The obvious cognitive decline of Joe Biden:

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Voters beginning to question the candidacy of Sleepy Joe:
its gone past the point of his political aspirations and moved to criminal behavior of those putting him into this situation,,,

someone needs to go to the courts on his behalf and have this stopped and those doing this to him arrested for elder abuse,,,
I have now watched his last three appearances and Jill is now right beside him queuing him and stopping his incoherent ramblings. Its obvious they know he is fast losing his ability of cognitive thought. He cant even follow a prompter now and notes are useless to him. His medications are no longer working well. Its just a matter of time now. It will get worse and worse over the next few months.

I watched my father go through this and Joe is falling apart fast now. It can no longer be hidden.
The Democrats are counting on the VP pick to shore up the ticket, knowing that Biden won't serve more than a month or so if elected.
The problem now is can he hold it together to be elected? I dont see this happening. The first debate with Trump will leave him rambling on and on after he gets flustered. It will be a quick ride to the bottom from there.
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