The odds are in favor of Hunter Biden in imminent lawsuit against computer repairman

Anyone who creates content of any kind - letters, photos, memos, etc., owns a personal copyright to the content created, and no one can use private and/or copyrighted materials without the prior written consent of the owners. This applies to songs, photos, and your own image, if used in broadcast or publication.

Every time you see a Dunkin' Donuts coffee cup on the TV or movie screen, Dunkin' Donuts signed a release for you to see it. And if you don't have a signed release, Dunkin' Donuts can sue your ass for copyright infringement. Everyone who's picture appears in a newspaper or magazine, has signed a release for that photo to be printed/broadcast.

There is an entire branch of the insurance industry devoted insuring television and movies productions from lawsuits for copyright infringement.

The is also true of magazine and newspaper publishing.
So this really is Hunter’s laptop?
Right-wingers argue that the computer repairman acquired the laptop as abandoned property, but according to this legal analyst, only the hardware and not the data belongs to the repairman in this case. The repairman cannot use Hunter Biden's copyrighted images, emails, etc. The only permissible action the repairman could have taken with the data is to recover it:

So hunter has to make the claim it’s his and it’s contents ...right[/url]
How can you claim there is no evidence Joe got money from China? Hunter's emails complain about the money that he had to give to his father. The damning email that quotes 10% being held for the Big Guy. Two of Hunter's business partners testified that the Big Guy was indeed Joe Biden.
That is entirely based on one phrase in the emails “10 held by H for the big guy?” in relation to a business deal with a Chinese energy company. Who is the “big guy”? Bobulinski claimed H was Hunter and the Big Guy was Joe. Yet neither the draft agreement nor the signed agreement had any mention of Joe Biden and other business associates have said Joe Biden was not involved. That is not a very damning email because it is far too vague and the records Bobulinski provided also failed to support his claims. Even Fox News stated that.

There is actually A LOT of evidence that the Biden family made millions from influence peddling and that Joe got his share!
No, there really isn’t. If there were, the Trump administration would surely have uncovered it, that they didn’t beyond innuendo and wordsmithing is telling. That’s not to say Hunter Biden isn’t scummy, or that he wasn’t influence peddling.
Laws may be different in other states, but around here.....if you take something to a repair shop and don't claim it and/or pay for the service that item then becomes property of the business to do with as they see fit.....lock, stock and barrel.

Same with storage units, pawn shops, etc.

That is entirely based on one phrase in the emails “10 held by H for the big guy?” in relation to a business deal with a Chinese energy company. Who is the “big guy”? Bobulinski claimed H was Hunter and the Big Guy was Joe. Yet neither the draft agreement nor the signed agreement had any mention of Joe Biden and other business associates have said Joe Biden was not involved. That is not a very damning email because it is far too vague and the records Bobulinski provided also failed to support his claims. Even Fox News stated that.

No, there really isn’t. If there were, the Trump administration would surely have uncovered it, that they didn’t beyond innuendo and wordsmithing is telling. That’s not to say Hunter Biden isn’t scummy, or that he wasn’t influence peddling.
that could be a good thing to bring up in court when hunter sues the store owner,,

hunter would have to prove everything hes sueing for is really his content like that the big guy is joe,,

whens the court date??
If the FBI doesn’t say anything about ongoing investigations, how do you know there is no evidence Chicom Joe got money from China, Simp?
Normal people with critical thinking skills (that excludes you) would look at what factual evidence has been made publicly available and base initial conclusions on that while waiting for any official investigations to conclude. People lacking critical thinking skills or blinded by their partisan light latch onto a vague email and proclaim it a smoking gun.
Normal people with critical thinking skills (that excludes you) would look at what factual evidence has been made publicly available and base initial conclusions on that while waiting for any official investigations to conclude. People lacking critical thinking skills or blinded by their partisan light latch onto a vague email and proclaim it a smoking gun.
lucky hunter is sueing them so he can correct all the dis info and show what he reaaly meant,,
that could be a good thing to bring up in court when hunter sues the store owner,,

hunter would have to prove everything hes sueing for is really his content like that the big guy is joe,,

whens the court date??
No idea. Nor do I know what the laws are in relation to data. Should be interesting.
I’m just glad the leftists on this board, some of the greatest legal minds in the country, are on top of it.
Right-wingers argue that the computer repairman acquired the laptop as abandoned property, but according to this legal analyst, only the hardware and not the data belongs to the repairman in this case. The repairman cannot use Hunter Biden's copyrighted images, emails, etc. The only permissible action the repairman could have taken with the data is to recover it:

He admitted it was his, good he can now be arrested for possession of child porn.
Another message board lawyer pretending content in Hunter Biden's laptop was "illegal" (note they never tell us what specifically was illegal).
Is this where you pretend he had pictures of naked minors?
Child porn to be exact.
Anyone who creates content of any kind - letters, photos, memos, etc., owns a personal copyright to the content created, and no one can use private and/or copyrighted materials without the prior written consent of the owners. This applies to songs, photos, and your own image, if used in broadcast or publication.

Every time you see a Dunkin' Donuts coffee cup on the TV or movie screen, Dunkin' Donuts signed a release for you to see it. And if you don't have a signed release, Dunkin' Donuts can sue your ass for copyright infringement. Everyone who's picture appears in a newspaper or magazine, has signed a release for that photo to be printed/broadcast.

There is an entire branch of the insurance industry devoted insuring television and movies productions from lawsuits for copyright infringement.

The is also true of magazine and newspaper publishing.

Everyone who's picture appears in a newspaper or magazine, has signed a release for that photo to be printed/broadcast.

You're full of shit.
I've been in several newspaper photos, never signed a release. Not once.
well if hes sueing for copyright he would have to prove its his and what it means,, like he would have to prove the big guy isnt joe,,

I cant wait,,
I don’t think he would have to prove the “big guy” is or isn’t anyone. It would be up to the the person making the allegation. But the copyright part seems a little confusing.
Normal people with critical thinking skills (that excludes you) would look at what factual evidence has been made publicly available and base initial conclusions on that while waiting for any official investigations to conclude. People lacking critical thinking skills or blinded by their partisan light latch onto a vague email and proclaim it a smoking gun.
So the 51 Intel Agents were wrong to call the laptop Russian disinformation?

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