"The Obamacare implosion is worse than you think"

A person died because Obama caused her affordable and reliable insurance to be disrupted and she found herself in a state of uncertainty which caused her to put off seeking medical care which turned out to be vital.

.... and PolitiFact's response is to award a Pants On Fire to the person who helped the story get publicity.


Blue Shield did not pull out of California, and the company did not leave people without insurance. In fact, customers were allowed to keep their existing insurance plans through March. If the basic facts of Coulter’s story are accurate, the woman in question elected to drop insurance coverage.

So Coultergeist lied. The woman did not die from "Obamacare."
If she still had the reliable and affordable insurance which Obama promised she could keep "period", she would have felt comfortable making a timely visit to the doctor.

The result of the ACA was to upend her insurance situation and make her uncertain of what to do at the critical moment of her life, which turned out to be the end of her life, which needn't have happened if Obama didn't think he knew more about what she needed than she did.
Covered California has one of the lowest reimbursement rates and one of the most narrow networks in the country. Therefore examples from there no matter how well documented tend to be outliers. CA is the state most likely to collapse due to Obamacare and by a massive margin. No one in their right mind signs up through that exchange.

the old bait and switch

That doesn’t include additional price increases from insurers attempting to cover bad bets in their 2014 premium rates after the first round of Obamacare. "I do think that it's likely premium rate shocks are coming,” CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield CEO Chet Burrell told Reuters. “I think they begin to make themselves at least partially known in 2015 and fully known in 2016.” The consensus is that premiums will rise by double-digit percentages next year from their already-inflated levels for 2014 coverage.
and another point to consider

Many may choose to give up on offering health insurance at all. The data from HHS after the passage of Obamacare showed that the Obama administration expected as many as 93 million Americans to be thrown out of their existing coverage, with employers opting to either scale down or get out, paying the fine instead.

Either way, the ACA imposes massive costs on employers, whether those come in the form of fines, higher premiums, red tape, or a combination of all three. Businesses that have new and massive costs imposed on them by regulatory changes no longer can use that capital for investment, risk-taking, and expansion. That means fewer new jobs for Americans, and fewer opportunities to move up the economic ladder as well.
AP: Health insurance isn't a year-round thing anymore

Here's more fallout from the health care law: Until now, customers could walk into an insurance office or go online to buy standard health care coverage any time of year. Not anymore.

Many people who didn't sign up during the government's open enrollment period that ended Monday will soon find it difficult or impossible to get insured this year, even if they go directly to a private company and money is no object. For some it's already too late.

With limited exceptions, insurers are refusing to sell to individuals after the enrollment period for HealthCare.gov and the state marketplaces. They will lock out the young and healthy as well as the sick or injured. Those who want to switch plans also are affected. The next wide-open chance to enroll comes in November for coverage in 2015.

It's a little-noted consequence of President Barack Obama's health care overhaul, which requires nearly all Americans to be insured or pay a fine and requires insurers to accept people with health problems.

"I have people that can buy insurance, but the companies shut them down. They won't take the applications," insurance broker Steve Bobiak of Frackville, Pa., said. "We're a free country. You should be able to buy anything anytime you want."

Those who act now may still be able to get in, depending on where they live. Following the lead of the government marketplaces, some companies are extending off-marketplace sales for a week or a month to help people who hit snags trying to enroll by this week's deadline. Rules vary from state to state.

After those extensions, eligibility for coverage during 2014 is guaranteed only for people who experience certain qualifying life events, such as losing a job that provided insurance, moving to a new state, getting married, having a baby or losing coverage under a parent's health plan.

The federal law doesn't prevent companies from selling policies to everyone all year. But insurers consider it too risky now that the law prohibits them from rejecting people in poor health.

"If you didn't have an open enrollment period, you would have people who would potentially enroll when they get sick and dis-enroll when they get better," said Chris Stenrud, spokesman for insurer Kaiser Permanente. "The only insured people would be sick people, which would make insurance unaffordable for everyone."

I'm not an obamacare fan, but that article is misleading.

Outside of the normal enrollment period people can buy short term health plans that will get them through to the next enrollment period which is in November.
I'm not an obamacare fan, but that article is misleading.

Outside of the normal enrollment period people can buy short term health plans that will get them through to the next enrollment period which is in November.

But those plans will not keep them from incurring the penalty.
Californians Upset Over Lack Of Doctors Under Obamacare

I'm not an obamacare fan, but that article is misleading.

Outside of the normal enrollment period people can buy short term health plans that will get them through to the next enrollment period which is in November.

That's the theory. How well is that going to work out in practice?

Not looking good.
75 years from now, Republicans will still be predicting an implosion any day now

Just lke they do for Social Security
I don't know. Maybe history will remember him kindly. History is written by the victors. With their lock on the mainstream media, their embrace of propaganda, their scientific study of how to micromanipulate people according to demographics, maybe Obama and the other Democrats' dirty games will win the day.

All I know is what I see now. Maybe the truth will die with us.
75 Years from now, Obama will be the clear winner of any "worst president in history" award.

I'm expecting a monument on the National Mall

Want to bet I am closer to history than you are?
I don't know. Maybe history will remember him kindly. History is written by the victors. With their lock on the mainstream media, their embrace of propaganda, their scientific study of how to micromanipulate people according to demographics, maybe Obama and the other Democrats' dirty games will win the day.

All I know is what I see now. Maybe the truth will die with us.

A strong woman.....but a sad victim.
I don't know. Maybe history will remember him kindly. History is written by the victors. With their lock on the mainstream media, their embrace of propaganda, their scientific study of how to micromanipulate people according to demographics, maybe Obama and the other Democrats' dirty games will win the day.

All I know is what I see now. Maybe the truth will die with us.

A strong woman.....but a sad victim.

Me sad?

Yes, you are correct.
50 years from now, your employers will no longer offer health insurance

All insurance will be through Obamacare

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