The odds are in favor of Hunter Biden in imminent lawsuit against computer repairman

They never actually said it was Russian disinformation, only that it could be and they were in the process of verifying it, which is appropriate.
They had it over a year, you're telling me they couldn't verify it in that amount of time? I got a friend that works on computers and he could verify it in a day. The fbi covers for Democrats.
That is entirely based on one phrase in the emails “10 held by H for the big guy?” in relation to a business deal with a Chinese energy company. Who is the “big guy”? Bobulinski claimed H was Hunter and the Big Guy was Joe. Yet neither the draft agreement nor the signed agreement had any mention of Joe Biden and other business associates have said Joe Biden was not involved. That is not a very damning email because it is far too vague and the records Bobulinski provided also failed to support his claims. Even Fox News stated that.

No, there really isn’t. If there were, the Trump administration would surely have uncovered it, that they didn’t beyond innuendo and wordsmithing is telling. That’s not to say Hunter Biden isn’t scummy, or that he wasn’t influence peddling.
So you basically just admitted that you know Hunter WAS influence peddling? I mean come on,'s obvious that they were! You know it...I know it...they know it...those 51 intelligence officials know it...the main stream media knows it! They didn't really even hide it very well. That's what happens when one of the principles is a crack addict.
Wrong. That video claim never surfaced. All that was shown (and can never be unseen) were disgusting images of porn between adults. Not protecting him at all, but you don’t need to make shit up, there is more than enough evidence of actual illegal activity to justify an investigation.
I believe the video never surfaced because even a news source publishing the material would be guilty of possession and distribution of child porn.
sure looks like underage girls to me,,

both joe and hunter should sue anyone thats called them a pedophile and prove they arent,,
Because of free speech, the bar is very high for any public figure to sue for slander or libel, plus I think it would have to printed or stated in some public way wouldn’t? If Joe Biden were a pedo, how come in 40 years of public service, not a peep about it? No allegations. No charges. No anything, until suddenly, when he ran for the presidency in 2020. That makes no sense.
I knew OP claimed the laptop was fake.

Where is your mea culpa, you lying sack of poo?


You just pivot from it being fake to the owner of the computer store illegally distributed Hunter’s personal data and photos.

If a computer repair person views illegal activities taking place on a computer he or she is fixing they are well within their rights to report that to the authorities...which is what happened. In some States they could even be charged with a crime for not doing so!
True, but more than likely the computer repairman will lose all his savings for attorney fees and that will help teach the little peons to never, ever mess with high level Democrats like Joe Biden and his family. You will lose and they are above the rule of law and are untouchable.


I believe the video never surfaced because even a news source publishing the material would be guilty of possession and distribution of child porn.
Then there really isn’t anything but an unverified claim that anybody could make about anybody. You realize that, right?
Because of free speech, the bar is very high for any public figure to sue for slander or libel, plus I think it would have to printed or stated in some public way wouldn’t? If Joe Biden were a pedo, how come in 40 years of public service, not a peep about it? No allegations. No charges. No anything, until suddenly, when he ran for the presidency in 2020. That makes no sense.
I think being called a pedo is enough to file suit,,

cant tell you how much fun it is watching to cultist defend and spin this,,
So you basically just admitted that you know Hunter WAS influence peddling? I mean come on,'s obvious that they were! You know it...I know it...they know it...those 51 intelligence officials know it...the main stream media knows it! They didn't really even hide it very well. That's what happens when one of the principles is a crack addict.
I think that is possible, along with tax fraud. I’m not under any delusion he is a good citizen.
OP, if Hunter’s suit fails against the computer store owner, you should self ban.

You spread disinformation almost exclusively.
Possible, Coyote? LOL Admit KNOW that the Biden family has been cashing in on influence peddling and you KNOW that they've been doing it for decades!
No, I don’t “know” any such thing.

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