The Official Discussion Thread for who is considered indiginous to Palestine?

Who are the indiginous people(s) of the Palestine region?

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So why leave Palestine?
Jews never left Palestine. They left Israel and Judea. Just as the Chinese left China, the Hindus left India. Because they wanted to, because they could, and they had every right to do so, and they remained Indigenous to the places they left.

Unlike the Arabs, who because of Israel, have decided that they are Indigenous of every place they have invaded, conquered and colonized.
Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iraq, name it...
Majority of Arab refugees and deaths
are caused under Arab rule.

Yemen has been overrun with terrorists from Afghanistan and Sudan. Libya was dominated by Gaddafi who was very much like Trump for 40 years. The invasion of Iraq was the top priority for Bibi Netanyahu.
Al Husseini and his riots and incitement against the Indigenous Jewish people caused the refugee issues on both sides. Dare to forget how Jews were expelled in 1925, 1929, 1948 from their rightful homes.

You have a very twisted history.
Jews never left Palestine. They left Israel and Judea. Just as the Chinese left China, the Hindus left India. Because they wanted to, because they could, and they had every right to do so, and they remained Indigenous to the places they left.

Unlike the Arabs, who because of Israel, have decided that they are Indigenous of every place they have invaded, conquered and colonized.
Lol that's a lie.
You have a very twisted history.
Lol that's a lie.
You have no knowledge of history, period. And that is not a laughing matter.

Let me put the question back to you.

Why did the Arabs leave the Arabian Peninsula, especially after the 7th century? Why did the Al Husseini clan leave Arabia around the 10th, 11th century CE?

You have a very twisted history.
Lol that's a lie.
You believe history as told by an article which says that the Jews were "Almost a Nation". ?????

You are the rewriting of history that you read.

And that is all on you. Your choices make the beliefs you want to have at all costs.
Yemen has been overrun with terrorists from Afghanistan and Sudan. Libya was dominated by Gaddafi who was very much like Trump for 40 years. The invasion of Iraq was the top priority for Bibi Netanyahu.

With Arab supremacists the failures and mass degradation,
are always someone else fault, no one needs this,
its becoming increasingly irrelevant,
not to say morally unjust to the
people in the region under
the Arab hegemony.

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With Arab supremacists failures and mass degradation,
are always someone else fault, no one needs this,
its becoming increasingly irrelevant,
not to say morally unjust to the
people in the region under
the Arab yoke.

Yes, the European Zionists always considered themselves superior.

Yes, the European Zionists always considered themselves superior.

Neither European nor Middle Easter Zionists
ever claimed title to exclusive domination
over the entire Middle East and Africa.

There's no merit to mass illiteracy,
result of Arab hegemony.
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Yes, the European Zionists always considered themselves superior.

You want to believe that European Jews thought of themselves as being superior, when all they were doing was responding to the increasing attacks on Jews, taking of their rights, etc, and decided that it was enough and they got the legal chance to rebuild their Nation ON their ancient homeland. That is not land stealing, grabbing, etc as all Arabs and Europeans have done with Arabia, Asia, African and the Americas.

And that article was written by a hater of Jews, in 1920, one who could care less to give the Jews the respect they deserved to have.

A Christian writes a hateful essay on Jews and the lack of rights he believes Jews have, and you believe every word of it.

He cared about Jews just as much as Al Husseini did in 1920, and both did their bit to keep the Jews from rebuilding their Nation on their ancient homeland .

Shame of them and on you, follower of those who have no brains, no heart, no decency .
You want to believe that European Jews thought of themselves as being superior, when all they were doing was responding to the increasing attacks on Jews, taking of their rights, etc, and decided that it was enough and they got the legal chance to rebuild their Nation ON their ancient homeland. That is not land stealing, grabbing, etc as all Arabs and Europeans have done with Arabia, Asia, African and the Americas.

And that article was written by a hater of Jews, in 1920, one who could care less to give the Jews the respect they deserved to have.

A Christian writes a hateful essay on Jews and the lack of rights he believes Jews have, and you believe every word of it.

He cared about Jews just as much as Al Husseini did in 1920, and both did their bit to keep the Jews from rebuilding their Nation on their ancient homeland .

Shame of them and on you, follower of those who have no brains, no heart, no decency .

Nope. He didn't hate Jews either. Aren't you disappointed? The European immigrants always told the Arabs they were superior. First to organize and complain about the flood of socialists was Palestinian Jews.
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Nope. He didn't hate Jews either. Aren't you disappointed? The European immigrants always told the Arabs they were superior. First to organize and complain about the flood of socialists was Palestinian Jews.
Nonsense . You have no proof of it except for someone wanting others to believe that.
More nonsense about Indigenous Jews complaining about their fellow European Jews. And you do insist in calling European Jews socialists.
Well learned. Well trained.
Everyone had trade relations with India,
does it mean Africa and Mecca belong to them?
Speaking of India, here Is what Arab Muslims did to the indigenous Sikhs and Hindus.

Quotes from modern historians

Dr. Koenraad Elst in his article “Was There an Islamic Genocide of Hindus?” states:

“There is no official estimate of the total death toll of Hindus at the hands of Islam. A first glance at important testimonies by Muslim chroniclers suggests that, over 13 centuries and a territory as vast as the Subcontinent, Muslim Holy Warriors easily killed more Hindus than the 6 million of the Holocaust. Ferishtha lists several occasions when the Bahmani sultans in central India (1347-1528) killed a hundred thousand Hindus, which they set as a minimum goal whenever they felt like punishing the Hindus; and they were only a third-rank provincial dynasty.

The biggest slaughters took place during the raids of Mahmud Ghaznavi (ca. 1000 CE); during the actual conquest of North India by Mohammed Ghori and his lieutenants (1192 ff.); and under the Delhi Sultanate (1206-1526).“

He also writes in his book “Negation in India”:

“The Muslim conquests, down to the 16th century, were for the Hindus a pure struggle of life and death. Entire cities were burnt down and the populations massacred, with hundreds of thousands killed in every campaign, and similar numbers deported as slaves. Every new invader made (often literally) his hills of Hindus skulls. Thus, the conquest of Afghanistan in the year 1000 was followed by the annihilation of the Hindu population; the region is still called the Hindu Kush, i.e. Hindu slaughter.”

Will Durant argued in his 1935 book “The Story of Civilisation: Our Oriental Heritage” (page 459):

“The Mohammedan conquest of India is probably the bloodiest story in history. The Islamic historians and scholars have recorded with great glee and pride the slaughters of Hindus, forced conversions, abduction of Hindu women and children to slave markets and the destruction of temples carried out by the warriors of Islam during 800 AD to 1700 AD. Millions of Hindus were converted to Islam by sword during this period.”

Francois Gautier in his book ‘Rewriting Indian History’ (1996) wrote:

“The massacres perpetuated by Muslims in India are unparalleled in history, bigger than the Holocaust of the Jews by the Nazis; or the massacre of the Armenians by the Turks; more extensive even than the slaughter of the South American native populations by the invading Spanish and Portuguese.”

Alain Danielou in his book, Histoire de l’ Inde writes:

“From the time Muslims started arriving, around 632 AD, the history of India becomes a long, monotonous series of murders, massacres, spoliations, and destructions. It is, as usual, in the name of ‘a holy war’ of their faith, of their sole God, that the barbarians have destroyed civilizations, wiped out entire races.”​
Nope. He didn't hate Jews either. Aren't you disappointed? The European immigrants always told the Arabs they were superior. First to organize and complain about the flood of socialists was Palestinian Jews.
Written by A Brit positioned with the Mandate for Palestine

Zionist Aspirations in Palestine, by H. Anstruther Mackay (Military Governor of Ramleh, Palestine); The Atlantic Monthly, July 1920.
How can you tell? Did you meet him, speak to him? Did you bother to read the article at all? Everything he writes is correct based on what?

I practically know if by heart. You found sanctuary in Palestine when no one else would take you in and then proceeded to demonize and abuse the natives.
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