"The Obamacare implosion is worse than you think"

White House: Half of young adults can get coverage for $50

The Obama administration released a report Monday evening claiming that half of single, uninsured adults will be able to purchase coverage for under $50 a month under Obamacare.

More than 1 million single adults between the ages of 18 and 35 will be able to purchase the lowest cost bronze plan on the new insurance exchanges for under $50, the report from the Health and Human Services agency says. That’s about 46 percent of uninsured young adults in the 34 states that provided information to the agency. An additional 1 million single, uninsured young adults would qualify for Medicaid in these states, due to the expansion of the program.

White House: Half of young adults can get coverage for $50

The Obama administration released a report Monday evening claiming that half of single, uninsured adults will be able to purchase coverage for under $50 a month under Obamacare.

More than 1 million single adults between the ages of 18 and 35 will be able to purchase the lowest cost bronze plan on the new insurance exchanges for under $50, the report from the Health and Human Services agency says. That’s about 46 percent of uninsured young adults in the 34 states that provided information to the agency. An additional 1 million single, uninsured young adults would qualify for Medicaid in these states, due to the expansion of the program.


Always reed the fine print. The less than $100 premium, catastrophic plan, has a $6,350 deductible.....
White House: Half of young adults can get coverage for $50

The Obama administration released a report Monday evening claiming that half of single, uninsured adults will be able to purchase coverage for under $50 a month under Obamacare.

More than 1 million single adults between the ages of 18 and 35 will be able to purchase the lowest cost bronze plan on the new insurance exchanges for under $50, the report from the Health and Human Services agency says. That’s about 46 percent of uninsured young adults in the 34 states that provided information to the agency. An additional 1 million single, uninsured young adults would qualify for Medicaid in these states, due to the expansion of the program.


Always reed the fine print. The less than $100 premium, catastrophic plan, has a $6,350 deductible.....

This is in line with buying ocean front property in AZ...

Who is going to pay a $6,350 deductible that works at McDonalds?

Maybe the manager? Wait he already has coverage?
Wow. A 63-year-old called into Hannity to tell the lengths she had to go to in order to keep her insurance with BCBS. That call needs to be made available for distribution via youtube or something. First of all her premiums increased dramatically. Good news is she is now covered for pregnancy. But she had to reapply and the application packet she received was 1/4" thick. She was required to contact every doctor she has seen in the past 10 years. She had to employ multiple clerical skills including faxing -- things beyond the skill set of Obama's target demographic, many of whom, according to Democrats, don't even have the skill set required to obtain a government ID.

You gotta love it.

I am covered for pregnancy, contraception, abortion and newborn care. I am 67 years old. What I lost, because government studies no longer find them necessary are mammograms, and cancer screenings. Instead of every year, I can get them every five years.

Since my benefits have increased so dramatically, I must pay for the increased coverage. Democrats are very quick to point out that I now have insurance I didn't have before. See how good it's been already?

I pay a lot in premiums for my 3 insurances. I think I could get the Medicare one down, but it would take a tank of gas to go fill out the paperwork and is likely less expensive to just wait until they adjust it down automatically. I pay a combined total of $477 for my insurances. Together they pay for everything except the out of pocket copays for pills, and a little left over on the $100,000 a year medicine. The pharmacy gets a grant for everyone who isn't working so they don't have to pay the copay out of pocket. This is an 'orphan' disease so not treatable with inexpensive medications. I declined it, but they said they don't ask, they just do it for everyone who isn't working because if you have such a terrible medical illness you shouldn't have to worry about money. When I die, I will have my children put in the organization for donations in lieu of flowers.
:boohoo: cry me a river.


Rw'ers could have filled the Delaware river w/ the amt of whines on this thread


Medicare Part D didn't start out very well either but people seem to use its benefits.

Carry on.
:boohoo: cry me a river.


Rw'ers could have filled the Delaware river w/ the amt of whines on this thread


Medicare Part D didn't start out very well either but people seem to use its benefits.

Carry on.

[ame=http://youtu.be/wfl55GgHr5E]"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan." - Barack Obama - YouTube[/ame]
:boohoo: cry me a river.


Rw'ers could have filled the Delaware river w/ the amt of whines on this thread


Medicare Part D didn't start out very well either but people seem to use its benefits.

Carry on.

Another fine example of a leftist caring about his fellow man.
Dot is writhing in embarrassment about the liar he supported and he doesn't know how to react so he's lashing out.
People were worried about whether they could keep their doctors. They never imagined that their doctors might not keep them.
Obamacare recipients will be lucky if they can even get an appointment with a third world P.A. (physicians assistant) practicing here on a visa.
White House: Half of young adults can get coverage for $50

The Obama administration released a report Monday evening claiming that half of single, uninsured adults will be able to purchase coverage for under $50 a month under Obamacare.

More than 1 million single adults between the ages of 18 and 35 will be able to purchase the lowest cost bronze plan on the new insurance exchanges for under $50, the report from the Health and Human Services agency says. That’s about 46 percent of uninsured young adults in the 34 states that provided information to the agency. An additional 1 million single, uninsured young adults would qualify for Medicaid in these states, due to the expansion of the program.


Remind me again where they're expecting the money to pay for all those subsidies and Medicaid accounts to come from ....
Obama accused of breaking promise to consumers as health plans cancel policies - The Washington Post


Rosalie Lacorazza, 42, and her husband, Leo Scott, 42, received a letter a few weeks ago from CareFirst notifying the Arlington couple about coming changes to their coverage. Lacorazza, an independent consultant, and Scott, who heads a small start-up company, pay about $450 a month for a health plan that allows them to choose their own doctors. Their out-of-pocket costs are capped at $2,800.

The Sept. 20 letter from CareFirst informed the couple that their plan does not meet the new requirements of the health-care law. As a result, “your current plan will cease upon your anniversary date” of March 1, the letter said.

The couple was given three options: apply for a new plan on the federal exchange, with coverage to begin Jan. 1; temporarily remain in their current plan beyond that date; or do nothing, in which case they would eventually lose coverage.

Lacorazza logged on to HealthCare.gov twice and got far enough to review insurance plans. Her initial search shocked her. The first plan with comparable deductibles was going to cost the couple nearly $2,100 a month. The second one would cost about $1,200 a month. The couple hasn’t decided what to do.

“In the end, if we’re forced to take a plan that is three times as much as we currently pay, and we like the plan we’re in, and if his promise was that we could keep our plan, that’s breaking his promise,” Scott said.
Here's a link I got off of the healthcare.gov facebook page. You can click on your state, enter in generic info and get some numbers.

Health Insurance Exchanges

I entered info for our family (even though we won't be using the (un)aca) just to see the numbers. Regardless of the plan we qualified for nearly $1,340 in subsidy money. Oh, sorry. It says "Your income qualifies you for Cost Sharing Reductions on this plan. Your cost sharing expenses will likely be lower than those displayed." Joe taxpayer would be footing the bill and then some.
People were worried about whether they could keep their doctors. They never imagined that their doctors might not keep them.
Obamacare recipients will be lucky if they can even get an appointment with a third world P.A. (physicians assistant) practicing here on a visa.

true when they harped that health care is a right

they forgot that they could not enslave the medical professionals

many of which will simply opt out
Good article about the state of the medical profession from Obama-friendly CNN from back on Oct. 2:

Obamacare, doctor shortage could crash health care system - CNN.com

Lots there but one interesting thing was that they think that if O-care is successful in putting a lot of new people into insurance plans, that could increase emergency room usage because of the doctor shortage:

"I think of (Obamacare) as giving everyone an ATM card in a town where there are no ATM machines," Stanton said. "The coming storm of patients means when they can't get in to see a primary care physician, even more people will end up with me in the emergency room."

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