant have the lower monthly rate of the bronze plan with the lower deductible of the silver plan
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Hey! Does anybody remember when there was some sort of government shutdown? It seems so long ago now.

Which one are you talking about the one at the beginning of the year or the one two weeks ago?

I don't know. The shutdown that was supposed to destroy the economy and cause children to die. Oh wait, maybe I'm thinking of the sequester? Sheesh! I can't keep up with all the apocalypses.
An accurate opinion.

Beyond that, it’s helpful to bear in mind the characteristics of the Obama White House. This is the group that for weeks knowingly misled the public on the events surrounding the lethal attacks on the American diplomatic outpost in Benghazi. That claimed that the Affordable Care Act was both a tax and not a tax, depending on what the circumstances required. That hatched the sequestration idea, then denied it, and then blamed Republicans for it. That has perfected the art of stonewalling. That is lawless. And that ran a campaign in 2012 that was unusually vicious and dishonest, up to and including blaming Mitt Romney for the cancer death of a steelworker’s wife.

We have as president a man who routinely slanders his political opponents, distorting what they believe, even as he bemoans the lack of civility in public discourse. He constantly makes assertions that are obviously untrue. And it doesn’t matter to him. He keeps doing it because, at least until now, the media has given him something approaching a free pass.

I have no idea if Mr. Obama was born mendacious or whether he learned the habit somewhere along the way. What I do know is that Barack Obama is thoroughly post-modern. Words and facts have no objective standing with him; they are socially constructed, unmoored, infinitely malleable, a way to create his own reality and advance his own self-interest.

Mr. Obama clearly believes that because his agenda is right and noble and his opponents are benighted and evil, he has license to say pretty much whatever he wants pretty much whenever he wants. After all, anything that advances his agenda while rebuffing the (choose your descriptor) nihilistic, anarchistic, heartless, ruthless, Taliban-like Republicans is allowable. Even encouraged. It’s the Chicago Way.

Mr. Obama, then, has a deeply defective public character. He simply makes things up as he goes along. He invents his own reality. And the fact that he is inflicting significant and durable harm to our political culture, and to America itself, seems to bother him not one bit.

There is something quite disturbing about this president’s capacity to mislead people with such ease and with such relish. He’s not a man who can be trusted with power.

The Mendacious Mr. Obama « Commentary Magazine
An accurate opinion.

Beyond that, it’s helpful to bear in mind the characteristics of the Obama White House. This is the group that for weeks knowingly misled the public on the events surrounding the lethal attacks on the American diplomatic outpost in Benghazi. That claimed that the Affordable Care Act was both a tax and not a tax, depending on what the circumstances required. That hatched the sequestration idea, then denied it, and then blamed Republicans for it. That has perfected the art of stonewalling. That is lawless. And that ran a campaign in 2012 that was unusually vicious and dishonest, up to and including blaming Mitt Romney for the cancer death of a steelworker’s wife.

We have as president a man who routinely slanders his political opponents, distorting what they believe, even as he bemoans the lack of civility in public discourse. He constantly makes assertions that are obviously untrue. And it doesn’t matter to him. He keeps doing it because, at least until now, the media has given him something approaching a free pass.

I have no idea if Mr. Obama was born mendacious or whether he learned the habit somewhere along the way. What I do know is that Barack Obama is thoroughly post-modern. Words and facts have no objective standing with him; they are socially constructed, unmoored, infinitely malleable, a way to create his own reality and advance his own self-interest.

Mr. Obama clearly believes that because his agenda is right and noble and his opponents are benighted and evil, he has license to say pretty much whatever he wants pretty much whenever he wants. After all, anything that advances his agenda while rebuffing the (choose your descriptor) nihilistic, anarchistic, heartless, ruthless, Taliban-like Republicans is allowable. Even encouraged. It’s the Chicago Way.

Mr. Obama, then, has a deeply defective public character. He simply makes things up as he goes along. He invents his own reality. And the fact that he is inflicting significant and durable harm to our political culture, and to America itself, seems to bother him not one bit.

There is something quite disturbing about this president’s capacity to mislead people with such ease and with such relish. He’s not a man who can be trusted with power.

The Mendacious Mr. Obama « Commentary Magazine

Nailed it!

There will be no obama implosion the media will prevent it and the low information voter will accept it. That's just the fact of life.

Needs repeating There will be no obama implosion

i agree, the media won't get on him, but what i really do beleive will happen is people are going to find out the program isn't what they were expecting. even if their premiums are paid because they are low income, the ystill won't be able to afford to use it. then you are going to have the group who are forced to buy it, get little to no subsidies, and then will have a plan they cant afford to use. what they will be paying in deductibles, they could have normally covered out of pocket anyway. the plans will not benefit the majority for their day to day requirements, which is most people. and that is not at all what they are expecting.
There will be no obama implosion the media will prevent it and the low information voter will accept it. That's just the fact of life.

Needs repeating There will be no obama implosion

i agree, the media won't get on him, but what i really do beleive will happen is people are going to find out the program isn't what they were expecting. even if their premiums are paid because they are low income, the ystill won't be able to afford to use it. then you are going to have the group who are forced to buy it, get little to no subsidies, and then will have a plan they cant afford to use. what they will be paying in deductibles, they could have normally covered out of pocket anyway. the plans will not benefit the majority for their day to day requirements, which is most people. and that is not at all what they are expecting.

I agree the only way you'll get the attention of the low information voter is by the wallet. But main stream will deflect it, it will take time, I may be wrong. But if the people haven't had enough by now nothing will do it.
Needs repeating There will be no obama implosion

i agree, the media won't get on him, but what i really do beleive will happen is people are going to find out the program isn't what they were expecting. even if their premiums are paid because they are low income, the ystill won't be able to afford to use it. then you are going to have the group who are forced to buy it, get little to no subsidies, and then will have a plan they cant afford to use. what they will be paying in deductibles, they could have normally covered out of pocket anyway. the plans will not benefit the majority for their day to day requirements, which is most people. and that is not at all what they are expecting.

I agree the only way you'll get the attention of the low information voter is by the wallet. But main stream will deflect it, it will take time, I may be wrong. But if the people haven't had enough by now nothing will do it.
i think obama and the democrats have a few key strikes that will weigh heavy in the next elections. Their attack on the 2nd amendment. this won't impact the low information voter but it will sour many traditional democratic voters against them. a lot of the swing vote too. Jobs and the economy. They are not better and the people impacted still remain impacted. the economy has only gotten better for people with money. but obamacare is going to impact a lot of the lower income class voters just above the welfare mark. they will have minimal to no subsidies and will be forced to pay something against the premium. and that something is money they don't have. now they are faced that to used the plan they just bought, it will cost them more money. most won't realize it until they submit that first $600 bill and find out they have ot pay for all of it. it will also effect a lot of the middle class who currently buy their own insurance and will either see a significant increase in their plans along with higher out of pocket costs, or lose their current plan altogether and end up having to busy something else, no better or even worse.
At the risk of piling on...well, WTF...it is a Friday;

Obama as a Chess Master...

"...If Obama were a chess master — or even a fairly adept checkers novice — he would have known that when you’re not ready to do something incredibly important, it’s best to buy time. He could have traded a delay (three months? six months?) for some major budget concessions, maybe even lifting the sequester. Perhaps his base wouldn’t have liked it, but he could have easily spun the compromise as a necessity given how irrational and “extreme” the GOP was being.

Publicly he’d say he was paying a ransom to “kidnappers” and “hostage takers.” He’d denounce Republicans for delaying precious insurance coverage for sick kids and frail oldsters just to score partisan and ideological points.

But privately, ah, privately, the master strategist would be stroking his proverbial white cat — or, in reality, his hypoallergenic black dog — while breathing a sigh of relief that he bought himself some time to fix his woefully mangled health-care reform.

Obviously he wouldn’t want to delay Obamacare. But that decision was out of his hands due to his administration’s incompetence. The only choice before him was whether he would get the blame for the delay or if the Republicans would.

Why Obama didn’t do this and why it didn’t occur to him are good questions. Hubris obviously played a role, as it does in nearly everything this White House does. But the best answer is he didn’t know how terrible things were over at HHS. In other words, the chess master didn’t even know what pieces he had on the board, which is usually not something we associate with chess masters. It’s something we associate with people who don’t even know how to play the game."

Obama: The Myth of the Master Strategist | National Review Online
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Not only is it worse then we think...
It's probably even worse then that....

The president doesn't care that he lied.
He doesn't even care that he got caught at it.

He's a big government guy who will do whatever he feels is necessary to save us from ourselves.
CBS is back to shilling. Back to the "premiums will be lower than predicted" line. If premiums are lower than "predicted", does that mean that families will save even more than $2500 on their premiums?


Once open enrollment is closed, the market for 2014 is set. And in fact, premiums on the exchange for 2014 are going to be lower than predicted. Additionally, consumers will have a wide selection of plans to choose from: an enrollee in one of the 36 states served by HealthCare.gov will be able to choose from an average of 53 different plans.

It's no surprise the market looks strong for 2014 -- it offers a large potential new market for insurers. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office predicted earlier this year that about 7 million people will sign up during the six-month open enrollment period. By 2023, 25 million are expected to be on the new marketplace.


Despite major Obamacare problems, a "death spiral" is unlikely - CBS News
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CBS is back to shilling. Back to the "premiums will be lower than predicted" line. If premiums are lower than "predicted", does that mean that families will save even more than $2500 on their premiums?


Once open enrollment is closed, the market for 2014 is set. And in fact, premiums on the exchange for 2014 are going to be lower than predicted. Additionally, consumers will have a wide selection of plans to choose from: an enrollee in one of the 36 states served by HealthCare.gov will be able to choose from an average of 53 different plans.

It's no surprise the market looks strong for 2014 -- it offers a large potential new market for insurers. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office predicted earlier this year that about 7 million people will sign up during the six-month open enrollment period. By 2023, 25 million are expected to be on the new marketplace.


Despite major Obamacare problems, a "death spiral" is unlikely - CBS News

book handed to Sebelius at the hearing



Sebelius Explains How Obamacare Isn't Like Tickle-Me Elmo - NationalJournal.com

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