"The Obamacare implosion is worse than you think"

Security hole found in Obamacare website - Oct. 29, 2013


By Friday, that dent in security was gone. But security consultants say it's disconcerting that such a privacy concern remained unaddressed for more than three weeks after the federal government launched the Obamacare website Oct. 1.


Still, Simo fears that a savvy hacker could find other holes and Obamacare applicants' data will be compromised on a mass scale.

"This seems really sloppy," Simo said. "Either the developers were incompetent and did not know how to do the basic things to protect user information, or the development was so fractured that the individuals building the system didn't understand how they fit into the bigger picture."


Monday brought the latest worrisome disclosure: that the entire Obamacare website operates on a single computer server in Virginia -- without any backup, according to Congressman Rogers.
Security hole found in Obamacare website - Oct. 29, 2013


By Friday, that dent in security was gone. But security consultants say it's disconcerting that such a privacy concern remained unaddressed for more than three weeks after the federal government launched the Obamacare website Oct. 1.


Still, Simo fears that a savvy hacker could find other holes and Obamacare applicants' data will be compromised on a mass scale.

"This seems really sloppy," Simo said. "Either the developers were incompetent and did not know how to do the basic things to protect user information, or the development was so fractured that the individuals building the system didn't understand how they fit into the bigger picture."


Monday brought the latest worrisome disclosure: that the entire Obamacare website operates on a single computer server in Virginia -- without any backup, according to Congressman Rogers.

website operates on a single computer server in Virginia -- without any backup

a real fly by night scam

no matter how you view it
I've been affected in two ways by Obamacare. First, I have been in the healthcare field for 35 years, and have been laid of twice in the last two years, only to find out I was replaced by a very much younger worker. (Lower wages, duh!) I have had no health insurance for the last two years, but have been paying cash. The other day, I tried to renew my cholesterol prescription and was told that my doctor wouldn't do it until I came in for a visit. So I called my doctor to make an appointment....well, he doesn't take cash pay patients. I was told I'd get a reply within 48 hours from my doctor regarding my request for a prescription renewal...no call ever received. This is the way it's going, folks!
Obamacare and Republican criticism: The health care law's early missteps are making the GOP appear wise.

Such small consolation. So much damage to fix. Damage to democracy. Damage to people whose lives are thrown into tumult by the ACA. But if the current rash of truthtelling by those in the media gains traction, we have a chance. Hopefully this isn't just an attempt to cover their asses for their past negligence while they regroup and brainstorm about how to help shore up Obama so he can pursue the rest of his agenda.
You can force a horse to the trough . . .

With the implementation of the individual mandate for health insurance just a few months away, many doctors have decided that they will not be accepting patients who sign up through the Obamacare exchanges.

A survey by the New York State Medical Society revealed that 44 percent of doctors are not participating in Obamacare, 23 percent will accept Obamacare customers and 33 percent are not sure.

Out of those few doctors who are participating, three out of four are doing it because they “had to participate” due to contractual obligations with an insurance or medical provider.

The survey also invited the doctors to leave anonymous comments about the Affordable Care Act and the exchanges in particular. Here is what they had to say:

“I plan to retire if this disaster is implemented. This is a train wreck.”

“I am seriously considering opting out of all insurance plans including Medicare because of [ObamaCare].”

“OBAMACARE is a disaster. I have already seen denial of medication, denial of referrals.”

“Any doctor who accepts the exchange is just a bad businessman/woman. Pays terrible.”

“I get screwed from insurance companies already. I refuse to get screwed any longer.”

“This is a joke. We are flying blind.”

Many who commented expressed concern over how much they would get paid if they participated in Obamacare. Nearly four out of five doctors surveyed said they had not yet received a fee chart listing how much the government would pay them for their services.

Those who had seen a fee chart assessed that the government plans to pay doctors much less than insurance companies currently do, and many stated that if they accepted Obamacare-subsidized patients, they wouldn’t be able to make a profit and keep their practices running.

In addition to not signing up to accept Obamacare-subsidized patients, many are not talking about it, either. In fact, nearly half of Americans who see a doctor regularly say that they haven’t heard anything from them about the broader implications of the Affordable Care Act.

Doctors are experiencing an overreaching fear unlike anything the medical field has ever seen before. They are (understandably) fearful for their jobs, their livelihoods and their patients, and they don’t know what to do.

Doctors Are 'Treating Obamacare Like the Plague,' Refusing to Participate | Independent Journal Review

I've stated this in other threads. My son (special needs) has a medicaid card. We have health insurance through my husband's employer and don't use the medicaid. We keep it because through medicaid we received transportation for my son to school prior to his K-12 years and also after he is done school, transportation to his job. No doctor we ever went to accepted the medicaid plan he is on (it's an HMO). No specialist, no pediatrician, no doctor. The only thing we ever used it for was a secondary pair of glasses (he broke his a lot when he was younger).

Just because the obama and dems have shoved this down our throats does not mean that we or the doctors are going to swallow. They didn't bother to entertain the possibility of that happening and I bet it really galls them that it is happening. What's next, will the obama simply 'executive order' docs to accept patients, regardless of where they get their insurance?
can you imagine if the ACA had been launched by Bush. the problems with the website. the number of people being dropped. the admission of his health care chief after the fact they knew 93 million people would lose their coverage. after they have been denying that all along. the sticker shock. the low participation.

Do you think the liberals would have been bashing bush? do you think the liberals would have been critical of a democratic congress trying to stop the plan?
ZOMG! The assault on Bush would have be relentless. And when his poll numbers sunk that would have been a fresh round of headlines whereas from my tour of the interwebs this morning, it sounds like the media have taken Obama's new poll numbers as a sign that they need to back off from reporting on the ACA and his other problems.
ZOMG! The assault on Bush would have be relentless. And when his poll numbers sunk that would have been a fresh round of headlines whereas from my tour of the interwebs this morning, it sounds like the media have taken Obama's new poll numbers as a sign that they need to back off from reporting on the ACA and his other problems.

When obama extended the patriot act, the left got quiet on the patriot act. i am always amazed how duplicitous they can be.

as pelosi said, we'll just have to pass it to see what it's really all about. well now we are finding out. and the news isn't good.

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