The Official Discussion Thread for who is considered indiginous to Palestine?

Who are the indiginous people(s) of the Palestine region?

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There is plenty of proof that Israelis are descended of ancient Israelites.
The best proof that I know of is DNA results showing that modern day Jews are descended from ancient Canaanites.

The same DNA studies show that the Palestinians are also descended from ancient Canaanites, although from a different group of ancient Canaanites than the ones that modern Jews are descended from.
The treatment of invading Arab Muslims of the indigenous people they conquered, their women, religions, cultures, history and languages? Beyond horrifying.

The Arabs had trade relations from Mesopotamia to the Levant to East Africa and the Indus valley and lots of intermarriage long before Islam so most conversions we're not violent. They sold frankincense and myrrh to Herod and the pharaohs.
The Arabs had trade relations from Mesopotamia to the Levant to East Africa and the Indus valley and lots of intermarriage long before Islam so most conversions we're not violent. They sold frankincense and myrrh to Herod and the pharaohs.
Nothing to do with who is indigenous. But it is proof that they were not of the region, they came into the area as traders, etc.

Jews went around trading all around Asia and Europe. Would that make them also indigenous of the places where they ended up staying, be it in Europe or anywhere else in Asia. Do they claim indigenous status to those places ?

The same with Chinese and Hindus, etc who moved around doing trade, and then settled somewhere else in Asia or Europe.

Lots of intermarriage, according to what sources? Most tribes everywhere remain secluded from others. Individual ones, maybe. But where is

Did the Chinese and Hindu traders intermarry with Europeans. Does that now make their descendants Indigenous Europeans with rights to Poland, or Belgium, England, etc?

Roudy was referring to post 7th century Muslim invasion, not people who migrated here and there before that.

There weren't enough Arabs who moved to Canaan or married with any of the Canaanite Nations in order to turn most modern Arabs into Indigenous.
Simply because most Arabs moved into the area at the end of the 19th century or early 20th century, and ended up in a Mandate called Palestine, those Arabs know that they are not indigenous of the land, but moved into it only recently.

But the Arab leaders of today borrowed and are now using the word Palestinian to keep the Indigenous people ( the only ones who are still recognizable and recognized, the Jewish People .).....and only because of a religion founded in the 7th century......that religion, and those leaders have decided that the Indigenous people cannot hold sovereignty over their ancient homeland.

That is the only reason why there is a false dispute as to who is Indigenous to the Land of Israel, to any part of the Jewish Homeland which now is 80% in the hands of people who only 100 years ago moved to the area and got the land because another foreign power gave it to them, against the Mandate they had for that Mandate to be for the Indigenous Jewish People.

Not one other Indigenous people of the area have shown themselves to claim any other part of the area. The Moabites, Ammonites, etc.

And the Arabs have clearly not called themselves descended from any of the other Canaanite Nations, but started by saying that they were descendants of the Philistines, who were Greek Foreign invaders, and not locals. With no proof, as usual, as there is none.

The Palestinians cannot prove indigenous status because they have none.
Al Husseini clan moved to the area in the 10th, 11th century. It does not make them Indigenous of the area, even though Al Husseini himself is the one who became the leader against any Jewish rebuilding of their ancient Nation on their ancient Homeland.

The same goes for all others who call themselves Palestinians, whether they came with the Muslims in the 7th century invasion, or any time afterwards.

Born in the USA is not the same as being Indigenous of the continent.

Enough said.
Nothing to do with who is indigenous. But it is proof that they were not of the region, they came into the area as traders, etc.

Jews went around trading all around Asia and Europe. Would that make them also indigenous of the places where they ended up staying, be it in Europe or anywhere else in Asia. Do they claim indigenous status to those places ?

The same with Chinese and Hindus, etc who moved around doing trade, and then settled somewhere else in Asia or Europe.

Lots of intermarriage, according to what sources? Most tribes everywhere remain secluded from others. Individual ones, maybe. But where is

Did the Chinese and Hindu traders intermarry with Europeans. Does that now make their descendants Indigenous Europeans with rights to Poland, or Belgium, England, etc?

Roudy was referring to post 7th century Muslim invasion, not people who migrated here and there before that.

There weren't enough Arabs who moved to Canaan or married with any of the Canaanite Nations in order to turn most modern Arabs into Indigenous.
Simply because most Arabs moved into the area at the end of the 19th century or early 20th century, and ended up in a Mandate called Palestine, those Arabs know that they are not indigenous of the land, but moved into it only recently.

But the Arab leaders of today borrowed and are now using the word Palestinian to keep the Indigenous people ( the only ones who are still recognizable and recognized, the Jewish People .).....and only because of a religion founded in the 7th century......that religion, and those leaders have decided that the Indigenous people cannot hold sovereignty over their ancient homeland.

That is the only reason why there is a false dispute as to who is Indigenous to the Land of Israel, to any part of the Jewish Homeland which now is 80% in the hands of people who only 100 years ago moved to the area and got the land because another foreign power gave it to them, against the Mandate they had for that Mandate to be for the Indigenous Jewish People.

Not one other Indigenous people of the area have shown themselves to claim any other part of the area. The Moabites, Ammonites, etc.

And the Arabs have clearly not called themselves descended from any of the other Canaanite Nations, but started by saying that they were descendants of the Philistines, who were Greek Foreign invaders, and not locals. With no proof, as usual, as there is none.

The Palestinians cannot prove indigenous status because they have none.
Al Husseini clan moved to the area in the 10th, 11th century. It does not make them Indigenous of the area, even though Al Husseini himself is the one who became the leader against any Jewish rebuilding of their ancient Nation on their ancient Homeland.

The same goes for all others who call themselves Palestinians, whether they came with the Muslims in the 7th century invasion, or any time afterwards.

Born in the USA is not the same as being Indigenous of the continent.

Enough said.

27,000 Arabs settled in Samaria around 700 BC. The Akkadians and Amorites were Arabs. Midianites were Arabs. Assyrians we're Arabs.
27,000 Arabs settled in Samaria around 700 BC. The Akkadians and Amorites were Arabs. Midianites were Arabs. Assyrians we're Arabs.
Even IF they were Arabs, none of their descendants has shown up to claim their identity or their ancestors land. Which they would not get as the Muslims would refuse to acknowledge them just as they refuse to acknowledge the Jews.

And coming from Arabia does not make one an Arab 3000 years ago.
You do not wish to accept that the Akkadians were not Arabs, and others may not have been Arabs either, that is on you.

Are the English the same as the Polish?
Are the Apaches the same as any of the other 500 plus First Nations in the America?

You know that they are not, and that not all people who lived in Arabia were ethnically, etc Arabs.
Even IF they were Arabs, none of their descendants has shown up to claim their identity or their ancestors land. Which they would not get as the Muslims would refuse to acknowledge them just as they refuse to acknowledge the Jews.

And coming from Arabia does not make one an Arab 3000 years ago.
You do not wish to accept that the Akkadians were not Arabs, and others may not have been Arabs either, that is on you.

Are the English the same as the Polish?
Are the Apaches the same as any of the other 500 plus First Nations in the America?

You know that they are not, and that not all people who lived in Arabia were ethnically, etc Arabs.

LOL 😂 the Arabs have always acknowledged the Jews. You're pitiful.
LOL 😂 the Arabs have always acknowledged the Jews. You're pitiful.
Of course. Especially when they started the lie about the Jews being converts from the Kazars, they were definitely acknowledging that the Jews who were rebuilding Israel were the Indigenous People of the land.

Especially when they started lying about there being no Jewish history in the region called Palestine, in Jerusalem, they were acknowledging the Jews.

What is your deceit about all of this called?
The Arabs had trade relations from Mesopotamia to the Levant to East Africa and the Indus valley and lots of intermarriage long before Islam so most conversions we're not violent. They sold frankincense and myrrh to Herod and the pharaohs.
The “Arabs“ invaded people and committed genocide upon them, and forced them into their religion at the point of the sword, raped their women, looted and pillaged, changed their language, rewrote their history, destroyed their culture, and took Black Africans as slaves. In fact they started the slave trade way before the White Europeans did. Do you think the sword that is on the Saudi Arabian flag but a symbol of Islam is because it represents peacefulness and co existence?

Let me know if you would like a list of the people the Arabs invaded, raped, and looted.
The “Arabs“ invaded people and committed genocide upon them, and forced them into their religion at the point of the sword, raped their women, looted and pillaged, changed their language, rewrote their history, destroyed their culture, and took Black Africans as slaves. In fact they started the slave trade way before the White Europeans did. Do you think the sword that is on the Saudi Arabian flag but a symbol of Islam is because it represents peacefulness and co existence?

Let me know if you would like a list of the people the Arabs invaded, raped, and looted.
This is for another thread. Which is what I pointed out to Surada.
She is referring to people who moved to Mesopotamia and other places in Canaan as being Arabs, when those like the Akkadians did not view themselves as such, and did not even speak Arabic.

She insists that they are Indigenous to Palestine, when the Akkadians came from nowhere in Arabia and their Empire was in Mesopotamia. Long gone now.
The Arabs had trade relations from Mesopotamia to the Levant to East Africa and the Indus valley and lots of intermarriage long before Islam so most conversions we're not violent. They sold frankincense and myrrh to Herod and the pharaohs.

Everyone had trade relations with India,
does it mean Africa and Mecca belong to them?
Everyone had trade relations with India,
does it mean Africa and Mecca belong to them?

Dilmun was the connection. They've found thousands of clay tablets about inventories and trade deals as well as the original flood myth. Much older than Judaism. They were trading in pearls, textiles, dates and salt with Mesopotamia, Palestine and Egypt.
Under Sharia, the Jiziyah is specifically to be paid - with humiliation.
Nope. Only able-bodied men pay jizya and only if they won't fight to defend the community. It's like buying your way out of military service.
Dilmun was the connection. They've found thousands of clay tablets about inventories and trade deals as well as the original flood myth. Much older than Judaism. They were trading in pearls, textiles, dates and salt with Mesopotamia, Palestine and Egypt.

Nice gibberish to evade addressing a simple question.
Does trade with India mean Mecca belongs to them?
Or you wanna go further claim that also
the Egyptians were Arabs?

There's no mention of Arabs until 9th BCE so...
according to your concept, its Copts who should have Medina.
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Nope. Only able-bodied men pay jizya and only if they won't fight to defend the community. It's like buying your way out of military service.

But why does it have to be done specifically with humiliation?
If that is what you mean by Arab 'acknowledgment'...

This is one of the examples of Arab imperialism.
27,000 Arabs settled in Samaria around 700 BC. The Akkadians and Amorites were Arabs. Midianites were Arabs. Assyrians we're Arabs.

If you claim Arabs settled in 700 BC,
why do you need to rewrite the history
of civilizations before the appearance of Arabs?

Does it justify Arab rule over the Middle East and Africa?
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If you claim Arabs settled in 700 BC,
Why do you the need to rewrite the history
of civilizations before the appearance of Arabs?

Does it justify Arab rule over the Middle East and Africa?

Your problem is that there are millions more Arabs than Jews. Do you want to change their religion or just claim their land too?

Abraham and Moses both had Arab wives long before the four Arab tribes were settled in Samaria.
Your problem is that there are millions more Arabs than Jews. Do you want to change their religion or just claim their land too?

Abraham and Moses both had Arab wives long before the four Arab tribes were settled in Samaria.

See, eventually your argument goes to imperialism against minorities,
rather than having anything to do indigenous rights, your argument is
fundamentally against indigenous nations.

As for your second claim it neither makes sense,
because there were no Arabs at the time,
Mosheh Rabbenu's wife was Kushite.

Arabs supremacists simply won't admit they crave
for an exclusive domination over the entire Middle East...
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That doesn't give Arabs any right to steal Jewish land and religious sites.

Muslims and Christians revere the patriarchs. Jews were living all over before the birth of Christ... Alexandria, Damascus, Rome, Aleppo, Baghdad, Elephantine island, Persia and all around the Mediterranean sea.
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